Cosmetologist Patimat Sagitova about the profession, patients and popular procedures


2003 - Graduated from the Medical Academy of the DMA, Makhachkala.

2004 - completed an internship in General Surgery at the DMA, Makhachkala.

2005 - Specialization in plastic surgery at the National Medical Academy, Novosibirsk.

2006 - specialization in maxillofacial surgery at the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Moscow.

2012 - specialization in surgery at RUDN University, Moscow.

2013 - professional retraining in plastic surgery at RUDN University, Moscow.

Five stars with perfect facial skin: the choice of an expert cosmetologist

In the modern world, an attractive appearance has long become one of the most important components of success and well-being in life, and the face is the “showcase” of a person, so special requirements are placed on it in the first place. We are pleasantly surprised by stars - singers, actresses, athletes, ballerinas - who have excellent facial skin even at an age when most people inevitably show signs of aging.

Patimat Sagitova

Photo: press materials

The secret to such perfect skin is in proper care and timely contact with a cosmetologist.

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Posted by Victoria Beckham (@victoriabeckham) Oct 21, 2022 at 4:23 am PDT

Victoria Beckham

Victoria Beckham is already 45 years old, and by nature her skin was quite problematic. But can anyone tell this by looking at a star? Of course, facial cleansing and exfoliation play a role, but Victoria attaches no less importance to proper nutrition. The fact is that problem skin needs omega-3 fatty acids. Their deficiency can be compensated by eating a portion of salmon daily, which promotes the production of collagen and the overall improvement of not only the skin, but also hair and nails.

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Posted by Jennifer Lopez (@jlo)Oct 1, 2022 at 5:34 am PDT

Jennifer Lopez

Jennifer Lopez turned 50 years old. Who would have thought, but it is so. However, the American actress's facial skin is truly amazing. Jennifer was able to achieve her youth and elasticity thanks to proper skin care. She pays special attention to moisturizing the skin, applying a moisturizer immediately after washing, using a natural sour cream mask after sunbathing, and washing her face with cool water at room temperature. As you can see, such techniques really preserve the youthful beauty of the face.

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Posted by Salma Hayek Pinault (@salmahayek) Jan 7, 2022 at 11:53 PST

Salma Hayek

American actress and producer Salma Hayek is in her sixth decade - she turned 50 three years ago. But her facial skin is still young and fresh. Salma was able to achieve this effect by combining skin care with proper nutrition. The actress uses mimosa oil, washes her face with cool water, and to maintain skin elasticity, drinks a glass of fresh, steep bone broth with the addition of a spoonful of apple cider every day. This mixture is very rich in collagen and helps improve skin quality.

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Publication from OLGA BUZOVA / OLGA BUZOVA (@olgabuzova_news)4 Nov 2019 at 1:52 PST

Olga Buzova

All-Russian celebrity, TV personality Olga Buzova has reached her fourth decade, but this does not make her look any worse. Velvety skin, no greasy shine - of course, you can feel the professional level of skin care here. In an interview, Olga admitted that she wipes her skin every day with ice cubes and lemon juice. But besides proper nutrition and daily skin care, there is another secret - a thick foundation combined with facial contouring.

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Posted by Victoria Bonya (@victoriabonya) Jan 12, 2022 at 12:30 PST

Victoria Bonya

TV presenter and simply beautiful Victoria Bonya pays special attention to skin care. Every day she wipes her face with a cotton wool with 5% calcium chloride applied to it (half an ampoule), then with the same cotton wool, only with unscented baby soap applied to it, slightly moistened with water, she wipes her face a couple more times. A simple procedure allows you to remain as fresh and beautiful at the age of 40 as 18-year-old girls.

Diplomas and certificates:

2004 - Fundamentals of plastic and reconstructive surgery, Novosibirsk.

2005 — Intensive course in plastic surgery, Novosibirsk, aesthetic and reconstructive blepharoplasty.

2005 - Specialization in Transplantology of stem cells and fibroblasts in aesthetic medicine, State Federal University Research Institute of Transplantology and Artificial Organs, Moscow.

2006 — Specialized courses in laser medicine GNV, Moscow.

