“Everyone is doing it, why don’t I try it too”: Yulia Volkova honestly spoke about her plastic surgery

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Yulia Volkova is a shocking Russian celebrity with an eccentric character and a demeanor that is very far from aristocracy. Her natural artistry was noticed in time and successfully realized: Yulia sang in the Fidgets ensemble and starred in the film magazine Yeralash. At the age of fourteen, Volkova became a “star” not only on a Russian, but on a global scale, becoming a member of the Tatu group.
The producer offered the public a sweet, but “deeply vicious” teenage girl and was right - this is the character that turned out to be extremely in demand in 1999. By the age of twenty, the matured artist was pretty tired of the “tattoo” image, and she decided to correct her appearance with the help of plastic surgery. Looking at the photos of Yulia Volkova before and after plastic surgery, one cannot help but notice that the singer’s lips, eyebrows and chest were “tuned”.

Zac Efron

He was always very attractive, which is why he ended up in the movie “High School Musical.” But, having gained fame, he decided to make his face more masculine and corrected his upturned, slightly snub nose.

The contours have become straighter, and the nostrils look neater. The changes occurred at the age of 18 - many people think that it is not a matter of plastic surgery, but of age-related changes.

Before and after plastic surgery

As a result, a few procedures gave an extremely unaesthetic effect. All proportions were disrupted, and Volkova began to look 10 years older than she actually is. She began to resemble a lady who was not of the first freshness.

Volkova Before and After

In comparison, the photos before and after the operations show how ridiculous all the artist’s attempts to improve her appearance turned out to be . She got too carried away with plastic surgery and eventually lost her individuality and freshness.


Before the operation, Volkova believed that her own volume was not enough. She decided to enlarge them using silicone. However, she clearly overdid it. As a result, Julia acquired duck lips, which became the subject of ridicule.

The singer changed fillers more than once and adjusted the shape, but they did not become smaller or more accurate . Volkova also reacted sharply to sharp criticism, saying that she was satisfied with everything about her appearance. As a result, the mouth completely lost its forum and clear outline.

But finally, in 2012, she removed all the fillers and put her lips in order. The artist admitted that she went a little overboard, as she was a little carried away by improving herself.


Next in line were the eyebrows. Here Yulia also took it on a grand scale. She came to her birthday with renewed eyebrows. Of course, wide and thick, but natural ones are in fashion. In this case, this is clearly overkill.

Eyebrows look comical and ridiculous. They are too wide, long and dark. It is unclear whether this was a request from the singer herself or whether it was a mistake by the master. Probably the first, because Volkova is not trying to do anything or somehow change the situation, or resort to corrective procedures.

Bright, dark and hypertrophied eyebrows are the singer’s calling card.


To complete the modification of her body, Julia decided to enlarge her breasts. Previously, her forms were clearly inferior in splendor to Lena Katina. Recently, a girl decided to enlarge her bust. She immediately chose size four, which is too big for skinny Yulia. Moreover, the girl likes to highlight it with revealing outfits from which it falls out.

Kylie Jenner

Looking at the famous older sister, who resorted to the services of a plastic surgeon, Kylie also decided to overcome her complexes by removing imperfections.

While still a teenager, she had fillers injected into her lips. A few years ago, she revealed on Instagram that she decided to give up lip augmentation, but later changed her mind and continued doing the procedure. Kylie is also suspected of rhinoplasty and mammoplasty.

What kind of plastic surgery did Volkova do?

If many stars hide the fact that they have undergone any interventions, and their likelihood is discussed by leading experts, then all of Volkova’s transformations are obvious. The girl has always been distinguished by her eccentricity and love of experimenting with her image.

At the beginning of her career, Julia had a cute appearance. But when the artist’s popularity in the Tattoo group began to decline, the girl began to change more radically. She had a sexy image in the group, so she also decided to maintain it in her solo career. But I overdid it. As a result, Volkova received caustic and sarcastic comments instead of compliments.

There is no doubt that she had plastic surgery . But they all turned out to be unsuccessful. Volkova’s attempts to make herself better were heatedly discussed on the Internet. There was a lot of criticism directed at her. However, the artist did not admit her mistake and stated that she herself knew how to look better. She really likes herself.

Julia began her “friendship” with plastic surgeons with lip augmentation . Her natural abilities did not suit her. Therefore, she decided to transform in 2008. But everything turned out extremely unsuccessfully. Volkova clearly overdid it with volume.

Fans reacted sharply, and jokes and ridicule were directed at Yulia. But that didn’t stop the girl. She didn't even bother to fix anything. The quantity and quality of fillers was constantly changing, but the appearance remained terrifying.

Next in line were the eyebrows . At this time, wide, sable ones came into fashion. But Julia clearly went too far. In 2016, she made them too dark, wide and graphic, so that they looked caricatured on her face.

And after two births, the singer decided to have breast augmentation . Previously, she had a small, neat bust that fit organically into her slender figure. But the girl always dreamed of being full size. So she decided on the fourth.

It’s surprising that only a few operations, but they changed Volkova’s appearance so much. From a slender and sweet girl, she turned into a woman over 30 or even 40. In addition to plastic surgery, Julia began to use foundation very much, which makes her look even older. This is probably done to hide some consequences of the operations. The appearance of the still very young and fresh girl changed for the worse.

We recommend reading about Alena Vodonaeva’s plastic surgery. You will learn about Alena’s life before plastic surgery and about the results after the surgeons’ work on her face and chest. And here is more information about Irina Dubtsova’s plastic surgery.

Personal life

As for the star’s personal life, everything is just as complicated with it as with plastic surgery. She was officially married, although it did not last long. The divorce was scandalous, it was written about in all the glossy magazines.

