Laser micro-perforation. Effective rejuvenation without pain and complications.

Micropunctures on the skin are the key to its restoration and rejuvenation. What is the essence of the laser nanoperforation procedure?

Natalya Soboleva

Cosmetologist-dermatologist, conducts initial consultation and gives recommendations for further treatment

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Laser nanoperforation (fractional photothermolysis) is a modern rejuvenation method that involves exposing the skin to a dosed beam of laser energy, producing many micropunctures.

The laser holes are so small that they are invisible to the eye. However, it is precisely this degree of microtrauma of the skin that provokes powerful regenerative processes and rejuvenates.

The advantage of this method is the ability to regulate the intensity of the hardware rays and the depth of their penetration, which allows the use of nanoperforation to rejuvenate all areas of the face, even the area around the eyes.

Indications for laser nanoperforation of facial skin are:

  • small expression wrinkles;
  • deep age-related wrinkles and folds;
  • enlarged facial skin pores;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • acne marks, scars and scars;
  • deformation of the oval of the face;
  • decreased tone and sagging skin;
  • deterioration of facial skin turgor.

What is laser perforation

The word “perforation” comes from the Greek root “to pierce.” It’s easy to guess that laser perforation is the effect of a laser beam that allows you to create many tiny holes in the skin, hundreds of times thinner than a human hair.

During one pulse, the fractional laser beam makes approximately 169 micro-holes on the skin, and during treatment of the entire face their number increases to a million!

What are these micro-holes for? The fact is that laser pulses remove problem areas of the skin (scars, wrinkles, pigmentation) and stimulate the formation of elastin and collagen in the body. Elastin and collagen are found in young skin. And the more of these fibers the body produces, the better our skin looks (and feels)!

These tiny holes in the skin make the procedure much safer than traditional lasers. That's why:

  • fractional thermolysis has minimal contraindications;
  • recovery time after the procedure is only a few days;
  • minimal trauma makes it possible to influence the most sensitive areas - such as the area around the eyes, neck, arms, and décolleté.

About the procedure

Laser nanoperforation
is a modern cosmetology technique aimed at skin rejuvenation and correction of aesthetic defects.

What distinguishes nanoperforation from other methods of skin rejuvenation, including laser ones, is the softness of the effect, during which skin cells do not receive thermal damage. This allows you to carry out rejuvenation procedures on any part of the body, face, as well as in areas with particularly delicate skin: eyelids, neck, décolleté.

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What effect does skin perforation have?

Feedback from our clients is strikingly unanimous: laser skin perforation really works wonders. This is confirmed by numerous photos before and after the procedure. But no miracles happen - the entire effect is created by the efforts of the body itself.

Elastin and collagen, which are produced after laser micro-dotting, tighten and smooth the skin, making it denser, firmer, smoother and more youthful. Wrinkles, even deep ones, disappear, the color and texture of the skin improves.

Fractional resurfacing is effective against stretch marks, and micro-dotting of scars allows you to almost completely even out the skin texture. If laser alone is not enough, fractional thermolysis is perfectly combined with skin biorevitalization, mesotherapy, plasma therapy, and collagen injections.

Perforation is very good for removing spider veins and narrowing enlarged pores, treating post-acne, eliminating all age-related changes - in short, this technique is effective for any skin imperfections, alone or in combination with other non-surgical methods.

Laser facial resurfacing

Laser facial resurfacing in Nizhny Novgorod involves a deep impact on the epidermis. In this case, the laser beam penetrates to a depth of up to 3 mm, which makes it possible to correct almost any defect, including scars and acne marks, as well as age wrinkles. Minor scar changes and post-acne are simply “erased”, the skin is literally smoothed out. Pigment spots also disappear.

Laser treatment of the face will take from 30 to 50 minutes. You can perform laser resurfacing of individual parts - for example, the eyelids or nose, cheeks or forehead.

Laser nanoperforation: contraindications

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • chronic diseases: hepatitis, diabetes;
  • bleeding disorders and taking appropriate medications.

So, nanoperforation is a softer version of laser resurfacing that does not require a long rehabilitation period. A one-time procedure is suitable for eliminating not too pronounced skin defects and for intensive rejuvenation of the skin. If we are talking about significant skin unevenness, a course of 4-5 (or more) procedures is required to achieve results.

In what cases is the procedure required?

It is recommended to take a course of laser nanoperforation to solve such skin problems as:

  • hyperpigmentation;
  • uneven or unhealthy complexion;
  • low turgor or uneven skin surface;
  • acne scars;
  • scarring;
  • wrinkles of varying degrees of depth.

Laser nanoperforation can be started after 25 years, if there are certain skin problems (acne marks, scars, stretch marks). To prevent premature aging, the procedure is recommended for women aged 35-40 years once every five years. Thanks to such precautions, you can ensure yourself a beautiful appearance even at a more mature age. And, of course, you cannot do without nanoperforation at the age of 50, when the ability of cells to self-heal is significantly reduced - at this age the effect of the procedure will be more noticeable.

Recovery period and possible consequences

It will take 10-15 days for complete regeneration of the skin

Since after nanoperforation the skin is in an inflamed state, it is imperative to use creams with a soothing and at the same time enhancing regeneration effect. Most often, experts recommend Sicalfat, Bepanten and other creams, which can be purchased at any pharmacy without a prescription.

Before going outside, you must use sunscreen with a high SPF factor (at least 50), even if the weather is cloudy. The skin after the procedure is very sensitive, and any, even minor exposure to ultraviolet radiation can lead to increased pigmentation.

