Yulia Efremenkova (House 2). Biography. Instagram, and Mondesir, past, pregnant or not

Yulia Kiriyenko is a famous presenter. You can find a lot of unsubstantiated speculation and rumors about her parents on the Internet. She refuted them herself, writing the truth on Instagram. Now it is known that her grandmother was her mother. Yulia's mom and dad were forced to leave their sick baby with her grandmother and go to work in the North.
Real nameYulia Kiriyenko
Date and place of birth 02.04.87, Tuapse
Zodiac signAries
Family status Single
Height 164 cm
Weight45 kg
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/efremenkovvva/?hl=ru
YouTube No

Julia in childhood
The parents returned to their 2-year-old child. We decided not to tell who the real mother is, so that it would not affect the girl’s psyche. That’s why Julia called her mother Elena. Later, my father abandoned the family, and my mother was diagnosed with pneumonia. Soon the woman died. Julia herself considers her grandmother to be the main person in her life.

Julia with Grandmother

At the age of 5, Julia began singing. After 3 years, she was already performing at various local competitions and events. Next was studying at the Krasnodar music school. The girl graduated successfully and found a job in her specialty.

This is interesting!

The girl released her first disc at the age of 12.

Yulia's first place of work was one of the Krasnodar nightclubs. There the girl met her future husband. Together they moved to the capital. Here Julia actively began to improve her vocals. She also became a member of the disco group “Diamant”.

Efremenkova participated in the casting for VIA Gro in 2013. The role of her mentor was played by Albina Dzhanabaeva. Julia successfully made her way to the finals and acquired fans. And at the end she suddenly fell ill and lost her voice.

She was ready to leave the competition, but her grandmother and husband supported her. And yet, Yulia’s voice failed her; she did not make it to the next stages of the competition. After a while, the girl noted that it was on this project that she first felt like a star. Therefore, he does not regret what happened.

Yulia lived with her common-law husband Timur Efremenkov for 4 years, after which she decided to formalize the relationship. The lovers participated in the TV show “Wild Games”. The couple traveled a lot with their pet Yorkshire terrier. In 2016, the couple divorced on the initiative of Efremenkova. The former lovers kept silent about the reasons for this decision.

With husband Timur

This is interesting!

The former spouses continue to be friends and call each other. Timur compares himself to a Sunday dad who regularly visits their common pet (Yulia still has the dog).

Interesting Facts

Fans of the girl may be interested in the following facts from her life:

  1. The TV personality’s best friend is Margo Ovsyannikova (she also participated in the Dom-2 program, a pop singer).
  2. Julia calls her grandmother, who independently raised the future star, “mother.”
  3. In 7th grade, Yulia received a concussion when she defended her friend from a bully. After this, the star still often has headaches.
  4. Yulia is sure that in the modern world partners should equally share household responsibilities.
  5. The TV star believes that jealous people should fight their complexes, preferably with a psychologist.
  6. The girl admitted that she constantly tries to save someone, even if the “victim” does not ask for it.

    Yulia with Margo Ovsyannikova

The secret becomes clear

There is also a dark page in the biography of Yulia Erfemenkova. On the television set, the girl positioned herself as a decent and serious girl who condemned debauchery. She often spoke negatively about those who constantly change sexual partners. The brunette especially condemned single mothers and TV show participants.

That’s why for many of her fans it was a surprise when dirty photos and videos appeared on the Internet, in which Efremenkova appeared completely naked, in enticing poses. Her hair in the forbidden videos is dyed white. But the fact remains that the candid intimate photos belong to Julia. They became a shameful fact of her biography.

Fans were so outraged by the revealed dark side of the beauty’s life that they insisted on removing the participant from the project, believing that this woman could not build love in front of the whole country. However, this did not happen.

Efremenkova not only retained her place, but also became the host of the show “Dom-2. Analysis”, where she began to give advice to other participants. Thus, even shameless behavior in the past played into the hands of the dark-haired celebrity.

Participation in "House-2"

The girl became a participant in the show at the end of 2016. Among the participants she liked Gleb Zhemchugov. At first, the girl played the role of a guardian of morality. She condemned everyone who did not meet her own moral standards. But after intimate materials starring Yulia appeared on the Internet, there was no point in maintaining such an image.

This is interesting!

Julia wanted to get on the project after Gleb Zhemchugov visited the club where she worked.

Gleb Zhemchugov
Some viewers demanded to remove the participant from the project. But Yulia not only stayed, but also took over as the new host of the program. Not everyone was happy to see the new presenter. Some did not appreciate her voice, others did not appreciate her behavior and attitude towards others. And Julia’s fans were simply happy for their favorite.

The next admirer of the fragile blonde was Sergey Kucherov. Julia saw a gentle character in a strong man. Sergei turned out to be an understanding partner who did not reproach the girl for her past. The lovers even became couple of the year.

