Biorevitalization with Yalcomplex gels: rules for choosing a drug

There are many different products and procedures with claimed anti-aging abilities. It's easy to get lost in the choice. Cosmetologists invariably advise paying attention to biorevitalization, the Yalcomplex gel intended for the procedure. This pair ensures quick, effective achievement of the goal. The option is suitable for a wide range of patients and has an optimal set of positive characteristics. Getting acquainted with a detailed description of the Yalcomplex product and biorevitalization as a procedure will help you confirm the correctness of your choice.

Description of biorevitalizant

Biorevitalizants JALUCOMPLEX are produced by the Italian company BioFormula. The gels consist of large-molecular hyaluronic acid of non-animal origin, released through biosynthesis. The substance does not undergo stabilization: the molecules inside are not linked into chains, but remain free, which increases their ability to diffuse, but reduces the duration of presence in tissues. In addition to unstabilized sodium hyaluronate, Yalcomplex products contain water, sodium chloride, and oligosugar.

JALUCOMPLEX biorevitalizants are available in 1.5 ml syringes and 2 ml bottles.

Basic drugs: similarities and differences

All products for this procedure contain hyaluronic acid. It comes in two types:

  • unstabilized – necessary for moisturizing the skin;
  • stabilized - suitable for filling deep wrinkles and creases, the preparations maintain volume and remain in the dermis for a long time.

The differences lie in the concentration of the main component and the presence of additional ingredients.

Many believe that the most effective biorevitalizant has the highest level of hyaluronic acid. But this is a misconception.

In practice, it is prohibited to use indicators of 2% or more without special purposes, since the consequences can be quite serious: sagging and stretching of tissues, swelling, irritation.

This concentration is suitable for moisturizing décolleté skin and requires the presence of amino acids to improve absorption, which triggers cell restoration and renewal.

Some drugs are sold in ready-to-use form (“cocktails”), while others need to be diluted.

Indications, effectiveness of use

Hyaluronic acid contained in JALUCOMPLEX is similar in characteristics to the substance produced by the human body. This quality determines the ideal compatibility of the gel, simulating the situation of the natural course of processes. Metabolism is normalized, promoting tissue renewal (rejuvenation).

The line's products are designed to improve skin quality, actively moisturize, and smooth the skin. Procedures with JALUCOMPLEX are prescribed for:

  • prevention of age-related changes with a tendency to bright, early aging (heredity, dry skin type, fine-wrinkled version of aging);
  • improving the quality of the integument with reduced turgor and characteristic sagging skin;
  • improving the situation with increased pigmentation, the presence of rosacea, and a tendency to inflammation;
  • elimination of mild age-related changes on the face and body;
  • correction of noticeable wrinkles, gravitational sagging of the skin;
  • preparing tissues for other, deeper interventions (peeling, non-surgical plastic surgery, surgery);
  • combined correction of defects together with botulinum toxins.

Attention! The capabilities of the drug and the range of problems solved depend on the type of gel. The low hyaluronic acid option is used only to improve skin quality. Denser biorevitalizants help eliminate wrinkles and work on restoring contours.

JALUCOMPLEX products are prescribed to patients who have reached the age of majority. Preventive biorevitalization is indicated from 20–25 to 30–35 years. Therapeutic courses are prescribed to patients with mature skin up to 50–65 years of age.


Manufacturer: Allergan company, USA.

Effect: rejuvenation and moisturizing of the skin, inhibition of the aging process.

Ingredients: hyaluronic acid


  • inflammatory processes
  • infectious diseases currently and previously suffered
  • tendency to form keloid scars;
  • synthetic implants
  • gestation period
  • lactation
  • sensitivity to the components of the drug

The price, including the biorevitalization procedure, starts from 12,000 rubles.