Afterwards, the singer had several more serious hobbies and civil marriages, but they did not lead to anything serious. The last chosen one, with whom Yulia lived in Turkey, even raised his hand to her. In an interview, Volkova said that one day the beatings ended with a broken jaw.

Today, the artist does not perform as often as in past years, but this has nothing to do with her plastic surgery and appearance. The brunette has serious voice problems caused by illness. Now Yulia spends most of her time with her children; her daughter and son are growing up.

Although most recently Volkova took part in a television project called “Superstar! Return". The music show was broadcast on the NTV channel in December 2020.

Any plastic transformation is a risky step that can lead to undesirable and irreparable consequences, permanently ruining your appearance and health. Whether to take risks or not, everyone decides for themselves, but this must be done thoughtfully, thoroughly weighing all the pros and cons. Look at examples of stars who have become victims of plastic surgery.

Nicole Kidman

They say that Kidman followed the lead of her husband Keith Urban, who adores girls with large busts and full lips: the actress enlarged her breasts from size one to size three and plumped up her lips. But two years later, Nicole came to the conclusion that silicone had a toxic effect on her body, and got rid of it - took out the implants and returned “her” lips.


Biography of singer Volkova

The future star was born on February 20, 1985 in the Russian capital. From early childhood, the girl began taking music lessons. From the age of seven, in parallel with general education, she studied piano at a music school. The result of the classes was her participation in the children's musical group "Fidgets", where the girl met her future colleague Lena Katina. In addition to music, Julia studied acting. Her first attempts at acting can be seen in the children's humorous film magazine "Yeralash".

Useful video

Watch the video about Yulia Volkova before plastic surgery:

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The “Tattoo” era in the singer’s life

The turning point in the singer’s life was her victory in the casting of candidates to create a pop group. Yulia's colleague was her friend Lena Katina. This is how a new star group was formed on the horizon of Russian show business “Tatu”.

For greater attention to the two young aspiring singers, a lesbian image was chosen. The first albums began to sell like hot cakes. The hits, one after another, instantly entered the top 10 best songs. Concerts were organized not only in Russia, but also in neighboring countries. The group was subsequently renamed "tATu". This happened in 2002 due to accusations of plagiarism of the previous title.

How Yulia Volkova maintains her beauty

However, recently Yulia Volkova realized her mistakes and began to correct all the transformations. She called it a "blur" feeling about doing it for the first time. The girl states that before deciding on various kinds of experiments with appearance, you need to soberly assess their necessity.

In various interviews, the artist shares the secrets of her beauty care. Among them the most popular are:

  • Ice from a decoction of medicinal herbs. You need to wipe your face with it in the morning instead of washing your face. This way the skin is toned and becomes more elastic.
  • Eat healthy, especially more fruits and vegetables. They perfectly quench hunger and thirst. Therefore, you can enjoy them even at night.
  • Periodically you need to change your cosmetics and try new products. Manufacturers are constantly improving formulas.
  • Mandatory sleep. Everything can be hidden and corrected. But only healthy sleep can work wonders.
  • Engage in prevention. Regular masks, massages and cosmetic procedures will help keep the skin in good condition and also prevent the appearance of age-related changes.
  • Moisturizing is an essential step in care. It is necessary to nourish not only the skin of the face, but also the body with moisture.

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Plastic surgery always carries risks. When deciding on it, you need to clearly understand what result you want to achieve. Correcting the error may be difficult or impossible. After all, even a couple of primitive manipulations with one’s appearance can change it radically and make a caricature of oneself.

Examples of successful transformations

It is worth noting that not all popular people follow the path of endless plastic surgery. Some people choose to exercise and look great with little or no surgical help. The most significant examples of stars who stopped in time and made the right choice.

Dmitry Nagiev

In fact, Russia’s favorite actor did not have much plastic surgery, but botulinum therapy was his strong point in the past. At a certain period, drug abuse resulted in serious facial problems, Dmitry realized the mistake and was able to stop without completely disfiguring himself, which we are extremely happy about.

Irina Krug

Not all Russian stars are the same; among them there are unique ones who do not give up even in the face of problems. Having experienced the bereavement of her husband, a leg injury and financial problems, Irina appeared on stage with her characteristic smile, behind which she hid her feelings. The only plastic surgery in her life was an operation to remove the consequences of a leg injury, but otherwise the performer shines with natural beauty.


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There are many more cases where terribly beautiful stars undergo 15 or more shocking plastic surgeries leading to horrific consequences than we were able to describe. Maybe before you give your body an operational challenge, maybe you should stop and think about the possible consequences? Chinese sages say: “Before treatment, you should look deep into yourself, treatment is the last point, and health should always remain in the first place.” Such seemingly simple advice, which is also relevant in our living conditions, very rarely comes to real implementation.

Oksana Pushkina

In 2003, TV presenter Oksana Pushkina decided to undergo Botox injections. The procedure, instead of getting rid of wrinkles, brought her a lot of suffering. An unscrupulous cosmetologist who worked with the star used a low-quality drug instead of the promised Restylane Perline injections. As a result, after the “rejuvenation” session, Oksana’s entire face was covered with hard tubercles. Pushkina did not remain silent - the TV presenter attended several programs in which she openly spoke about what happened to her.

“I still don’t know how the story with the ill-fated cosmetic procedures will end for me...” admitted Pushkina. - What will happen to my face? With my health? It's still unclear. “A “delayed-action bullet,” as the doctors call it, a foreign body that is located in my nasolabial folds, it causes constant inflammation...”

By the way, a criminal case was opened against the cosmetologist who caused the TV presenter so much trouble.

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