Hyaluronic acid - biorevitalization

Biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid is one of the most effective modern methods for restoring skin elasticity. The biorevitalization procedure consists of intradermal injection of hyaluronic acid, which has a mild stimulating effect at the cellular level. Most often we are talking about biorevitalization of the face, but we also work with other areas.

In the body of young people, hyaluronic acid is produced on its own. But with age, its synthesis decreases, and, as a result, loss of skin tone and elasticity, peeling, dryness, sagging folds, and the formation of wrinkles. Restoring the balance of hyaluronic acid using injections effectively counters all of these changes.

Improving the quality of your skin at affordable prices is quite possible! And this is biorevitalization - from 10,000 rubles at the Medial clinic!

How does the procedure work?

Before biorevitalization, the skin is thoroughly cleansed, then a cream with an anesthetic effect is applied to it.

After this, the doctor begins to inject hyaluronic acid with a very thin needle. Injections are placed locally in exactly those areas on the skin of the face and body where it is required: “crow’s feet” in the eye area, nasolabial and nasolacrimal folds, wrinkles on the forehead and bridge of the nose. The biorevitalization procedure usually takes 45-50 minutes.

After the procedure, small bumps (or papules) remain at the injection sites. On the face, they usually dissolve within 24 hours, on the skin of the neck and décolleté - within 2-3 days.

Advantages of non-injection biorevitalization

Laser biorevitalization Provides the beneficial effects of hyaluronic acid, while:

  • there is no damage to the skin;
  • there is no pain;
  • there is no risk of hematoma formation and infectious complications;
  • there is no need for a rehabilitation period after the procedure.

How many procedures should be done?

A course of biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid usually consists of 4 procedures. The interval between them is 2-4 weeks (determined by a specialist).

Aging skin requires a longer initial course of biorevitalization procedures and more frequent maintenance sessions. For this reason, patients under 40 years of age usually undergo one course of biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid. And after 40 years - twice a year.

The result achieved after injections with hyaluronic acid consists of two stages. The rapid effect occurs almost immediately and lasts about 7-14 days. A stable, longer-lasting rejuvenation effect occurs gradually. In this case, there is a daily improvement in the skin structure.

Biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid preparations

Biorevitalization of skin and hair is a modern professional rejuvenation technique, the essence of which is the introduction of dermal fillers into the deep layers of the dermis. Over the past years, cosmetologists have continued to use preparations based on hyaluronic acid, since they have repeatedly shown their complete safety and high effectiveness in combating the signs of skin aging.

Why hyaluronic acid?

Fine lines, loss of elasticity and other signs of skin aging are associated with dehydration. The most powerful and natural moisturizer synthesized by the human body is hyaluronic acid. This is a natural polysaccharide polymer that binds and retains water in tissues and is generally responsible for the level of hydration of the epidermis.

The biorevitalization procedure with hyaluronic acid involves introducing it into the skin in order to replenish its required level. Due to various unfavorable factors, the production of your own hyaluronic acid gradually decreases, as a result of which the appearance of the skin suffers. Fine wrinkles, loss of elasticity, dryness, flaking - all these are consequences of a deficiency of this key component.

Most modern moisturizing cosmetics contain this substance, but biorevitalization makes it possible to most effectively transport hyaluronic acid into the deep layers of the dermis - where it is needed.


Biorevitalization is a gentle and delicate anti-age procedure, but this does not in any way detract from its effectiveness. As a rule, cosmetologists recommend this method of professional care to prevent skin aging, as well as to eliminate cosmetic flaws associated with the first signs of aging.

This method of professional anti-aging care will help restore the tone and elasticity of the skin, smooth out a network of fine wrinkles due to dehydration, improve complexion and speed up skin restoration after other procedures. Biorevitalization of the lips and skin around the eyes is most effective up to the age of approximately 35–40 years, when there are still no obvious signs of fading. In the fight against deep wrinkles, including expression lines, biorevitalization can be combined with other professional procedures for a more pronounced effect.

Benefits of biorevitalization

Biorevitalization not only has not lost its relevance over the past few years, but has also become more advanced due to the emergence of many different drugs and techniques for their administration. This cosmetic procedure has many advantages, thanks to which both professionals and their patients choose it.

  1. Quick effect. After just 1 – 2 procedures, the patient will see positive changes: the skin will become more elastic and healthy, the complexion will even out, and excessive dryness or oily shine will disappear.
  2. Safety. The hyaluronic acid preparations used contain only components that are absolutely safe and close to the human body.
  3. Depth of impact. Biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid is a method that involves its transportation into the deep layers of the skin, in contrast to cosmetics based on hyaluronic acid, which work more superficially. Penetrating into the dermis and epidermis, the substance stimulates the synthesis of elastin and collagen - the main allies of youth.
  4. Long lasting effect. The period during which the effect of one course lasts depends on the individual characteristics of the skin, the quality of skin care and lifestyle. On average, this indicator is 3–6 months, although in some cases it can last up to a year. The prolonged result completely justifies the cost of the procedure.
  5. Stimulating effect. Biorevitalization of facial skin with hyaluronic acid is a procedure aimed not so much at artificially replenishing the reserves of this substance, but at stimulating its production. This happens due to increased fibroblast activity. Thus, the process not only does not inhibit its own production of hyaluronic acid, but, on the contrary, stimulates this process.

