Face correction with concealers: tricks, step-by-step instructions and diagrams

Not all women are satisfied with their appearance. They try to correct the oval of the face to achieve ideal parameters. But for this it is not at all necessary to go under the knife of a plastic surgeon. After all, a modern woman’s cosmetic bag is a powerful tool for transformation. You just have to learn how to correctly place accents on your face to make it more expressive and attractive.

What you need to correct your face with cosmetics

The beauty industry has now evolved like never before. The shelves of cosmetic stores are filled with a variety of all kinds of products. But from all this huge arsenal of female tools of transformation, you need to choose the most necessary ones. Every girl's makeup bag should have a set of certain products that can easily and quickly correct the shape of her face.

The essentials are highlighter, concealer and bronzer. As you know, facial sculpting is based on the ability to maintain a balance between light and shadow. Highlighter allows you to visually increase or expand volumes. With its help, the skin brightens. As for the bronzer, it is applied to the face in order to narrow and reduce the shape.

The corrector can be used for both purposes. But it depends on how much you want to change the oval of your face which texture product is best to use. Dry options are used for minor corrections. They allow you to achieve the most natural effect. Liquid correctors are best used in cases where significant changes in proportions need to be made.

Also a necessary cosmetic product to help achieve the ideal oval is foundation. It is used to even out the skin and make it evenly smooth. Successful makeup is hardly possible without foundation. After all, if you do not first prepare the skin for further manipulation, all the irregularities, bumps and pimples will only be emphasized.

Another product used to prepare the face for applying decorative cosmetics is powder. It creates the effect of matte and soft skin. It must be remembered that foundation and powder should be present in the cosmetic bag in two versions - light and dark. The use of contrasting tones allows you to significantly improve the oval of the face.

Lipstick is indispensable for lip correction. It can visually increase their volume if they do not seem plump enough. Also an integral element of a woman's cosmetic bag are all kinds of pencils. They are used to improve the shape of the lips and to give the perfect shape to the eyebrows.

Expert opinion

Tatyana Somoilova

Cosmetology expert

According to professional makeup artists, adjusting your face shape is not difficult if you follow the correct technique and use the right cosmetics. Contouring is usually enough to significantly improve facial proportions.

Hiding the imperfections of a round face

Most often, chubby girls resort to sculpting. The owner does not necessarily have excess weight, but a wide forehead and a weakly defined chin suit few people. Therefore, when color correction it is important to achieve the effect of reducing the cheeks and lengthening the face.

Dark powder is applied to the sides of the cheeks and cheekbones, and the corners of the lower jaw. Blush should be applied in the shape of an inverted triangle, with the tip pointing towards the mouth.

On a wide face, highlighter is applied with vertical strokes. The center of the chin, bridge of the nose, forehead and areas around the eyebrows and eyes are lightened.

To perfectly sculpt a round face, it is important to follow the rules:

  • Darken areas that need to be hidden using a dark corrector. It is applied to the cheekbones, nose and facial contour.
  • Pay attention to your neck. A face treated with cosmetics looks inharmonious in tandem with a natural neck. A dark corrector will save the situation.

Contouring a round face step by step Contouring a round face step by step. Step 1-4 Contouring a round face step by step. Step 5-8

Advice! Darken the wings of the nose and highlight the bridge of the nose to make the nose thin.

Correction according to face type

It should be remembered that not all girls are suitable for the same scheme for applying cosmetics. It all depends on what type of face the representative of the fair sex has. Each type has its own rules for corrective makeup.

For square

To correct this type of face, you should narrow it using cosmetics. To do this, darken both sides of the forehead and chin using bronzer. We should not forget about careful shading of the products, otherwise the face will turn out to be too angular.

Areas such as the forehead, chin and skin under the eyes are highlighted in a square shape. It is worth noting that this type of corrective makeup is also suitable for a round face, since it is very similar in outline. But some things will have to change a little. The darkening agent should be applied not only to the sides of the forehead and chin, but also along the entire length of the face, that is, on the cheeks.

Next you should move on to blush. They are applied in the shape of a triangle to the cheekbones, with the top pointing towards the temples. The corrective makeup is completed with powder. Its tone should match the natural color of the skin.

For oval

This face shape is almost ideal. Often, girls with oval shapes do not need to make a correction, but can immediately begin applying decorative cosmetics. But if the face has this shape, but is too elongated, you can visually improve it.

To do this, apply a product whose color is darker than your skin tone to your forehead and chin. This will help narrow the oval a little. For example, you can use a concealer or creamy bronzer. Cheekbones should be lightened a little with blush. This will make the face more proportional. You should also make a small emphasis on the tip of the nose by applying a small amount of light foundation.

