Correction of face shape in modern plastic surgery

The concept of facial plastic surgery (lift), or facelift, does not include any specific operation, but a whole group of operations aimed at correcting defects associated, as a rule, with age-related changes in the soft tissues of the face. With age, the skin and muscles gradually lose their tone, sag and droop; wrinkles and folds appear, then “jowls” and a “double chin” are formed, the oval of the face is greatly deformed.

In order to get rid of “age-related” skin problems for a long time, an integrated approach is required.

Forehead and eyebrow lifting

A forehead and eyebrow lift will help get rid of vertical wrinkles on the bridge of the nose and horizontal expression wrinkles in the middle part of the forehead, and will also lift drooping eyebrows, make the look more open and improve the proportions of the face.

Face and neck lifting (SMAS lifting)

SMAS lifting is a deep face lifting that involves not just superficial tightening of the skin, but moving the underlying layers of soft tissue to the correct position.

Neck surgery

Neck lift is an operation that improves the contours of the neck, simulates a more pronounced cervical-mental angle and minimizes the manifestations of age-related skin changes.

Chin surgery

In the case of a small chin, it is possible to achieve the correct proportions and aesthetic appeal of the face through plastic surgery.

Repeated facial plastic surgeries

Repeated facial plastic surgery allows you to successfully correct any errors of the primary operation, returning the face to its natural appearance and providing the desired result.

Types of plastic surgery

With age, a person's face is prone to inevitable changes - it loses its tone and elasticity, wrinkles begin to form around the eyes, on the neck and forehead.
Gradually, the nasolabial folds become deeper, the cheeks sag. The contour of the lower jaw also becomes unclear, the cheeks sag, which leads to a general deformation of the oval of the face. Folds and wrinkles also form on the neck. In the initial stages of this process, methods such as injections of fillers or botulinum toxin, as well as physical and chemical peels or laser therapy may be effective.

For more serious changes, an effective method of rejuvenation is the method of aesthetic plastic surgery such as surgical facelift. This tightening involves the superficial muscular aponeurotic layer (SMAS). It is its condition that determines the smooth and toned oval of the face, as well as the elasticity of the skin on the neck. During this procedure, the skin, subcutaneous tendon layer and muscles are pulled up and fixed in a new position. Sometimes additional injections of adipose tissue are performed - lipofilling.

Contour plastic surgery of the face allows you to harmoniously and naturally restore your youth to it - it becomes rested and refreshed.

A facelift can be performed in combination with chin correction, eyelid correction, neck liposuction, or, for example, smoothing wrinkles around the eyes with laser therapy, peeling or dermabrasion.

In recent years, there has been an increased demand for minimally invasive procedures, which can delay the need for surgery and reduce periods of social isolation.

In addition to surgeries and lifting procedures, facial plastic surgery includes procedures such as correction of the shape of the nose, lips, chin and eyelids.

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Surgical plastic surgery

Circular facelift or facelift

Circular facial plastic surgery is the restoration of the general contour of the oval of the face with tightening of the skin, subcutaneous tissue and subcutaneous aponeurosis.

Facelift surgery requires an individual approach. Often a combination of different surgical methods is necessary to achieve a complete result. A facelift or mini-lift is often combined with anti-wrinkle injections, eyelid correction, lip filling, etc.

There are several types of facelift.

A mini-lift (S-lift, Quick Minilift) or a facelift on weekends has a rejuvenating effect on the cheeks and jowls. The recovery period for this procedure is short, swelling is minimal, and there are very few side effects.

The procedure can be performed under local anesthesia or intravenous sedation. You can return home that evening and resume your daily activities within a week.

SMAS Face and neck lift . This method requires excellent surgical skills and extensive experience.

  • The SMAS full facelift with neck lift continues to be the ultimate technique for beautiful, balanced rejuvenation of prematurely weakened neck, facial skin and muscles.
  • When performed skillfully, the SMAS deep lift technique produces very natural and long-lasting results.

