Hyaluronic acid for the face: types of injections, methods of administration and counterfeits

What is hyaluronic acid

Even the best hyaluronic acid is not able to give maximum effect if you do not understand its features and rules of use. This substance is one of the types of polysaccharides in the human body. It is found in bones, epithelium, nervous and connective tissues. Hyaluronate is also the main component of saliva, intercellular fluid, spinal and joint substance, and is present in significant quantities in the skin. It fills the space between elastin and collagen protein, which affects the degree of smoothness of the skin, its elasticity and appearance.

The human body contains approximately 15 grams of hyaluronate in dry format at a time. It is destroyed as a result of inflammatory processes, the influence of UV radiation, etc. The body produces approximately 5 grams of the substance every day to replenish it. This process occurs up to 50-60 years. Young people do not need to add this polysaccharide from outside. However, there may be a local or temporary deficiency. As a rule, deficiency occurs due to aging, bad habits, autoimmune diseases, as well as frequent exposure to the sun and consumption of small amounts of water. With a deficiency of the substance, the skin becomes dry, wrinkles appear due to decreased firmness and elasticity, and joint mobility decreases.

Teosyal Redensity [I] Beauty enhancer

High concentration of natural and free hyaluronic acid + a combination of antioxidants, amino acids, minerals and vitamins that are naturally present in our skin. Redensity [I] is a non-cross-linked HA gel, liquid that allows for smooth application by micro-injection into selected areas.

When and where should it be used?

Go for a consultation with an esthetician and ask your esthetician who will recommend the best treatment for your needs.

  • Regularly, as a primary treatment to prevent skin aging
  • Alternation or addition to other treatment methods
  • In certain selected cases to rehydrate and tone your skin (e.g. before and after prolonged sun exposure...)

To achieve optimal results, it is recommended to follow the full course to prolong the effect of treatment and obtain long-term results:

  • for optimal treatment: 3 sessions at 3-week intervals for immediate and cumulative results
  • for maintenance treatment of results as soon as the need is felt: 1 session usually 3 times a year

How long does the effect last?

Hyaluronic acid is a resorbable molecule, its effect is temporary and depends on several factors: skin type, age, treated area, injection technique. To achieve optimal results, it is necessary to carry out an initial course of 3 sessions and a maintenance session 2-3 times a year.

How does it affect the skin?

The main property of hyaluronate is water binding. Its molecules attract and hold water molecules. Thanks to water retention in the skin, it becomes smooth, elastic and healthy. Hyaluronic acid takes part in the transport of oxygen, lymphocytes and other blood cells to damaged areas, areas of irritation and inflammation. It is thanks to this that, with a sufficient level of the substance, healing occurs faster. Also, upon admission, it accelerates the process of synthesis of hyaluron itself, influencing fibroblast receptors and stimulating them to produce their own hyaluron.

The essence of plasma lifting

The effect of plasma isolated from the patient’s blood before the procedure on skin cells is the basis of the plasma lifting technique. Plasma is injected into a selected area of ​​skin using microneedles or a syringe with replaceable needles. This technology is used not only for skin aging and the appearance of wrinkles, but also for baldness and weak hair - plasma injections can also be given into the scalp.

Plasmolifting has several serious advantages over other injection rejuvenation techniques. The main one is relative safety. Plasma for injection is always compatible with the patient's body because it is obtained from his own blood.


Despite its safety and effectiveness, plasma lifting is not suitable for everyone. In case of diseases of the circulatory system, exacerbation of autoimmune diseases, pregnancy, breastfeeding, it is better to postpone plasma injections until later or choose another rejuvenating procedure.

Benefits and harms

Proper use of the additive in cosmetic gels and creams helps to prolong the youth of the skin and its beauty. You can use it after 20 years, but there is no particular point in it. Even the best remedies in this case are addictive.

