The effectiveness of dry facial massage and a review of the best brushes for it

Women who take care of their face very often resort to injections of botulinum toxin or fillers. Indeed, at first, wrinkles disappear, and the skin becomes even and smooth. But over time, the body stops producing special substances that keep the facial muscles toned and make the skin elastic, because a special substance injected under the skin does this for it. Therefore, sooner or later you will need to do a massage that would eliminate wrinkles, form the correct contour and bring the muscles into action. In such cases, a facial massage brush often helps. How to use it and what dry massage with a brush is, we will tell you further.

Indications for use

Facial massage with a dry brush is indicated for women after 30. When a representative of the fair half of humanity passes this milestone, the regeneration of the epidermis slows down, less collagen and elastane are released, which are responsible for the elasticity of the skin, and the first wrinkles begin to appear. Thanks to a simple technique of self-massage with a brush, you can not only protect yourself from unpleasant age-related changes, but also eliminate numerous problems.

Dry brush massage is indicated for:

  • loose skin;
  • peeling;
  • presence of wrinkles;
  • formation of a double chin;
  • jowl formation;
  • severe swelling and lymph stagnation.

Important point! If you want to experience the effectiveness of dry massage, be sure to pay attention to contraindications. Remember, when carrying out Botox and filler acupuncture procedures, at least 3 weeks must pass so that you can perform massage movements without negative consequences.

Many cosmetologists have noticed that if you regularly massage your lips with a brush for cleaning your teeth, you can enlarge your lips. For this purpose, use a separate soft toothbrush, making circular movements. It is recommended to first moisten the instrument in water and apply nourishing oil, honey or moisturizing balm to the lips.

Massage with a brush is very popular in Norway. In some villages in this country, children are still rubbed with this brush before bathing, in the belief that such actions will help save soap and water, and will also strengthen the body.

Expected effect

By performing a massage using special brushes, you can perform effective peeling. As you know, with age, keratinized scales on the skin are removed much worse than at a young age. Over time, they layer, preventing the removal of subcutaneous fat and the penetration of oxygen into the epidermis.

If you do not cleanse correctly, you risk worsening the skin situation - wrinkles, roughness, sagging and severe peeling may appear.

In addition to cleansing, it provides:

  • stimulation of the lymphatic system and correct distribution of lymph along the channels;
  • improvement of microcirculation of the skin, which ensures the removal of metabolic products through the sebaceous glands;
  • immunomodulation, so your dermis will be protected from the negative effects of the external environment;
  • reduction of subcutaneous fat due to the active influence of the massager;
  • saturation of the skin with oxygen and beneficial substances of cosmetics, which are usually applied after the procedure;
  • elimination of sagging, loose skin and wrinkles in the areas affected by the instrument.

Massage with a special brush can be performed not only on the face, but also on those areas of the body where cellulite is present. Since blood circulation improves and the dermis is saturated with oxygen, the process of self-burning fat starts. When massaging your face, it is recommended to actively brush the area of ​​your double chin, of course, if it is very pronounced.

Basically, such a facial massage is indicated for women who are already over 30. But if you have previously noticed age-related changes on your face: sagging, swelling, severe peeling and the formation of wrinkles, then the procedure will definitely not hurt.

Important point! It has been proven that body cleansing by brushing helps improve digestion and normalize kidney function. As pores are cleaned and toxins are eliminated, the burden on the kidneys is reduced and metabolism improves.

Materials and colors

Cleaning brushes are produced by European and Asian manufacturers in various designs - from miniature ball-shaped brushes to serious devices with a handle, a curved or L-shaped head on which a nozzle is placed.

The material of the device itself is often plastic; a plus may be inserts made of rubber or silicone, which reduce the risk of the device slipping out of your hands.

Facial cleaning attachments can be made of natural bristles, rubber, silicone, and nylon. The most successful are considered to be silicone attachments, which combine safety, softness with a pronounced positive effect on the condition of the skin. Do not cause an allergic reaction.

The colors most often are white, pink, peach, and blue.