MACS lift is an acronym for “Minial Access Cranial Suspension-lift.” That is, “a mini-lift with vertical hanging of sagging tissue through a small incision.” The MACS lift was a revolutionary new procedure. This technique adds several benefits of the SMAS full facelift to the traditional minilift.

Thus, MACS lift is an improved minilift: it is ideal for men and women with pronounced signs of aging.


This cosmetic surgery can correct a crooked nose, a hump on the bridge of the nose, or an overly wide nasal tip.

Aesthetic nose correction can be performed under local anesthesia or intravenous sedation. There are two options for carrying out operations.

  1. Correction for a closed nose. Most nose surgeries are performed through the nostrils (closed nose job). The biggest advantage of this operation is that it does not leave scars on the outer surface. At the same time, it allows you to change the shape of bones and cartilage from the inside and create a new profile for the nose.
  2. Open nose correction. Sometimes it is necessary to perform a correction by opening the nose and making an incision in the columella (the part of the nose between the nostrils). This incision helps the surgeon raise the tip of the nose and gives the cartilage a new shape. The scar is barely noticeable and can be further leveled with laser correction.

Main types of rhinoplasty.

  • Correction of the nasal septum.
  • Correction of the bridge of the nose.
  • Correction of the tip of the nose.
  • Narrowing of the nostrils.
  • Nasal bridge implant.


Eyelid correction or blepharoplasty allows you to refresh the skin of the eyelids and change the contour of the eyes. Sagging eyelid tissue is the main cause of wrinkles around the eyes and the appearance of tired eyes. In addition, sagging upper eyelids can impair the field of vision and lead to complaints such as fatigue and headaches. Applying makeup to sagging eyelids is also more difficult.

By removing excess skin, removing or transferring excess fatty tissue of the lower eyelid and correcting the muscles of the eye contour, you can achieve a fresh and youthful appearance of the eyes for a long time.

Main types of blepharoplasty:

  • correction of the upper eyelid;
  • correction of the lower eyelid;
  • removing bags under the eyes;
  • brow lift.


Ear surgery is a very common procedure that provides immediate and effective aesthetic results.

Ear plastic surgery in children is recommended from the age of 6 years. Otoplasty in children is performed under general anesthesia, while in adults it can be performed under local anesthesia. Otoplasty does not leave any visible marks. At the same time, the ears acquire a new harmonious shape and correct position.

Main types of otoplasty operations:

  • ear shape correction
  • ear size correction
  • correction of protruding ears: pinning: without cartilage - removal
  • correction of protruding ears: change in shape: with cartilage - removal
  • correction of the outer part of the ear, known as the pinna or pinna
  • earlobe correction

Lip surgery

Lip plumping is a great way to make overly thin lips more expressive and attractive.

Lip contouring is a way to improve them and give them volume.

Using modern methods, volume is added to the lips harmoniously and naturally. Increasing volume also indirectly helps smooth out nasolabial folds.

Contouring or volume augmentation can be performed on a permanent or temporary basis.

Temporary lip modeling is carried out by injecting fillers. The introduction of hyaluronic acid will provide the lips with additional volume for 10-12 months.

For permanent results, two types of correction are used:

  1. Silicone implants inserted into the lips through small incisions. Nowadays in Europe flexible implants made of thick silicone gel are used. They are not rejected and do not cause allergies. Implants are selected individually according to size.
  2. Injections of your own fat cells obtained directly from the patient. This method is called liposculpture or lipofilling.

Lip correction with fillers is performed under local anesthesia. The procedure takes approximately 1 hour. You can go home right after it.

Within a day you can return to your normal rhythm of life.

After permanent lip modeling surgery, you can return to normal life after 3 days.

Skin redness and swelling may persist for approximately two weeks after surgery.


Fat grafting, liposhaping, or fat grafting is used on the face to fill deep wrinkles. Lipo (fat) filling is used in areas where there is little tissue movement because movement can cause the fat to break down faster.

