Facial rejuvenation (facelift)

The face is the first thing that attracts a person. The people we see on the street, with whom we have to communicate during work, holidays, business or personal meetings, pay attention, first of all, to their face . Therefore, it is very important that the body part in question

she was well-groomed, beautiful, young. A pleasant face is a guarantee of goodwill towards us, a guarantee of self-confidence and a sign that we take care of our appearance.

Unfortunately, over time, even the most pleasant face loses its advantages. Age-related skin changes are an inevitable process. Factors such as bad habits, somatic diseases, negative emotions and poor ecology further aggravate the situation. As a result, nasolabial folds and wrinkles appear, infraorbital furrows form, and the tissues of the eyebrows, eyelids and cheeks begin to sag.

With age, the neck area usually changes for the worse. The skin here becomes sagging, horizontal wrinkles can be immediately detected on its surface, and the cervical-mental angle disappears. For 40-50 years old, such changes are typical. In certain cases, people 30-35 years old may also be exposed to it. The situation can only be saved by turning to a procedure such as facelift , aimed at eliminating the resulting folds and wrinkles.

What is a facelift?

Facelift or facelift is a widespread plastic surgery, the purpose of which is to smooth out wrinkles, formed nasolabial folds and other changes by lifting nearby muscles, redistributing the skin and eliminating its excess volume. Today, facelift is rightfully recognized as the most reliable and effective method of surgical rejuvenation.

A particular advantage of a facelift is the effect it provides. A circular face and neck lift allows you to look 5-8 years younger, and this result lasts for a long time. If necessary, you can perform the operation again to reduce your age by another 5-7 years.

What is rhytidectomy?

The essence of the procedure is the surgical excision of excess skin that hangs in the chin and neck area.
With this operation, the tissues seem to be stretched, which makes the oval of the face clearly defined, and the skin more elastic, even and smooth. There are several options for performing such plastic surgery, each of which is performed in accordance with the indications and type of defects. Specialists at the SPIC Center for Plastic Surgery and Medical Cosmetology will select the ideal rhytidectomy method, taking into account the individual characteristics of your skin.

Postoperative period

Complications after surgery are very rare, or extremely mild and go away on their own. However, even if the required facelift result is achieved, the patient is strongly recommended to lead a certain lifestyle, which will have a number of restrictions, namely:

  • You will have to spend 2-3 days in the hospital;
  • You will need to wear a special compression mask for 7 days;
  • it will be necessary to remove the sutures within 7-10 days;
  • after 7 days you can wash your hair and only after 30 days you can dye your hair;
  • decorative cosmetics can be used after 7 days;
  • after 10-14 days you will be able to return to work;
  • visiting a solarium, sauna, facial massage is possible after 30 days after surgery;
  • Sports activities are allowed after 1.5 months.

Advantages and disadvantages of the method

The main advantages of a circular facelift are:

  • long-term results that last for 10–15 years or more (subject to medical recommendations);
  • pronounced effect, especially in comparison with non-surgical correction methods;
  • improving the general condition of tissues on the entire face at the same time;
  • increasing skin firmness and elasticity;
  • instant elimination of wrinkles, creases and other aesthetic defects.

The disadvantages include:

  • a long rehabilitation period requiring lifestyle and nutrition adjustments;


Immediately after rhytidectomy is completed, the patient remains under medical supervision in the clinic. He is placed in a comfortable room and prescribed a course of medications as needed. After a day, if there are no negative reactions, you can go home.

In general, rehabilitation after surgical facelift takes about 3 months. In the first weeks, hematomas and swelling form on the face, which gradually resolve without leaving any traces. On average, this takes from 3 to 5 weeks.

During this period, it is strictly not recommended to smoke, drink alcohol and energy drinks, or engage in sports or other vigorous physical activity. It is highly advisable to refrain from sexual activity, going to the bathhouse or sauna, or taking an excessively hot bath or shower. Before discharge, the doctor will give detailed recommendations for personal care, which should be followed strictly.

Advantages of a facelift at the SPIK clinic

Our main advantage is our focus on safe and at the same time maximum results. Doctors at the Center for Plastic Surgery and Medical Cosmetology, based on the scientific base and objective examination data, select only the most effective methods for the patient, while simultaneously paying great attention to the prevention of risks and complications.

Sign up for an in-person consultation to learn more about the possibilities of plastic surgery, anti-aging techniques and ways to properly care for your skin at any age. Our specialists will tell you in detail about the procedures, advise on the cost and help you choose the optimal rejuvenation complex.