The best drugs for biorevitalization after 40 yearsEfficiency, resultPrice, rub.
Ial-systemWrinkles are smoothed out and the skin looks younger and fresher.6000-6700
Meso-Wharton P199has the property of starting the process of cell renewal, due to which the skin remains healthy and moisturized for a long time.16000-17000
TeosyalPureSenseRedensityThe skin's ability to reflect light is restored and also deeply moisturizes skin cells.10800-11000
Hyalrepairmoisturizes dry skin and eliminates wrinkles, resolves atrophic scars.10800-10600
Aqushine Revofil BRevens out the complexion, makes the skin firm and elastic, evens out skin creases and wrinkles, removes skin rashes, and tightens pores.9800-10600
Viscoderm "Viscoderm" 2.0%moisturized, soft skin7800- 9900
NCTF 135 HA+ “Extra enriched”corrects age-related skin changes, moisturizes skin cells, prevents aging.32000
JUVEDERM Hydraterejuvenation and moisturizing of the skin, inhibition of the aging process12000

All of the above drugs are among the top best fillers for skin rejuvenation. They well correct imperfections of the epidermis (irregularities, depressions) and protect the skin from the effects of free radicals.

The best drugs for biorevitalization after 40 are presented in this video:

A professional cosmetologist will talk about the biorevitalization procedure after 40, indications and process in this video:

Types of drugs

The Yalcomplex line consists of 3 gel options. The substances differ in the concentration of sodium hyaluronate. The manufacturer offers:

  1. Gel containing 1% active ingredient (10 mg/ml). The substance has a weak gel-like consistency. The drug is used for biorevitalization as a preventive measure. The product is suitable for young skin. The substance is used from 20–25 years of age. This option helps saturate the skin with moisture and maintain youthful tissue. The drug helps eliminate fine wrinkles and is suitable for working in delicate areas (eye area, lips).
  2. Gel containing sodium hyaluronate 2% (15 mg/ml). The substance has a denser consistency and a more pronounced effect. The drug helps smooth out small wrinkles and minimize medium wrinkles. The product is suitable for patients 30–45 years old. The gel heals very dry skin with emerging signs of aging. This option is used in areas with obvious changes.
  3. Gel containing hyaluronic acid 3% (20 mg/ml). The substance has a dense texture and copes with sustainable changes. The product is used locally as a filler. If necessary, used for short-term volumization. For the treatment of large areas, the drug is used in diluted form. The gel copes with dryness, sagging, and significant age-related changes. The product will be a good choice for patients aged 50–65 years.

Recommendations regarding the advisability of using the Yalcomplex option are conditional. The drug is prescribed by the cosmetologist performing the procedures. The doctor conducts an examination and a consultation, which helps determine the treatment plan.

Age characteristics when choosing a biorevitalizant

For many drugs, the age division is arbitrary and depends on the condition of the skin and the type of aging. Some of them are universal and suitable for everyone.

The number of procedures and the choice of product should be trusted only to a cosmetologist with a medical education.

After 30 years

According to the recommendations of cosmetologists, 30 years is the optimal age to begin biorevitalization. At this age, preparations with a high content of hyaluronic acid are not required.

Basic drugs

  • Teosyal Meso (Teosial Meso) - Teoxane Corporation, Switzerland. Suitable for thin epidermis. The active ingredient is unstabilized low molecular weight hyaluronic acid. Humidifier concentration: 15 mg/ml. Price: 5500 rub.
  • Viscoderm (Viscoderm) at a concentration of 0.8% for younger skin and 1.6% for skin with the first signs of aging. IBSA company, Italy. Differs in fast introduction. Price: 4000-4300 rub.
  • Jalucomplex (Yalkompleks) at a concentration of 1%. Made by Bioformula, Italy. Does not contain any other components except hyaluronic acid. For deep hydration, 3-4 procedures are enough. Price: 4000 rub.
  • Revofil Aquashine (Revofil Aquashine) in a concentration of 1.5% - produced by Caregen Co. LTD, South Korea. It has the longest lasting effect among other analogues. Price: 3200 rub.
  • Juviderm (Yuviderm) - includes a whole line of products for correcting wrinkles of varying depths, including Volit, Ultra, etc. The American manufacturer Allergan pays special attention to the development of biocompatible drugs that do not cause allergies. Price: 3,500 – 14,000 rub.
  • NCTF 135 – from Filogra, France. Includes a complex of amino acids, antioxidants and vitamins. Price: 7000 rub.

