Cosmetologist Alexandra Gaunt told how cryosauna fights depression

The issue of preserving youth will never lose its relevance for humanity. Until Macropolus is discovered, here are a few tips to help your skin cope with its functions and look several years younger.

An important place in daily skin care is given to its hydration and protection. But, first of all, you need to know the rules for cleansing the surface of the skin from environmental pollutants, sebum and makeup. If you skip this stage, then subsequent procedures may not only not help, but even harm. A greasy cream without prior preparation may simply not penetrate the skin, but remain on the surface and turn into an excellent environment for the development of microbes. And makeup residue can cause irritation or allergies.

The benefits of cold

The idea of ​​the effect of cold on the human body originated in Japan. According to the expert, it was there that the technique of immersing a person in sub-zero temperatures was first used.

“This was done using liquid nitrogen, which used to be quite actively used in dermatology and is still used today. Cryon is made using liquid nitrogen. This is not a completely new procedure, but immersing a person entirely, of course, began not so long ago,” says the cosmetologist.

Cold triggers a number of physiological processes in the body, sharply constricting and then dilating blood vessels. The essence of a cryosauna is to start blood flow to the skin, keeping the organs in normal condition, without overcooling.

“The procedure is useful for various allergic diseases, stress, depression, sleep problems, and vascular abnormalities. Here, a fairly good warming effect is achieved due to a sharp narrowing and sharp dilatation of blood vessels,” explains FAN’s interlocutor.

Alexandra Gaunt: It’s a very big responsibility to work with a person’s face!

Alexandra Vitalievna Gont is the head of the center for innovative rejuvenation technologies “My Aesthetics Dr. Gont”, dermatocosmetologist.

Has an international degree of Doctor of Medicine (MD). He is a full member of the Russian Society of Aesthetic Medicine (OSAM), a full member of the Russian National Society of Mesotherapy (NOM), a full member of the World Society of Aesthetic Medicine Anti-age Therapy (WOSAAM), a full member of the European Association of Aesthetic Medicine and Mesotherapy Specialists (AMME). Certified specialist in 3-D facial modeling using sculpting techniques, correction of facial contours with mesothreads, botulinum therapy, wrinkle correction, mesotherapy of the face and body, Anti-age programs for men and women, cellular Anti-age treatments based on DNA-RNA, chemical peels.

In 2007 she was nominated for the Grace Award as the best specialist in injection cosmetology, and in 2008 she became a nominee for the E.B. Laputin "Golden Lancet" in the category "Prospect of the Year".

Alexandra Vitalievna, you have been in the beauty industry for many years. How did you decide to change the noble profession of pediatrician to cosmetology, which was still incomprehensible at that time?

I come from a family of doctors, the choice of profession was not difficult and training was easy. But my clinical residency took place in the heady nineties, and it was unrealistic to survive on a clinical residency fellowship. My friends suggested collaborating with a chain American cosmetics brand, I couldn’t sell it, but at the master classes, many people needed advice on the care and treatment of skin problems, and some fame spread from word of mouth. I had to sell my beautiful piano and go to study cosmetology and massage courses. This is where the path to cosmetology began. At that time you had to survive. Then there was a specialization in dermatology, without knowing the basics it is impossible to be competent in solving cosmetological problems. Back then it was not at all popular and my fellow students laughed at me. Mom didn’t speak for 3 months, since her career as a researcher and teacher at the department was over. And I was already seriously fascinated by the art of skin care, the then fashionable “golden threads” and the beginning of injection methods for correcting cosmetic imperfections.

Wasn't it difficult to start? After all, in addition to medicine, it was also necessary to know the basics of business.

Business at that time was spontaneous, but I was part of a women’s business support group at a large foreign bank, where I took entrepreneurship and small business courses, but unfortunately in 1998 everything fell apart and the prospects for investments and large projects collapsed overnight.

Where did you find your employees, and are there any of them today with whom you started?

I opened the clinic during a very difficult period at the beginning of the crisis - many beauty industry enterprises went bankrupt and closed. Since the opening of the clinic, my faithful assistant Elena has been with me. Without her, I’m like without hands - she creates records, is always in touch with patients, assists me during procedures and is generally irreplaceable! The rest of the staff stepped up on their own - I went to one doctor as a patient myself, and after the salon closed, he moved to my clinic. I found a cosmetologist through the training I was conducting. Another employee was my patient and wanted to work with me, and the venerable masseuse came to me from a well-known clinic. The osteopathic massage therapist is my long-time friend and colleague from my previous work. That is, we have a small but very friendly team that has gathered around me, I would say by the will of fate!

There are now many cosmetology clinics in Moscow, and there is a lot of competition. How does your clinic attract clients? Maybe you have some exclusive procedures, copyright ones?

Yes, it’s true that there are a large number of salons and clinics on Malaya Bronnaya and our Patriarch’s Ponds area, but we don’t even advertise locally, since people come to us on recommendations, seeing the results of our high-quality work. “Word of mouth” is the best advertising! Since I work with well-known, and, perhaps, some of the best masters in their field, each of them has their own proprietary developments - rejuvenating procedures, techniques and massages.

