Just a second: why do stars love picosecond lasers and is it true that they can remove tattoos without pain?

Price ₽: 8,000,000

Registration certificate: yes

Number of sessions: 1-5

Interval between them (days): 14

The Cynosure PicoSure picosecond laser appeared in Russia in 2016 and is not yet widespread due to its high cost. According to information from the manufacturer’s website, at the beginning of October 2022, only 12 devices were sold. Clinics that have managed to acquire this “space” laser offer their clients a fundamentally new type of laser rejuvenation - as effective as resurfacing, but without pain and rehabilitation period.

Laser typeAlexandrite picosecond
Wavelength, nm755; 532 and 1064 - optional
Pulse energy, mJ165-200
Working spot size, mm6; 8; 10. Transforming window - from 2 to 6.
Laser resource, million flashes
Cooling system
Manufacturer countryUSA

Pros and cons of the device

Picosecond devices are fundamentally different from other cosmetic lasers because they operate photomechanically rather than photothermally. The light beam creates a high-power sound wave inside the cell. It breaks the target chromophores into tiny dust, which is easily removed from the body naturally. Initially, picosecond lasers were created to remove tattoos and other pigmentation, but in clinical studies their anti-aging effect became noticeable.

The acoustic wave of the laser forms small vacuum bubbles - lyobs. They exert internal pressure on the cell membrane and trigger the “Structure is broken” cytokine reaction. Tissues receive a signal about damage and respond to it by launching regeneration processes. Fibroblasts intensively produce new collagen and elastin, which remove signs of skin aging.

The effect of any hardware rejuvenation is based on tissue microtrauma. The fundamental difference between picosecond lasers is that no real damage to the cellular structure occurs. In trillionths of a second (their range of action), the cell only receives a signal of danger, but does not have time to receive damage. The laser “deceives” the body and starts the regeneration process without actual injury.


The “cold” rejuvenation effect is possible thanks to the regulation of the 755 nm pulse in the picosecond range.

PicoSure gives the same result as ablative laser resurfacing, but due to the lack of traumatic effect, it does not require anesthesia and a recovery period. Light redness of the skin after the procedure disappears within 3-5 hours.


  • does not injure tissue, so there is no rehabilitation period;
  • solves problems of age-related skin aging, pigmentation, acne and post-acne;
  • gives a noticeable effect after the first procedure;
  • the result lasts for several years;
  • safety of exposure has been confirmed by the FDA and Roszdravnadzor.


  • There is only one downside to the device - the price is a little less than ten million rubles. Few clients can afford a picosecond laser procedure that costs RUB 23,000 or more.

The most popular picosecond laser procedures

Photo: Pasikhat Magomedova

Eye area rejuvenation procedure

Wrinkles and “dark circles” visually make a face older than passport age. Thanks to exposure to light, after the first procedure with Picostar, the eyes “open” and dark circles noticeably fade.

Getting rid of a bad tattoo

Many patients are concerned about the consequences of tattooing - greenish, gray and even extra eyebrows (one pair of their own, the other, “drawn” on top). Previously, dealing with such serious aesthetic defects was painful and even dangerous (inflammations, scars, “scabs” and even thinning of the eyebrows remained). Picostar allows you to neutralize unwanted pigment in 1-4 procedures without anesthesia and burns.

Instructions for use

Anesthetics are not used, since the hardware treatment is painless. The result is noticeable immediately, but is most pronounced after 10 days. Experts advise scheduling the procedure two weeks before the patient’s important meetings and events.

PicoSure is safe and approved for use in pediatric scar removal. In this category of patients, the device is set to PicoLight mode, with a reduced intensity of exposure. Less power is also used during the familiarization procedure and in combination with other hardware techniques.

The picosecond laser does not depend on insolation and is used for procedures in any season. The session lasts from 10 to 20 minutes, depending on the affected area.

Cost of pigment spot removal with Picosure laser

The cost of the pigment spot removal procedure is calculated based on the area of ​​the treated area. If it is 1 spot or several small ones grouped in one place, the price will be lower than if the entire face is affected by pigmentation.

To treat an area the size of a matchbox, the average cost will be 6,500 rubles. Procedures for a separate area of ​​the face (forehead, cheeks, eyes) will cost from 9,000 to 25,000 rubles. Treatment of the entire face will cost from 40,000 rubles. The price range for laser work on the neck starts from 24,000 rubles, and the décolleté area will cost approximately 35,000 rubles.

If desired, other problem areas can be treated. The arms will cost 24,000 rubles, the entire back will cost 92,000 rubles.