2006 — Certificate in contour plastic surgery Restylane, R.Touch. R. Perllane, R. Vital. Institute Vallex M, Moscow.

2006 — Certificate for the use of the drug Dysport in aesthetic medicine. Vallex M Institute, Moscow.

2007 — Certificate for the drug “Embrioblast, NSTF 135, Ac Hyal.” Filorga, Moscow.

2010 — Certificate in laser technologies: “Fraxel, restore and repare.”

2010 — Certificate in thread lifting “Aptos”, Moscow.

2010 — Certificate in contour plastic surgery with Teosyal.

2010 — Certificate in contouring, topic “Macrolane”. Vallex M, Moscow.

2012 — Certificate in contour plastic surgery “Radiesse”, Aesthetic Merz company, Moscow.

2012 — Certificate of “Plasmolifting”. Art Estel, Moscow.

2012 — Certificate in contour plastic surgery “Meso - Wharton Pess” and “Meso-Xantini”, Moscow.

2013 — Certificate for mesothreads “Thread Lifting Technology”, Moscow.

2013 — Certificate “Silhoette Lift Soft” and “Silhoette Lift”, NikiMed, Moscow.

2013 - Restylane Soft Restoration Certificate? Vallex M, Moscow.

2013 — Certificate in laser rejuvenation technologies “Termage”, Moscow.

2015 — Diploma “Features of volumetric correction of the face and hands with injections of autologous fat”, Body Jet, NikiMed, Moscow.

2015 — Certificate in ultrasonic rejuvenation methods from Altera System, Moscow.

2015 — Certificate in rejuvenation with skin’s own fibroblasts “SPRS - therapy”, Moscow.

Cosmetologist Patimat Sagitova about the profession, patients and popular procedures

[ interview ]

– How did you choose your profession – cosmetologist?

While studying at a medical university, it was necessary to practice working as an orderly, but all my thoughts were about how to get into a beauty salon with a medical license, so I ended up in an aesthetic medicine center, where I realized that I could realize myself to the fullest. The massages, treatments, masks, smiles of the center's clients enchanted me like a magic circle, and they never let me out of their circle... And my clients, as if enchanted, came and came for my treatments and massages. And every day I understood more and more clearly that I wanted to practice in this area.

– Can you find a common language with all patients?

Finding among several tens of thousands of cosmetologists someone you can trust is not at all easy; it is even more difficult to talk to a stranger about your problems, even the most delicate ones, and establish a connection with him. The first conversation requires special delicacy. My task is to tell and explain how aesthetic and cosmetological problems are related, what indications there are for certain procedures and what the consequences may be in the near or long term. Without false modesty, I can do this. Therefore, I easily find a common language with the patient.

– At what age should you start taking care of yourself and what should you pay attention to?

If we start taking care of our skin in time, while it is still young, we can maintain our beauty and youth for a long time. For example, I recommend resorting to injection and peeling procedures from the age of 25. At this age, active processes in the body decrease.

– What procedures can you recommend for effective rejuvenation?

Today, modern cosmetology offers many effective methods to preserve the beauty and health of facial skin for as long as possible, these include facial lifting massage, microdermabrasion, chemical peels, radio frequency lifting, photorejuvenation, biorevitalization, bioreinforcement, thread lifting, and contouring and oxygen therapy. But it is important to remember: each patient has his own protocol of procedures.

– Today, injection techniques are very popular. Does everyone need “beauty injections”?

All ages are susceptible to “beauty” injections (Laughs). But each patient requires an individual approach. For example, mesotherapy can be performed from the age of 17, but Botox from the age of 18, contour plastic surgery, I recommend from the age of 20, but threads from the age of 28, while taking into account the patient’s medical history and indications for any procedure.

– The main mistake women make when taking care of themselves?

I want to say that there are several mistakes. Scrubbing and exfoliating your face every day is definitely a big mistake. You should also not squeeze pimples. You can't go to bed without taking off your makeup! It is a mistake not to use moisturizers and sunscreens!

Poor nutrition or not drinking enough water has a bad effect on the appearance and condition of the skin! Lack of sleep also has a bad effect!