At the beginning of 2022, Sergei invited Yulia to leave the project. The girl asked fans what to do. Some responded that lovers had nothing to do in the program, because they had already met their soul mate. Others thought it was an attempt by the couple to attract attention.

Yulia and Sergey Kucherov

Childhood and youth

Yulia Kiriyenko was born in the hot southern Tuapse in April 1987. There is a variety of information about the girl’s parents on the Internet. She herself dispelled rumors and speculation by publishing a post on her Instagram account. Thanks to him, it became known that she called her grandmother mom. The biological parents worked in the North, and since their daughter was sick, they could not take the baby with them. The cares of upbringing fell on the grandmother's shoulders.

When the parents returned, the girl was already 2 years old. In order not to traumatize the child’s psyche, they left everything as it was, and Yulia called her own mother by name - Elena. The mother later died of pneumonia, and the father left the family even earlier. Grandma, as the show participant writes in the comments under the photo on the social network, remains the main person in her life.

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A post shared by Yulia Efremenkova (@efremenkovvva) on Dec 27, 2019 at 1:50am PST

Yulia Efremenkova with her grandmother
From the age of 5, Yulia became interested in singing, after 3 years she began performing on stage and participated in various city events. Already at the age of 12, the young singer recorded her first disc. Having moved to Krasnodar, she entered a music school, which she successfully graduated from and began working in her specialty.

According to rumors, Yulia’s first place of work was a local nightclub. There the girl met her future husband, with whom she moved to Moscow. In the capital, Efremenkova began to improve her vocals with renewed vigor, sang in the disco group “Diamant”, and in 2013, on the advice of a friend, she came to the casting for the new “VIA Gro”.

Albina Dzhanabaeva became the girl’s mentor on the show. At first, Julia successfully progressed to the finals, and she gained fans. But in the end, Efremenkova lost her voice due to illness and was ready to leave the competition if not for the support of her husband and grandmother. The quality of the singing let the participant down and she dropped out of the project. Later, Julia noted that she was grateful to this show for at least trying on the role of a star.

Why did I leave “House-2”

Fans believed that the presenter was in conflict with Borodina, and because of this she quit the project. Some were sure that the girl had taken a vacation. Julia remained silent about the disappearance for a long time. And recently, during an Instagram broadcast, fans learned that she had left the program. The ex-presenter noted that one doesn’t just leave a good spouse or a happy life.

Efremenkova spoke about the troubles in the Seychelles, where new episodes of the project were filmed. The girl was depressed by quarantine, heat, and lack of comfortable sleeping conditions. In addition, the presenter became very ill while on the islands. For five days the girl did not get out of her hospital bed.

Fever, hallucinations, loss of strength, excruciating pain in the stomach, constant stay on a drip - according to the ex-presenter, these 5 days seemed to her the most terrible in her life. Julia kept silent about the diagnosis. She only said that she had to suffer alone and among strangers. The grandmother was in Russia, and her beloved Mondesir had already left the islands before the girl’s illness.

Yulia Efremenkova and Mondesir

In 2022, in a reality show, Julia became close to Mondesir Svet-Amur. At the end of 2022, the couple got engaged. The ceremony was planned for next summer. But it was not possible to implement the plans: the couple announced the end of their relationship in the summer of 2020. The former partners did not name the exact reason. There is an assumption that Mondesir showed aggression and did not restrain his emotions.

With Mondesir

Life before the project

After meeting her future husband, Julia moves to the capital. Here he begins to actively participate in various castings and competitions. Timur supported his wife in every possible way.

Diamond group

The beauty began her musical career in the women's group "Diamant". The listeners really liked the band’s songs and videos, but most of them performed at corporate events. The singer has gained many fans on Instagram.

In 2013, Yulia went to the casting “I want to go to Via Gro”, where she became a finalist, but was not included in the group. She is silent about the real reasons.

Julia's pregnancy

In 2022, fans asked the girl why her “pregnant” belly disappeared. Julia wondered why she should have it. Fans reminded her that she was announcing her position. Julia admitted that she is no longer pregnant. Fans believe that the girl decided to have an abortion in order to return to “House 2.”

Julia answers a question about pregnancy

Anonymous sources reported that the rest of the reality hosts were not happy about Yulia’s return. The authors of the project suggested that the girl sacrificed the baby’s life for the sake of hype and money.

This is interesting!

Olga Buzova took this act of her colleague especially painfully, because she herself has been trying to get pregnant for a long time, but her health condition prevents her from realizing her dream.

The contracts of the project leaders clearly state that they should not have mental problems or addictions. And they can't host the show while pregnant. Perhaps Julia was afraid of losing her job on the show and decided to take this step.