On the official website of the Pikoshur representative, you can view a list of salons and clinics that work with original laser systems and check the prices.

Reviews from clients and craftsmen

Jeremy Brauer, laser cosmetology expert, director of clinical research, Laser & Skin Surgery Center of New York



The ability to control a 755 nm laser in the ultra-short, picosecond range was a technological breakthrough. Previously, we traumatized tissues with light to trigger the synthesis of collagen and elastin, but now we “deceive” the cells. The laser beam seems to communicate to them; “Everything is bad, we need to recover!”, and the skin begins to intensively renew itself. Comparing PicoSure with other cosmetic lasers is incorrect - it’s like comparing a Mercedes and five Opels. Many people want to drive a Mercedes, but can only afford an Opel.

Bruce Katz, MD, Director, Juva Skin and Laser Center, New York



PicoSure has made a lot of noise in the world of cosmetology. It emits ultrashort pulses that last trillionths of a second. It essentially does the same thing as regular lasers, but cleaner, more effective, and with fewer side effects. This is a real breakthrough in tattoo removal and rejuvenation.

Sin Simon, Doctor - Plastic Surgeon, Florida



Before PicoSure, my practice was limited to surgery. With the purchase of this laser I gained new clients which increased my revenue in a short period of time. Without exaggeration, I can say that PicoSure has given me a significant advantage over my competitors.

Alexander, client, Moscow



Two years ago I did a multicolor tattoo on my leg, but didn't finish it. I decided to get rid of her at the clinic. The procedure was quick, painless, and without anesthesia. I'm impressed that all the colors were removed in one session.

Factors influencing the effectiveness of tattoo removal:

  • The ink used to make the tattoo or make-up is very difficult to remove; the so-called “burnt” and pigments that are made on the basis of metal oxides. Most modern tattoo inks are easily removed. Tattoo ink and tattoos made with regular ink are best removed.
  • Drawings that were applied to the skin decades ago are easier to remove than modern ones applied in recent years.
  • The depth to which the paint was driven in. The laser beam affects only the upper part of the pigment. Only after removing the top, rather thin layer of paint, can the beam affect the “next layer”. The deeper and more paint was driven in, the more procedures will be needed to remove it.
  • The color of the ink has a huge impact on the effectiveness of tattoo removal. The darker the paint, the easier it is to remove. Therefore, black tattoos are most preferable for laser removal. The lighter the paint, the more difficult it is to remove. Paint that is close in color to flesh-colored, beige, green and yellow is almost impossible to remove with a laser.
  • Patient's skin color. If the skin is dark, then part of the beam energy is absorbed by the dark pigment of the skin, which makes the procedure less effective.
  • The easiest way to remove tattoos is in the chest area, on the arms and legs, and buttocks, and on white skin they disappear the fastest.
  • On the fingers, as well as in other places where the amount of fatty tissue is minimal, laser tattoo removal takes longer. Scarring in the tattoo area (a consequence of getting a tattoo or previous laser removal) slows down the removal of pigment, and sometimes makes it almost impossible
  • Modern complex designs require lengthy removal. The reason for this is the intricacy of the design and the durability of the ink.

After complete removal of the black pigment, brown pigmentation remains, which resolves over a long period of time (about 12 months), in persons with a tendency to hyperpigmentation it takes longer.


Laser therapy is completely prohibited for diseases:

  • epilepsy;
  • disruption of the regeneration process;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • malignant neoplasms of the skin.

Relative contraindications are:

  • pregnancy, lactation, menstrual syndrome;
  • taking anticoagulants, antibiotics, drugs that increase sensitivity to light;
  • wounds, inflammation and fresh tan in the affected area;
  • acute infectious diseases.

Skin care after tattoo removal

After the procedure, swelling and redness form in the area of ​​laser exposure, which disappear after 2-3 days; small crusts may form, which disappear within 7-10 days.

  • Actively moisturize. For 5-6 days we use special gels and creams (Panthenol spray, Bepanten+, Solcoseryl,).
  • For 7-10 days after laser exposure to the skin, visits to baths and saunas, gyms, massage rooms, and swimming pools should be avoided. It is also not recommended to swim in open waters
  • We actively protect. To avoid hyperpigmentation (darkening of areas treated with laser), it is necessary to protect the skin from direct sunlight for 1.5 months. For this purpose, we use creams with the maximum degree of protection. Another tip: the best time to remove drawings with a laser is the cold season.
  • We drink a lot of water. At least 8-10 glasses a day to speed up the process of removing the coloring pigment through the lymph.