So, if you want to be beautiful and healthy, change your lifestyle and approach to care.

– Do you have a favorite procedure?

Speaking about myself, I want to say that I absolutely love aesthetic procedures, massages, masks, treatments. I often resort to the biorevitalization procedure.

– Are there any men among your patients? What procedures do they prefer?

Of course there are, and there are quite a lot of them. Men want to have a solid appearance, to look respectable, in order to create a favorable impression in the eyes of their business partners regarding their success, wealth, and high social status.

Quite often, men undergo contour plastic surgery and prefer one-step transformation procedures.

Working methods:

Facial rejuvenation:

  • Endoscopic forehead lift
  • Blepharoplasty
  • Liposuction
  • Lipofilling

Non-surgical methods of face and body rejuvenation

  • SPRS - therapy
  • Thread lifting using the following methods: Silhoette Lift, Silhoette Soft, Aptos Excelance, Thread Lifting.
  • Contour plastic: Radisse, Restylane, Belotero, Yuviderm, Teosyal, etc.
  • Correction of body contours with Macrolane preparations
  • Plasma therapy
  • Fraxel
  • Altera
  • Thermage
  • Laser resurfacing of face and body


Plastic surgeon, maxillofacial surgeon, cosmetologist.
Chief physician of the cosmetology department of the Lux Clinic. Experience in aesthetic surgery and cosmetology for more than 10 years.

Specialist in laser and hardware rejuvenation methods. Chief physician of the cosmetology department of the Lux Clinic. She began general medical practice in 2004 and began plastic surgery in 2005.

Participant of international medical congresses and conferences:

  • 2013 - 4th International Symposium on Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology, Moscow.
  • 2013 - 12th International Congress on Aesthetic Medicine named after. Eyu Lamutia, Moscow city.
  • 2014 - 5th anniversary International Symposium on Plastic Surgery, Moscow.


  • 2003 - Graduated from the Medical Academy of the DMA, Makhachkala.
  • 2004 - completed an internship in General Surgery at the DMA, Makhachkala.
  • 2005 - Specialization in plastic surgery at the National Medical Academy, Novosibirsk.
  • 2006 - specialization in maxillofacial surgery at the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Moscow.
  • 2012 - specialization in surgery at RUDN University, Moscow.
  • 2013 - professional retraining in plastic surgery at RUDN University, Moscow.

Extra education

  • 2004 - Fundamentals of plastic and reconstructive surgery, Novosibirsk.
  • 2005 — Intensive course in plastic surgery, Novosibirsk, aesthetic and reconstructive blepharoplasty.
  • 2005 - Specialization in Transplantology of stem cells and fibroblasts in aesthetic medicine, State Federal University Research Institute of Transplantology and Artificial Organs, Moscow.
  • 2006 — Specialized courses in laser medicine GNV, Moscow.
  • 2006 — Certificate in contour plastic surgery Restylane, R.Touch. R. Perllane, R. Vital. Institute Vallex M, Moscow.
  • 2006 — Certificate for the use of the drug Dysport in aesthetic medicine. Vallex M Institute, Moscow.
  • 2007 — Certificate for the drug “Embrioblast, NSTF 135, Ac Hyal.” Filorga, Moscow.
  • 2010 — Certificate in laser technologies: “Fraxel, restore and repare.”
  • 2010 — Certificate in thread lifting “Aptos”, Moscow.
  • 2010 — Certificate in contour plastic surgery with Teosyal.
  • 2010 — Certificate in contouring, topic “Macrolane”. Vallex M, Moscow.
  • 2012 — Certificate in contour plastic surgery “Radiesse”, Aesthetic Merz company, Moscow.
  • 2012 — Certificate of “Plasmolifting”. Art Estel, Moscow.
  • 2012 — Certificate in contour plastic surgery “Meso - Wharton Pess” and “Meso-Xantini”, Moscow.
  • 2013 — Certificate for mesothreads “Thread Lifting Technology”, Moscow.
  • 2013 — Certificate “Silhoette Lift Soft” and “Silhoette Lift”, NikiMed, Moscow.
  • 2013 - Restylane Soft Restoration Certificate? Vallex M, Moscow.
  • 2013 — Certificate in laser rejuvenation technologies “Termage”, Moscow.
  • 2015 — Diploma “Features of volumetric correction of the face and hands with injections of autologous fat”, Body Jet, NikiMed, Moscow.
  • 2015 — Certificate in ultrasonic rejuvenation methods from Altera System, Moscow.
  • 2015 — Certificate in rejuvenation with skin’s own fibroblasts “SPRS - therapy”, Moscow.