The exfoliation process, which is a natural reaction of the skin, should never be accelerated or peeled off on its own. Otherwise, small scars may remain. Sometimes redness of the skin may be accompanied by slight swelling, which disappears a few hours after the procedure.

It will take 10-15 days for complete regeneration of the skin, and only after this period will it be possible to admire renewed, fresh and beautiful skin. During this time, it is not recommended to use any facial cosmetics, including decorative ones, or conventional creams, except sunscreen.

If 3-4 nanoperforation procedures were needed, then the interval between them should be at least several weeks. The final result can be judged three months after the procedure. To maintain the skin in good condition, it is enough to carry out laser nanoperforation once a year.

Cost of laser resurfacing using CO2 Cosmopuls II (Korea):

Fractional treatment of stretch marks, scars, post-acne

6015Fractional treatment of post-acne 1 sq. cm 500
6016Fractional cheek resurfacing7000
6017Fractional forehead resurfacing6000
6018Fractional nose resurfacing5000
6019Fractional resurfacing of stretch marks (10x10
6020Fractional resurfacing of stretch marks (10x20
6021Fractional resurfacing of the scar 1cm1000
6022Fractional resurfacing of scar 2-5cm2000
6023Fractional resurfacing of scar 5-10cm3500
6024Fractional resurfacing of scars larger than 10cm4500


Hardware rejuvenation techniques

There are many techniques to rejuvenate your skin. In most cases, clients resort to these procedures to make the skin of the eyelids, neck, and face more fresh and youthful. If you study all the methods of hardware cosmetology, they are divided into two main groups:

  • ablative. Here the integrity of the skin is compromised;
  • non-ablative. The skin remains intact during the procedure.

Methods that belong to the second group are considered more gentle. But sometimes more effectiveness can be achieved only with the help of ablative methods of hardware cosmetology. To understand which method is suitable for a particular patient, you need to consult a specialist.

Laser body resurfacing

Laser body resurfacing in Nizhny Novgorod launches the processes of natural regeneration of the dermis. Before performing the procedure, the doctor assesses the required amount of intervention. For example, “fresh” red stretch marks will go away faster than an old white scar.

Laser body resurfacing can cope with the following tasks:

  • you need to “erase” a scar or scar;
  • you need to remove pigmentation and sagging skin;
  • Excessive oiliness or signs of photoaging need to be eliminated;
  • it is necessary to smooth out the postoperative scar or suture marks after injury;
  • it is necessary to eliminate superficial skin defects after healing of burns;
  • I want to remove stretch marks (for example, after losing weight or giving birth).

If necessary, a local anesthetic is used. The dermis is polished layer by layer. The result is noticeable after the first procedure.

How much does nanoperforation cost - the price of the procedure

At the moment, the most expensive places to do nanoperforation are Moscow and St. Petersburg. The capital's price level is shown in the table. In the regions of Russia, the same procedure can be done 30% cheaper.

Nanoperforation, processing zone Nanoperforation, price
Whole face 25,000 - 30,000 rubles
Cheeks 10,000 - 12,000 rubles
Eyelids 10,000 - 12,000 rubles
Forehead 10,000 - 12,000 rubles
Individual defect (for example, a scar with an area of ​​up to 3 cm2) 2,500 – 3,500 rubles
Body (for an area of ​​about 20 cm2) 5,000 – 7,000 rubles
Full face + body treatment 70,000 – 100,000 rubles


Fast skin recovery

. Due to the fact that the deep layers of the epidermis are not affected during the procedure, you can return to your normal lifestyle within 3-4 hours.

Speed ​​of the procedure

. Laser facial rejuvenation takes no more than 60 minutes.

Long lasting effect

. After the procedure, the aging process slows down somewhat. This allows you to maintain the resulting effect for several years.

Wide range of indications

. During this procedure, you can adjust the depth of laser exposure, eliminating various skin defects.


Anastasia, 26 years old:

“Nanoperforation has become the final stage in the fight against acne. I started having this problem when I was 13 years old. Many methods were tried, which yielded results. Now all I had to do was get rid of the acne marks.

The procedure is unpleasant, but tolerable. At first you feel warmth on your face, but in the end it starts to burn. But everything goes away within 15 minutes.

On the second day, crusts began to form, and a week later they had already passed and underneath there was pink, renewed skin. Of course, the scars have not completely disappeared, but the result is noticeable. I will continue the course."

Mila, 35 years old:

“Nanoperforation was recommended to me by my cosmetologist as an effective procedure for wrinkles around the eyes. I didn’t have any serious problems, but I didn’t wait for them and decided to get rid of the ones I currently have.

It was very painful during the procedure, as it was for several hours afterwards. There was a strong burning sensation. Over time, it passed, around the fifth day crusts appeared, after another 5 days they disappeared.

Unfortunately, the result disappointed me. The skin became thinner and more wrinkles appeared on it. Now we have to solve this problem in other ways.”

Nanoperforation and doctors’ reviews: proper rehabilitation is important

During rehabilitation, you should strictly adhere to the doctor’s recommendations: disinfect the skin and apply a special cream. Your doctor may also prescribe an anti-inflammatory medication. You need to remember not to injure the skin - do not try to remove the scales (they should come off on their own), do not touch the skin in the treated area again, avoid exposure to the sun (visiting a solarium is also prohibited), try to limit the use, or better yet, do without decorative cosmetics altogether . Correct behavior during the rehabilitation period is extremely important to preserve the beauty of delicate and sensitive young skin . The skin renewal process lasts up to two weeks, and the effect lasts about five years.

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