Which laser is better for removing light and gray hair: diode, neodymium or alexandrite

Is laser hair removal suitable for fair-haired people?

Many medical studies have been conducted to study laser effects on them. Laser has been proven to be effective in removing blonde hair!


Some salons use Apollo, D-LAS 75 and Lumeni brands of diode laser for blonde hair. They willingly take on shaved, coarse blond hair.

Basically, the diode device is used on hair with rich pigment. Using a deep wave, it penetrates and heats the hair up to 80 degrees. The result is destruction of the hair follicle.


The beam of the laser device penetrates deeply into the tissue. This process provokes a sealing effect on the blood vessels. This property is different from diode and helps remove light/gray hair. The neodymium laser blocks the nutrition of cells, causing them to die. The procedure is considered quick and aesthetic, but can be painful.


Alexandrite stone helps focus the laser beam along its length, affecting melanin. He makes his way to the rod, after a few days the rod falls out. Alexandrite laser is successfully used for increased hairiness caused by hormonal pathology. Its use is not clear for light hair, for a similar reason to diode.

The best devices

Experts have identified which diode laser is best for hair removal - this is the “Lumenis LightSheer” model, made in America. The best alexandrite is “Candela GentleLase”.

They are distinguished by the following characteristics:

  • Wavelength. Laser reaches the deepest layers of the epidermis, maximum depth 6 mm.
  • The devices are powerful, but during the hair removal process they are not used to the maximum. This is to prevent burns.
  • The area of ​​action of the laser is extensive, which makes the procedure faster.
  • In order to completely remove body hair, 8 procedures are required.

Beauty salons offer different devices; there are good options from Italian, Belarusian and Chinese manufacturers. But the above devices are considered the best in their class.

Elos hair removal

Elos - hair removal, is considered one of the highest quality and safest. Guarantees complete removal of any hair: light, vellus, gray. Thanks to the simultaneous use of two energies - a light pulse and a current, it allows you to remove and completely destroy active hair. A cooling gel with anesthetic is applied for comfort. The procedure takes place with minimal risks and without burns. The most important quality of Elos is the ability to remove light and gray pigment.

How to remove gray hair with a laser

Modern cosmetology has found a way to permanently remove gray hair with laser. Our clinic uses a multifunctional Clarity device that can handle hairs of any color.

The Clarity laser device generates two beams of different lengths at once - alexandrite and neodymium, which guarantees a good result. The device works with hairs containing a minimal amount of melanin. The procedure is painless thanks to the double cryogenic cooling system.

Nano hair removal

Nano - hair removal, also known as “Alkaline peeling”, “Alkaline hair removal”, “Neo” and “Ultra”. Developed by American cosmetologists, it is suitable for all hair types and all areas of the skin, boasting an immediate effect on vellus and ingrown hairs. The face and upper lip have a pronounced vellus zone, which indicates the successful use of nano-hair removal in these areas.

The procedure is carried out on the basis of a special cream with an alkaline composition. It penetrates deeply into the hair structure and dissolves it. Like all previous types of hair removal, alkaline peeling affects active hair, up to 20% is removed from the first procedure, complete removal occurs in 6-10 repetitions.

Why do you need to know your skin phototype?

Photo by Angela Roma: Pexels
A phototype is a skin tone that determines its sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation. This is a congenital trait that does not change throughout life. The phototype is determined by the activity of melanocytes, and it determines the speed of tanning and its duration.

Knowing the skin phototype, you can eliminate the occurrence of burns by protecting it from UV rays with special protection. In the same way, you can eliminate or reduce the risk of age spots and minimize the risk of developing melanoma.

As for hair removal, the light equipment for it works on the photothermal principle, and is directly related to the amount of melanin pigment in the hair, which means the phototype prevents damage to healthy skin around the hair follicle.

The phototype can be determined using the Fitzpatrick scale.