Laser biorevitalization method

Professional cosmetology involves the delivery of hyaluronic acid into the deep layers of the skin in two ways: injection and laser (non-injection).

Increasingly, cosmetologists are resorting to the least traumatic methods of rejuvenation and care. Laser biorevitalization of facial skin with hyaluronic acid is one of these methods, combining the effectiveness of the classical procedure with the absence of any discomfort. The session uses an infrared laser, which is called cold due to its low intensity. It does not heat tissues and does not damage them. In the clinic, these procedures are carried out using the latest high-tech devices HYALUROX and VITALASER.

Features of the cosmetological process

Hyaluronic acid for face and lips is used in gel form. It is applied to the desired area of ​​skin, previously prepared by a cosmetologist. Next, under the influence of a laser, large molecules are divided into small fragments, 5–10 units each. Thanks to this, the substance can penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis, where laser radiation reconnects them into long polymer chains. Laser biorevitalization not only helps replenish moisture reserves in the skin, stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, but also gives a pronounced lifting effect. Another advantage of this procedure will be the healing of existing skin lesions, which is important in the treatment of eczema and atopic dermatitis.

Non-injection biorevitalization allows you to more evenly and quickly distribute hyaluronic acid in the deep layers of the skin. The laser is able to cover a larger area, and therefore the procedure time is somewhat reduced.

Procedure capabilities

Laser biorevitalization in Moscow is gaining increasing popularity and has several main advantages. The main thing for which this method of hardware rejuvenation is valued is that it is completely atraumatic and has no contraindications. The procedure can be done even in the presence of inflammatory diseases. The laser non-injection method does not require a rehabilitation period, which greatly facilitates the course of these procedures for the patient. The absence of any traumatic effects on the skin allows sessions to be carried out at any time of the year, regardless of solar activity, without fear of the appearance of pigmentation. The method can be used as a preparatory stage for invasive rejuvenation procedures. It will be no less effective and useful during the period of skin restoration after using such techniques.

Injection biorevitalization

This rejuvenation method involves the introduction of hyaluronic acid preparations by injection. Despite the fact that the procedure uses the finest needles, the patient may experience discomfort. Typically, the cosmetologist uses an anesthetic cream on the treated areas of the skin.

Unlike laser biorevitalization, this method allows you to introduce the drug to the desired depth and distribute it over the most important areas. The success of the procedure directly depends on the skill of the cosmetologist and on how correctly he determines the injection points of the drug. Laser biorevitalization does not injure the skin, while the injection method involves injections, a certain rehabilitation period and compliance with the cosmetologist’s recommendations.

Areas of application of the procedure

Injection and laser biorevitalization is suitable for rejuvenating any area of ​​the skin that needs it. Even delicate areas with thin and sensitive skin can be significantly transformed and rejuvenated. After the introduction of hyaluronic acid, the skin of the lips becomes more elastic, soft, moisturized and takes on a natural pink tint. The procedure also allows you to smooth out vertical wrinkles caused by smoking or age-related changes.

Biorevitalization of the skin around the eyes will protect the delicate skin from the manifestation of early signs of age. The procedure will help get rid of not only crow's feet, but also dark circles, loss of elasticity and dryness in this area. Cosmetologists often recommend injection or laser biorevitalization of the décolleté area, hands, and also the area around the earlobe - these are the places in addition to the face that can reveal age. In addition to noticeable smoothing of the skin, patients will notice the disappearance of pigmentation and improvement in turgor.

The use of hyaluronic acid in trichology

Not only cosmetologists, but also trichologists recommend injection and laser biorevitalization procedures to improve hair condition. Hair biorevitalization in Moscow is one of the most popular procedures. Hyaluronic acid, introduced into the deep layers of the scalp, helps to increase the density and thickness of hair, its rapid growth and overall health.

Despite the fact that laser biorevitalization captivates patients with its painlessness and lack of discomfort, the final decision on the choice of procedure must be made by a cosmetologist. In some cases, it is worth sacrificing comfort for efficiency. The injection method is able to deliver hyaluronic acid as deeply as possible, and sometimes this plays a very important role for the final result.


The basis of any drug used for biorevitalization is stabilized hyaluronic acid of non-animal origin.

In some cases, additional beneficial additives are also used. For example, the Revitacare complex contains vitamin C and amino acids that strengthen blood vessels and eliminate age spots.

The following medications are also used in our clinic:

  • IAL-system;
  • Repleri;
  • Jalupro;
  • Dermal Complex.

The specific drug, as well as the total number of procedures and areas of treatment, are determined by the doctor based on the patient’s age, the initial condition of the skin and the likely need for combination with other procedures or plastic surgeries.

When is non-injection (laser) biorevitalization recommended?

Non-injection biorevitalization is effectively used for:

  • correction of wrinkles (especially around the eyes);
  • deep moisturizing and nourishing of the skin;
  • smoothing skin texture;
  • improving microcirculation;
  • restoration of the shape and volume of the lips;
  • express lifting;
  • recovery after peeling;
  • treatment of acne (acne).

Contraindications to the procedure are minimal. Laser biorevitalization is not performed in case of hypersensitivity to the drug, pregnancy and in the case of autoimmune diseases.

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