Execution Rules

Using a brush is not that difficult. You just need to strictly follow the rules below:

  1. Massage with a dry brush is performed before taking a shower.
  2. All massage movements on the face should be carried out strictly along the lines of passage of the lymphatic channels - from the center to the sides or diagonally in the cheek area.
  3. If you massage the neck, be sure to avoid the collection of lymph nodes.
  4. When performing a massage for the first time, monitor the condition of the skin. It should not acquire a “boiled crayfish” color, which indicates the choice of a brush that is too hard. A light pink color is a sign of high-quality manipulations.
  5. There should be no discomfort or pain when massaging your face. You need to start the procedure of stroking with a brush for 3–4 minutes, gradually increasing the session to 7–8 minutes.
  6. It is recommended to perform massage daily, or several times a day, but for beginners it is better to start with 2 times a week.
  7. It is forbidden to massage the area of ​​the lower and upper eyelids with a brush, since the skin in this area is very sensitive and prone to damage.
  8. Immediately after completing the session, take a shower. The water should be close to cold to consolidate the result. After this, apply serum, cream or apply a healing mask.
  9. Since massage has an exfoliating effect, at first scales will actively fall off the skin. It’s better to massage in the bathroom so as not to have to clean up.

During the massage, you should feel light pleasant sensations comparable to tickling or light tingling. Make movements as if sweeping or stroking the dermis.

The main benefits of home brushing for the face

  1. Suitable for men and women, and can also be used by teenagers;
  2. Saves a lot of time: the facial brushing procedure takes no more than 15 minutes, while a full facial cleansing by a cosmetologist can take up to two hours;
  3. Thanks to the ability to choose the intensity of rotation of the attachments and the stiffness of the bristles, the face washing brush does not injure the skin;
  4. An electric facial brush can be used at any time of the year;
  5. The procedure is so simple that it does not require any special skills and even a child can cope with it;
  6. You don’t have to wait long for the results of facial cleansing with brushing: all changes are visible almost immediately;
  7. Thanks to the small size of face brushing devices, you can take the product with you on the road and use it while traveling;
  8. It produces amazing results on the skin, comparable to a whole range of professional procedures performed by a cosmetologist.

IMPORTANT! Facial brushing should never be carried out if the skin has purulent acne, inflammation, wounds or other damage. Also, the procedure cannot be done during pregnancy and lactation, with low elasticity and increased sensitivity of the skin, if there is rosacea.

Healthy and clean skin is in your hands! “Constellation of Beauty” will always prompt, advise and guide you in choosing the right products and devices so that home care brings only joy, a pleasant impression, comfort and, of course, produces amazing results!

Selecting a device

When choosing brushes for dry massage, give preference to a tool that is made of natural bristles. For example, these include devices made from cactus, palm trees, and boar hair. If you are going to drybrush your face, it is better to choose a tool with soft bristles. Body brushes tend to be hard, so always read the label on the tool's purpose.

Today, there are many options for massage brushes on the market, which differ in different levels of hardness, material, configuration and manufacturer.

Brushes are:

  • round;
  • oval;
  • with a long wooden handle;
  • with a strap that clings to the palm;
  • with wooden pimples instead of lint (more suitable for anti-cellulite massage than for facial manipulation);
  • in the form of a glove, which is suitable for sensitive skin;
  • electric, which do not require strong force (it is not advisable to purchase it for facial massage, since you must vary the intensity of the pressure yourself and not rely on the operation of the device);
  • with natural pile;
  • silicone-based, highly practical;
  • Japanese brushes, the palm fiber of which clings to the steel wire;
  • and some others.

As practice shows, it is better to purchase a device with a handle with natural bristles. Since you are going to perform a facial massage, do not take a handle that is too long: 10–15 cm will be enough for comfortable use.

If you have thin and sensitive skin, buy a mitten made from plant fiber - luffa. The material used for such devices is the fruits of vines. Hardness varies depending on their degree of maturity. It is the unripe fruits that are just right for delicate skin. But remember, such a washcloth requires regular care, since various bacteria can remain inside the pile.

Brush options from the manufacturer:

  • Faberlic Expert. This electrical device is a cone-shaped figure, in the upper part of which there are teeth made of soft plastic. The top of the cone is crowned with a circle with similar bristles, which is adjacent to the main figure at an angle for better development of the face area. Among the advantages of this device are the charge duration, low price and gentle cleansing of the skin. Disadvantages include the inability to deal with blackheads and the lack of natural stubble. Cost - 1200 rubles.

  • Secret Key. This brush has two sides: the first is washable, which is equipped with numerous hairs, and the second is a massage brush, which does not injure the skin at all. The price of the product starts from 1400 rubles. The positive side of the product is the elimination of blackheads (by about 20%). Since the device is electric, it is more suitable for peeling than for high-quality lymphatic drainage facial massage.

