Vacuum facial cleansing and its features

July 27, 2021

Skin for humans is the largest organ that covers the entire body. Like all organs, it requires careful and careful handling.

Dreams of perfect skin in the 21st century remain just dreams, because now there are many different toxic emissions in the air. But there is a way that can make such a dream come true - vacuum facial cleansing. This is one of the most popular and safest ways to cleanse the face of excess sebum and get rid of dead cells.

What's happened

Vacuum peeling is a procedure that is offered by almost all beauty salons. Can be used not only on the face, but also on other parts of the body. The skin is treated using a special device, the nozzle of which contains diamond dust.

Diamond-vacuum peeling is a procedure for mechanical exfoliation of the top layer of skin using a device with a rotating nozzle coated with diamond.

The method is indicated for improving skin color and tone, eliminating unevenness, and correcting wrinkles.

Thanks to rapid rotation, dead cell structures are exfoliated. Given that dust is absorbed by the device during operation, this prevents it from re-entering the surface of the skin.

Diamond-vacuum peeling is effective for hyperpigmentation of various etiologies.
But before the procedure, it is necessary to identify the causes of pigment deposition on the skin. Among them may be pathologies of the adrenal glands, thyroid dysfunction, and so on.

Dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist

Zhikhoreva Inna Viktorovna

6 years experience

The size of the diamond dust will depend on which attachments are used. Thanks to the wide variety of their shapes and volumes, it is possible to cleanse the skin even in hard-to-reach places.

Ultrasonic cleaning

Among the hardware methods of skin cleansing, the most popular is ultrasonic facial cleansing, as it is completely painless, which is why it is in special demand.
It is not possible to carry out this procedure at home due to the impossibility of correctly performing all its stages and the expensive cost of the device. Only ultrasonic facial cleansing in a cosmetology clinic or, in extreme cases, a salon where professional cosmetologists work, can lead to the expected result and effect. Facial peeling, cleanse the skin of blackheads on the face, cleanse pores. Ultrasonic (hardware) facial cleansing practically does not cause any discomfort to the patient (client), the procedure is completely painless. In our cosmetology clinic, the Shestakov Cosmetology Clinic, ultrasonic facial skin cleansing is performed using modern equipment, special cosmetic compositions and precise implementation of the procedure protocol.

Ultrasonic cleaning


Vacuum facial peeling is very popular due to the fact that it has no age restrictions and is a painless method.

Peeling after facial cleansing

Smooth, delicate skin can be achieved at any age, but it requires proper care.

Among the most common indications for the use of this cosmetic manipulation are the following conditions:

  • enlarged pores ;
  • the presence of freckles and age spots;
  • decreased elasticity ;
  • visible signs aging ;
  • scars , scars, comedones;
  • ingrown hairs;
  • heterogeneity of the shade of the surface of the skin;
  • unevenness and lumpiness ;
  • increased fat content .

Vacuum facial peeling is recommended for use when there is a decrease in skin elasticity due to insufficient production of its own collagen.


Like any procedure, diamond grinding has its certain limitations. It is not recommended to use this cleaning method for conditions and diseases such as:

  • fresh scars and cicatrices;
  • large moles and other formations that protrude significantly above the surface of the epidermis;
  • oncopathology;
  • allergy;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • diabetes ; _
  • vascular networks ;
  • bronchial asthma ;
  • heart and vascular diseases
  • pacemakers.

Diamond cleaning can be carried out with extreme caution during pregnancy or while breastfeeding.

Execution steps

The procedure is performed in several steps.


First, the specialist must prepare the skin well for manipulation. To do this, the surface must be cleaned of cosmetics, dust, dirt and other contaminants. Next, the skin is steamed and treated with a moisturizer.

This is done to prepare the epidermis for external influences, which will allow you to get the maximum effect from peeling.


At this stage, the cleansing itself occurs directly. To do this, the cosmetologist uses a special device with attachments coated with diamond.

Thanks to the rotation of the nozzles around its axis, the skin is cleansed and dead cell structures are removed. Contaminants are eliminated even from small pores.

During the entire procedure, the specialist can change attachments based on the area being treated.


After finishing the work, a mask with moisturizing and nourishing properties is applied to the skin. As a rule, after cleansing, the permeability of the skin increases, which allows active components to better penetrate into them and increase the resulting effect.

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The entire cosmetic process takes no more than forty minutes.

Stages of ultrasonic facial skin cleansing

  • makeup remover (removing makeup if it is present)
  • preparation: cleansing the skin (washing) and steaming it - applying disincrustation under the film for 15-20 minutes;
  • applying a conductive gel, which is necessary as a conductor of ultrasonic waves to the deep layers of the skin;
  • exposure to the device (scrubber) for a maximum of 20 minutes;
  • applying a soothing mask according to skin type if necessary and moisturizing skin cream.

After manipulations performed under the influence of ultrasound, the skin of the face acquires density, is freed from noticeable impurities and gets rid of external defects: acne, sebaceous plugs, clogged pores and keratinization.

The effect of facial skin cleansing with ultrasound

  • stimulation of cells and their renewal;
  • normalization of blood circulation;
  • improvement of skin color;
  • strengthening intercellular connections;
  • stabilization of sebaceous gland production;
  • increasing skin firmness and elasticity.