For example, Dr. Sergei Nikolaevich Barsukov uses “Diamond shine” - a combination of laser carbon peeling and the “Intraceuticals” procedure. A combination of needle “golden” RF lifting with PRP therapy by Dr. Vyacheslav Sergeevich Ivanov. Mesopnucture with placental preparations from Dr. Elena Fedorovna Mamaeva. “SMAS massage” is a sculpting hour-long facial massage with cosmetologist Olga Lebedeva. Cosmetologist Alexandra Sokolova specializes in her own low-traumatic facial cleansing.

We have unique massage programs for pregnant women, recovery after plastic surgery and thalassotherapy with algotherapist and massage therapist Svetlana Zhukova, and osteopath Mikhail Anatolyevich Shamin works with the most complex cases of dysfunction of the body and muscles.

Well, and my own methods of instant “3-D” facial rejuvenation, reprogramming peels and thread lifting. So everyone does their own thing, each has their own niche and specialization, complementing the procedures of other specialists.

Nowadays, patients no longer go to the loud name of the clinic or to the crystal chandeliers in the hall, but go to the name, to a trusted or recommended specialist. They value a personalized approach without imposed procedures and clearly calculate the price-quality ratio. Therefore, in our work we use only time-tested and practice-tested methods, expensive devices and drugs with proven high efficiency

Don't you think that the contingent of cosmetology clinics has become younger?

Yes, now girls are starting to think about preventing aging in advance. There is a rational grain in this, in addition, special procedures for young skin have appeared, such as carbon or “Hollywood” low-traumatic peeling, treatments, massages and masks (they can be used from the age of 20-25). And acne and its consequences begin to be treated even earlier - from the age of 14.

Who are your clients? Many people still think that only actresses go to such clinics.

Everyone who cares about their own health and appearance goes to cosmetology clinics. Moreover, we have a lot of artists, but more representatives of the creative intelligentsia: journalists, bloggers, theater artists, directors and other beautiful people with very interesting professions, which we often don’t ask about until they tell us themselves. Although in our clinic you can often see Victoria Bonya and other famous and fashionable socialite characters... but we don’t advertise this unless people themselves want to announce it..

What is your most popular procedure?

The most popular procedure is, of course, the procedure for correcting facial wrinkles with botulinum toxins. It is popular among both men and women, because it is easier and simpler to prevent developing wrinkles in small doses than to later work with existing wrinkles.

Are there any contraindications for the procedures offered by your clinic?

As with any medical procedure, there are indications and contraindications. All this is clarified during the initial free consultation. Absolute contraindications are serious general diseases, bleeding disorders, allergic diseases, autoimmune processes, inflammation and damage to the skin at the sites of the intended procedures, pregnancy and lactation (for some), as well as high patient expectations.

Do you think beauty is inherited or is it still a way of life and care?

The external beauty of a person is the totality of external data and the proportionality of facial features. Much is inherited genetically. But I like the saying attributed to the famous Coco Chanel “that at 20 you have the beauty that nature and youth gave you, at 50 you will have what you deserve.” That is, with age, maintaining beauty is a lot of constant work! And the doctor’s skill alone is not enough here - what is important is the state of health, facial structure, motivation and the ability to devote a sufficient amount of time, effort and money to oneself.

Has it ever happened that after contacting you, someone’s life changed dramatically?

Yes, my patients have been coming to me for years and now they already bring their children. Their joys and sorrows pass before my eyes. And for a woman, the fact that she likes herself in the mirror is a wonderful psychological reason to be proud of herself and change her life! There are many examples of this, it’s a pity that often women turn to us a little late, bogged down in family matters and raising children, they forget about themselves. And after the men left them, they came running in tears asking them to quickly and radically rejuvenate them. But we are not magicians, and self-care is a systematic process, an important stage of which is home care. And only then visits to cosmetologists, injections and plastic surgery.

Do you have any clients you are proud of?

I am proud of all my patients - they find the strength, time, and often considerable financial resources to take care of themselves for years! They bring friends and husbands and every time I thank them for their trust! After all, it is a very big responsibility to work with a person’s face!

Is it possible to do something with your face a week before an important event?

If an important event is coming up, then it is better to start preparing yourself at least two months in advance (as they do in Hollywood, for example), since many procedures have a course and cumulative effect, and after injections there may be a rehabilitation period.

So in short it’s impossible - it’s a lot of work)))

How can you quickly improve your skin condition if there is an unexpected event today or tomorrow. Or maybe there is an express method from Alexandra Gaunt?

Express method from Alexandra Gaunt: cleanse the skin with any cleanser, then apply a peeling or scrub to exfoliate dead cells, then apply any mask you have at home, for oily and combination skin, preferably one based on white clay (kaolin) - it will cleanse and tighten pores, will give the skin a matte and even tone. For dry and normal skin, there may be creamy moisturizing masks or the now popular non-woven ready-made masks soaked in various extracts. Our favorite Spanish brand, presented in my clinic, even has modeling masks (that take the shape of the face as they dry) for home use!

Alexandra Vitalievna, what advice would you give to aspiring entrepreneurs?