The benefits of the drug lie in the following aspects:

  • Creates an invisible protective film on the surface of the skin that prevents the influence of destructive external factors.
  • Retains water molecules, thereby smoothing out fine wrinkles.
  • Relieves dryness, eliminates itching and roughness. Makes the skin soft, smooth and silky.
  • Gives skin radiance.
  • Promotes accelerated healing of wounds, scratches, cracks, calluses. Also helps in the fight against acne, pimples and blackheads.

Even knowing which acid is best suited for a particular case and purpose, one must not forget that hyaluronic acid has its side effects. The harm of a substance is manifested in the following aspects:

  1. Allergic reactions, including urticaria and anaphylactic shock.
  2. Quincke's edema.
  3. Redness of the skin.
  4. Get used to it with regular use.

After biorevitalization: prohibitions and restrictions

  1. Any injection procedure is accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the skin. The barrier function of the epidermis, albeit to a small extent, weakens. The risk of infection increases, and therefore after biorevitalization of the face you should touch the correction area with your hands as little as possible. A simple measure will help avoid infectious and inflammatory reactions.
  2. The face after biorevitalization should not be exposed to ultraviolet radiation. You should avoid visiting the solarium and do not sunbathe on the beach. If you are undergoing a rejuvenation course in the summer, try to spend as little time as possible in the open sun.
  3. Facial care after biorevitalization should be as gentle and gentle as possible. Decorative cosmetics can close the ducts of the sebaceous and sweat glands (pores), which will lead to undesirable consequences. You cannot use the “decorative” for 7 days after the session. It is also undesirable to use skincare cosmetics, with the exception of products prescribed by a cosmetologist.
  4. What you definitely cannot do after a biorevitalization session is drink alcohol. Ethanol is a toxic substance, in other words, poison. Even minimal doses of alcohol have an extremely negative effect on metabolic processes. The elimination of toxins slows down, toxic metabolic products and free radicals accumulate in the tissues. In addition, fluid is retained, which can lead to the formation of edema. The main thing! Alcohol blocks regenerative processes , for the sake of activation of which a course of facial biorevitalization is carried out!
  5. Injections of hyaluronic acid in a certain percentage of cases lead to the appearance of papules (rashes), redness, and swelling of the skin. Patients try to remove side effects with the help of massage, but this cannot be done.
  6. After the procedure, you cannot do manual or hardware facial cleansing, mechanical or chemical peels.
  7. Heavy physical activity is contraindicated after facial biorevitalization. It is necessary to take a break from fitness classes for one week, and household stress should also be avoided.
  8. After the procedure, you should not expose your body to significant temperature changes. For this reason, solariums, spa treatments, saunas (including cryosaunas) and steam rooms are prohibited. You should not take hot baths at home; contrast showers are contraindicated.

From what age is it used?

It is not advisable to use hyaluron injections at a young age, since it is already synthesized by the body in sufficient quantities. It makes sense to replenish it locally only when absolutely necessary.

Up to 30-40 years of age, it is optimal to use external cosmetics with hyaluronate for preventive purposes. At the same time, you need to remember about protection from UV radiation, the balance of water in the body and the absence of bad habits.

At 40-50, cosmetologists include periodic injections of the substance, subject to the availability of home care with hyaluron.

For people over 50 years of age, injections with this polysaccharide are indicated to replenish it. At the same time, cosmetics with hyaluronate are not the main therapeutic agent, but an auxiliary one, aimed at consolidating the result and maintaining it.

How to treat sore joints?

With osteoarthritis, it is extremely important to reduce the load on the joints, which is achieved by using various devices. You should wear shoes with low, wide heels and soft elastic soles, which helps absorb the shock that spreads along the leg when walking and injures the cartilage. Shoes should be wide enough and soft on top. If the knee joints are affected, it is recommended to wear knee pads, which fix the joints, reduce their instability, and slow down the progression of the disease. In addition, to reduce the load, it is recommended to walk with a stick, which reduces the load on the hip joint by almost 50%. The cane should be held in the hand opposite the affected joint. In case of bilateral severe damage to the hip or knee joints, walking with the help of Canadian-type crutches is recommended. If you have flat feet, it is recommended to constantly wear special shoes (at home and on the street) with arch supports (insoles that support the arch of the foot and reduce the load on the joint), and in certain cases, custom-made insoles.

