Contour plastic surgery: facial contour correction with fillers

Cheekbone contouring is an injection procedure for correcting the shape and volume of the cheekbone area by injecting a drug based on hyaluronic acid.

Correction with fillers allows you to harmonize the proportions of your face, make your cheekbones more expressive, emphasizing your accents in your appearance, eliminate age-related changes in your face and restore lost volume. By injecting filler with a cannula needle, you can simultaneously add volume to your cheekbones and eliminate nasolabial folds.

Popularity of contouring

In the desire to please oneself, the procedure for lip augmentation has long become popular in order to look like the standard of beauty - Angelina Jolie. Then the actress’s fans wanted cheekbones like the Hollywood diva’s.

It was because of them that many exhausted themselves with diets and resorted to removing Bisha's lumps (surgeries). But cosmetologists offer another option - injection modeling of cheekbones using fillers based on various components. Contour plastic helps to change the face, making it more expressive and beautiful. Experts say that it is the cheekbones that shape the perception of the face by other people, but most often they are not expressed and do not protrude as we would like.

Contouring of cheekbones with fillers is, first of all, a correction of age-related changes. With age, tissues begin to undergo gravitational changes - ligaments stretch, the middle third of the face loses volume and becomes flattened, excess tissue appears in the lower third, and wrinkles become more pronounced. Due to injections, the volume returns, the tissues straighten, lift - the face immediately looks fresher and younger. Accordingly, the procedure is not a tribute to fashion, but a necessity if there are indications for the use of fillers.

How much does the procedure cost?

Cheekbone shaping is carried out in many metropolitan salons and aesthetic medicine clinics. How much it will cost depends on the choice of drug, but not on the volume of administration.

The patient pays the full cost of the syringe with filler, and if the remainder is left, needles are applied in the lip area. Cosmetologists usually use the minimum dosage; after a few days, if the result is unsatisfactory, additional correction is carried out.

The cost of cheekbone augmentation also depends on the prestige of the clinic, qualifications, and experience of the doctor. On average the price is from 20,000 to 40,000 rubles.

How is cheekbone correction done with fillers?

At the initial appointment, the cosmetologist determines the skin type, identifies existing problems, selects the necessary drug and its dosage. The procedure then includes the following steps:

  1. Cleansing the skin of impurities and residues of decorative cosmetics.
  2. Applying an anesthetic cream to make the procedure as comfortable and pain-free as possible.
  3. Marking. The doctor uses a special pencil to mark the injection site of the drug and the area where it will be distributed. The marks are easily washed off with water after the procedure.
  4. Administration of the drug by injection, distribution under the skin.
  5. Repeated skin cleansing with disinfectants.

At the end, the result is assessed. In some cases, a repeat visit may be required to correct the effect.

Who will treat

Koptyaeva Larisa Bronislavovna

Work experience: since 1998. Experienced doctor. Professional in fractional 3D RF face and body lifting, laser skin rejuvenation, injection, microcurrent procedures and professional cosmetology care. More details in the Personnel section.

Make an appointment

Klestova Ekaterina Andreevna

Work experience: since 2008. Higher and additional education in the specialties of Dermatovenereology and Cosmetology. A competent doctor, he knows modern methods of treatment and skin rejuvenation. Patients note the doctor’s responsiveness and attention to detail. More details in the Personnel section.

Specialist certificates.
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Contraindications for correction

Cheekbone plastic surgery with fillers is contraindicated for:

  • tendency to form keloid scars;
  • pathologies of the blood coagulation system;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • HPV infections (human papillomavirus) with the formation of condylomas;
  • oncological diseases;
  • rehabilitation after complex cosmetic procedures and operations;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • bacterial, viral, fungal skin lesions;
  • temperature rise.

With some contraindications, the procedure is permitted, but after normalization of health, for example, in the presence of fever, during an exacerbation of chronic diseases, acute respiratory viral infections, etc.

Indications for use and cost of the procedure in Moscow and St. Petersburg

If a person (most often a woman) is dissatisfied with the shape of her cheekbones and cheeks, their volume and expression, then they can always be corrected. Fillers work precisely in these areas.

In addition, appearance problems may be indications for the procedure.:

  1. Flabbiness and thinning of the skin.
  2. The appearance and deepening of skin folds.
  3. The appearance of depressions in the cheek area.
  4. If the cheekbones have changed their shape due to injury or surgery.
  5. Asymmetry of cheekbones from birth.