The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis. You can return home or to your hotel the same day/evening.

In fat grafting, fat is taken from the patient's own body and used to fill wrinkles, folds and indentations in other parts of the body.

Fat grafting can help fight the aging process. Wrinkles and sagging skin are a natural result of aging. The amount of subcutaneous fat decreases over time, and the skin becomes thinner. Fat grafting using your own fat can help combat this age-related phenomenon.

Surgical skin tightening of the frontal area

Skin tightening of the frontal area or eyebrow lifting allows you to correct their gradual shift downward and overhanging over the eyelids.

The main task of such a lift is to raise the drooping edge of the eyebrow and smooth out small wrinkles. As a result of the procedure, the look becomes more expressive. This returns freshness and youth to the appearance. The procedure is often performed in conjunction with an eyelid lift or other facial correction options.

A frontal lift can be performed under local anesthesia. The total operation time is about an hour. The incision is made on the scalp, so the scar is not visible. The result can be seen in a week.

Chin plastic surgery or mentoplasty

The shape of our chin, jaw and nose are the most defining features of our face. Together they determine its balance and symmetry. Plastic cosmetic surgery on the chin offers a solution for problems such as:

  • underdeveloped chin;
  • regressed chin;
  • double chin;
  • a pointy chin;
  • big chin.

A small correction of just a few millimeters is often sufficient. Well-balanced facial features are important for a harmonious final result.

Mentoplasty is performed using several surgical methods.

  • Lifting the chin or jaw with the patient's own fat.
  • Chin or bone correction: bone grafting
  • Chin or jaw prostheses - implants
  • Liposculpture under the chin, neck and jaw
  • Lipolysis under the chin
  • Correction by neck lift

Pros and cons

Of course, any external interference in the body is not welcomed by the body.
Therefore, even relatively safe techniques are always associated with risks and complications. And doctors honestly warn about this. And you yourself have more than once seen photos of celebrities whose appearance after plastic surgery has become significantly worse than it was before. But, firstly, many stars are guilty of abusing aesthetic medicine and perform all kinds of manipulations on themselves almost several times a year. And secondly, there are many more photographs where everything is fine and patients really look 5-10 years younger, and some even more.

So there is no definitive correct answer to the question of whether facial plastic surgery is worth it. Everyone must make a decision for themselves. To begin with, collect as much information as possible.

Non-surgical methods


Mesotherapy is the introduction of therapeutic peptide cocktails, which also include antioxidants, vitamins and microelements.

Mesotherapy is an effective method of rejuvenating the skin of the face, neck and décolleté. It can be combined with other procedures - filler injections, peelings, or Botox injections.

Mesotherapy is especially effective for skin with shallow wrinkles. The best results will be seen in patients between thirty and forty years of age.

Mesotherapy allows you to restore and maintain a healthy level of hydration and proper nutritional balance in the skin. It also has a preventive effect.

It is recommended to conduct three to four sessions at intervals of two weeks. Then, to consolidate and maintain the result, mesotherapy can be performed 1-2 times a year.

The end result is firmer skin and a more youthful appearance.


PRP tightening or plasmolifting is an increase in skin elasticity by injecting the patient’s own platelet-rich plasma into it.

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) contains active growth factors. The cells produce hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin in the skin.

PRP treatment rejuvenates from the inside out. This is an ideal treatment for those who want to improve the texture and radiance of their skin using a natural method. PRP treatment stimulates collagen production and the growth of healthy tissue in the body, which activates the skin's natural improvement process.

Advantages of plasma lifting:

  • simple non-surgical treatment;
  • improves skin quality;
  • no cuts, only small perforations;
  • no scars;
  • local anesthetic;
  • short procedure: lasts from 30 to 60 minutes;
  • you can immediately resume your daily activities - without bed rest, without hospital stay;
  • minimal pain during and after treatment;
  • positive effect on the formation of new connective tissue;
  • very fast recovery;
  • natural result.