Physiotherapy (magnetic therapy, ultrasound, laser therapy) is prescribed only by a physiotherapist if there are no contraindications for these treatment methods. Acupuncture helps relax tense muscles around the joint and helps reduce pain. Massage relieves painful muscle spasms and improves blood circulation in the joint, but this method is used only outside of exacerbation, and it is not the joint itself that is massaged, but the tissues surrounding it. Among other physiotherapeutic methods, electrophoresis using gels containing anti-inflammatory drugs (diclofenac, nimulide, hydrocortisone) has worked well.

Drug treatment

For osteoarthritis, fast-acting drugs (analgesics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - NSAIDs) are used to reduce pain and inflammation, symptomatic slow-acting drugs (chondroprotectors) that can slow the progression of the disease, as well as local hyaluronic acid preparations (hyalgan, hialubrix, etc.), which help reduce pain and improve joint mobility for a long period.

For moderate joint pain, it is better to start treatment with the so-called simple analgesic - paracetamol, since it relatively rarely causes side effects. If its effectiveness is insufficient, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (diclofenac, ibuprofen, etc.) are prescribed. However, one should remember the possibility of a negative effect of these drugs on the gastrointestinal mucosa: ulcers, bleeding. A higher incidence of complications is possible in females over 65 years of age with chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In recent years, new representatives of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (meloxicam, Celebrex, Airtal, artrosilene, etc.) have been created, which have sufficient effectiveness but less pronounced side effects. However, the question of prescribing anti-inflammatory drugs and the duration of their use should be decided by the doctor. The general principles of using NSAIDs for OA are to use the minimum effective dose, take no more than one NSAID at a time, discontinue the drug if there is no pain, and evaluate the effectiveness of treatment after 2-4 weeks from the start of use. The use of local forms in the form of a gel and spray based on non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is recommended for patients with limited joint damage, when it is impossible to take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs orally, when osteoarthritis is combined with concomitant diseases for which many other drugs are taken, which requires taking into account drug interactions. It should be remembered that the local use of these drugs is effective only when applied to the joints 3–4 times, and the course of use should not exceed 10–14 days.

Quite often, with OA of the knee joints, severe inflammation develops in the joint, which is manifested by swelling, hyperthermia, the presence of effusion, increased pain and morning stiffness. In these cases, if NSAIDs and local use of NSAID gels are ineffective, intra-articular steroid administration is indicated, which is prescribed by a rheumatologist. The number of intra-articular injections into the same joint during the year should not be more than two. Prescribing intra-articular or periarticular steroid injections as a “course” of treatment is unacceptable!

In recent years, drugs have been created that are highly effective and have a lower risk of side effects. These are symptomatic, slow-acting drugs (piascledine, alflutop, arthra, teraflex, dona, etc.), which, on the one hand, have a pronounced effect on pain and the functional state of joints, like NSAIDs, and on the other hand, have chondroprotective properties, i.e. slow down the progression of osteoarthritis. Our country has accumulated extensive experience in the use of these drugs. Their distinctive feature is the later onset of the effect, usually 4–8–12 weeks from the start of treatment, and its rather long persistence—for 2–3 months after cessation of treatment. It should be noted that the structure-modifying effect of these drugs (i.e., slowing the progression of OA) is observed 2–3 years after the start of treatment.

Principles for choosing a product

Various pharmaceutical brands develop and produce a significant number of drugs with hyaluron in tablet form. It is impossible to say which company is better in this case. The choice depends on the availability of additives in products from different manufacturers: some will suit some, and others – others. Moreover, supplements should not cause side effects, in particular allergies. The tablets help in the fight against small wrinkles and in the recovery process after certain cosmetic procedures.

It is also important to understand that a dietary supplement is not a drug, so it is not subject to careful long-term monitoring. This means that you need to buy products from trusted companies with a good reputation - this is a guarantee of higher quality.

Cream "Lora" from Evalar

This drug is positioned as a product for women over 50 years old, due to the high content of hyaluronic acid and peptides.

