“I have to get on my knees again”: Yulia Salibekova made public the cause of the quarrel and the condition for reconciliation

Yulia Kolisnichenko and Tigran Salibekov met on the set of the television project “Dom-2”. The lovers have become one of the most beautiful couples of this popular reality show. They got married and soon had children. Now the couple are raising three sons - Rolan, Eldar and Bagrat. Fans watched with interest the pages of Tigran and Yulia on social networks. It seemed that love, harmony and mutual understanding reigned in the couple. But, as Salibekov admitted the other day, all this turned out to be just a pretty picture.

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Publication from Yule Salibekova (@salibekova)

A few days ago, Tigran informed subscribers of his Instagram account about problems in the family. He did not voice the reasons for the quarrel, only adding that he preferred to remain a good son than a good husband. Netizens suggested that the conflict could have started over Tigran’s mother. And soon Julia confirmed that her relationship with her mother-in-law was not going well. Until recently, the former reality participant unquestioningly fulfilled all the demands of her husband’s mother, but at some point she just got tired.

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Publication from TIGRAN SALIBEKOV | TIGR (@tigran_salibekov)

“My husband’s decision turns out to have been made a long time ago. He chose his parents over us. Although I didn’t give him a choice. Tigran’s condition is that in order to save the family, I must apologize and kneel before my parents again. There is no other way. He doesn’t hear or understand that WE are his family! WE ARE THE MOST VALUABLE! What can you explain to your parents, take a break and convey that “This is MY wife! She may not be ideal for you, but I love her and will always protect her!” — Yulia Salibekova complained to subscribers.

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Publication from Yule Salibekova (@salibekova)

She noted that she felt betrayed by the man she loved and trusted endlessly. According to Yulia, she decided to leave her husband, who does not value her. Salibekova’s sister Katya Kolisnichenko was also drawn into the family conflict. After Yulia published the reasons for the quarrel with her husband on a social network, Tigran’s sister allowed herself caustic attacks not only towards her daughter-in-law, but also hurt Katya. She did not remain silent.

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Publication from Yule Salibekova (@salibekova)

“You went on vacation as parasites at Yulia’s expense. They didn't want to help her with the children. This is what a man who has a whole village of egoists on his neck said to you. If you were in love, you would have had a conversation and not thrown Yulia into the block. You accepted gifts, and your mother forced her to wash the floor in your apartment so that you, tired from work, would not do it. Where have you seen this?! But I don't interfere, it's none of my business. Julia decided to endure - it was her choice. She deserved your love, she tried, but you still turned your nose up,” Katya said on Instagram Stories.

Cover photo: instagram.com/salibekova

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Yulia Salibekova is one of the few participants in the TV show “House 2” who really managed to find happiness there.

From birth, Julia bore the surname Kolisnichenko. A girl was born in Krasnodar, in April 1988, and not alone, but with her twin sister Katya. An older brother was already raised in the family. But there was no complete happiness: the head of the family soon abandoned his household. Three children were raised by their mother and grandmother. In an interview, Yulia said that her income was very modest, and since childhood the girl was accustomed to saving.

Yulia and Katya Kolisnichenko in childhood

Even their mother, a law enforcement officer, could not rein in the sisters’ obstinate character. The girls regularly quarreled and fought. But there were no problems with studying at school, the sisters actively showed themselves in all sorts of events and cherished the dream of becoming famous as singers.

Yulia Salibekova with her sister Katya

Growing up, Katya and Yulia went to a vocal studio, entered a music school, then their artistic nature led them to the Kuban Cossack Choir, in which the girls sang for three years and even performed solos. But even here character intervened - because of the conflict, Kolisnichenko left the team.

The biography of the sisters would have remained ordinary and of no interest to anyone, if not for the famous reality show.

"House 2"

Julia stood out from the general mass of “candidates for happiness” by the fact that she came not alone, but with her sister. Kolisnichenko appeared on the threshold of “House 2” in September 2010 and stayed there for 2 years.

Yulia Salibekova in the show “Dom-2”

The first object of the beauty’s claims was Evgeniy Pynzar. The indifference shown by the young man did not bother the lively girl at all. Julia turned her gaze to Nectarius Lieberman, but with the same success.

