Keratin hair straightening, Botox and nanoplasty: comparison, tips and reviews

Updated: 04/23/2021 15:18:25

Expert: Ekaterina Alekseevna Savitskaya

Well-groomed, healthy curls are a decoration for any girl. To achieve a luxurious look of hair, sometimes high-quality shampoos, masks and vitamins are not enough. Then procedures developed by specialists come to the rescue, designed to solve any hair problems. Nanoplasty and Botox are among the most effective and quite expensive. What results do they give, and which option is better? Let's talk about this.

What is keratin, botox and nanoplasty

Keratin straightening is a technology for completely smoothing strands using mixtures developed by scientists with natural protein - keratin. Thanks to it you can get rid of:

  • unruly curls;
  • fragility, dullness of curls;
  • fluffy hairstyle.

Exotic keratin nanoplasty, in fact, is one of the variations of the already proven keratin straightening. The main difference is the absence of toxic formaldehydes in the products used. That is why the procedure is indicated even for pregnant and lactating women and people prone to allergies.

Distinctive features

The differences are clearly presented in the table.

CharacteristicsKeratin straighteningNanoplasty
Effect on hair structureEach protruding scale will be filled with keratinRestoration occurs from within
Hair typeAny, except paintedAny, except those that are too badly damaged
Therapeutic effect+
Straightening ability+
Duration of retention of the result, months.No more than 63-7
Acceptable frequency of the procedureAfter 60 daysAfter 30 days
What steps should you take to take care of yourself after visiting a beauty salon?It is recommended to use special sulfate-free shampoo and masks. Styling is done using a hairdryer and brushing Hair is styled only by brushing. It is important to use special shampoos, some of which do not contain harmful substances

Pros and cons of innovation

Modern preparations for hair nanoplasty, in addition to the protein base, are enriched with collagen, wheat proteins, silk, and vitamins. But in addition to advantages, they are also characterized by certain disadvantages, for example, their amino acids can lighten hair, which is not always included in the stylist’s plans, and besides:

  • not suitable for owners of too thin, overdried curls;
  • activate the sebaceous glands;
  • reduce the volume of installation.

Girls are no less interested in how long the miracle technique “lasts.” As a rule, the effect lasts from three months to six months.

Disadvantages of procedures, possible consequences

Nanoplasty is not performed on strands that are in poor condition (dandruff, baldness), since there will be no effect or the duration of the action will not be long. The disadvantage of the procedure is:

  • increase in fat content;
  • cost of the procedure;
  • When used on curly African hair, it is not always possible to achieve perfect smoothness.

When performing Botox, there are negative aspects that manifest themselves in:

  • side effects include dandruff, rash, itching of the scalp;
  • does not straighten strands;
  • incomplete vitamin complex;
  • do not practice too often, as the effect of the drug worsens;
  • not allowed during pregnancy and lactation;
  • short result action.

It is contraindicated to perform a cosmetic procedure if there are wounds on the scalp, tumors, or allergies. After the first wash, there is a possibility of losing the results of the cosmetologist’s work.

What is the difference between Botox, keratin and nanoplasty?

Traditionally, keratin nanoplasty of hair begins with moisturizing it. Then an active substance with a faint odor of fermented milk drinks is applied. After it is absorbed, the residues are washed off, the hair is dried with a hairdryer, and processed with a flat iron. The heating temperature of the devices is strictly controlled, because excessive heat can damage the hairs. Argan oil is applied to the ends of the strands. Complete the session by washing your hair with sulfate-free shampoo.

You should choose compositions for hair nanoplasty carefully, giving preference to reliable suppliers, well-known brands, for example, SOLLER BRASIL, FGZ Professional, MAX BLOWOUT. With them, high-quality nanoplasty for blondes becomes possible, because their experts have developed products for bleached hair.

You can experiment with the amino acid method at home, but such experiments are fraught with trouble if the procedure is violated, the composition is applied for a long time, or the rectifier is overheated.

Why do hair nanoplasty?

Nanoplasty is aimed at improving the health of the hair shaft by filling the voids with keratin. The procedure is shown to solve problems:

  • relieving fatigue and lifelessness after frequent coloring;
  • for dry, naturally thin, unruly hair;
  • straightening wavy, curly and fluffy types.

To solve the problem of split ends, it is not practiced to apply the preparation, it is better to cut it off, and then sign up for applying a special preparation. For those who want to grow long strands, nanoplasty can be used. The drug does not affect growth itself, but eliminates fragility, thus promoting growth. In addition, with regular use of straightening irons, curling irons, hair dryers, the strands do not become tangled and remain healthy and well-groomed.

Important! When painting with henna, nanoplasty must be done after 12-14 days, since the composition may not take hold. You can enhance the color using tonic after 7-10 days. If a 6-9% illuminator can wash away the entire composition, 3% does not harm the medicinal product.

Magic "revival"

Botox for hair is not just straightening, but also a measure to improve its health and prevent split ends and dry ends. There are real photos on the forums showing the appearance of the hairstyle before and after the procedure. When a solution with botulinum toxin and additional beneficial ingredients is applied, a cap is put on - the hairs are heated so that the components literally glue the microdamages in them.

It’s difficult to say unequivocally whether nanoplasty or botox is better for hair. The visible result from botulinum preparations does not last long, but it can be repeated often, it revitalizes and rejuvenates the hair. But keratin is famous for its excellent accumulative effect.

Reviews from fashionistas on social networks confirm that it is advisable to alternate Botox and keratin straightening, and nanoplasty is an indispensable therapeutic measure.

Botox: features, benefits

It should be immediately clarified that Botox used for hair performs a completely different function than that used for facial rejuvenation. The main task of the procedure in question is to restore the structure, compact and improve the condition of the strands as a whole. That is why Botox is a real godsend for those with weakened, severely damaged hair.