Its effect on the skin is as follows:

  • the life cycle of cells is extended due to peptides;
  • cell work is activated;
  • The synthesis of collagen and elastin is accelerated.

Thanks to this, the skin is quickly smoothed. She is getting healthier and toning up.

Production of products based on hyaluronic acid

The artificial production of drugs with hyaluronic acid is aimed at treating diseases such as psoriasis, trophic ulcers, arthritis, burns and eye diseases. Cosmetics based on it are used to care for facial skin.

Initially, hyaluronate was used, obtained from animal organs. However, due to the high protein content, such drugs provoked allergic reactions. Today, the substance is produced by biological synthesis from bacterial cultures. To do this, streptococci are placed in a plant environment and grown. They produce hyaluron. This substance does not contain any protein inclusions, peptides or other additives, so it is perfectly accepted by the human body. Once synthesis is complete, the molecules are joined together. This process is called stabilization. It is necessary for longer storage of the drug. This process produces molecules of different sizes.

What is possible and what is impossible to achieve with creams -

There is a lot of deception on the Internet. Entire companies with paid commentators leave laudatory reviews every day about the products they promote, and at the same time scold their competitors. Some useful tips...

Creams with HA will never smooth out wrinkles

Not a single cream with hyaluronic acid can cope with pronounced wrinkles, folds, sagging and other signs of skin aging, no matter how cream manufacturers promise it. For example, it promises that using its gel, wrinkles will be filled in and smoothed out. Unfortunately, this is simply impossible!

Also, do not be fooled by advertising articles that promise you a reduction in wrinkles, and by rave reviews from paid commentators on various forums and blogs (in fact, 99% of reviews on forums on the Internet are hidden advertising). All these creams can do is basically moisturize your skin and give it a more rested look, slightly reduce by 15-30% the depth of the smallest wrinkles (for example, around the eyes or on the upper lip).

If you constantly use high-quality products with low molecular weight HA, you can expect an increase in skin thickness and elasticity. But keep in mind that as soon as you stop using these products, you quickly return to your original skin condition.

Price matters -

The production of low molecular weight HA is a very expensive process. Effective, high-quality products with high concentrations of low molecular weight HA a priori cannot be sold for 500-1000 rubles. Usually their cost ranges from 4,000 to 8,000 rubles. If you want to buy a quality product, be prepared that it will be expensive (although a 30 ml serum with HA may last you 3-4 months of daily use).

What creams and serums with hyaluronic acid can be recommended -

It is most optimal to use serums, because... they are more efficient. If you have dry skin, then use a cream with HA, or a serum under the cream.

The best serums with hyaluronic acid –

  • SkinCeuticals® “Hydrating B5 gel” (USA) –

    This serum contains 0.5% low molecular weight HA, vitamin B5, as well as a moisturizing complex of pyroglutamic acid, urea, trehalose and polyquartenium-51. You can buy it in the company's Russian online store SkinCeuticals®. Cost (30 ml) – about 4700 rubles. Designed more to prevent age-related changes.

  • SkinCeuticals® “HA Intensifier” (USA) –

    This serum contains 1.5% hyaluronic acid, 2% dipotassium cittirisate, 10% proxylane. Designed to correct age-related skin changes. Cost about 8,000 rubles (30 ml). You can buy it in the company's Russian online store SkinCeuticals®.

  • Serum “Tete” (Switzerland) –

    cost from 2200 rubles per package with three bottles of 10 ml each. The manufacturer does not disclose the concentration of HA, but the products of this company have always been of high quality (for example, it was Tete that developed the so-called liposomal cosmetics).

Creams with hyaluronic acid –

As for creams with low molecular weight HA, very few of them are sold in Russia. Only a few brands can be called worthy of at least some trust. Firstly, this is the TETE® liposomal lifting cream, which uses an innovative liposomal mechanism for transferring HA molecules into the skin. Firstly, these are cosmetic products from the French company La Roche-Posay®, which are very widely represented in pharmacy chains.