The most effective facelift procedures

There are many techniques used to perform a facelift:

  • Radiesse
  • RF needle lifting
  • Laser resurfacing
  • Thermolifting
  • Temporal thread lifting
  • Correction with liquid threads
  • Massage
  • SMAS lifting

The Idealist Clinic uses only proven technologies with proven effectiveness and safety. It is better to choose the method by which a non-surgical facelift will be performed with an experienced cosmetologist who will first assess the condition of your skin. Sign up for a consultation on anti-age therapy and aging prevention by calling the number, the consultation will be free for you.


Radiesse is a specific dermal filler that is used for non-surgical face lifting and provides long-term results. The drug replenishes lost volume on the face and stimulates the production of its own collagen. The procedure lasts from 30 to 60 minutes and does not cause discomfort to the client. A distinctive feature of this technique is that the drug does not cause swelling, since it does not contain hyaluronic acid.

Principles of the drug:

  • instant smoothing of wrinkles due to volume replenishment
  • stimulating the production of your own collagen, leaving the skin smooth
  • the formation of a new dermal matrix, which is supported by the drug, due to which the effect lasts for 1-2 years

The Idealista clinic will help determine whether this procedure is suitable for the client. Cosmetologists will select the optimal method only after carefully studying the structure of the skin.

RF needle lifting

Needle radiofrequency fractional lifting is a technique using radio frequencies that penetrate the skin and have a stimulating effect on collagen. By heating the deep layers of the skin, metabolism improves and fibroblasts are activated to produce collagen. The technique does not give an immediate visible effect, but helps to obtain a lasting result using the body’s own strength.

Positive changes:

  • improvement of skin tone
  • restoration of elasticity
  • smoothing skin texture
  • wrinkle smoothing

In Idealist cosmetology, the micro-needle RF lifting procedure is carried out using the Scarlet S device. This is one of the three top devices in the micro-needle RF lifting technique, which allows you to accurately predict the depth of penetration and achieve an ideal result.

Laser resurfacing

Laser resurfacing is a procedure using a fractional erbium laser that allows you to renew the upper layers of the skin and stimulate the production of your own collagen.

Effects of the technique:

  • facial contour restoration
  • improving skin elasticity and tone
  • wrinkle correction
  • elimination of sagging in the area of ​​the upper and lower eyelids
  • restoration of skin relief
  • smoothness improvement

Thanks to the use of a premium Palomar erbium laser made in the USA and highly qualified cosmetologists, the procedure is painless and safe and does not have a long rehabilitation period.

Temporal thread lifting

A facelift with special threads is an effective procedure for improving facial contours. For this, safe, hypoallergenic materials are used, which not only support the facial frame, but also trigger the processes of producing your own collagen.

Only a doctor can determine the need for such a procedure. Therefore, sign up for a consultation at Idealista so that experienced cosmetologists can choose the optimal facelift method for you.

Infrared thermolifting

The essence of infrared thermolifting (IR lifting) is similar to radio frequency. The effect is achieved by heating the deep layers of the skin. Only for this purpose infrared rays are used. To avoid overheating of the skin, the cosmetologist uses a special cooling gel. The effect of thermolifting becomes noticeable gradually, since the processes of collagen and elastin production take time.

Face massage

Facial massage is an affordable method of rejuvenation that does not require large financial costs, and also has a general healing effect. A course of professional facial massage helps improve skin tone, reduce the severity of wrinkles and creases, and improve complexion.

There are several techniques for rejuvenating facial massage, which include:

  • modeling lymphatic drainage
  • deep plasticizing
  • modeling author's
  • classical
  • Chinese jar and others

Facial massage to tighten facial skin is carried out strictly along massage lines. To improve the effect, anti-aging oils or serums are applied to previously cleansed skin. The advantage of the procedure is painlessness, lack of trauma to the skin, versatility, and the ability to combine massage with other injection or hardware techniques. After the session, redness of the skin is noted, but after 30 minutes the shade returns to normal and you can return to everyday activities.

Liquid threads

Liquid face lift threads are a mixture of hyaluronic acid and zinc, which makes it more durable and dense. They are injected into the subcutaneous fat using thin needles at predetermined locations.

SMAS lifting

SMAS lifting is an ultrasound method aimed at tightening the superficial muscular aponeurotic system of the face (Superficial muscular aponeurotic system). The essence of the procedure is to warm up the connective tissue to 60-70 degrees, which, under the influence of heat, begins to produce its own collagen.

Preparing for surgery

The first stage of preparation is a face-to-face meeting with plastic surgeons, during which specialists will assess the initial condition of the skin, the number and nature of age-related changes. An anesthesiologist is invited to a consultation to select the optimal pain relief regimen, as well as a number of doctors of narrow specialties, if necessary (cardiologist, neurologist, endocrinologist).