Medical treatments using platelet-rich plasma (PRP) were developed in 2003 by RegenLab in Lausanne, Switzerland. PRP injections are now the preferred method for improving the quality of skin and hair.

Injections can be administered to different areas: nasolabial folds, bitter folds, lips, dark circles, hands, décolleté.

For long-lasting effect, 3-4 sessions per year are recommended.

Contour plastic with hyaluronic acid

Liquid injection facelift with hyaluronic acid is a unique technique using injectable drugs that increase the volume of the face, making it look younger.

Hyaluronic acid is a natural component of the skin that provides hydration. It has a rejuvenating and healing effect. Its administration activates the synthesis of its own collagen.

Depending on the type of drug, you may get different results.

Volumator (volume-returning) hyaluronic acid preparation . As we get older, our subcutaneous tissue sags and changes the contour of our face. But the face can be rejuvenated with injections. They will help define your cheekbones and add volume to your jawline and hollow cheeks. This will give your face youth and roundness. Also, a chin that is too small can be visually improved with such an injection.

Liquid hyaluronic acid for the top layer of skin . This is a light product with a moderate concentration of hyaluronic acid. It is injected into the surface layer of the skin to smooth out fine wrinkles in the corners of the eyes and around the mouth.

Thick hyaluronic acid for the middle layers of the skin . It targets deeper wrinkles on the forehead and cheeks.

Very high density hyaluronic acid for deep layers of skin . It can be used to treat complex wrinkles of the nasolabial folds. It also allows you to form a new lip contour or add volume to them. It can also be used to temporarily restore the shape of the face.

With the help of various forms of hyaluronic acid, various facial plastic surgery is performed with fillers - adding volume to the cheekbones, cheeks, lips, eliminating nasolabial folds, nasolacrimal grooves, etc.

Hyaluronic acid is completely absorbed, Radiesse® filler is half absorbed, Sculptra® and Atlean® have a longer action and have a volumizing effect.

Hyaluronic acid injections are very effective for:

  • filling deep wrinkles and nasolabial folds;
  • lip shape correction and lip augmentation;
  • raising the drooping corners of the mouth;
  • temporary correction of the shape of the chin;
  • temporary face lift for a lifting effect.

Thread lift

Thread lifting makes the oval of the face clearer and tighter without surgery. It allows you to get an almost instant effect and avoid long-term rehabilitation. This type of lift is recommended between the ages of 30 and 50.

Benefits of thread lifting:

  • the lifting effect is immediately visible;
  • no cuts, just a few tiny perforations;
  • no scars;
  • can be performed under local anesthesia;
  • you can go about your normal daily activities - no bed rest, no hospital stay;
  • minimal pain or no pain at all after procedures;
  • low risk of any complications;
  • wounds heal quickly;
  • positive effect on the formation of connective tissues.

The threads are introduced subcutaneously, creating a frame that maintains the desired shape of the tissue and promotes active collagen production. The threads can be permanent or gradually absorbable.

After surgery, you can return home the same day. You can return to your normal rhythm of life in 2 days, and the final result will appear in a couple of weeks.

Deep peeling

Deep skin peeling is ideal for eliminating facial wrinkles and skin unevenness. Deep skin peeling can be done using laser, TCA, dermabrasion or special masks with organic acids. In Belgium, chemical peels with TCA or acid masks are most often used. Acid masks very carefully remove dead skin cells, layer by layer, revealing new, youthful, smooth skin underneath.

Manual massage

Manual facial massage techniques can sometimes cope with initial age-related changes. But two factors are important here:

  • procedures should be started at the first signs of wrinkles;
  • Procedures must be carried out regularly and constantly.

In all other cases, deeper correction methods must first be used.

