Safe “beauty injections” based on Dmae - the path to transformation

Dmae mesotherapy is a popular rejuvenation procedure with a high degree of safety. It is relevant both for women over 40 and for younger girls with problem skin. The principle is to introduce a special substance intradermally in order to eliminate many aesthetic defects.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

The word “mesotherapy” is translated from Greek as middle (meso-) treatment (therapy). The word median refers to the middle part of the skin membrane - mesoderm. The effect on the surface layer, the ectoderm, is limited to the basement membrane of the epidermal cells. The introduction of drugs into the endoderm, that is, subcutaneous tissue, causes a systemic reaction due to rapid absorption into the general bloodstream.

What it is

The use of dmae, or dimethylaminoethanol, is due to the fact that the substance is already present in the human body, due to which it is not rejected as a “foreign body”.

Goal: replenishment of acetylcholine reservoirs, which is responsible for the natural turgor and elasticity of the skin. It is impossible to avoid the loss of this element by soft tissues, so the only way out is injections.

The procedure promotes oxygen respiration of the epidermis, eliminates the product of oxidized lipids and cell proteins (lipofuscin). At the same time, blood microcirculation in the vessels accelerates.

As a result, the network of wrinkles disappears, the skin becomes elastic, and the hydrobalance is normalized due to the established production of sebum.

The substance also has strong antioxidant properties, and therefore controls the synthesis of free radicals. By strengthening the cell membrane, their ability to retain water molecules near themselves and self-cleanse from toxins is enhanced.

DMAE is used not only for mesotherapy. Initially, the product was produced in the form of dietary supplements, they were aimed at improving sleep and memory and providing a rejuvenating effect.

However, research has proven that the component is more active when used externally rather than when used internally.

Composition and manufacturer

DMAE (dimethylaminolethanol) is a natural substance found in human cells. Its natural source is also fish from the salmon family.

It has a positive effect on cell growth and stimulates the formation of new fibroblasts. Helps increase the amount of collagen and elastin.

In addition to DMAE itself, meso-cocktails used for mesotherapy contain vitamins, amino acids, minerals and peptides.

DMAE complex for mesotherapy has the following composition:

  • Folic acid.
  • DMAE (Dimethylaminoethanol bitartrate) 3%.
  • B vitamins: B9, B6, B12.
  • Vitamin C (ascorbic acid).

The main manufacturer of DMAE for mesotherapy is Mesoderm inc. The products produced by the manufacturer comply with GMP standards and have been certified in Russia. The development of drugs is carried out by advanced specialists in Spain and Europe.

Official website address:


Mesotherapy with DMAE has a number of advantages, including:

  • Possibility of carrying out the procedure from 18 years of age;
  • changes are visually noticeable after the first session;
  • short course (often no more than 5 approaches are enough);
  • long period of preservation of the result (up to 12 months);
  • safety of the process (specific and allergic reactions are observed extremely rarely due to the affinity of the material used with the human body);
  • short-term rehabilitation (the patient returns to his usual lifestyle almost immediately).

Like any cosmetic procedure, medications have disadvantages. The main disadvantage is the pain of the procedure.

Accidental intramuscular injection of the drug causes pain that does not go away until the drug is completely absorbed.

Answers on questions

Are there complications and why do they arise?

Yes, unwanted reactions after the procedure are possible. During mesotherapy, the integrity of the skin is compromised, which, as a rule, does not go away without a trace.

The most common complications of DMAE mesotherapy:

  • hematomas;
  • swelling;
  • soreness;
  • skin redness;
  • points at the puncture sites.

All these complications do not require treatment and go away on their own after a few days. If the recovery process is delayed, you should contact your cosmetologist to prescribe treatment.

The cause of undesirable reactions is most often insufficient qualifications of the specialist or non-compliance with the technique of administering the drugs. Unaccounted contraindications, for example, increased sensitivity to mesococktail, can also provoke unpleasant symptoms.

What is the price?

DMAE mesotherapy is much more expensive than classical injection procedures. The fundamental factor in this case is the price of the cocktail - the highest cost for 4-component preparations.

For example, SKINASIL for face and body DMAE Complex of 3 ingredients costs 6,200 rubles. for 5 ml, and the Anti-aging DMAE cocktail with argireline from Mesoderm can be bought for 4,100 rubles.

As you can see, prices for drugs vary greatly. How much will mesotherapy with DMAE cost? If we talk about average prices, then, depending on the region, you will have to pay 4,000–6,000 rubles for 1 session.

What factors influence the results of injections?

Speaking about the results, it should be borne in mind that injections with DMAE are somewhat different from classical mesotherapy. The procedure will have an effect in any case, but how long it will last depends on many factors.

Firstly, the quality of the cosmetologist’s work can be negatively affected by the patient’s fear of injections. In this case, the risk of unwanted reactions increases significantly.