  • "Smooth skin" from Spin Spa. Made in the form of a massager. It has several types of attachments: for active massage, foam rubber for massaging babies, with pumice, with plastic rollers. There are several adjustment speeds. Among the advantages of this device is its versatility. The disadvantages of an electric brush include the lack of natural bristles. The cost of the device for dry massage is 840 rubles.

  • Grinif Detox Pore Brush. Acts as a manual device for cleaning and massaging the face. It consists of 340 thousand of the finest microfiber fibers that can best cleanse the dermis of impurities, gently affecting it. The device can be used for peeling with cleansers. Among the advantages, users highlight a very light relaxing massage, but the disadvantages include excessive softness. This $25 device is best for sensitive skin.

  • Korean brush ETUDE HOUSE. A fairly miniature product that fits in a plastic cup. It costs only 250 rubles, but the lint of the tool for cleaning and massaging the face is synthetic.

  • Riffi body brush. The device is suitable for cleansing the skin and lymphatic drainage massage of the face since its long handle can be easily removed. The bristles are made from Latin American agave and the handle is made from pear wood. Among the advantages are pleasant tingling sensations during the massage, as well as hypoallergenicity. The disadvantages include a not very ergonomic structure and a high price (more than 1000 rubles).

  • SWEEPA brush. The product is made in Germany and made of rubber. Designed for dry lymphatic drainage massage and peeling. The bristle of the brush does not wrinkle at all. Caring for such a device is very simple - just pour boiling water over it. This brush will empty your wallet by 1400 rubles.

  • Keller Bursten face brush. The bristles are made of natural pile, and the handle is made of wood. Designed for facial massage with peeling effect. The cost of the device starts from 1000 rubles. The only drawback is that the intensity of the effect on the facial skin is not suitable for everyone. The manufacturer also produces a device without a handle, Keller Bursten Care, but it does not have a special pad that makes it easy to hold (price: 540 rubles).

  • Round wood brush from Redecker. Made of beech, equipped with natural pile. It has a high cost for a manual device - 2500 rubles. Designed specifically for dry massage.

  • Earth Therapeutics massage brush with peeling effect. Made from environmentally friendly materials (Japanese palm). Suitable for dry massage. Among the advantages, one can highlight the low cost - 350 rubles, but, unfortunately, you will not be able to actively work on the lymphatic drainage channels.

It is important to know! After completing the procedure, take care of treating the stubble. Be sure to wash the instrument in soapy water and dry it well to prevent an unpleasant odor. It is advisable to dry it not on a radiator, but in the sun.

How to choose a brush?

But all these WOW effects will become a reality under one condition: the correct selection and use of a brush. There are no complicated requirements here, but you need to cleanse your face carefully and carefully, taking into account all the nuances and features.

To begin with, you should spend some time choosing a brush that will take care of your face. There are quite a lot of models, and there are certain differences between them. With such diversity, you can get confused. In fact, making a choice is not difficult, because you, like no one else, know the characteristics and needs of your skin. We will focus on them, and also take into account the functionality of different models:

  • For a combination of deep cleansing and massage, the Beurer FC 49 brush is suitable. This is a device with small and large bristles, as well as a targeted cleaning zone. The intensity of the impact can be adjusted; 15 modes are provided for this;
  • The FC 65 Pureo Deep Clear brush provides a bactericidal effect and thorough cleaning, this is a good option for sensitive skin;
  • Lovers of stylish gadgets should pay attention to the Beurer FC 45 model, which received an award for quality and design;
  • The most technologically advanced option is FC 96 Pureo Intense Cleansing with LCD display;
  • FC 95 Premium is a real beauty salon at home, because the brush is equipped with seven attachments for peeling, deep cleansing of pores, massage, sensitive and normal skin;
  • The optimal combination of gentle action and deep cleansing will be provided by FC 95 Pureo Deep Cleaning - a brush with 2 types of rotation and 3 speeds.

All of these brushes have several important advantages. Firstly, the devices are waterproof. This means that you can easily cleanse your face while taking a bath or shower. Girls know how to combine business with pleasure!

Secondly, all devices are equipped with a battery or run on batteries: complete freedom, no restrictions, cleaning at any time in any suitable place. Some models provide a charge level indicator so that the brush does not run out of charge at the most inopportune moment.