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After 35 years

In many cases, most products recommended for women over 30 are suitable for women over 30.

If expression lines are severe, you can choose a more concentrated product, but containing up to 2% hyaluronic acid. The presence of peptides in the composition is not required.

Basic drugs

  • IAL-System (Ial-system) – FIDIA laboratory, Italy. The most effective biorevitalizant among the universal ones. The content of hyaluronic acid is 18 mg/ml. Price: 4300 rub.
  • Viscoderm (Viscoderm) - IBSA laboratory, Italy. Product with a concentration of the main substance of 1.6%, suitable for thin skin. Minimizes the risk of hematomas. Price: 4300 rub.
  • Juviderm (Yuviderm) - Allergan company (inventor of Botox), USA. Includes products from various lines. Selected depending on the zone and indications. Price: 3500-14,000 rub.
  • Jalupro (Yalupro) - manufacturer Professional Dietetics, Italy. The composition includes 1% hyaluronic acid in combination with amino acids. Stimulates collagen production. Price: 4100 rub.
  • NCTF 135 HA – manufacturer Filogra, France. It has a composition enriched with vitamins and antioxidants, including 20 amino acids and 6 coenzymes. Price: 7000 rub.

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After 40 years

Facial skin after 40 years requires effective intervention. More concentrated products with peptide complexes are selected - they stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, and also enhance cellular regeneration.

If there are deep wrinkles and creases, a higher density product is required to fill the soft tissue.

Basic drugs

  • Meso-Wharton (Mezovarton) – manufacturer ABG Lab LLC, USA. Contains the closest analogue of human polypeptides among other gels. Stimulates stem cell division. Price: 4800 rub.
  • Juviderm (Juviderm 24-HV, 30-HV or Hydrate) - produced by Allergan, USA. Eliminates wrinkles of various depths, including nasolabial ones. The line of drugs can be combined and combined with other drugs. Price: 3,500 – 14,000 rub.
  • Viscoderm (Viscoderm) - produced by IBSA, Italy. Products in a concentration of 1.6% for thin skin and 2% for dense skin with pronounced signs of aging. Used to prevent photoaging. It is administered quickly, after which there is no formation of hematomas. Price: 4300-5000 rub.
  • Jalucomplex – Bioformula, Italy. Concentration 2%. Action: eliminates fine wrinkles, stimulates tissue metabolism, optimal for fine-wrinkle type of aging. Price: 4500 rub.
  • Teosyal PureSense Redensity - manufactured by Teoxane, Switzerland. The concentration of the main substance is 15 mg/ml. The complex includes minerals and vitamins. Price: 5000 rub.

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After 45 years

After 45 years, bioremedies are indicated that not only moisturize the skin, but also include complexes of peptides, coenzymes, vitamins, and antioxidants, thereby stimulating the work of dermal cells and performing the function of bioreinforcement.

Basic drugs

  • Meso-Wharton P199 (Meso-Wharton) - manufacturer ABG Lab LLC (research corporation), USA. Humidifier content – ​​15 mg/ml. The composition contains a complex of coenzymes, amino acids, growth factors that stimulate the work of stem cells, as well as antioxidants to prevent aging. Price: 5500 rub.
  • Juviderm (Juviderm Hydrate) - Allergan laboratory, USA (inventor of Botox). Concentration – 13.5 mg/ml with an increased molecular weight of hyaluronic acid, due to which soft tissue is strengthened. Price: 4000 rub.
  • Jalucomplex (Yalkomplex) - Bioformula company, Italy. Presented in concentrations of 2 and 3%. The latter neutralizes serious age-related changes. Contains no amino acids. Price: 4500 rub.
  • Hyalrepair (Hyalripayer) - Martinez company and Toscani Laboratory, Russia. For adults, preparations with a concentration of 14 mg/ml are suitable. Contains amino acids and vitamins. Price: 3900 rub.