Secondly, the technique of introducing the cocktail also affects the final effect. If injections are made with nappage, one of the mesotherapy techniques, you may not expect a long-lasting and lasting result. This technique is more suitable for young women without serious problems. A really good effect will only be achieved when working in the muscle layer. In addition, much depends on the drug administration regimen. Incorrectly chosen injection points can ruin the entire effect of the procedure.

Indications for use

The introduction of dmae-based remedies can solve the following problems:

  • undesirable consequences after Botox and other cosmetic procedures;
  • double chin;
  • pigmentation;
  • unhealthy skin tone;
  • bags under the eyes;
  • “panda effect” in the periorbital zone;
  • gravitational ptosis;
  • unclear facial contour;
  • acne/acne;
  • post-traumatic marks (atrophic scars/scars);
  • inflammatory processes;
  • striae;
  • stretch marks;
  • wrinkles of various origins on the face, neck and décolleté;
  • excessive dryness;
  • flabbiness;
  • decreased skin tone.


  1. DMAE mesotherapy is the introduction of injections of drugs based on dimethylaminoethanol. Vitamins and hyaluronic acid are used as additional components of cocktails.
  2. The procedure is aimed at skin rejuvenation, tightening and correction of facial contour. Suitable for working with the neck, décolleté and other parts of the body.
  3. The main manufacturers of cosmetics with DMAE are Mesoderm, Fusion Mesotherapy and Dermaheal.
  4. Injection mesotherapy should be performed only in beauty salons. Independent use of injections in the face for rejuvenation can lead to complications.
  5. To achieve results, 4 to 10 procedures are required at weekly intervals. Skin restoration occurs within 2-3 days after the session.


The leading manufacturer of cocktails based on dmae is currently the company Mesoderm (Spain), which also produces other products for mesotherapy and biorevitalization. All products comply with European standards.

Many cosmetologists prefer this company due to the use of high quality raw materials, constant monitoring and regular expansion of the range.

Mesoderm with vitamin C

It is a clear, odorless liquid. Has tightening properties. Elastin and vitamin C with high particle stability are included as additional components, due to which it is practically not subject to oxygen oxidation.

The drug helps increase the potential of fibroblasts, stimulates the production of its own collagen and elastin. Has an anti-inflammatory effect, prevents swelling. Can be combined with rollers. Can be used for hardware mesotherapy with the Dermapen device and iontophoresis.

Mesoderm Anti-Age

Among the special recommendations are flabbiness of the integument and obvious manifestations of gravitational ptosis. Can be used for sensitive skin.

The composition of the drug, in addition to dimethylaminoethanol, includes:

  • L-carnitine (3%) . Accelerates the metabolism of carbohydrates, helps improve cellular respiration, thereby accelerating regenerative processes.
  • Argireline (0.05% ) It is a peptide based on 6 amino acids. Prevents excessive production of acetylcholine, which provokes muscle contraction.
  • Hyaluronic acid (0.5%) . Normalizes hydrobalance, promotes neocollagenesis and elastin synthesis. It has an antioxidant effect due to the ability to neutralize free radicals.
  • Pyruvic acid (2%) . Actively participates in cellular respiration. It is a biological product of the metabolism of epidermal cells.

DMAE Q Complex

Cocktail for mesotherapy from the Bioformula brand (Italy). Available in 5 ml volume.

It is used both to eliminate age-related deformations and as preventive measures against their occurrence. Helps eliminate symptoms of “smoker's skin”.


  • DMAE;
  • sodium hyaluronate;
  • coenzyme Q10 (helps slow down the aging process, acts as an antioxidant);
  • glycolic acid (has comedolytic and anti-inflammatory effects, stimulates the activity of fibroblasts, and additionally eliminates signs of hyperkeratosis).


Ready-made mesotherapy cocktail from KOSMOTEROS MEDICAL. Contains dmae, hyaluronate, red grape extract, panthenol.

The optimal age for use is from 35 years. Recommended for relieving traces of stress due to hormonal imbalances and dehydration.


Concentrated product to combat age-related changes. Dmae is represented in a ratio of 3%. As an addition, the complex includes sodium hyaluronate and red grape bioflavonoid acid.

After the procedure, a lifting effect is noticeable. Suitable for any skin type.

Algomax Ultra-lifting Essentials DMAE 105

The product is considered an alternative to salon procedures: this anti-aging serum is intended for independent use at home.
It contains components of an endogenous nature - they are not only related to the human epidermis, but are also a complete copy of the compounds in the cells of the dermis.

It copes well with age-related deficiencies and helps regulate the lipid balance of the integument.

To achieve a noticeable effect, it is recommended to apply the drug to cleansed facial skin 1-2 times daily. Some cosmetologists advise combining the product with alginate masks from the same company.