A standard set of diagnostics is mandatory, which includes:

  • ECG;
  • fluorography;
  • general and biochemical blood tests;
  • general urine analysis;
  • test for blood clotting and hidden infections.

The doctor gives additional recommendations for preparation on an individual basis, based on the characteristics of the body and the level of general health.

Alternative Facial Rejuvenation Methods

Unfortunately, due to health and skin conditions, the facelift technique is not suitable for everyone. In such cases, cosmetologists and surgeons at the SPIC clinic select other, most effective methods of rejuvenation for the patient, which may include:

  • hardware procedures (microcurrent therapy, ultrasound cavitation, thermolifting);
  • injection techniques (mesotherapy, biorevitalization, botulinum therapy);
  • thread lifting;
  • care procedures (peelings, masks, serums).

Face and neck lift

Circular facelift. Part 1

Circular facelift. Part 2



It is impossible to come to terms with how severely age sometimes changes our appearance! Deep wrinkles on the forehead and around the eyes, drooping eyebrows, pronounced nasolabial folds and a blurred oval of the face... Fortunately, facial rejuvenation is possible with modern aesthetic medicine, which allows us to defeat these unfair signs of age.

Thus, if there is significant excess skin or fat deposits on the face, an extended circular facelift with the SMAS technique is recommended. This method of simultaneously lifting all areas of the face and neck is one of the most effective ways to get rid of deep nasolabial folds, pronounced wrinkles and gravitational ptosis. Such a facelift affects not only the skin, but also dense tissues lying deep underneath it - the so-called superficial muscular aponeurotic layer (abbreviated SMAS), which makes it possible to achieve the effect of radical facial rejuvenation.

A circular face and neck lift with the SMAS technique is a labor-intensive operation that requires the highest professionalism from the surgeon, but it is this type of facelift that provides a pronounced and most durable result. Often, a circular facelift or lift of the lower 2/3 of the face is performed with additional correction of the chin - as a rule, it is indicated in the absence or weakly expressed cervical-mental angle, as well as for people with a “double chin”. In addition, sometimes patients request correction of the shape of the chin using implants.

It is not always possible to achieve high-quality facial rejuvenation without a neck lift, which, in turn, is often combined with anterior platysmaplasty (that is, suturing the neck muscles) - only in this case the result will be a beautiful, clear contour of the neck and chin. A forehead lift allows you to raise your eyebrows, eliminating the frown on your face. This operation is not a mandatory part of a circular facelift and can be performed either in combination with it or separately.

If there are indications for a circular face and neck lift, then plastic surgeons do not recommend doing a partial facelift, correcting only the “most problematic area.” In case of pronounced age-related changes, only a full-fledged circular facelift will provide a convincing rejuvenating effect. And only in this case the result will be harmonious and natural.

The skill of plastic surgeons and the techniques used in the Scandinavia clinic allow:

  • Preserve the patient's individual facial features

The ability to offer an individual set of rejuvenating surgical techniques in each case is the key to a brilliantly performed operation. The best proof of professionalism, of course, is the results of the work of our plastic surgeons.

  • Make scars invisible

Most post-surgical scars after a facelift are hidden in the hair and are not visible. All other cosmetic seams are invisible to the eye thanks to the exquisite work of plastic surgeons.


In anti-aging surgery there is no such thing as a “starting” age. Objective indications for a facelift depend not only on the number of years lived, but also on genetics and lifestyle. Subjective - from social activity, attitude towards oneself and perception of one’s appearance. It is important to remember: the earlier the facelift is done, the less surgical intervention will be needed, and the more elegant the result will be.

Indications for a circular facelift

Anti-aging plastic surgery can restore attractiveness and self-confidence, so many women eventually begin to think about turning to a plastic surgeon. A facelift is recommended in the following cases:

  • Loose skin in the eye and eyebrow area;
  • Loss of elasticity of the skin around the eyes;
  • Pronounced wrinkles and folds on the skin;
  • Flabby cheeks.

Preparing for a facelift

Full plastic surgery is performed under general anesthesia, so the patient must be prepared before the procedure. Before a facelift, the patient undergoes a full examination of the body to identify possible contraindications. An anesthesiologist also conducts a conversation with the patient to determine whether there is an allergic reaction to certain medications.

The day before a circular facelift, the patient is advised to stick to a diet, not eat heavy foods, and avoid fatty and fried foods. A facelift is a rather complex operation and can last up to 6 hours, so before the operation you must follow all the recommendations of the surgeon and anesthesiologist.

To make an appointment at the plastic surgery department or ask any questions you may have, please call: +7

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