It is very difficult for a woman to start and open her own business in our country.
But the main thing is to occupy a unique niche, or to have in your arsenal an original methodology that will be competitive and interesting to people. Believe in yourself! I was also told that it’s crazy to open your own clinic without sponsors and loans! Yes, it was more difficult than I expected, but the freedom of choice is worth it! And, of course, selecting a team - a person - is important, and people’s trust is priceless, and you need to work with those you trust! Share on social networks:


Despite the noticeable benefits of cryosauna, do not forget that the procedure is not suitable for everyone and visiting it without consulting a doctor is not advisable.

Alexandra Gaunt points out a number of contraindications. The extreme cooling procedure is not recommended for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, there is a risk of heart attack, stroke, and cannot be used for open lesions on the skin. In addition, cryosauna is not recommended for people who are afraid of closed spaces, suffer from claustrophobia and those who have a pronounced intolerance to cold - the so-called cold allergy.

Global Look Press / Jiri Hubatka

And, of course, the final rejuvenating touch is makeup and strobing.

Wonderful modern makeup products can work wonders in the right hands! The most delicate foundations with different textures will serve as excellent “clothes” for any skin. On top of the foundation, you can draw a more youthful face, masking the signs of fatigue. Strobing has long conquered the world - any girl can master the art of highlighting with the help of a highlighter protruding places that she would like to make more noticeable - cheekbones, bridge of the nose, brow ridges and vice versa, darkening those areas of the face that she would like to thin out - cheeks, sides of the nose, hairline, chin. The play of light and shadow can often both rejuvenate and age us. So experiment under the guidance of experienced cosmetologists and makeup artists; now this is available not only to residents of big cities, but, thanks to social networks and visual services, to almost everyone; just find your guru on the Internet. Put your knowledge into practice, and the results will immediately show - your skin will glow with health and beauty for many years!

Alexandra Gaunt, dermatologist, cosmetologist, specialist in contouring and medical aesthetics.
Beauty expert in skin care for the Artistry brand, expert cosmetologist in television and radio programs. Chief physician of the Center for Innovative Rejuvenation Technologies “My Aesthetics Dr.Gont”, Moscow. Based on materials from: gazetadaily

Extreme cooling session

The cold immersion procedure lasts from 30 seconds to two minutes. The temperature inside the capsule drops to -120 degrees, sometimes even lower. Alexandra Gaunt herself tried this technique on herself and, according to her, calling a cryosauna entertainment is a stretch.

“It’s very difficult to stand two minutes. Despite wearing gloves, a hat, and knee pads, at some point it becomes very cold. This is not the most pleasant procedure, but then you really feel the influx of endorphins, then you get a pleasant feeling of heat, warmth that spreads throughout the body, a kind of psychosomatic effect,” the cosmetologist shares his impressions.

The regularity of visits to the cryosauna is calculated individually, but all this occurs as prescribed by a doctor. To solve serious health problems, procedures are prescribed two to three times a week or even more often.

The viewer is accustomed to seeing the beautiful, fit faces of their favorite stars on TV screens. But how do they manage to maintain their youth from year to year? Earlier, an expert in the field of medical aesthetics and mesotherapy, Alexandra Gaunt, shared her star beauty secrets.

Creams: deep skin nourishment

Skin nutrition is a necessary element for maintaining youth. A cream that is properly selected for your age and skin type will cope best with this task. Without it, the face will not be able to maintain its youth for a long time. The skin will become dry, withered, and wrinkles will appear on it at the first opportunity.

Before applying the cream, warm it in your hands. A self-respecting woman should have a lighter-textured day cream and a richer night cream in her arsenal. The cream should be applied 1-1.5 hours before bedtime, or 30-40 minutes before leaving the room to go outside. And here you shouldn’t get ahead of yourself and “feed” skin that is already coping with its functions ahead of time. What is good for mature skin is not suitable for 25-year-old girls and can lead to shine, oiliness and irritation of the skin. Don't forget about special eyelid care! From the age of 20, these can be moisturizing gels, especially if you are prone to swelling. But after 35 years, it should be a good eye cream that not only moisturizes and protects the skin, but also prevents the formation of wrinkles. Carefully read the ingredients and recommendations on the packaging, and if possible, consult a specialist.

Most popular procedures

In films, we most often see women injecting Botox under their skin. At least in old films. In the modern world, there are a huge number of methods of rejuvenation - not only beauty injections (which, by the way, include many different injections), but also non-invasive anti-aging measures. Procedures can be roughly divided into three types:

— Injections

This includes both Botox and hyaluronic acid. For example, biorevitalization, that is, intradermal injections of drugs based on high molecular weight hyaluronic acid, helps to cope with dry skin and restore its elasticity. There is plasmolifting, which is also called self-rejuvenation: the patient’s own blood plasma is injected into problem areas. This stimulates the production of collagen and elastin. That is, the body restores itself. Piacquadio

— Hardware cosmetology

For example, vacuum massage helps to correct body contours.

— Laser rejuvenation

Using a laser, you can polish, renew your skin, and smooth out wrinkles.

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