Composition of cocktails for mesotherapy

Mesotherapy involves the introduction of one drug or a whole complex of useful substances under the skin. The following ingredients are widely used:

• hyaluronic acid, which stimulates the generation of collagen fibers and retains fluid. It is possible to administer both a single drug and complex injections;

• phospholipids, which are an integral component of membranes and increase the elasticity of skin cells;

• silicon and magnesium salts, which strengthen tissues and ensure their elasticity. They improve cell nutrition and improve skin tone;

• polylactic acid, which supports the natural process of neocollagen formation, which in turn stimulates collagen production.

Cocktails for mesotherapy can consist of vitamins of different groups, antioxidants, active enzymes, immunomodulators and even antibiotics. There are about 200 cocktail recipes, differing in different compositions and used in various cases, depending on the condition of the skin and cosmetic defects.

Carrying out the procedure

The rejuvenation procedure with dmae complexes is carried out according to a specific scheme.

  1. Skin preparation – removal of decorative cosmetics and any contaminants, treatment with an antiseptic.
  2. Applying an anesthetic cream to the area to be corrected.
  3. Injection of the drug into the skin. In most cases, cosmetologists prefer the papular technique. To correct the lower ⅔ of the face, eliminate sagging and raise eyebrows, intramuscular injections are performed. Sometimes a mesoscooter is used. At this stage, pain is acceptable, even despite the anesthetic used.
  4. Final treatment of the affected area for the purpose of disinfection and prevention of infection.

Course duration

In order for the results of mesotherapy to last for a long time, it is recommended to conduct 5-10 sessions. Frequency – once a week.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

The meaning of mesotherapy is the “targeted delivery” of medicines to specific problem areas. Intradermal administration of vitamins, nutrients and hyaluronic acid promotes the local action of drugs for a long time.

The number of procedures is determined by the cosmetologist individually, depending on the initial condition of the skin.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

Mesotherapy courses involve intradermal injections once a week. Depending on the effectiveness, the course ranges from six to twelve injections, followed by administration of the drug once a month.

Healing period

A long rehabilitation period after DMAE injections is not required.
For a quick recovery, it is enough to follow a number of recommendations:

  • It is forbidden to influence the corrected area in any way (scratching, touching, massaging); to eliminate unpleasant sensations, you can apply cold compresses or treat with a decoction of chamomile;
  • exposure to ultraviolet rays should be limited both in the solarium and in natural conditions (when going outside in the summer months, you must use sunscreen);
  • you cannot visit the sauna, gym, swimming pool;
  • you need to avoid eating salty foods and alcohol.

Features at different ages

The number of required sessions directly depends on the age category; their number increases due to the severity of skin defects.

At the first signs of aging, a few visits to a cosmetologist will be enough.

Individual characteristics, heredity and the degree of environmental aggressiveness also play an important role.

Types and techniques of mesotherapy

The use of one or another technique for administering a therapeutic cocktail depends on the type and severity of skin problems.

The manual (injection) technique involves manual injection of the product using a syringe and an ultra-thin needle. This procedure requires careful preparation and a responsible approach, because The effect will depend on the chosen technique and depth of injection. Methods for administering drugs are described in detail in the article “Mesotherapy for the body for cellulite.”

With the mechanical technique, the medication is administered using a gun (mesoinjector) with mesotherapy needles.

All mesotherapy methods differ in the methods of drug administration and indications for use; each has certain advantages and disadvantages. When choosing the appropriate option, the degree of pain is hardly worth taking into account; it is important to determine the desired effect of the procedure. The result directly depends on the client’s age, skin condition and certain characteristics of the body. The procedure should be carried out under the strict guidance of a professional cosmetologist interested in achieving the best result.

Side effects

Complications after invasive rejuvenation are rare.

Possible side effects include:

  • swelling;
  • hematomas;
  • pain on palpation;
  • inflammatory processes (itching, burning, redness);
  • spider veins;
  • bruising in the subcutaneous tissue;
  • soft tissue necrosis;
  • general deterioration of the client’s condition if chronic diseases are ignored.

In case of complications, you need to consult a specialist.


Even the most highly qualified cosmetologist has side effects after performing “Dmae” mesotherapy. This happens because the skin and muscles are quite injured during injections. The most common problems include swelling, bruising, spider veins, bruising and burning at the injection site, as well as redness. After some time, all this will pass. If you fall into the hands of an incompetent master, you can easily get a skin infection, skin necrosis and even inflammation. After injections, an allergic reaction is sometimes observed in the form of excessive swelling, rash and itching. In both cases, you should immediately consult a doctor and begin treatment.


Correction is prohibited in the following cases:

  • oncology;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • chronic diseases (it is permissible to carry out the procedure during remission at the discretion of the leading specialist);
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • infectious viral, respiratory diseases;
  • autoimmune pathologies;
  • elevated glucose levels;
  • epilepsy;
  • age under 18 years;
  • mental disorders.