Electrolysis is one of the popular methods of applying a targeted electric current to the hair follicle. It is quite a painful procedure and requires a highly qualified cosmetologist. Electrolysis, widely used for blond and gray hair, does not depend on cell pigment. Cosmetologists advise pre-dyeing light hair with dark dye intended for eyebrows and eyelashes, for high-quality, targeted treatment with the device. The necessary areas are numbed by applying a special gel.


The characteristics will help you choose types of lasers based on the operating principle of the equipment:


Ruby (1 pulse per second). One of the first variants of devices that appeared in cosmetology for carrying out the procedure for removing unwanted vegetation. Compared to competitors, it works slowly. Cannot be used after sunbathing; has no effect on light hair. They are used infrequently. Inside it is a rod made of artificial ruby, which perfectly conducts laser beams. Their length is short, which is why hair removal lasts longer and causes pain. Services using this device are cheaper, it is the most inexpensive in the price ranking, and a ruby ​​laser is used on any area of ​​the skin.

Pros: effective, simple to use, no pain in some areas, suitable for fair skin, new hairs become thinner and paler.

Cons: long procedure, can cause hyperpigmentation.


Alexandrite (1.5 pulses per second, beam length 755 nm, diameter 1.8 cm). This universal device, the second leader in the rating, is used in all beauty salons that deal with body hair removal. Removes dark hair well. If the client's skin is fair, alexandrite works more effectively. Helps cope with the consequences of hormonal imbalances, when hard dark vegetation appears where it was not expected at all.

Pros: laser power, safe, does not affect skin areas, the procedure is painless (tingling is acceptable), universal (treats any part of the body), does not create scars or scars, works relatively quickly.

Cons: not effective when treating thick and dark hair; after epilation, redness may appear on sensitive areas (armpits, bikini).


Diode (speed 5-30 milliseconds). More suitable for dark hair, preferably the client's skin tone is dark. You won’t be able to get rid of thick and dark vegetation in one session. The diode is suitable for sensitive skin and has a gentle effect. The effects of diode and alexandrite lasers are often compared; the latter in this debate works faster. To ensure that the diode laser procedure is pain-free, a cooling gel is first applied. Tightens the dermis in the affected areas. The device is equipped with a sapphire tip and a cooling system; it protects the skin from burns and redness. Suitable for hard to reach areas.

Pros: effective, has anti-aging properties, leaves no marks after use, the procedure is quick (up to 1 hour, depending on the area being epilated), removes hair stumps.

Disadvantages: for fair-haired clients, more procedures are required, the cost of visiting a beauty salon is higher (hair no longer grows after removal), a slight tingling sensation is felt in areas of particular sensitivity (face, bikini, back of the hands).


Neodymium (beam length up to 8 mm). This laser is used in the summer without restrictions; unlike its competitors, the device is the leader in the rating in terms of characteristics. The beam penetrates into the deep layers of the epidermis without damaging them. Has a rejuvenating effect. The wavelength for each client is selected individually. It acts on the hair follicles with thermal energy and at the same time stimulates the production of collagen. It is used in the presence of diseases of the veins and capillaries, helps brighten up the consequences of varicose veins, rosacea, arterial network. Healthy skin is not at risk. A neodymium laser can remove tattoos and age spots like none of its competitors.

Pros: effective hair removal, laser power, lightening of age spots, assistance in the treatment and erasing of post-acne marks, correction of permanent and regular tattoos, tightens the skin, removes the first signs of aging, hair removal is carried out for all types of dermis and hair (the only laser that works on dark-skinned people) people and tanned skin), used in summer, the procedure is quick, no special care is required after use.

Cons: long rays cause pain on sensitive areas of the skin, the process of follicle dying after treatment lasts about 2 weeks, the course consists of several procedures to obtain the desired effect.

Elos hair removal

It is a combination of electricity and laser. The latter warms up the hair, and then the electrical impulse destroys its structure. The method is effective for the strongest and thickest hair; the impulse penetrates the deepest layers of the epidermis.