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After 50 years

After 50 years, there comes a period when the effectiveness of biorevitalization decreases. The optimal effect is provided by products that perform the function of densely filling weakened soft tissues.

In the event of menopause, it is very difficult to achieve a visible result, therefore biorevitalization, according to indications, is recommended to be supplemented with hormone replacement therapy.

Basic drugs

Aquashine (Aquashine BR) - manufactured by Caregenco LTD, South Korea. The composition includes high molecular weight hyaluronic acid, vitamins, peptides, coenzymes, and minerals. Stabilizes and maintains the anti-aging effect throughout the year. Price: 3200 rub.

Juviderm (Juviderm Voluma) - produced by Allergan, USA. Suitable for facial modeling. Easily distributed under the skin, fills deep layers. Price: 13,500 rub.

Some drugs over the age of 40 have a visible effect.

After 55-60 years, it is recommended to replace biorevitalization with more serious procedures, otherwise the result will be invisible.

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Buying fillers

The price of the drug Yalcomplex depends on the selected variation of the substance. The cost of gels in bottles is lower. The more concentrated the composition, the more expensive the product. You can buy JALUCOMPLEX 1% for 1300–1700 rubles, 2% for 1500–2000 rubles, 3% for 1600–2600 rubles. You can purchase the drugs in many online stores that sell similar products. The prices of the products differ slightly. It is advisable to contact large, trusted outlets and contact official representatives of the manufacturer of Yalcomplex gels.


The manufacturer of this drug for skin rejuvenation is Swiss. She launched two drugs called TeosyalPureSenseRedensity, the differences of which are in the area of ​​​​application and duration of action. For example, the first drug is used for skin mesotherapy and biorevitalization, and the second exclusively for contouring.

The price for 1.0 ml is 9800-11000 rubles.

Disadvantages of the drug: high cost and long rehabilitation after using filler.

Pros: long-term effect, the skin is saturated with collagen and becomes more elastic

Carrying out the procedure

Biorevitalization with Yalcomplex preparations is considered a simple procedure. This does not mean that you should neglect safety measures. The intervention cannot be carried out independently; the work cannot be entrusted to a performer with a low level of professionalism.

The cosmetologist must conduct a preliminary consultation: he makes sure that the intervention is possible, details the upcoming session, and gives recommendations for preparation. The procedure is performed using a certain technology while maintaining sterility. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Cleaning, disinfecting treatment of areas. Use mild detergents and antiseptics.
  2. Performing anesthesia. Application or subcutaneous administration of an anesthetic is possible. Injections of Yalcomplex gels are called a process that causes discomfort. It is not recommended to completely abandon anesthesia.
  3. The doctor opens a hermetically sealed syringe in front of the patient. It is recommended to additionally check the expiration dates of the drug. This will indicate the safety of the substance used. This will not be possible when using part of the gel from the bottle. You have to rely on the integrity of the cosmetologist.
  4. The doctor prepares the syringe for use and injects the substance according to the chosen scheme. The mesh, linear, and papular techniques are applicable to Yalcomplex preparations. The amount of substance and depth of administration depend on the selected substance and individual patient data.
  5. After treating the skin with gel, the doctor wipes the areas with an antiseptic. Additionally, wound healing and tissue soothing agents can be used.
  6. The doctor gives recommendations to speed up recovery and releases the patient.

Important! Biorevitalization with Yalcomplex preparations is carried out in courses. For the prevention and treatment of aging skin, 2–4 procedures once every 15–30 days are sufficient. In case of pronounced changes, the course is increased to 5–6 sessions. Further, a maintenance treatment of 1–2 procedures once every six months is recommended. It is advisable to perform preventive sessions before and after a holiday at sea, in the off-season.

About the procedure

is a cosmetic procedure based on the introduction of hyaluronic acid into the deep layers of the skin using injections.

The recommended age for biorevitalization is from 25 to 50 years. The wide age range is explained very simply: subcutaneous (and therefore with the possibility of acting at the cellular level of the inner layers of tissues) administration of hyaluronic acid preparations can not only prolong the youth and freshness of the skin, but also literally rejuvenate it from the inside.