Thirdly, most devices are equipped with a timer that will tell you when it’s time to move on to the next zone.

Another gadget that deserves attention is the Beurer FC 40 pore cleaner. Unlike brushes, it does not have bristles and the principle of operation is somewhat different - vacuum. By creating high pressure, the device literally sucks out excess oil and dirt from the pores. At the same time, blood circulation improves, the flow of nutrients is activated, and swelling is eliminated. With such a cleanser, it is quite possible to independently cope with acne and pimples, eliminate blemishes and excess skin flakes.

Preparing for the session

It is required to perform dry brushing in a lying position. This will allow your body to relax more. You can turn on pleasant classical music or light aromatic candles.

For better relaxation, it is recommended to drop a couple of drops of lavender, rosemary, mint, and neroli ether onto your palm. Apply the product to the surface of the bristles. Such manipulations will help you get ready for the session.

Apply nourishing agent or oil to the massage lines.

Execution technique

Massage using a special or toothbrush:

  1. Mentally draw a vertical line that divides your face into two halves and is compatible with your nose.
  2. You need to start in the forehead area. Swing from the center to the periphery, first from the left and then from the right.
  3. Similarly, work the cheek area, moving from the wings of the nose to the ears. Near the ears you will notice small keratinized scales. Sweep them down along the cheekbones and jaw.
  4. Now lower yourself to the center of your chin and sweep towards your ears.
  5. Walk over the double chin area, gently warming it up.
  6. Sweep all the swept scales down from the ears. The above-mentioned areas of the face on each conditional half are treated 3–7 times, depending on the expected effect.
  7. Don't forget to walk in a circular motion along the withers (back of the head). It is in the cervical-collar area that there are points, the impact of which removes facial clamps. Before moving the bristles, be sure to knead the area with your hands.
  8. Rinse off the applied product with a damp swab and then with plain water.

After the massage, you can use special masks, creams, tonics, but it is best to moisturize the skin. Aloe juice, olive or coconut oil are perfect for this. It is not advisable to use scrubs or any anti-acne creams, as they can cause irritation.

As reviews show, at first the dermis may be very sensitive. But over time, she gets used to the impact of brushing, so it is recommended to increase the intensity of pressure and the time of working on individual areas.

What it is?

A facial cleansing brush is a small household appliance, usually consisting of a handle and one or more attachments with bristles for cleaning, massage attachments and a makeup remover sponge. Because of the bristles, this device is called a “toothbrush” for the face.

Washing and cleansing your face with this device is much more effective than a regular one. In addition, the effect of care products - serums, creams, masks - becomes more pronounced when applied after cleansing the skin with a brush.

Brushes come in different types - simple mechanical, electric and ultrasonic. Additional options may include lighting, timer, moisture resistance, and bactericidal treatment of bristles.

When to expect results

Even after the first session of such a procedure, a positive result is immediately noticeable. The muscles get tone, and you get a surge of vigor and energy that appears after their activation.

The number of sessions in the salon depends on the patient's problems. We recommend that women undergoing procedures devote a few minutes a day to it, and manipulations can be done daily. If you are too busy and don’t want to spend precious time on self-care, then 2 times a week will be enough.

The intensity of massaging the dermis along the massage lines directly depends on the thickness of the skin. Some people may have very thin skin, so massage should only be done for a short period of time with minimal physical effort.

Attention! It is recommended to drink some water immediately after the session. At this moment, a loss of water-salt balance occurs. One glass will be enough to restore it.

Precautionary measures

Basically, contraindications come down to problems with the skin. It is prohibited to perform dry massage if you have:

  • abrasions, cuts and bruises in the facial area;
  • dermatitis, dermatoses and inflamed acne;
  • warts, papillomas and large moles;
  • burnt facial skin;
  • thin and sensitive skin;
  • very closely spaced capillaries.

It is also forbidden to massage the breasts to avoid the appearance of tumors. Be sure to avoid the area where lymph nodes are concentrated in the neck.

Thus, brushing is a good alternative to exfoliation. In addition to cleansing the skin, it has an excellent lymphatic drainage effect, improving the distribution of lymph along the channels and removing toxins.

Daily exposure to the dermis using special tools helps improve turgor, eliminate wrinkles and swelling, and form a beautiful facial contour. If you want to look beautiful and attractive, do not forget to take at least a few minutes to take care of your appearance.

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