Distance learning will be in case of an emergency: students were explained whether distance learning will be introduced

Photo: © RIA Novosti/Kirill Kallinikov The transfer of schoolchildren and students to distance learning may happen in February 2022 , experts say. This option cannot be ruled out if the situation with coronavirus rapidly worsens. The new omicron strain is spreading very quickly throughout all regions. In just a few days, the number of new cases per day has doubled, and epidemiologists say that this is only the beginning of another wave of diseases. We will tell you whether distance learning will be introduced for schoolchildren and students in January-February 2022 in the material of Interesting Russia.

In honor of the Russian regions, the winter holidays have been extended until January 17-23. It all depends on the specific educational institution. The Ministry of Education allowed to shift the school holiday schedule to up to a week.

“School students will switch to distance learning only in the event of an emergency with the spread of omicron,” said the head of the Ministry of Education, Sergei Kravtsov.

Will schoolchildren and students switch to distance learning on January 24?


Will schoolchildren and students switch to distance learning on January 24?

In which regions were schoolchildren and students transferred to distance learning?

Will distance learning in Moscow schools begin on January 24?

So will distance learning be introduced in schools in January and February 2022 or not?

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Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin announced a few days ago that the coronavirus situation is again worsening not only in large Russian cities but also in villages. Based on this, cities need to take measures aimed at preparing for the fourth largest wave of coronavirus.

Active preparations are currently underway to transfer schoolchildren and students to a distance learning format.

There is no exact information regarding whether students will go on vacation from January 24 or later February 1, 2022. However, the government suggests that this will be possible from late January to early February.

Allergan improves the skills of surgeons

The Allergan company (USA), one of the leading manufacturers of innovative medical products for aesthetic medicine, cosmetology, reconstructive and plastic surgery, announced the start of the next stage of its educational program for plastic surgeons, the Allergan Academy, which took place at the end of July in Moscow, based at the DoctorPlastic clinic. Master classes at the “international academy” were taught by the outstanding Russian surgeon Dr. Sergeev.

Moscow and regional specialists in the field of plastic and reconstructive surgery, who seek to improve their professional knowledge and practical skills in the field of plastic surgery, take part in the lectures and master classes of the Allergan Academy, which are being held this year in collaboration with research and development works with MGIDO. Scientific meetings and practical classes at the “academy” are conducted by the most recognized “gurus” of plastic surgery - outstanding and most authoritative Russian and foreign surgeons.

The next classes of the “academy” were devoted to the topic of augmentation mammoplasty. Lectures and master classes were held on July 28 and 29 at the DoctorPlastic Moscow clinic, the best Russian breast augmentation center.

The teacher of the new course at the Allergan Academy was the outstanding Russian surgeon, leading specialist in mammoplasty Ilya Vyacheslavovich Sergeev.

Dr. Sergeev has performed thousands of plastic surgeries, most of which are mammoplasty. This wonderful doctor treated many patients with a variety of, sometimes very complex, cases. Patients from various Russian and foreign clinics who have not received the desired result from breast surgery often turn to him as their last hope.

The two-day Allergan Academy training course included about 6 hours of practice in the operating room, where young specialists were given the opportunity to see live all the stages of the operation and Dr. Sergeev’s signature techniques, ask him questions and even assist the famous surgeon.

Among other things, the most complex cases of breast augmentation were considered, for example, asymmetrical breast augmentation (selection and installation of implants of various sizes). During the operations, Dr. Sergeev commented in detail on each of his actions and the general course of the operation so that the cadets could apply the acquired knowledge in practice in their own places.

The course participants expressed great gratitude to the course instructor and Allergan for the invaluable knowledge and practical skills that they received.

Information about the company:

Allergan (USA) is a leading developer and manufacturer of innovative medical products and materials for such fields of medicine as ophthalmology, neurology, dermatology, plastic surgery, obesity surgery and urology. The company's products are supplied to more than 100 countries around the world.

In Russia, Allergan is known primarily as the developer and manufacturer of BOTOX® and Natrelle® breast implants

In which regions were schoolchildren and students transferred to distance learning?

Due to the unfavorable epidemiological situation, the authorities of the Komi Republic decided to transfer students of the Syktyvkar Trade and Technology College to remote learning.

In turn, the Altai Territory is also experiencing an increase in the incidence of Covid. In this regard, in 18 schools, almost 60 classes are simply closed. The same fate befell several kindergartens.

The authorities of the Penza region did not rule out the option of transferring schoolchildren and students to remote learning in the coming days. Experts are closely monitoring the incidence of coronavirus.

Will distance learning in Moscow schools begin on January 24?