Important: the most effective option would still be to use not creams, but serums with HA. But keep in mind that immediately after applying and absorbing the serum, you must immediately apply a good cream on top (ideally if it contains ceramides).


Depending on the length and mass of the molecules, hyaluronic acid is divided into three types: low-, medium- and high-molecular. Each type has its own area of ​​application. The cosmetologist decides which one to choose in each individual case.

Low molecular acid

It is the least effective. The advantage is the ability to penetrate deep into the epidermis and influence the lower layers of the skin. However, such molecules do not hold enough water. The purpose of such products is not to moisturize and heal wounds, but to stimulate the body’s production of “native” hyaluronic acid. Thanks to this, there is a preventive effect against dehydration of the epidermis and aging.

Small molecule hyaluronate is used externally. It is included in tonics, emulsions, serums and creams.

Medium molecular acid

A substance of this type penetrates well into the skin layers, but does not reach the deeper layers. Has a good moisturizing effect and removes fine wrinkles. Products based on it are used externally and internally. More often, masks, tonics, gels and emulsions are made with it for frequent use.

High molecular weight acid

Hyaluron in this form cannot penetrate into the layers of the skin, but it can retain a lot of water, significantly moisturizing and smoothing the epidermis. It also has regenerating and antioxidant properties. Used for surface moisturizing. High molecular weight hyaluronic acid is included in face masks and gels. However, it is mainly used for injections, as it perfectly fills and smoothes out wrinkles.

How to recognize trouble

There are two main forms of osteoarthritis: primary and secondary.

Primary develops, as a rule, after 45 years. The most common and characteristic localization of primary arthrosis is the knee joints, interphalangeal joints of the hands, spine, first toe and hip joints. Women more often than men suffer from OA of the knee joints and joints of the hands, but simultaneous damage to various groups of joints can also occur, especially after menopause (polyosteoarthrosis).

Secondary arthrosis in its clinical manifestations does not differ from primary arthrosis, develops in almost any joints and has a specific cause of the disease - against the background of joint injuries (domestic: from falls, bruises), professional (for example, miners develop OA of the shoulder joint when working with a jackhammer ), sports (OA of the knee and ankle joints in football players and hockey players) and a number of diseases (rheumatological, hereditary, etc.).

Let's talk in more detail about the symptoms and clinical manifestations of osteoarthritis.

OA first of all manifests itself as pain in the joints and only then, gradually, does restriction of movements develop (stiffness, stiffness). At the beginning of the disease, a person feels slight discomfort in the joint when walking, but does not pay attention to it (during a long asymptomatic period). Further pain occurs with movement and/or physical stress on the joint. With rest the pain goes away. Sometimes the intensity of pain varies depending on temperature, air humidity and atmospheric pressure (which affects the pressure in the joint cavity). Gradually, as OA progresses, the pain intensifies and can occur when changing body position, getting up from a chair, or walking up the stairs. Night pain indicates the addition of an inflammatory component.

Pain syndrome in OA has some features depending on the location of the lesion. Thus, with OA of the knee joint (gonarthrosis), pain is usually limited to the anterior and middle region of the knee joint and the upper part of the lower leg; worsens when walking or going down stairs. With OA of the hip joint (coxarthrosis), pain is localized in the groin area and can spread to the buttock, anterolateral surface of the thigh, knee or lower leg. Often the pain is localized only in the knee area, but unlike pain with OA of the knee joint, it is diffuse in nature, decreases after rubbing, and occurs with movement, but not in the knee, but in the hip joint.

With OA, there is a feeling of stiffness (joint stiffness). Most often, a person notices stiffness in the morning after waking up, after a certain period of joint immobility (sitting on a chair); it does not last long: from a few minutes to half an hour. There may be short-term swelling of the affected joint, which is associated with inflammation. The pain intensifies, especially at night. As the disease progresses, the joints become deformed. This is clearly visible when the joints of the hands are affected, when nodules (bone growths) form in the joint area. Pain and deformation of the joints limit a person’s motor activity.

Don't put off visiting your doctor!