Cool hair removal

The method is called cold, the effect is performed by short laser flashes directly on the hair. The patient does not experience pain. Suitable for dark skin, as it is not involved in the hair removal process.

The last two methods are rare. The most common are diode and alexandrite lasers. It is not only the cosmetologist who decides which laser to choose for hair removal; the client’s opinion is of paramount importance. To decide, you need to know some nuances.

General recommendations for preparing for the procedure

In conditions of correct and safe implementation of the procedure, areas of the armpits, bikini, face and other areas require responsibility on the part of both the client and the cosmetologist. There are general rules for preparing for the hair removal procedure:

  1. 2 weeks before the session, avoid aggressive sun rays, do not sunbathe and visit the solarium.
  2. 3-4 days before the procedure, shave the hair in the desired areas.
  3. Before the session, it is advisable not to take hot baths or visit the sauna so that the blood vessels remain at rest.
  4. In many cases, before the procedure, painkillers - creams, gels - are applied to the working area.
  5. The technician must wear sterile, disposable gloves.
  6. The required number of sessions is 6-10 repetitions, with an interval of 4-8 weeks.

Alternative Methods

Modern methods of depilation are divided by type of effect into:

  • laser;
  • photoepilation;
  • electrolysis.

To determine the method that is right for you, you need to know their individual characteristics.


During electrolysis, current is applied to each hair individually. The impulse suppresses follicle cells, slows down its growth and destroys it. During photoepilation, the area of ​​action of the device affects several hairs and the skin underneath them. The device heats the epidermis and the bulbs in it, simultaneously hitting several hairs. Growth slows down and then stops altogether. The laser has a targeted effect on each hair without affecting the skin.


Electrolysis is effective only if the abundance of hair on the body is not associated with hormonal changes. In this case, the effectiveness will be 100%. Photoepilation requires several procedures. It is capable of removing unwanted hair only in 60% of cases. Laser hair removal requires a larger number of sessions, since the devices act in a targeted manner. Effectiveness is achieved in 80% of cases.

What kind of hair lends itself

Electrolysis has no equal in this matter; both light and dark hairs are removed. Photoepilation can be chosen for light and sparse hair. Lasers operate depending on the type of device (diode for dark ones, alexandrite for light ones, etc.).

Benefits of laser hair removal

To understand whether laser hair removal is effective, you need to experience the effects of the laser on yourself. Main advantages:

  • salvation for sensitive skin; if you choose the right type of attachment, there is no pain;
  • this is the only hair removal method that does not leave red spots on sensitive and thin skin at the sites where the bulbs were removed;
  • the safest procedure, does not leave scars or burns if performed correctly;
  • passes quickly, there is no discomfort during the procedure.

It is impossible to immediately say which device is better for laser hair removal. It is required to carry out several procedures, first compare the preferred options based on skin light type, thickness, thickness and hair color. Before the first procedure, to find the best solution, consult with a specialist.

Post-procedure care

After any type of hair removal procedure, the skin of the treated areas requires careful care:

  • During the day, do not wet the epilation areas. Avoid exposure to heat. It is necessary for the blood vessels to recover and calm down.
  • It is not recommended to sunbathe for two weeks. Be sure to use sunscreen lotion and SPF-30 cream to avoid darkening of the skin.
  • To reduce pain or discomfort, apply ice to the inflamed areas for a numbing effect.
  • If irritation or boils appear, be sure to contact a cosmetologist and ask about further actions.


There are several contraindications that strictly prohibit the use of this method:

  • Oncology.
  • Radiation intolerance.
  • Diabetes.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Pregnancy or breastfeeding.
  • Blood diseases.

Relative contraindications include:

  • Fresh tan.
  • Exacerbation of skin pathologies.
  • Varicose veins
  • ARVI.
  • Recent epilation with sugar paste or wax.
  • It is not recommended to undergo laser hair removal if puberty has not yet been completed.
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