General recommendations for rehabilitation after a facelift

After the operation you must:

  • take painkillers, antibiotics and other medications prescribed by your doctor;
  • attend check-ups on time, do dressings, monitor the condition of stitches and punctures;
  • follow a diet - light protein foods (lean meat, poultry, fish), unsaturated fats, fresh vegetables and fruits, foods containing antioxidants (nuts, sea buckthorn, pomegranates, grapes, beans) are recommended;
  • adhere to the optimal drinking regime - drink enough liquid to maintain skin hydration, remove toxins from the body, but do not overuse, so as not to cause excessive swelling;
  • for at least a month – sleep on your back
  • protect your face from direct sunlight, wind, frost
  • in the future, always use sunscreen with a high protection factor, especially in the seam area.

What not to do after the procedure:

  • before and after the manipulation (for several days), the use of blood-thinning drugs is prohibited;
  • smoking and drinking alcohol – 2 weeks;
  • You should not go to the gym or do intense physical activity for a month;
  • take a hot shower or bath, go to a bathhouse, sauna, swimming pool - for 30 days;
  • lighten and dye hair – within a month;
  • use decorative cosmetics - foundation, powder - until the stitches heal;
  • carry out aggressive cosmetic procedures – peeling, massage – for 1-2 months.

Table of approximate costs of different types of plastic surgery in Belgium

For a procedure such as facial plastic surgery, prices are determined by the type of procedure.

Lip injections

Fuller lips: Juvéderm Ultra Smile: 0.55 ml 300 €
Lip contour: Juvéderm Ultra Smile: 0.55 ml 300 €
Restylane | Juvéderm Lips: 1 ml syringe (lidocaine) 400 €
Lips | Lipofilling, per session 1700 €

Surgical lip correction

Lip contraction 1200 €
Upper lip lift: butterfly procedure 1100 €

Skin fillers | WrinKle fillers

Restylane | Juvederm | Belotero: 1 ml 400 €
Restylane | Juvederm | Belotero: 2 ml 750 €
Restylane: 4 ml 1450 €
Radiesse: 0.3 cu. 280 €
Radiesse: 0.8 cu. 325 €
Radiesse: 1.5 cu. 455 €
Tear trough filling: 0.5 ml 300 €
Bags under the eyes: 0.5 ml 300 €
Nose shape: 0.5ml 300 €
Both earlobes: 0.5 ml 300 €
Vertical lines around the mouth: 0.5 ml 300 €
Drooping corners of the mouth: 1 ml 400 €
Jaw lift: 1 ml 400 €
Chin augmentation: 1 ml 400 €
Liquid facelift 3270 €
Liquid facelift + Botox 3760 €

Lipofilling for the face

Lipostructure, fine lines and wrinkles, per session 2154 €
Lipostructure: Face - under sleep sedation 3630 €

Thread lifting

Soft Feather Lift/Happy Lift: 2 strands 1250 €
Soft Feather Lift/Happy Lift: 4 strands 1500 €
Soft Feather Lift/Happy Lift: 6 strands 1750 €

PRP - plasma lifting

PRP - plasma lifting | 1 zone 720 €
PRP - plasma lifting | 2 zones 1029 €
PRP - plasma lifting | 3 zones 1211 €

Plastic surgical facelift

Mini facelift 4750 €
MACS facelift 5950 €
Facelift Deep SMAS 5700 €

Ear correction

earlobes 1400 €
Otoplasty 2300 €

Nose correction - rhinoplasty

Narrowing of the nostrils 1755 €
tip of the nose 1755 €
Nasal bone: bridge correction 2300 €
Nasal bone (bridge of the nose) + tip of the nose 3980 €
Nose correction + implant 5748 €


Upper eyelids 1400 €
Under the eyelids 1700 €
Lower eyelids: removal of fat bags 1400 €
Trough filler 300 €
Westernization of eyelids: Asian eyes 1400 €

All prices indicated in the table are approximate! They may be different in different clinics. The presented level of average prices for plastic surgery in Belgium is current at the time of publication of the article.

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