For triangular

This face is too narrow, so it should be visually expanded a little. The temples and cheekbones are slightly darkened. This will help make the oval more proportional by reducing the overly wide upper part of the face. Next, you need to apply a highlighter or light corrector to your chin. This will balance the proportions. You can also lighten the lower part of the cheeks a little.

You need to finish corrective makeup by applying blush. On a triangular-shaped face, they should slightly cover the top of the cheekbones.

For information on facial correction (sculpting), watch this video:

The palette is the best tool for contouring the face

Selecting each of the necessary products separately is a rather complicated and costly task, both in time and money. The smartest decision would be to purchase a set, a palette of correctors and highlighters, which will allow you to create the perfect appearance. There are both fairly simple options and large palettes for professionals:

  • MasterSculpt by Maybelline. Consists of only two shades - contour and highlighter;
  • SleekMakeUp, in addition to contour and highlighter, also includes blush;
  • Sephora contouring palette consists of 5 natural shades;
  • Anastasia Beverly Hills set of 6 shades with dry corrector.

Many cosmetic companies produce contouring kits, including Faberlic, Bobby Brown, and NYX, so there is definitely plenty to choose from.

Nose correction

Many girls often become fixated on one particular feature, which they think spoils the whole picture. The most common subject of dissatisfaction is the nose. Some people think it is too wide and big, others complain that it is long, others are not satisfied with the snub nose. All these imperfections can be easily corrected with the help of cosmetics, giving it an ideal shape.

Length and excessive narrowness are easily compensated by darkening the desired areas. To visually shorten your nose a little, you need to apply powder or foundation of a darker shade than your skin to the tip and nostrils. This will visually slightly reduce its length. Then you need to apply a lighter cosmetic product to the central part of the nose. You need to complete the shape correction using powder of a natural shade.

For a wide nose, a different technique is used. A dark foundation or powder is applied along its entire length from the tip to the beginning of the eyebrows on both sides, which allows you to lengthen and narrow this part of the face. The bridge of the nose is highlighted. Also, do not forget to apply a dark shade of foundation to the wings.

Another problem that often worries girls is the hump. It can also be easily corrected with cosmetics. It is necessary to apply a darker shade to the hump itself, and, on the contrary, lighten the bridge of the nose. Thus, attention will now be attracted not by the existing imperfection, but by another part of the nose.

Many girls also consider a too raised tip to be a defect. Getting rid of snub nose is quite simple - a dark corrective agent is applied to the central part, the tip, on the contrary, is slightly lightened.

Expert opinion

Tatyana Somoilova

Cosmetology expert

It is important to remember to blend your cosmetics thoroughly. The transition between tones should be very soft and smooth. Clear boundaries are not allowed, as they will make the features unnatural and the makeup sloppy.

Eyebrow highlighting

Professional make-up artists believe that this part of the face is one of the most important, the successful highlighting of which will lead to a significant improvement in the appearance as a whole. To give your eyebrows the perfect look, you need to identify three main points. They will allow you to choose the right shape.

It is necessary to determine the starting and ending points of the eyebrow, as well as its apex. This is done according to the following rules:

  • The beginning of the eyebrow line coincides with the inner corner of the eye. You just need to draw an exact perpendicular line from one point to another. Everything outside of it must be removed.
  • The ideal end of the eyebrow is determined using a line drawn from the wing of the nose to the outer corner of the eye. At the intersection of this straight line and the last hairs, the desired point is located.
  • All that remains is to determine the very top. To do this, draw a line from the wing of the nose through the outer edge of the pupil.

When all the points for ideal eyebrows have been determined, you should get rid of all the extra hairs. At the same time, it is better to pluck out unnecessary things along the bottom line, without affecting the top line. Only after this can you start applying cosmetics.

To shape your eyebrows, you can use a pencil or special shadows. There is no need to get carried away and apply too thick a layer of makeup. For a long time, the most natural makeup has been in fashion, so correction should be done with small strokes, similar to hairs. But closer to the outer tip of the eyebrow, you can make the lines more clear.

You can also lighten the skin a little along the lower hairline. This will visually raise your eyebrows.

Watch this video to learn about eyebrow shaping:

Editing lip shape

The next part of the face that many girls strive to correct is the lips. The most common problem for women is that their mouth is too narrow and small. To visually increase the volume of your lips, you don’t need to immediately run to plastic surgeons. It is enough to learn how to correctly place accents using cosmetics.

To visually enlarge your lips, you need to use products several shades lighter. You need to apply highlighter or glitter to the lower edge of the hollow under your nose. You should also make a small highlight in the center of the lower lip.