In order not to deprive yourself of the pleasures of the summer season, our advice is that the best time to remove a tattoo is the cold season.


The device acts as a multifunctional pulsed ND:YAG economy segment. Used to remove tattoos, make-up and carbon-based peeling.

Even the most problematic, deep and old tattoos can be affected by this neodymium laser. The result is ensured due to the increased radiation density.

Advantages of a laser device:

  • Strength
  • Good payback
  • Good pulse energy performance
  • Fine adjustment of output energy
  • Result guarantee

The large volume of the radiator, as well as the speed of cooling, allows it to function without interruption for six hours.


In last place in our rating is the neodymium laser device RL-02, which belongs to class D. The wavelength can be different - 1064/532/1320 nanometers. The power of the laser system is 800 watts. The device is highly effective; the client does not experience any discomfort during the treatment. The laser device affects only the pigment, without affecting other tissues. As a result, the device prevents the occurrence of burns.

The lamp operates without interruption for a long time. Static activity is ensured by a high-quality handpiece. The device is designed for transportation, so the technician can work from home. Despite the fact that a laser device is quite cheap, its purchase will be a profitable investment, since the device will quickly pay for itself. Cost from 80 thousand rubles.


In a similar case you can find a lot of devices under other names and markings. As a rule, they are all produced in little-known factories in Guangzhou, China.

Together with the device itself, the kit includes:

  1. Laser key
  2. Pedal
  3. Case with glasses for master and client
  4. Cord
  5. Funnel for pouring liquid
  6. Nano gel with carbon
  7. Device for regulating wave length (three pieces)
  8. Settings Menu (English)
  9. Documents confirming quality

ScinOneUltra II

The device acts as a multifunctional pulsed ND:YAG premium segment. Used to remove tattoos, make-up and carbon-based peeling.

Even the most problematic, deep and old tattoos can be affected by this neodymium laser. The result is ensured due to the increased radiation density. Advantages of the laser device:

  • Strength
  • Good payback
  • Good pulse energy performance
  • Fine adjustment of output energy
  • Result guarantee

The large volume of the radiator, as well as the speed of cooling, allows it to function without interruption for six hours.

For your information.

Recently, a new version of this laser, ScinOne Ultra X, has appeared, more compact, but also more expensive, starting from 300,000 rubles.

Characteristics table

Laser typeAlexandrite picosecond
Wavelength, nm755;
532 and 1064 - optional
Pulse energy, mJ165-200
Working spot size, mm6; 8; 10. Transforming window - from 2 to 6.
Laser resource, million flashes6
Cooling systemWater, with distilled water
Manufacturer countryUSA

Lasertech H101

In fifth place is the Lasertech H101 neodymium laser device. The manufacturer offers a two-year warranty. Most salons purchase this particular device because it can pay for itself in the shortest possible time. The cost of the device is approximately 150-160,000 rubles.

The device is intended for transportation and weighs 18 kilograms. There are built-in safety sensors that can monitor water flow, temperature and electrical fuse.

Lasertech H101 has increased durability characteristics since the body is made of polyvinyl chloride. The device features a color touch screen in Russian. The cooling system has water and air cooling, with which the equipment can be in an active state for about 12 hours. The device's handpiece has a flash counter.

For what purposes is this laser used:

  • Removes tattoos without causing pain. The rehabilitation period is minimal, there are no side effects
  • Eliminates permanent hair without affecting other tissues
  • Polishes scars
  • Eliminates spider veins, restores problematic capillaries
  • Eliminates existing stretch marks, increases collagen production
  • Performs carbon peeling


The laser was produced in one of the factories in Guangzhou, so the quality is not very high. And the price is too high for this class of equipment.


This device for removing tattoos is very popular among cosmetology elephants, as it has a high level of efficiency. The device is able to eliminate colored tattoos, the paint of which has penetrated deep under the epidermis. The laser can remove decorative tattoos, birthmarks, age spots, and freckles.

The device offers the function of carbon skin rejuvenation, resulting in a visible transformation. To carry out this procedure, a special attachment is used that tightens pores, tightens and whitens the skin, and also reduces the number of wrinkles. The device can operate at a minimum voltage of 220 Volts. Country of origin: China. The factory provides a warranty period of one year. The wavelength of the LF-657 laser reaches a maximum of 1064 nanometers, which allows you to remove tattoos even from the deepest layers of the skin. The power of the device is 800 watts. The length of the wave action is adjustable. The weight of the device reaches 30 kilograms, so it can be transported with some effort. The price of the device is 120,000 rubles.

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