History of mesotherapy

In general, Dmae is an excellent opportunity not only to tighten the skin, but also to moisturize it, giving it freshness and lightness. If we consider it as a medicine, then in medicine “Dmae” was used as a dietary supplement, which is consumed in food in order to improve memory, recover from injuries and regulate sleep.

In 1958, one experienced French doctor tried to inject an anti-aging drug under the skin of his patients. Why? Michel Pistor has long noticed that applying this biological additive to the face gives, albeit insignificant, results. When the medical association saw what happened to the skin after such procedures, mesotherapy gained worldwide recognition and began to be considered one of the most acceptable ways to prolong youth and get rid of cosmetic imperfections.

Precautionary measures

You should approach the choice of a clinic responsibly and strictly adhere to the recommendations of the leading cosmetologist.

The doctor may order tests and visits to related specialists to identify contraindications.

Also, during the period of preparation for exposure to drugs, it is necessary to reduce the level of physical activity as much as possible, do not drink alcohol, salty/fatty foods and smoke. Carrying out aggressive cosmetic procedures is also taboo.

Recovery after a session

Regardless of where you performed mesotherapy - at home or in the salon, after the session it is important to pay attention to precautions that will help avoid unwanted consequences:

  • Avoid washing and applying cosmetics for 4 hours;
  • For 6 hours, stop smoking and drinking alcohol, energy drinks, coffee;
  • For three days, avoid visiting the bathhouse, sauna, or swimming pool;
  • Stop taking blood thinning medications and avoid sunbathing.

It is important to follow the prescribed instructions after each mesotherapy session. This way you will increase the efficiency of absorption of nutrients and prevent complications.

Photos before and after


The cosmetics are of the highest quality. The manufacturer is doing everything to ensure that the recovery course after the drug "Dmae" is as short as possible. Nevertheless, cosmetologists recommend adhering to several basic rules:

  • Avoid direct sunlight on your face. It is better to avoid sunbathing and use protective creams.
  • Solarium, sauna and bathhouse are something that can cause harm and are strictly prohibited.
  • Burning and swelling should only be relieved with cold compresses. Some experts insist on using frozen chamomile decoction, which should be used to wipe the face.

  • Avoid taking anticoagulants.
  • As for cosmetics, you should strictly adhere to the cosmetologist’s recommendations and not use aggressive products (scrub, peeling, etc.).
  • After the procedure, it is strictly forbidden to massage or comb your face.
  • Hot baths are prohibited.
  • It is worth limiting sports and physical activity.

These rules are quite simple, but very important to apply. Not only beauty, but also human health in general depends on them.

Price for the procedure

In order to save money, some women buy medications on their own on various online platforms. But in such a situation, you can stumble upon a fake.

It is more advisable to go to a clinic, where a cosmetologist will select the optimal complex, taking into account all the characteristics and individual qualities.

The average cost of the procedure varies around 4-8 thousand rubles.

The final price depends on the rating of the medical center, the qualifications of the doctor, the correction area and the drug used.

Mesococktails for problem skin

Mesococktails for problem skinPrice
Mesococktail “Ambulance”2500rub
Mesococktail “Clean Skin”3500rub


As you can see, the cost of one procedure in our clinic starts from 1,500 rubles. That is, the same amount as you would spend on some unnecessary trinket. Think about what is more important to you - another lipstick (scarf, mascara) or health, youth and beauty of your skin?

Want to save money? Order a full course of procedures and receive an additional 10% discount!

By the way, mesotherapy can be done on absolutely any part of the body to get a lifting effect or reduce cellulite! For example, on the stomach or buttocks. Many women use this procedure to lose weight, and, I must say, very successfully! Here, if you are interested, take a look.

Reviews from cosmetologists

Doctors often express opinions regarding facial mesotherapy using DMAE.

So, for example, in this commentary, the cosmetologist talks about the pain of the procedure and its relationship with the achieved result:

The specialist writes about the advantages of invasion over using rollers:

The doctor shares his knowledge after the seminar regarding injections in the periorbital zone:

Dialogue between two forum participants about side effects and the ultimately achieved effect:

Composition of DMAE meso cocktail

The drug DMAE for mesotherapy is considered absolutely safe and hypoallergenic, therefore it is used even on particularly sensitive areas of the face - around the eyelids and above the lip.

The classic composition of the drug includes only three components: Dimethylaminoethanol, Hyaluronic acid, Organic silicon. However, mesococktail may also contain other useful components:

  • Vitamins;
  • Minerals;
  • Oils;
  • Animal and plant extracts;
  • Phospholipids.

There should not be any aggressive or toxic components in the product, since they can not only cause a serious reaction from the body, but will also be ineffective in combating any dermatological problems.

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