According to rumors, Ksenia Borodina and Yulia were in conflict

First successes

A charming young girl, the owner of regular facial features and a chiseled figure, gets a job in a nightclub in Krasnodar and, of course, quickly acquires a crowd of fans. One of them, Timur Efremenkov, becomes her husband . This is an aspiring actor, just like Julia herself, hungry for fame. He takes his wife to the capital, where Julia’s path to the pinnacle of fame begins.

The girl turned out to be too ambitious. Sitting at home and performing the duties of a housewife was not to her liking, so with amazing persistence she began to attend various castings, wanting to become a member of one of the popular groups. Timur supported his beloved because he understood how important it was for her to make her dream come true.

The first success did not take long to arrive: the beauty was noticed, and she became a member of the pop group “Diamant”, who performed songs in the disco style. However, the group, despite the bright appearance of the performers, was not particularly popular.

Efremenkova did not give up, and in 2013 she took part in the “I Want Viagra” project, in which a casting was held for the most seductive group of the modern pop scene. Despite the fact that there were more than enough people willing to become a soloist of the team, Yulia managed to make it to the finals. But luck ran out on her. As a result, the top three winners were:

  • Masha Romanova;
  • Nastya Kozhevnikova;
  • Erica Herceg.

Efremenkova failed to become a member of Viagra, but she never thought of giving up. The show helped her become famous, acquire an army of fans, and also learn all the pitfalls of show business. In one of the interviews, the girl shared that she went through hell: rehearsals took place at night, and the numbers themselves were technically difficult.

Together with Timur, Yulia took part in the “Wild Games” program, the filming of which allowed her to experience all the facets of extreme sports. However, in 2016 they broke up, surprising celebrity fans. It never even occurred to anyone that these loving and tender spouses could grow cold towards each other.

What is he doing today?

In the summer of 2022, the girl made peace with her ex-partner Mondesir. He invited his beloved to a restaurant and brought her favorite dessert - chocolate-covered berries. Julia's heart melted, and she forgave her chosen one.

But fans noticed the pretense in the star’s behavior and began to suspect that the couple had deceived them. The ex-presenter admitted that she took out a loan to buy a car and make the renovation of her dreams. At the beginning of 2022, Efremenkova owed banks more than a million rubles. But within a few months (just during the crisis in the relationship) she managed to pay off her debts.

Julia in a new car

Many fans believe that the love scandal helped the girl raise the necessary amount. But now the ex-presenter and her beloved will have to come up with new methods of attracting attention. After all, the interest of the disappointed public gradually disappears.

In addition to the high-profile breakup and resumption of relationships, in the summer of 2020 the girl also experienced an accident. The taxi driver Yulia was in violated the rules. The incident happened in an empty parking lot. That is why Efremenkova remained unharmed and escaped with fear.

Before and after plastic surgery

Fans noticed the following changes in the girl’s appearance:

  • breast enlargement;
  • correction of cheekbones;
  • nose reduction;
  • lip correction with fillers;
  • installation of veneers

    Before and after plastic surgery

Julia confirmed only breast augmentation and installation of veneers. The girl insists that in general her beauty is natural. Fans are criticizing these changes. They believe that the TV personality has lost her individuality. Fans noticed the asymmetry of the facial lines. They also criticize the girl’s speech: supposedly, after operations, she began to “swallow” the endings of words. Other speech defects are also indicated.

Julia is one of the most successful ex-participants of the scandalous reality show. And success is impossible without criticism and envy. But the girl knows how to ignore negativity and enjoy life.

Personal life

Julia lived in a civil marriage with actor Timur Efremenkov for 4 years before formalizing the relationship. The couple took part in the family entertainment show “Wild Games”, got a dog, a Yorkshire terrier Milena, and traveled a lot in this company.

In 2016, the couple divorced; according to Yulia, the initiative belonged to her. Neither party said what served as the basis for the divorce. The ex-husband and wife have maintained friendly relations and keep in touch. Timur jokes that, like a Sunday dad, once a week he visits the dog that Yulia took with her.

Efremenkova’s followers believe that, as per tradition, she has not avoided third-party interference in her appearance; in particular, they focus on her “pumped-up” bust and lips. According to experts, before plastic surgery her appearance was somewhat different. Also, after the alleged plastic surgery, Efremenkova’s nose and cheekbones changed. Yulia herself claims that her beauty is natural, but there is nothing wrong with cosmetic surgery if done in moderation.

The ex-wife of the actor “Legend No. 17” named the true reasons for the divorce of Yulia and Timur Efremenkov // Photo: social networks 30-year-old...
Published by Real-lifes Friday, March 30, 2022

Yulia Efremenkova (before plastic surgery) and Timur Efremenkov
She informed the subscribers of her Instagram account that Yulia had decided to get veneers. The changes in the presenter's appearance, oddly enough, did not please her fans. The TV personality was reproached that she had completely lost her individuality. In Julia's photo, followers began to note the asymmetry of her facial features. Efremenkova’s speech was also criticized: the girl began to swallow the endings of words, and other pronunciation defects appeared.

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