Cheiloplasty - plastic surgery on the lips, and other methods

Today, many women work on their appearance, trying to be more attractive, sexier and more interesting in general. The face that undergoes changes most often is the face.

Cheiloplasty is a whole group of surgical methods used to improve the shape of the lips, nasolabial triangle and the area around the mouth.

This operation does not require a long stay in the clinic, recovery takes place in a short time, and the result will please you for many years.

A plastic surgeon in Kaliningrad invites men and women to a consultation, during which you will learn everything about lip plastic surgery performed through cheiloplasty.

Types of cheiloplasty:

Cheiloplasty of the lip or both lips is performed under local or, if the patient wishes, under general anesthesia. It can be combined with other surgeries on the face or body. Depending on the assigned tasks, different tactics are used:

  • Bullhorn is used when the lip, most often the upper one, does not have enough volume or it looks longer than the lower one. During the intervention, the surgeon excises a small flap of skin under the nose and stitches the tissue. Due to this, the upper lip seems to turn outward, becoming a little shorter and fuller.
  • A corner lift involves excision of the skin at the corners of the lips to lift them. A very small piece of tissue is removed and the incision is sutured. Due to this, the skin is tightened and the corners are raised.
  • VY-plasty is an intervention on the surface of the mucous membrane of the lip (or both lips). V-shaped incisions with suturing in the shape of the letter Y allow you to add volume to the lips, correct their shape, eliminate asymmetry, and, according to indications, remove age-related changes in the lips.
  • Lipofilling will make the lips more sensual and voluminous due to the patient’s autologous fat. To do this, liposuction is used to take some fat cells, prepare them and inject them into the lips. This technique leaves almost no traces except a small puncture, which heals quickly.
  • DAO resection involves cutting the depressor anguli oris muscle (hence the name DAO), which lowers the corners of the lips. The manipulation is carried out from the inside - from the mucous membrane, so there are no traces left on the outside. And the result is noticeable immediately. This correction is often combined with lipofilling to eliminate “marionette lines” caused by drooping corners of the lips.

Cheiloplasty can be done at any time of the year. This does not require special preliminary preparation; you do not need to “time it up” for a vacation in order to recover unnoticed by others.

Preparing for surgery

Before surgery, the patient will be examined by a specialist and will decide which technique should be used. Blood and urine samples will also be taken and an x-ray taken. For clarity, the expected result will be simulated on a computer.

2 weeks before surgery for lip augmentation or correction of their shape, the patient should avoid smoking and not take anticoagulants (aspirin, etc.). On the day of surgery, refrain from eating and thoroughly clean and rinse your mouth.

Rehabilitation after surgery:

If the operation was performed under general anesthesia, it is advisable for the patient to spend several hours under the supervision of a doctor. If you get by with the locals, then after about an hour you can go home.

Once absorbable sutures are placed, there is no need to remove them. If the doctor used non-absorbable ones, then on the 7-10th day you will need to come for examination and removal.

The recovery period also depends on the type of correction. But in any case, you need to limit facial movements, not visit the bathhouse for two weeks, and not engage in active sports. If the correction was on the mucous side, do not eat or drink hot foods, and if on the outside, do not use decorative lipsticks. It is normal to have soreness and swelling of the lips for a half month after surgery or a feeling of numbness, which usually goes away within 2-3 months.

Algorithm for lip surgery

Lip surgery has not lost its relevance for many years, because it is a real opportunity to eliminate defects in appearance. There is no need for complex preparation before the operation. It begins the day before the procedure and involves a standard examination. Afterwards, an intervention is carried out, the time of which varies from half an hour to 60 minutes. To prevent the patient from experiencing discomfort, local or general anesthesia is administered.

You can make an appointment with a plastic surgeon in Kaliningrad right now by contacting us using the feedback form or by calling the phone numbers listed on the website.


Contraindications to cheiloplasty are:

  • the presence of systemic diseases in an uncompensated state;
  • shortened upper lip;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • exacerbation of herpes;
  • tendency to form scar tissue;
  • strongly raised tip of the nose;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • individual allergic reaction to drugs used during surgery;
  • worsened chronic diseases;
  • any inflammatory processes.

The procedures are performed according to international protocols by a plastic ophthalmic surgeon with more than 20 years of experience - Elena Vladimirovna Chugai. Photos before and after cheiloplasty can be viewed on our website in the appropriate section.

Description of the technique

VY lip surgery involves a complex of various manipulations that will help reconstruct the lips. Doctors use modern devices, instruments and are guided by innovative techniques to eliminate various deformities of the oral cavity.

After the operation, the lips acquire a seductive volume: the height of the upper lip increases, the horizontal size often decreases, and a so-called “bow” shape is obtained. The effect is visible immediately, which is very important - it is very natural and there are no external traces of the operation.

Recovery period

Rehabilitation after the procedure ranges from ten to fourteen days. The recovery period is associated with minimal inconvenience caused by a feeling of tightness in the lip area and mild pain. Reports and bruises after cheiloplasty resolve in a short time - already after three to five days.

To speed up the rehabilitation process, it is recommended to rinse your mouth with an antiseptic solution several times a day. Cold compresses will help minimize reporting and discomfort. It is extremely important to take the anti-inflammatory and pain medications prescribed by your doctor.

At the very beginning of the postoperative period, it is recommended to eat liquid warm food (approximate body temperature). Avoid hot foods and liquids, as well as foods that require active chewing. In addition, you should avoid overly lively facial expressions.