Then the brunette tried to take Andrei Kadetov away from Olga Agibalova. At first it seemed that something would work out for the couple, but in this case, as they say, it didn’t work out. The conflict with Olga’s mother, Irina Agibalova, also added color. In this confrontation, the girl acquired a lot of supporters both among the participants and among the spectators who followed the ups and downs of the show.

Yulia Salibekova

By this time, romantic feelings had grown out of friendly relations with Yuri Obod. The young people moved into a separate apartment, but their coexistence did not last long. According to Yuri, some of the blame lies with Catherine, who intervened on any occasion with her advice. To be fair, it should be noted that the guy did not always behave like a gentleman.

Desperate Kolisnichenko intended to leave the project, but the situation changed with the appearance of handsome Ossetian Tigran Salibekov in January 2011.

Yulia and Tigran Salibekov

The situation on the site was heating up every day, emotions were running high. The man was not known for his fidelity, which caused violent scenes of jealousy from his girlfriend. However, the newly-made couple settled in a city apartment. And in June 2011, Julia announced her pregnancy.

The oriental temperament surged in Tigran. The shocked guy first offered to have an abortion, then demanded a lie detector test, and then completely slammed the door and left the project. Julia, despite her broken feelings, remained on the show, gaining support and sympathy from the participants.

Personal life

To Tigran’s credit, he still came to realize paternity. According to some Internet portals, the last word remains with the guy’s parents. They forced Salibekov to return and recognize the child, although at first they also rejected the grandson and his mother. In December 2011, Yulia and Tigran legalized their relationship at the Griboyedovsky registry office.

Wedding of Yulia and Tigran Salibekov

The yellow press did not let up. Statements followed that the guy was paid for the wedding, given money for his own karaoke club, and Yulia was helped with the purchase of an apartment. In other words, a beautiful fairy tale had to end beautifully.

Be that as it may, Yulia and Tigran are already raising three children - sons Rolan, Eldar and their newborn brother. The couple changed their first small but private home when they purchased a new apartment in Shchelkovo. According to Salibekova, in order to buy an apartment, the couple worked seven days a week, left their children with nannies, and basically did not take out loans. Now he jokes: his plans are to buy apartments on Arbat.

Yulia Salibekova with children and husband

Yulia has a lot of promotional photos on her Instagram page. Journalists directly asked whether the family made repairs in exchange for services. The woman also frankly answered that it was a mistake to think that they only got by with gifts.

The young people avoided cliches about separation due to renovations: Tigran entrusted the design delights to his wife. Sometimes they quarreled, but Salibekov was calm and easy-going, and the leader of the family was Yulia. According to the former participant in the reality show, she likes Caucasian traditions; the family has already developed an unspoken set of rules of behavior for each of the parties.

Apartment of Yulia and Tigran Salibekov

In April 2022, the young family moved to a new apartment in the east of Moscow, in the Bogorodsky microdistrict. This is not their first property. A two-room apartment on the thirteenth floor with an area of ​​60 sq. m. meters, the family purchased it at the construction stage, and after delivery, in the shortest three months they settled down and made repairs. They purchased the living space with their own savings; the family decided not to take out loans, so that after moving in, they would work not for debts, but for the future. Since, according to Yulia, the plans are to move to Arbat.

The hostess did all the design herself, so the couple was able to additionally save considerable money. The entire living space of a large family is designed in the same style. The predominant colors are white, gray, beige, black and golden.

To increase the space, the snow-white hallway is decorated with a large number of mirrors and reflective surfaces. A smart storage system additionally saves space and allows you to hide all your belongings and clothes.

The apartment does not have a living room; from the hallway you immediately find yourself in a spacious corridor from which doors lead to different rooms.

The kitchen is quite spacious. Decorated in beige tones with white and dark brown elements. The “highlight” of the snow-white kitchen set is the mirror countertop in dark chocolate color. The central place here is occupied by a dining table and a corner sofa.

The children's room is decorated in green. Here you can sleep, study and play fully. At the time of registration, the family had two children and therefore everything in this room was designed for two, but with the advent of the third boy, the family seriously thought about moving or remodeling.

The apartment has a shared bathroom and is completely tiled with beige tiles. The room is quite spacious and fits not only the necessary plumbing fixtures, but also a washing machine, as well as snow-white furniture for the bathroom.

The bedroom is dominated by white colors, but there are also bright color accents such as lilac curtains and black tulle. The floors in all bedrooms are laid with parquet, here it is dark parquet that sets off the snow-white walls. The central place in the room is occupied by a bed with a soft headrest. Above which hangs a painting depicting the owners of the house.