A selection of the best products with hyaluronic acid

Experts in the field of cosmetology have identified the TOP hyaluronic acid from various manufacturers. The best rating included creams that demonstrated high performance in the following parameters:

  • Safety,
  • Compliance with cost and quality,
  • Benefit,
  • Reviews from users and specialists.


Librederm is a manufacturer of cosmetics based on hyaluronic acid, which is in demand in the CIS. The product has medium thickness, so it is easy to apply and evenly distributed. It also doesn't make you feel greasy. Sold in a bottle with a dispenser. Thanks to it, it is convenient to take the product, and the ingress of dust and foreign substances into the bottle itself is excluded.

The manufacturer positions it as the best filler product that can rejuvenate the skin without injections in a short time. At the same time, the cream contains quite a bit of hyaluronate. In fact, there is a relief from newly formed wrinkles and intense hydration of the skin. The product can be used as a base for make-up. The product masks the signs of fatigue and makes the face look fresh.


Swiss brand Tete produces a product that includes three-dimensional hyaluronate and liposomes. It is aimed at actively combating the signs of aging and preventing the appearance of wrinkles for a long time. Users note that the cream solves all problems, as the manufacturer promises.

The tool has the following parameters:

  1. The active components penetrate as deeply as possible,
  2. The elasticity of the skin is restored,
  3. Pores become smaller
  4. Noticeable rejuvenation
  5. The effects of stress, lack of sleep and fatigue go away.

The cream has a cumulative effect, so it is necessary to take breaks between courses with it. This makes the cost of quite expensive cosmetics completely justified.


This cosmetic product is intended for combination skin; it is ideal when used in winter, when the skin dries out greatly. The cream does not cause a feeling of tightness and does not clog pores. The beneficial properties include evening out facial tone and smoothing out fine wrinkles. You need to apply the cream twice a day. It also has accumulative properties.


The product is used to solve three problems:

  1. Moisturize,
  2. Restore,
  3. Remove wrinkles.

It has the lightest texture, so it does not clog pores, is well absorbed and can be used as a base for makeup. It has a distinct scent, but it disappears soon after application. Some users say it creates an almost invisible film without being greasy.

The cream accelerates cell renewal and stimulates the production of its own hyaluronic acid. When used regularly by women over 30 years of age, it can replace injections. A clear manifestation of rejuvenation is noticeable with prolonged use.


The American brand produces this product for all skin types. It strengthens the skin, fills it with moisture and restores cells. The cream also nourishes the skin and makes it softer, slows down the aging process, hides signs of fatigue, and restores elasticity. It has a fairly high price, but the quality and strong effect of the cosmetic product justify it.


Intended for women over 45 years of age. The cream must be applied every morning to obtain a lifting effect. The product has a light and delicate texture and a pleasant, unobtrusive aroma. Users note the enveloping effect of the cream. He is also capable of:

  • protect from negative external influences,
  • improve skin tone,
  • smooth out wrinkles,
  • correct the contour of the face.

The product slows down aging, retains moisture throughout the day, and heals small wounds.


Belotero is a geledermal hyaluronic acid (HA) filler that adds volume to the face and seamlessly adapts to your natural facial contours. Formulated with the same voluminous, hydrating ingredients found in your skin. It is a natural choice for reducing the appearance of wrinkles and lines. When injected into the body, Belotero instantly swells, adding volume to areas where it has been lost and treating even the finest lines and wrinkles.

This is especially important in areas like your lips where you will want to see results.

Belotero is a soft bonding gel that integrates into your tissues to ensure a good result without disturbing the natural contours of your face.

As with all aesthetic procedures, the results will depend on the individual and the area that was treated. In clinical trials:

  • 97% of patients showed visible improvement after just one treatment with Belotero.
  • 66% of patients continued to show visible improvement after 9 months after a single treatment.
  • Most clients opt for another treatment after 6-12 months to maintain a fresh, youthful appearance.