The cost of the procedure in Moscow will depend on its complexity. Prices vary between 10-20 thousand rubles. In St. Petersburg, the same procedure will cost less - from 7 thousand rubles.

What are the types of fillers?

Cosmetologists use 3 main types:

  1. Synthetic. One of the first, developed back in the 60s. Made from paraffin or silicone base. Their disadvantage is the high probability of allergic reactions, the inability to be excreted on their own, that is, they remain in the body. Under the influence of gravity, they go down over time, leading to facial deformation.
  2. Biosynthetic. After assessing the negative aspects of synthetic drugs, the next generation of fillers was created - a mixture of biological substances and synthetics. The combination gave excellent results and significantly reduced the likelihood of unwanted reactions. The composition may contain calcium hydroxyapatite, collagen, polylactic acid and other components.
  3. Biodegradable. The most sought after and popular group, which is based on hyaluronic acid - a natural substance that is found in many tissues of the body. They rarely cause negative reactions. Among the advantages, it is necessary to highlight their safety, hypoallergenicity, self-resorption and removal from the body naturally. The preparations have the appearance of a dense gel, creating the desired volume without the effect of dripping. The substance is evenly distributed, improves metabolism, activates the production of collagen and elastin, which makes the skin young and elastic. Due to hyaluronic acid, the skin is moisturized as water molecules are attracted.

Our clinic of modern cosmetology “Estelab” uses fillers based on hyaluronic acid or calcium hydroxyapatite for correction. The second drug is chosen for the edematous-deformative type of aging; it does not attract water and does not cause swelling.

Precautionary measures

A correctly performed procedure will not cause harm to health and will give a visible effect. In some cases, the result does not appear due to:

  • deep administration of the drug;
  • poor quality filler;
  • individual characteristics of the patient.

If the effect is unsatisfactory or complications are observed, neutralization is possible. It is carried out taking into account the composition of the filler, its main component.

Hyaluron is removed by hyaluronidase, lidase, which are delivered by injection or physiotherapeutic methods. Electrophoresis, phonophoresis, myostimulation, darsonval, microcurrents, and massage are suitable.

There is no neutralizer for collagen, lactic acid, calcium hydroxyapatite. Hardware techniques can accelerate their biodegradation.

Side effects

  • Insufficient or excessive effect, asymmetric correction is a consequence of incorrect dosage and distribution of filler.
  • Purulent-inflammatory processes - non-compliance with the rules of asepsis and antisepsis during the procedure, recommendations after manipulation.
  • Puffiness of the face - the filler has sank.
  • Circulatory disorders, embolism, tissue necrosis - the drug is injected into the vessel.
  • Allergy.

Preparations for correction of the zygomatic region

Cosmetologists use the following drugs:

  1. Restylane perlane (Restylane Perlane). Produced by a Swedish pharmaceutical company. Contains: hyaluronic acid, sodium chloride. The products of this manufacturer are of high quality, have undergone numerous studies and are completely safe. The drug has a high level of viscosity, due to which it remains deep in the skin for a long time. Disintegration begins after 6 months, complete elimination - after about a year. Recommended for medium and deep folds, to increase the volume of soft tissues.
  2. Restylane sab q (Restylane Sub-Q). Another product from a previous manufacturer with hyaluronic acid. Used primarily to create volume in the area of ​​the cheeks and cheekbones.
  3. Juvederm voluma (Juvederm Voluma). One of the most popular hyaluronic acid fillers in the USA and Europe. The manufacturer is American, producing products for cosmetology and various branches of medicine. Voluma has a very dense structure compared to other drugs in this line, so it is used only for contouring. The filler is recommended for middle-aged women to replenish the volume of the face in the middle part.
  4. Radiesse. (Radiesse). Developed by the American company BioForm Medical, but owned by the German company. Consists of calcium hydroxyapatite, an aqueous gel carrier. The first component is produced synthetically, but it is completely identical to the substances in human bones and teeth. This ensures its safety and biocompatibility. The drug does not retain water, corrects even deep wrinkles, and replenishes missing volumes.