In addition, you can visually increase the volume using a pencil. In this case, you should take a cosmetic product a couple of tones darker than the natural color. Use a pencil to outline the contour of the lips, while slightly protruding beyond the line. Don't forget about shading: it is done in the direction from the outer edge to the inner.

To visually reduce the shape, you need to use a pencil of a tone that matches the natural color of your lips. They need to be circled not along the outer edge, but along the inner one. And in order to slightly stretch the lip line, you need to apply a pencil to the corners.


The oval shape is slightly elongated due to the wide forehead and chin. The chin is not sharp, but smoothly arched.

An oval face is considered the closest to ideal. This shape does not need strong correction; it is only worth emphasizing the cheekbones and working out the highlight areas.

Emphasizing the eyes

Corrective makeup doesn't end there. Changing the shape of your eyes with the help of cosmetics will help you create a complete look. It is important to correctly identify their features in order to avoid future mistakes.

If the distance between the eyes is too large, you need to apply darkening shadows to the inside of the upper eyelid. This will visually shorten the distance. For the same purposes, when using mascara, you should most carefully paint over the eyelashes, which are located in the center of the eyelid. It is recommended to start drawing a line with eyeliner not from the innermost corner, but also from the middle.

The opposite situation occurs with narrow-set eyes. The inner part of the eyelid, on the contrary, needs to be lightened. You can also apply highlighter to the corner of your eye. The outer part of the eyelid is darkened. In addition, the arrows should be made longer and thicker.

Excessively rounded eyes can also be corrected. Correction is made by drawing elongated arrows, visually lengthening the lines. Shadows should be chosen in darker shades.

As for small and rather narrow eyes, experts recommend not using eyeliner to correct them. Dark shades of shadows are also excluded; the choice should be made in favor of light ones. In addition, to visually enlarge the incision and give an open look, you need to slightly raise the eyebrow line.

We recommend reading about facial strobing. From the article you will learn about facial strobing products, the stages and techniques of their application, and recommendations for improving the result. And here is more information about how to choose a foundation.

Using your usual cosmetics, you can easily and quickly correct the shape of your face. It is important to objectively evaluate the available natural data in order to avoid significant mistakes. Also, when sculpting, reasonable limits should be observed: too much application of cosmetics will ruin the entire image, leaving no trace of naturalness.


Effective lifting and strengthening of the oval of the face is possible without damaging the skin using hardware lifting techniques. Invasive methods of oval correction are less traumatic. After injection sessions, there may be some slight redness and swelling, but this will go away quickly. Injection marks disappear a few hours after the sessions.

Here are several ways to correct a sagging face without surgery:

1. Hardware: Ulthera System (or SMAS-lifting), Thermage, Infini.

Ulthera System ultrasonic smas-lifting is a deep lifting of facial tissues (skin and muscles), the result of which is comparable to surgical correction. This type of procedure smooths out wrinkles and folds of the skin, eliminates a double chin, and returns a clear contour to the oval of the face. SMAS lift also tightens the skin, returns the corners of the eyes and lips to their natural position, and helps get rid of the “sad expression” on the face.

2. Laser: Sciton (Halo, SkinTyte), Dermablate, Fraxel, MultiPulse CO2,

3. Phototherapy Sciton BBL and M22.

4. RF lifting Reaction.

5. Zeltiq Coolsculpting for severe fat deposits in the double chin area.

6. Contour plastic surgery.

7. Botulinum therapy.

8. Aptos thread lifting.

To improve the quality of the skin, in addition, procedures such as biorevitalization, bioreparation, and plasma therapy can be performed.

The result of a facelift using hardware methods, injections and threads will pleasantly surprise you. It is comparable to surgery, lasts a long time, and does not require incisions or stitches. Any consequences of the procedures pass without the help of a cosmetologist. Using non-surgical techniques, you can get rid of wrinkles and sagging skin, restore a clear contour to your face, and remove a double chin. The rejuvenation effect is noticeable after the first procedure.

Useful video

For information on nose correction using cosmetics, watch this video:

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Reasons for changes in facial oval

The main reason for this aesthetic problem is the forces of gravity. Under their influence, fat packets shift down: the nasolabial folds deepen, the oval of the face is “blurred”, and jowls appear. It is curious that it is this factor that seriously affects the perception of the face by others - age-related changes begin to be easily “read”.

Until recently, plastic surgery was primarily used to correct the shape of the face. However, today the surgeon’s intervention can be significantly delayed or even avoided altogether by resorting to the possibilities of modern cosmetology.

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