Facial rejuvenation:

  • Endoscopic forehead lift;
  • Blepharoplasty;
  • Liposuction;
  • Lipofilling.

Non-surgical methods of face and body rejuvenation:

  • SPRS - therapy
  • Thread lifting using the following methods: Silhoette Lift, Silhoette Soft, Aptos Excelance, Thread Lifting;
  • Contour plastic: Radisse, Restylane, Belotero, Yuviderm, Teosyal, etc.;
  • Correction of body contours with Macrolane preparations;
  • Plasma therapy;
  • Fraxel;
  • Altera;
  • Thermage;
  • Laser resurfacing of face and body.

The beauty of Anna Sedokova: a cosmetologist reveals the secrets of the star

Patimat Sagitova, winner of the International Award in the field of beauty and health “Grace XIII” in the category “Best cosmetologist-contour plastic”, a member of the international society of mesotherapists, is studying what procedures the singer underwent to look so young.

Patimat Sagitova


Popular singer Anna Sedokova is one of the most attractive women on the modern stage. In 2002-2004, she was a soloist of the “golden line-up” of the famous group “VIA Gra”, and then began a solo career. And we understand very well how much of a role in the pop singer’s popularity her attractive appearance plays, making the performer also a “sex symbol” of the era.

Now Anna is 36 years old. For a modern woman, this is not age, but the years still make themselves felt. However, Anna looks brilliant - to the delight of her fans and the envy of many of her peers and even those women and girls who are much younger than her. What is the secret of the singer’s unprecedented freshness, vigor and beauty?

In her numerous interviews, Anna Sedokova admits that diets are difficult for her. And indeed it is. Who wants to give up delicious food? But we live in the 21st century, and cosmetology has made great progress these days. Therefore, Anna Sedokova periodically undergoes cosmetic procedures and monitors her health and skin. By the way, Anna herself emphasizes that she does not go to a cosmetologist as often as she would like - what can you do, being constantly busy on stage takes a lot of time.

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Posted by ANNA SEDOKOVA (@annasedokova)Sep 15, 2022 at 10:18 PDT

One of the most frequent manipulations that Anna resorts to is myostimulation. This procedure is aimed at restoring the functional activity of muscle fibers. This effect is achieved by exposing muscle fibers to electrical current pulses.

Cosmetic procedures help Anna look a little 20 at 36. The singer admits that the most important thing is to enjoy every minute of life, and this is possible when you not only feel, but also see yourself young. Numerous cosmetic procedures make it possible to remove wrinkles from the face and make many “age-related” flaws that are characteristic of women “over thirty” invisible. And Anna, of course, undergoes all these procedures to keep her skin fresh and healthy.

In addition, Anna regularly undergoes regular manual massage sessions. An experienced massage therapist is able to create real miracles with the body and skin of his client. And after each such session you really become younger.

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Posted by ANNA SEDOKOVA (@annasedokova) Jul 18, 2022 at 9:21 PDT

Of course, Anna Sedokova also uses all kinds of cosmetics from the best brands, and a professional cosmetologist tells her which creams, lotions and other products will be ideally combined with her skin.

Many women today want to look like Anna Sedokova. And in order to realize your dream, to make it come true, you don’t have to be a pop singer at all. It is enough to contact a qualified cosmetologist who will select individual methods for your rejuvenation and healing. If you follow all the specialist’s recommendations and regularly attend procedures, after a very short time you will not recognize yourself, your appearance will become so younger.

By the way, cosmetic procedures are not only and not so much external as “internal” rejuvenation. They are good for our health, since the rejuvenating effect of many procedures is achieved precisely through a productive effect on our body.

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