Aesthetic cosmetology in Moscow

uses only proven drugs that have undergone research and confirmed their safety and effectiveness. The specialist selects the necessary filler, taking into account existing problems, the goals of the procedure, and the client’s wishes.

According to Landau

The marking is also known as “five stars”. When using it, 5 injections are made, which are located on the line of the base of a small triangle. The boundaries of the latter are determined by the cosmetologist individually and taking into account the characteristics of the patient’s face.

Fillers can be injected both at the intersection of Hinderer's lines and in the anatomical middle of the upper zygomatic arch.

Effect after cheekbone augmentation with fillers

Clients notice improvements immediately after the procedure. Some formulations require about a day to smooth out creases at the injection site. General results of contouring:

  • improvement of facial contours;
  • more pronounced, defined cheekbones;
  • smoothing wrinkles;
  • reducing the severity of the nasolacrimal groove (due to raising the cheekbones);
  • increasing skin elasticity and density;
  • improvement of complexion.

The final result can be assessed on average after 2 weeks, which depends on the type of drug.

Healing period

After the procedure, your face may be red and swollen. This is explained by the influx of intercellular fluid to injured tissues. Cheekbones appear larger than they really are.

The outcome can be adequately assessed only after a couple of days, when the swelling subsides.

The first day, hematomas, burning and mild pain are also considered normal. These symptoms do not require treatment and go away on their own within a week.

To properly distribute the filler and reduce the recovery period, you need to ensure that a number of conditions are met:

  • do not use decorative cosmetics;
  • do not visit the bathhouse, sauna, solarium;
  • do not massage, do not sunbathe;
  • do not play sports;
  • give up sports training;
  • do not drink alcohol;
  • do not undergo cosmetic procedures;
  • sleep on your back, avoiding positions on your side and stomach.

You need to follow the listed rules for the first week after contouring. This will avoid filler displacement and protect against other negative consequences.

How long does the effect last?

The duration of the result depends on the metabolic processes in the body and the components in the drug. The duration of action of hyaluronic acid fillers varies from person to person. This substance is present in the body; a special enzyme, hyaluronidase, is responsible for its breakdown. The more active it is, the faster the hyaluronic acid will leave the injection area.

If the enzyme activity is low, then the filler in the cheekbones

will last longer. On average, the effect lasts 6-12 months, dense gels retain the result for 18-24 months. Hyaluronidase can help those clients who do not like the effect - an enzyme can be injected under the skin into the area where the filler is located, it will remove excess gel. Preparations containing calcium hydroxyapatite, unlike those containing hyaluronic acid, have a longer effect - 5 years.

You can repeat the procedure as soon as the effect of the fillers begins to fade. Correction of the cheekbone area can be combined with hardware cosmetology. To get a more pronounced result, Ulthera therapy is recommended for older patients before injections.

. It is necessary to reduce stretched ligaments and tighten tissues. After complex measures, the correction result lasts longer, and subsequently a smaller volume of the drug is required.

We do cheekbones with filler

efficiently and safely, using only certified products.
Thanks to the competent work of specialists, our clients receive a harmonious, aesthetic result without the slightest risk to health. Our clinic is the best cosmetology in Moscow
, we achieved this with high quality work, professionalism of doctors, and innovative equipment. Please call for advice. The price of cheekbone contouring with fillers is indicated on the website

Number of sessions

Correction of cheekbones with fillers involves only one procedure, without a course. You will notice visible results immediately, without leaving the cosmetologist’s office. But the full result will appear in about two weeks. By this time, the body will begin to produce its own collagen and elastane, and the cheekbones will take on a natural, expressive shape and volume.

The tightening effect lasts from 8 months to two years, depending on the drug and the physiological characteristics of the patient’s body. At the end of this period, it is recommended to repeat the cheekbone correction session by contacting our clinic for services.


No special preparation is required for the procedure .
Drinking alcohol before and after the session is prohibited. If a person is taking any medications, the doctor should be informed about this. The following actions should not be performed before the procedure:

  • Taking aspirin, vitamin E, ibuprofen, or drinking nettle infusions, all of these substances can cause bleeding.
  • Smoking can also cause significant harm. Therefore, a few days before the injections, try to give up tobacco.

The doctor, in turn, talks about contraindications . If they exist, filling is postponed or cancelled. The doctor must also assess the condition of the skin and select the necessary method of inserting needles.

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