How much does lip cheiloplasty cost in Health and beauty

The exact cost of the procedure can be found out at a consultation with a surgeon after the examination. You can find approximate prices in the “Prices” section.

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When to perform the operation?

It is best to perform the operation on children aged 5 to 8 years during the period when baby teeth are replaced by permanent teeth. The most appropriate moment is when the lateral incisors (“twos”) have not yet erupted, and the central ones have appeared by about a third. Plastic surgery will prevent the development of diastema and will help the incisors to take a central place.

The operation can be performed on both adolescents and adults. Plastic surgery of the frenulum of the upper lip in infants is performed only according to strict indications that affect the quality of the child’s nutrition.

In adulthood, surgery most likely will not solve the problem, but it will greatly facilitate the process of prosthetics.

Basic services and plastic surgeries

Nose surgery (rhinoplasty)

Changing the contours, features and volume of the nose or its individual parts. With the help of rhinoplasty, you can reduce or narrow the nose, remove the hump, change the shape of the nostrils, and correct the shape of the back and tip of the nose.

Eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty)

Plastic surgery of the upper and lower eyelids, aimed at eliminating age-related changes in the soft tissues of the upper and lower eyelids, as well as changing the shape, size and racial characteristics of the eye.

Breast augmentation (mammoplasty)

Breast augmentation with the use of implants - endoprosthetics.

Breast reduction and lift

Reduction mammoplasty - reduction mammoplasty. Breast lift - mastopexy.

Ear plastic surgery (otoplasty)

Aesthetic plastic surgery aimed at eliminating protruding ears, protruding ears and other defects.

Plastic surgery of the face, neck and chin (facelift)

Plastic surgery of the face, neck and chin, including chin reduction or augmentation. Facial contouring, including lip augmentation, cheekbones, chin, and wrinkle smoothing.

Lip surgery (cheiloplasty)

Increasing lip volume, removing wrinkles around the mouth, eliminating the effect of blurring the lip contour. In addition, sometimes it is necessary to correct some acquired defects in the shape and volume of the lips, for example, to surgically remove biopolymer gel from the lips.

Plastic surgery of the legs (cruroplasty)

Cruroplasty is an operation to correct the shape of the legs. One of the popular services is calf muscle augmentation surgery with a silicone implant.

Tummy tuck (abdominoplasty)

Surgical removal of excess skin and fatty tissue, strengthening of the stretched muscles of the anterior abdominal wall and midline of the abdomen, shaping the waist.

Intimate plastic surgery (labiaplasty)

Labiaplasty is an aesthetic plastic surgery aimed at changing the shape and size of the labia minora and majora. Labiaplasty is part of aesthetic intimate surgery, which also includes operations on the clitoris and vagina.

Removal of fat deposits (liposuction)

Surgical removal of local fat deposits on any part of the body. With the help of liposuction, the contours of the human body are corrected.

Preparatory measures for cheiloplasty

At the stage of preoperative preparation, the necessary medical examination is performed using laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods. If necessary, additional diagnostic procedures and appointments with specialists are prescribed. These studies are carried out in order to minimize operational risks and avoid the formation of complications.

The next nuance of preparatory measures for cheiloplasty is identifying tasks and creating a strategy for aesthetic corrections. For this purpose, computer modeling of the results is performed, thanks to which the patient receives a substantive vision of how the outlines of the lips and the general appearance of the face will change after cheiloplasty. If the result of computer modeling suits the client, the surgeon creates a detailed procedure for the further procedure and sets a date for its completion.

What is dangerous about the pathology of the frenulum attachment?

Indications for frenuloplasty arise not because of doctors’ desire to correct an anatomical feature, but for compelling reasons that affect the health and beauty of the smile. A similar defect results in:

  • to the formation of a diastema - an excess gap (gap) between the front incisors, which, moreover, tends to expand. A short frenulum is fixed too close to the edge of the alveolar process and pushes the teeth in different directions;
  • the appearance of a gum pocket - a depression behind the gum due to its injury by the frenulum, where food debris begins to accumulate, tartar forms, and the exposed necks of the teeth suffer from increased sensitivity. Ultimately, this process can lead to periodontitis, loosening and loss of teeth;
  • speech problems - with a short frenulum it is difficult to pronounce many consonants and some vowels (“o”, “u”);
  • bite pathologies - due to improper closure, tooth enamel is erased, teeth grow in the wrong direction, oral hygiene, the quality of chewing food and the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract deteriorate, and at the same time, a short frenulum prevents the correct installation of the braces system;
  • difficulties when performing prosthetics - a short frenulum does not allow the prosthesis to be firmly held in the mouth, and it may fall out while eating or talking;
  • injury during individual oral hygiene and its deterioration in general.

The effect of lip correction with fillers

The drug administered during lip correction is so soft and flexible that the lips will look absolutely natural both to the touch and visually.

The effect of the procedure will last about 10-12 months. Then you can repeat the procedure. The duration of the effect largely depends on the patient’s lifestyle and metabolism. Even the daily mechanical effect on the lips is important, so if you like to kiss, the drug will dissolve faster.

Due to the fact that hyaluronic acid is a natural component of the skin, filler injections for lip correction are absolutely safe. Preparations based on hyaluronic acid are biodegradable; over time, the drug naturally completely dissolves.

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