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As it became known, active work is underway to prepare for the transfer of schoolchildren and students to remote learning. The most likely time frame for the transition to distance education is the end of January – beginning of February. The duration of this period will depend on the duration of the critical phase of the fifth wave of the pandemic. According to the most conservative forecasts, this could last at least 3-4 weeks.

A special feature of the new “omicron” strain is its ability to quickly spread from person to person even during normal conversation (not necessarily through coughing and sneezing), when hands are accidentally contaminated by objects, etc. Therefore, unlike the last wave, when schools were closed as cases in classrooms increased, this time most educational institutions are expected to close within two to three days.

At the same time, it is planned to begin vaccinating schoolchildren with the Sputnik-M vaccine, which, according to the director of the institute. Gamaleya A. Ginzburg, will be available starting next week.

An updated training center Allergan Medical Institute opened in Moscow

After a recent renovation, the educational Allergan Medical Institute® opened its doors again. Now, thanks to the work carried out and the modern equipment installed, more cosmetologists will be able to access new training programs and master classes.

The secret of the mission All over the world have their own vision of development. The company is one of the few that relies on training programs for cosmetologists and considers this an important part of its mission. And this is understandable, because Allergan, being one of the leaders in the field of aesthetic medicine throughout the world, has a portfolio of innovative drugs with one of the most highly studied quality and effectiveness profiles. According to the company, the foundation of the industry is not only original drugs, but also the specialist doctors who work with them - those whom thousands of people trust every day with their individuality, beauty and health.

Allergan launched training programs for Russian cosmetologists back in 2012. During this time, the company supported more than 240 independent conferences and congresses on aesthetic medicine, and conducted more than 3 thousand master classes for cosmetologists from all regions of Russia. Every year, more than 2,500 physicians improve their professional level through training at the Allergan Medical Institute®.

As Nadezhda Vischipanova, head of the Frau Klinik cosmetology department, noted, doctors are ready to learn new things and are ready to introduce innovations into their standard procedures. But the main thing that professionals value is working with proven, high-quality techniques, which allow them to compare favorably with the masters of the cheap and unsafe for patients “gray” segment.

And this is just the beginning. After several months of renovation, the company not only opened an updated training center equipped with the most modern equipment, but is also ready to offer several areas of educational programs designed for cosmetologists with different levels of training.

“Today we are pleased to open the doors of our updated Allergan Medical Institute® training center to once again share our expertise and knowledge, helping cosmetologists actively develop their professional skills and competencies,” said Mark Wilson, CEO in Russia, at the grand opening of the training center.

Let us remind you that it is globally represented in more than 100 countries, where it is actively developing its competencies in seven therapeutic areas. At the same time, the company invests about 10% of its revenue in scientific developments: for example, in 2022, the total investment volume exceeded $1.5 billion. The new product launch strategy involves annual drug launches in order to expand access to global innovations.

“We have a strict quality control system in place at all of our production sites. No matter where you are in the world, you can be confident in the quality of Allergan products,” added Mark Wilson.

Lighting up the stars “Aesthetic medicine is an important business for Allergan in Russia,” emphasized Nina Nasledukhova, director of the Aesthetic Medicine business unit of Allergan in Russia.

The company also has its own approach to training specialists in the aesthetic industry. The entire concept of professional training is based on active interaction with doctors. In this model, the doctor acts not only as a student, but rather as a partner, whose opinion is heard and taken into account in the further development of new training programs and master classes.

“Professional training of cosmetologists is one of the key indicators of the company’s professional development. And in this direction we intend to remain leaders. Our task is to ensure that everything we do in the field of vocational training is head and shoulders above what others do,” said Nina Nasledukhova.

Every year, Allergan makes significant investments in training and educational programs for doctors. In 2022, the company has already supported more than 50 congresses and conferences at both international and national levels. By the end of this year, it is planned to conduct more than 450 master classes, while increasing the number of doctors trained at the Allergan Medical Institute® to 3 thousand per year.

“We are using the capabilities of our training center to ensure that Russian cosmetologists can gain wide access to the best world practices and trends in the field of cosmetology,” concluded Nina Nasledukhova.

In the near future, Allergan has plans to launch a large-scale online project: the digital platform Allergan Medical Institute® - AMI Digital, which will allow both beginners and experienced cosmetologists to constantly improve their professional level, wherever they are.

Moreover, when implementing this project, the company could not resist: “The system is built in such a way that for each user, depending on his current knowledge and competencies, his own personalized training plan will be developed for the most effective development in the field of aesthetic medicine. AMI Digital will allow you to gain access to many new training modules, webinars with the participation of international speakers, ask questions to Allergan experts and much more,” said Ivan Melnik, head of professional training at Allergan in Russia.