Hyaluronic acid

– this is a hydrocolloid, part of the intercellular substance, synthesized by the cells of the body and is an essential component of the skin, muscles and other human tissues. Own hyaluronic acid promotes the synthesis of collagen and elastin - substances, the amount of which directly affects the elasticity of the skin.

In addition, hyaluronic acid promotes regeneration processes, activates the immune system, blocks the destructive effect of free radicals on cells, thereby protecting tissues from premature aging.

Over time (after 35-40 years), the body’s ability to produce hyaluronic acid decreases, which leads to the appearance of age-related changes: wrinkles, sagging, loss of clarity of the oval of the face. The biorevitalization procedure helps to compensate for the lack of hyaluronic acid in skin cells.

Biorevitalization is distinguished from contour plastic surgery - a procedure aimed at facial rejuvenation, which also uses drugs that contain hyaluronic acid - by an additional healing effect on tissue: increased dryness disappears, the functioning of the sebaceous glands is regulated, and blood circulation improves.

The difference between biorevitalization and mesotherapy lies in the degree of effectiveness and the smaller number of required procedures: after the first biorevitalization session, you can see positive changes in structure and appearance, while mesotherapy has a cumulative effect.

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Healing period

The invasiveness of biorevitalization with Yalcomplex preparations is considered minimal. Redness is noticeable on the skin after the intervention, traces of injections may remain, and the papules remain visible for 2–3 hours. Swelling and bruising may appear. The symptoms are characteristic of biorevitalization, do not require intervention, and disappear on their own in 2–5 days.

The doctor will warn against masking negative manifestations. On the first day, it is recommended not to wash your face and stop using cosmetics. Antiseptic and wound healing ointments are suitable for skin care. From the next day you can return to your usual care regimen.

The cosmetologist will point out the importance of observing a number of restrictions. For 2–7 days, give up:

  • hot shower, sauna, bath;
  • swimming in potentially dirty water (swimming pool, sea, pond);
  • tanning;
  • playing sports;
  • use of makeup;
  • skin treatments (peeling, massage, physiotherapy).

The full range of restrictions will be determined by a cosmetologist. The severity of the requirements and the duration of compliance with the prohibitions will be indicated by the doctor.

The positive effect of biorevitalization with Yalcomplex, despite the side effects, is visible already on the next day. The skin becomes hydrated. After 2-3 days, the tissues are tightened, wrinkles are reduced, and the face takes on a healthy appearance. The maximum effect from the course of procedures develops a month after completion of the interventions. The result lasts for 4–12 months.

Viscoderm "Viscoderm" 2.0%

The manufacturer of this rejuvenation filler is the best Italian laboratory IBSA Farmaceutici.

Effect: moisturized, soft skin.

Ingredients: 20 mg hyaluronic acid, trace elements and amino acids

Process of the procedure: before biorevitalization, anesthetic creams are applied to the skin for 25-30 minutes. After this, the face is treated with an antiseptic and the drug is administered.

Must remember! After using this drug for biorevitalization after 40 years, you should not go to the pool for the first few days, do not use decorative cosmetics or apply creams and other means to resolve bruises.

Contraindications: allergies, childbearing, breastfeeding, inflammation in areas of biorevitalization, hemophilia, skin diseases, infections, oncology, diabetes, and is also contraindicated in women under 25 years of age.

Side effect: swelling, hematomas, itching, redness.

Neutralize the effect

It is difficult to obtain a clear negative result from the procedure with Yalcomplex. The effect of the product is mild, no obvious volumizing effect is observed.

The result of tissue filling disappears quickly. Steaming in a bathhouse, sauna, or working out in the gym can speed up the process. This is useful to know for those who are still dissatisfied with the result. For “treatment” using professional methods, drugs with hyaluronidase activity and physiotherapy are suitable.

The doctor eliminates complications such as allergies and inflammation by prescribing antihistamines and anti-inflammatory medications.