Important. Botox is not able to give incredible results immediately after the first procedure, but this should not be the case, since the procedure has a cumulative effect. With regular use of Botox, your hair will significantly improve its appearance and, most importantly, become significantly healthier.

Some of the exceptional benefits of Botox include:

  1. The absence of harmful components in the composition of the drug - the products used for Botox contain exclusively beneficial ingredients, vitamin complexes, valuable oils, etc.;
  2. Deep impact - with Botox, the hair is impregnated with a composition not only from the outside, but also with deep penetration into its structure - the hair follicles are saturated with valuable microelements and are completely healed;
  3. Effective removal of split ends;
  4. Possibility of combination with coloring;
  5. Elimination of yellowness effect in blondes;
  6. 1.5-2 times cheaper than keratin straightening.

How is the Botox procedure performed? The procedure is quite simple and usually takes no more than 1 hour. The first stage is washing your hair with a special shampoo and drying with a towel. The second stage is applying the serum (the composition stays on the hair for about 40 minutes). Then a special sealing agent is applied and lasts for about 5 minutes. The last stage is applying a leave-in mask.

A professionally performed Botox procedure will make the strands softer, strengthen them, improve their health, and eliminate yellowness from the blonde. After Botox, hair requires especially intensive care. Recommendations from professionals include using exclusively sulfate-free shampoos when washing your hair, as well as frequently moisturizing your hair (any care products are suitable for this - masks, balms, etc.).

Who is Botox suitable for? Although Botox, like nanoplasty, creates the effect of well-groomed, perfectly smooth, shiny hair, the effect of the procedures is still not entirely the same. Botox, first of all, is intended to improve the health of curls - nutrition, strengthening, accelerating growth, eliminating split ends, and is therefore suitable for anyone who has the above hair problems.

In what cases what to choose?

Despite many similarities, there is a difference between nanoplasty and Botox. The duration of the result varies; the effect after nonaplasty lasts up to 7 months. There are no contraindications, because pregnancy, lactation, allergies are not a reason to refuse a cosmetic procedure and look beautiful and well-groomed during such a period. For those with curly, unruly hair, nanoplasty will straighten and make the strands even.

If it is necessary to improve the health of dry, lifeless strands that are dyed white, then Botox is ideal, since as a result the client receives a rich shade and healthy hair. For those who complain about the slow growth of strands, baldness, and also to solve the problem of split ends, it is necessary to do Botox. When caring for strands treated with the drug, there is no need to buy a special shampoo; you can wash your hair with your favorite product.

Because choosing Botox or hair nanoplasty is up to the client’s preference and the cosmetologist’s recommendation. Pay attention to indications and contraindications. If you need to treat your hair, but there are contraindications, then you should abandon Botox and choose another method. Also, if, due to environmental influences and vitamin deficiency, the hair leaves much to be desired, then in some cases Botox should be postponed (pregnancy, breastfeeding) until a more appropriate moment.

Important! When undergoing nanoplasty, the cosmetologist must warn about the consequences - the strands will become 2 shades lighter.

Keratin straightening

Aimed at immediate improvement in appearance and long-term straightening. Doesn't cure. The procedure is performed similarly to Botox, but there are significant differences.

After washing, the composition is applied to dry curls, left for 30 minutes, then dried at medium temperature with a hairdryer. Iron 2-6 times.

It is recommended to wear a mask during the procedure!

The composition contains formaldehyde, which releases toxic fumes. It is this or an analogue - aldehyde acid - that straightens curls for a long time.

Features of care:

  • for 72 hours you cannot wash or pin up your hair, make a ponytail, or tuck it behind your ear;
  • use sulfate-free shampoo and make masks with keratin for 4-6 months - this will prolong the effect of the procedure.

Effect of keratin straightening:

  • mirror shine;
  • smoothness and silkiness;
  • 4 months straight hair, without using an iron (blow-dry);
  • do not electrify, do not frizz, do not curl even at high humidity;
  • straightens curls even for very curly people and after perm.

The duration of the effect is 4-6 months.

Suitable for:

  • curly, if you want to straighten your hair for a long time;
  • for unruly hair;
  • for normal hair - add shine.

Who is not suitable for:

  • who has a problem with hair loss, keratin weighs it down and the hair follicle cannot withstand it;
  • For those who have very dry and damaged hair, the procedure is done at high temperatures and such hair may simply break after 4 months.

Contraindications: the same as for Botox, plus very weakened hair, precancerous condition and sensitivity to strong odors.

Possible side effects: the same as Botox, but also headache, watery eyes and respiratory problems.

Stages of the procedure

Nanoplasty is carried out in several stages . At the first stage, the master applies a special shampoo that removes the deepest impurities, lifts the scales on the surface of each hair and prepares the strands for the second stage - applying a straightening composition.

For better distribution of the product, the strands are divided into 4 zones and, at a distance of approximately 10 mm from the scalp, the mask is distributed using a fine comb. The drug is left on the hair for about 20 minutes and washed off .

After this, the curls are dried with cool air using a hairdryer and treated with a heat iron, which allows you to seal all the scales on each hair.

The curls are allowed to cool and washed again.

High-quality service, modern techniques and affordable prices - all these are beauty treatments from NEOMED!

Anyone who is attentive to their appearance is, of course, waging a merciless war against any signs of aging. For this purpose, people are ready to use any cosmetic products, turn to cosmetology and plastic surgery, and some even resort to folk methods and conspiracies. At the same time, the effectiveness of each specific anti-aging method inevitably causes discussions and disputes among opponents and supporters of this or that “youth practice.”

However, it is unlikely that all these confrontations can be compared with the public outcry that Allergan’s revolutionary product, called Botox, once caused.

You can find out more about the service and its cost here >>

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