Emphasis on freshness At the gala event dedicated to the opening of the new educational center, many partners and friends of the company gathered, who have been fruitfully cooperating with Allergan for 10–15 years. Doctors who improved their professional level with the company confidently stated that the constant development of their skills allows them to keep up with the times, with current trends, taking into account the dramatic changes that are now taking place in cosmetology and the industry as a whole.

“Currently, patients have begun to place more stringent demands on cosmetic procedures, their effectiveness, safety, longevity and timing of post-procedural rehabilitation,” noted Ekaterina Gutop, dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist, candidate of medical sciences, teacher at the Department of Dermatovenereology and Cosmetology Academy of the Federal Scientific and Clinical Center of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia and lecturer at MGIDO, - the main trends of anti-aging programs are natural results and the impression of a well-groomed, positive and fresh face; For young patients, there is a pressing request for correction that emphasizes gender accents – cheekbones and lips, and creates the effect of radiant skin.”

These trends are forcing cosmetologists to change their approaches to work.

“Highly values ​​the long-term partnership with doctors. Only together we can constantly improve and raise the level of the aesthetic medicine industry in Russia! We will continue to develop our training programs, and this is only part of our path to innovation in the Russian market,” emphasized Ivan Melnik.

To confirm his words, Ivan Melnik announced a visit to Russia this year of the outstanding plastic surgeon from Brazil, Mauricio de Mayo, who is famous for developing a system of codes - points for introducing fillers into certain areas of the face for effective and noticeable lifting, as well as facial sculpting. Seminars with the participation of Mauricio de Mayo will become available to a wide range of Russian cosmetologists as part of training programs in Russia.

So will distance learning be introduced in schools in January and February 2022 or not?

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The transfer of schools and kindergartens to distance learning is not planned from January 24: statement by the head of Rospotrebnadzor.

The “omicron” coronavirus strain largely affects children, but if all preventive rules are followed, it will be possible to maintain the current mode of education in schools. This was stated by the head of Rospotrebnadzor, Anna Popova, as reported by RIA Novosti.

According to her, recommendations for preventing the spread of coronavirus, which were previously prepared by Rospotrebnadzor, work and allow children to go to school and kindergartens. Compliance with them will allow maintaining the current mode of education in schools without transferring children to distance learning.

DoctorPlastic - clinical base of the Allergan Academy

In 2014, DoctorPlastic became the main clinical base of the international Allergan Academy program. It is here that Russian plastic surgeons improve their skills, becoming international-level specialists.

The next course will be devoted to complex aesthetic breast correction operations. In addition to the theoretical part, it provides for several demonstration operations, which will become a practical demonstration of modern methods of breast correction, which have pronounced defects and developmental features (including significant asymmetry and tubularity of the breast). The course leader is the famous plastic surgeon Ilya Vyacheslavovich Sergeev. The patients are participants in the DoctorPlastic clinic’s charity program. All operations within the program will be carried out free of charge.

The next stage of the Allergan Academy international program will take place in April

Leadership is responsibility

“Leadership is responsibility,” says DoctorPlastic, the largest Moscow clinic. A targeted social responsibility program for the clinic has been developed here, which is expanding every year. The clinic’s socially significant program includes not only free plastic surgery for patients with congenital breast defects, but also active assistance in the training of young Russian surgeons, including the participation of DoctorPlastic’s leading specialists in international research and targeted programs to promote advanced training of young specialists.

The DoctorPlastiс clinic is rightfully considered one of the best Russian plastic surgery centers, and its creator, Ilya Vyacheslavovich Sergeev, is a leading Russian specialist in the field of plastic surgery. It is not surprising that the most important international retraining program for plastic surgeons, the Allergan Academy, has made the DoctorPlastic clinic this year the main clinical base for training and retraining of specialists. The next stage of the Allergan Academy international program will take place in April.

All operations within the practical part of the course will be done completely free of charge, including thanks to the support that provided its implants for her. Expanded cooperation with Allergan helped expand the charity program to include several more patients in need of complex and expensive operations.

When selecting candidates for free operations, the clinic’s management understands that these “non-standard” patients face not only financial difficulties (the price of such an operation usually ranges from 300-500 thousand rubles). It is much more difficult for these patients to find a surgeon capable of performing such a complex operation at a high level.

Julia Karlsson - General Director of the DoctorPlastic clinic:

Today, the international Allergan Academy program is the best opportunity for advanced training for Russian surgeons. By training young specialists, we strive to promote the further development of Russian plastic surgery and the training of Russian specialists of the new generation. As for the patients participating in the program, we are glad that our cooperation with Allergan expands the clinic’s capabilities and allows us to provide free assistance to precisely those patients who most urgently need it.

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