An ultrasonic hydrating facial cleanser ideal for all ages, skin tones and skin types.

Our estheticians use ultrasonic waves and a moisturizing serum enriched with vitamin E to balance the skin.

You won't leave with red, irritated skin. You'll leave with fresher, clearer, more radiant skin.

For best skin care results, do every six weeks. Or every three to four weeks for more problematic skin, to eliminate certain skin imperfections.

Ultrasonic cleaning

Frequency and periodicity of the procedure

A full course of diamond peeling may require 3-10 visits to a cosmetologist. The frequency between sessions should be 14 days.

The specialist determines the number of procedures in each case individually, based on the characteristics of the skin and existing problems.

On average, if the goal is to remove blackheads, unevenness and tighten pores, then it is recommended to do 2-4 sessions.

Peeling in spring and summer

Facial peeling belongs to the category of aggressive procedures associated with some trauma to the epidermis.

When it is necessary to get rid of freckles and pigmentation, five to ten manipulations are prescribed.

It will take up to 12 sessions to eliminate stretch marks, scars and scars.

What you need to know about ultrasonic facial cleansing


  • cardio stimulant;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • oncological tumors;
  • pregnancy;
  • cardiovascular diseases;

Before and after the procedure, you should follow the rules recommended by the cosmetologist, otherwise the skin on your face may not achieve the desired effectiveness.

If you want to get rid of facial skin defects painlessly, then make an appointment. The Shestakov cosmetology clinic offers honest and affordable prices for ultrasonic facial cleansing and other procedures, so you don’t have to waste time looking for other salons. We are waiting for you!

Skin care after

In order not to provoke the appearance of side effects and to maintain the results obtained for as long as possible, you must adhere to several rules for further skin care.

The first days after diamond-vacuum cleansing, the skin should be well moisturized. To do this, you need to use the cosmetics recommended by a specialist.

For 10 days you need to avoid exposure to open sunlight. When going outside, it is better to apply sunscreen to the treated areas.

During the same period, it is advisable to refrain from visiting the sauna, bathhouse, swimming pool and solarium. This will prevent exposure of the epidermis to high temperatures, which can lead to persistent irritation and inflammation.

What peelings can be done in summer?

Peeling has long taken pride of place among skincare procedures.

In addition, cosmetologists advise refraining from sports and other physical activities that can cause increased sweating.

Alcohol-based lotions, tonics and scrubs are prohibited.

During the recovery period, it is not recommended to use decorative cosmetics, since its particles can penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis.

How does vacuum cleaning work?

There are a certain number of steps that require accuracy and consistency of actions in order to achieve the desired result.

• Preparation of the epidermis

At the very first stage of the procedure, the skin is prepared for vacuum cleaning: makeup, grease and dirt are washed off using cosmetics with an antiseptic effect. They are selected by a cosmetologist based on the patient’s skin type.

• Vaporization

In simple terms, vaporization is the process of steaming the face, which will soften the dead layer of the epidermis and expand the pores. This is done using steam (thermal method) or using steaming masks and lotions.

• Disincrustration

This stage is carried out only if absolutely necessary. For example, if the patient has very narrowed and dirty pores. Treatment of the skin with microcurrents will allow the pores to open as wide as possible, so that in the future, during vacuum cleaning, the patient does not experience painful sensations.

• Vacuum cleaning

Only after all the above steps does the cosmetologist begin to cleanse the face. The device that the specialist uses has several different attachments. They are divided into the following categories: for oily skin, for eliminating wrinkles, for massage and stimulating blood vessels. At this stage, the cosmetologist runs a drainage tube along the massage lines, which sucks out everything that contaminates the pores.

• Superficial peeling

Peeling after a vacuum is done in order to remove the stratum corneum of the skin. The peeling method is selected by the cosmetologist himself according to the patient’s skin type.

• Recovery

After the operation, a moisturizing mask should be applied, which will speed up the process of narrowing the pores and have a soothing effect on already cleansed skin.

The cosmetologist decides how often to carry out this procedure. Depending on the type of skin and how well the vacuum cleanses it.


Due to the fact that diamond cleansing is a gentle technique, the likelihood of complications is minimal.

If the cleaning technique is not followed or if the patient ignores all recommendations, redness and irritation of the skin may occur. To eliminate this consequence, you can use special serum and masks.

Microcracks can form if the nozzle is incorrectly selected.

The appearance of pigment spots is promoted by the patient's prolonged exposure to the sun.


A positive result will be noticeable after the first procedure. The skin becomes fresher and tighter, fine wrinkles, scars and other visible defects disappear, and the texture is evened out.

Intimate area peeling

Intimate peeling is a procedure for women that is performed to rejuvenate the skin of the bikini area.

However, it must be said that pigment spots after diamond-vacuum peeling are removed only for a certain period, due to the fact that the epidermis is renewed at a faster pace after cleaning. After a certain period of time, the process of pigmentation is noted again.

In general, if you take proper care of your skin after the procedure, the effect of firmness and freshness will last for a long time.

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