  • Periorbital lines (also known as crow's feet) and bridge of the nose
  • Chin (horizontal line or crease on the chin)
  • Nasolabial folds (lines from the nose to the corner of the mouth, also known as laugh lines)
  • Perioral lines (sometimes called smoker's lines, although you don't have to be a smoker to get them)
  • Lips and cinnabar (thin line of the border of your lips)
  • Puppet lines (lines from the corners of the mouth to the jaw)
  • Under the eyes


Cosmetology has been using hyaluronic acid for a long time. For this, two methods are used: external and injection. In the first case, these are home care products, and in the second, serums for injections, which are made only by a cosmetologist. Injections are already the prerogative of medicine in the fight against aging.

At home

At home you can use the following products:

  1. Powder for dilution – pure hyaluron,
  2. Hyaluronate serum,
  3. Ready-made solutions, monogels,
  4. Creams, gels, tonics, lotions and other cosmetics based on hyaluronic acid.

A noticeable effect can only be obtained with regular use of such products.

Cream Libriderm Hyaluron moisturizing

The cream has a significant moisturizing effect due to the fact that it contains a high percentage of hyaluronic acid. It is intended for application to the skin of the face, décolleté and neck.

The properties of the cream are as follows:

  • increases moisture content in the dermis;
  • increases collagen activity, and therefore skin elasticity;
  • due to the increased water content in the cells of the epidermis, the lower layers of the skin are also saturated with liquid, which has a beneficial effect on its condition.

Complex cream "Libriderm" is a product that can completely replace injection effects on the skin, provided it is used regularly.

Cream mask “Bark”

In addition to acid, the mask contains amino acids, including glycine, proline, serine, lysine and others, as well as acids – succinic and lactic, and algae – kelp and fucus.

The presence of wheat germ and oat milk in the extract is also important.

All these components combined with hyaluron make the mask an excellent facial moisturizer. Thanks to its composition, the mask is suitable for any skin type and has a significant moisturizing effect.

Top brands

Best cosmetic brands:

  1. Limoni. This company was founded in 2004 with the goal of producing quality products at an affordable price for everyone. Now the company produces not only cosmetics, but also accessories for manicure, as well as perfumes.
  2. Librederm. It is based on the production of skin creams that do not contain harmful ingredients: fragrances, parabens, etc. All cosmetics are produced only in accordance with the latest quality standards.
  3. Coxir . It appeared relatively recently (in 2018), but quickly gained popularity due to its price-quality ratio. When producing cosmetics, the company focuses on the use of herbal ingredients.
  4. Farmstay. It also produces creams based on natural ingredients. In addition to skincare products, the company produces high-quality cosmetics.
  5. D'oliva. Products have been produced under this brand for more than 15 years. All cosmetics undergo a series of tests, which is why they are so valued by consumers.

What else should be included in a quality cream?

In addition to hyaluronic acid, a high-quality cream should include the following components:

  • panthenol - promotes nutrition, prevents peeling;
  • glycerin - forms a thin film on the surface of the face, preventing moisture loss;
  • magnesium - improves blood circulation and skin color;
  • aloe extract - promotes tissue regeneration;
  • vitamin E - has an antioxidant effect;
  • hydrolyzed urea - moisturizes the deep layers of the dermis;
  • retinol - helps maintain skin tone.

It is important to pay attention to all components, some of which are harmful. The cream may contain mineral oil, a substance obtained from petroleum refining. It contributes to clogging of pores and can also cause inflammation.

Rating of hyaluronic creams

Before making the rating, we analyzed dozens of creams. The composition and effectiveness of the products offered on the market were taken into account. The opinions of cosmetologists and customer reviews were also useful. In addition, the selection criteria were:

  • Presence of natural ingredients;
  • Speed ​​of manifestation of the first result;
  • Combination with skin types;
  • Texture – oily, light, thick;
  • Best before date;
  • Can I take it during pregnancy?
  • How quickly the tube is used up;
  • Effectiveness in combating age wrinkles;
  • Availability of purchase;
  • Side effects;
  • Value for money.

After the analysis, we were able to formulate all the pros and cons of the funds under consideration, thanks to which we were able to select the 10 best.

The best retinol creams

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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