Experts' opinion

Cosmetologists note the high effectiveness of biorevitalization in the fight against age-related changes:

They advise selecting procedures and drug concentrations taking into account indications, type of aging, skin condition, and not just age:

Precautionary measures

Before performing a procedure using Yalcomplex, the cosmetologist must exclude contraindications:

  • serious diseases of the heart, blood vessels, blood;
  • severe somatic disorders;
  • oncological diseases;
  • serious endocrine dysfunction (diabetes mellitus);
  • predisposition to seizures, keloid scarring;
  • allergy to components of JALUCOMPLEX.

Biorevitalization is contraindicated for minors, pregnant women, and breastfeeding patients. Intervention will have to be postponed in case of acute progression of any disease. They refuse the procedure if there are wounds or inflammation at the sites of intended impact.

If contraindications, doctor errors, or inappropriate patient behavior are ignored, complications are possible:

  • inflammation in tissues;
  • allergy;
  • long-term persistence of edema, hematomas, puncture sites, papules;
  • numbness of the skin, severe pain at the injection sites.

To eliminate negative consequences, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Aqushine Revofil BR

Effect: thanks to this drug, age-related skin changes in the form of wrinkles and skin creases disappear, facial pigmentation is eliminated.

Ingredients: peptides, hyaluronic acid, trace elements, vitamins and amino acids.

The manufacturer of this drug is the South Korean laboratory “Caregen CO., LTD”

Contraindications: allergies, pregnancy and lactation, inflammation in areas of biorevitalization, blood clotting disorders, skin diseases, infections, oncology, diabetes, tattooing, Botox, plastic surgery.

The price of 2 ml of the drug and the procedure costs 9800-10600 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

JALUCOMPLEX preparations provide a noticeable but weak effect. The result rarely lasts for a long time. The introduction of brand gels is called painful.

The negative aspects are compensated by the attractive cost of the drugs in the line. Yalcomplex products are often opposed to the stronger PRINCESS RICH, IAL-System, Mesoderm. JALUCOMPLEX causes fewer negative reactions and is suitable for younger skin.

To obtain a pronounced effect, the products will require the participation of an experienced cosmetologist.

Opinion of cosmetologists

Doctors use Yalcomplex in their work. Biorevitalizant shows effectiveness. The substance is prescribed depending on the situation. In difficult cases, cosmetologists prefer to use stronger products.

The cosmetologist recommends JALUCOMPLEX, as well as other similar biorevitalizants.

The cosmetologist likes Yalcomplex.

The cosmetologist tried different versions of JALUCOMPLEX, and evaluates the work with the drugs differently.

How does biorevitalization work?

The biorevitalization procedure does not take much time. On average, it lasts 40-60 minutes. It is recommended to perform a light peeling first.

The session itself includes several mandatory steps.

  • Removing makeup and cleansing facial skin;
  • Treatment with an antiseptic solution;
  • Applying an anesthetic gel or cream for 15-20 minutes (even when using drugs containing lidocaine);
  • Introduction of biorevitalizant. Three main techniques are used depending on the structure of the facial area: linear-retrograde, microinjections (in areas without pronounced wrinkles), point by point (in the area of ​​visible wrinkles);
  • Wiping the skin with saline or chlorhexidine. If necessary, the cosmetologist performs a light facial massage for better distribution of the gel in the skin.

Course duration

Biorevitalization has a cumulative effect. The number and frequency of repetitions depend on age and the drug used.

The result lasts from 5 months to 2 years, and this depends on the condition of the skin and the type of biorevitalizant.

The preventive course includes 1-2 sessions per year or one maintenance procedure every 3-4 months.

The therapeutic course is 3-5 procedures with breaks of two weeks.

Patient reviews

Patients' opinions agree on the low effectiveness of JALUCOMPLEX. The substance has a positive effect, but it is weakly expressed or quickly disappears. To obtain a more noticeable, long-lasting result, cosmetologists advise using stronger analogues. After a negative or neutral impression of Yalcomplex, patients often continue the course with other gels.

The patient sees the result, but the effect is weak.

The patient does not see the result.

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