Opposite there is a small work area, divided into two parts, in one you can work on a laptop, and in the other you can apply makeup. The bedroom is also equipped with a large built-in wardrobe with mirrored doors.

A two-room apartment in the Bogorodsky microdistrict cost a large family 3.4 million rubles.

Yulia Salibekova now

After leaving “House 2,” Yulia tirelessly demonstrated that her family was her priority, although she periodically continued to shock the public and remind herself of herself. In 2015, the Kolisnichenko sisters made their conflict with each other public. The stumbling block turned out to be Catherine's ex-husband, Nikita. Allegedly, he interfered in the girls’ relationships and set one against the other.

Yulia Salibekova

Over time, the young mother established relations with Ekaterina, although from time to time she did not forget to reproach her sister for not helping with her nephews.

Julia did not forget about her singing career. However, even close people did not appreciate the first experiments. Salibekova approached the issue with all seriousness and turned to a professional teacher for help.

In February 2018, the conflict between the sisters flared up with renewed vigor. This time Julia accused Katya of laying claim to Tigran. Salibekova did not hesitate to share family secrets with viewers of the scandalous program “Actually.” Moreover, the corresponding post on Instagram appeared earlier than the notification on the official website of Channel One.

The message caused a wave of angry comments. Followers considered correct speeches about building a happy life and family values ​​from the lips of Yulia, romantic photographs and other attributes to be an empty picture. Yulia was accused of corruption and insincerity, of ruining the future of the children.

Yulia Salibekova in 2022

Comments addressed to Tigran are highlighted in a separate line. Observers are especially outraged by the fact that a Caucasian man allows his own wife such publicity. Salibekov was reproached for not thinking about how such a transfer would affect his parents.

But there were also defenders. Although there are few of them, and not so ardent, they supported the couple, seeing another staged show, which was also well paid.

On November 22, 2022, Yulia and Tigran became parents again. Their third son was born. The boy was born in an ordinary maternity hospital in the capital.


The project “Dom-2” made Yulia Salibekova The girl became one of the lucky few who actually managed to find her soulmate on the popular TV show.

Yulia Salibekova

Yulia's maiden name is Kolisnichenko. The girl was born in 1988 on April 8. An interesting fact is that Yulia has a twin sister, Katya. In addition to the girls, their older brother was already growing up and being raised in the family. However, the family idyll did not last long. The father left his wife and children, so all the worries fell on the shoulders of the mother and grandmother. According to Yulia’s recollections, they lived modestly and always saved.

The twins' mother was a law enforcement officer, but even she could not rein in her obstinate daughters. The girls constantly had quarrels and conflicts, often leading to fights. Despite this, the sisters proved themselves to be good at school: they were active participants in various events and dreamed of becoming singers.

Soon, Yulia and Katya began attending classes in a vocal studio, and after graduating from school, they became students at a music school. This was followed by work in the Kuban Cossack Choir. There the girls not only sang, but often performed solos. However, due to another conflict, the sisters left the choir after three years of work in its composition.

Perhaps no one would have known about Yulia Salibekova if she had not decided to take part in the famous reality show.

The girl immediately attracted attention because she came with her twin - sister Katya. Yulia first appeared in “House-2” in early autumn 2010. In total, Salibekova spent two years on the project.

At first, the beauty tried to attract the attention of such participants as Evgeny Pynzar and Nektary Lieberman. However, the young people responded to Julia with indifference. This did not bother the lively girl: the next object of her sympathy was Andrei Kadetov, who at that time was in a relationship with Olga Agibalova. It seemed that everything would work out for Yulia and Andrey, but a conflict with his ex-girlfriend, in which Olga’s mother, Irina Agibalova, also took part, interfered. Fans of the project remember this confrontation. Many participants and viewers of the project were on Yulia’s side and supported her.

Meanwhile, the friendship between Yulia and Yuri Obod grew into love. The couple even began to live in a separate apartment. However, this relationship did not last long. According to Yuri, his chosen one’s sister, Ekaterina, was largely to blame for constantly interfering in their personal life. However, the young man himself did not always behave beautifully.

After all these events, the girl was about to leave the project. Everything changed in January 2011, when the handsome Ossetian Tigran Salibekov came to the TV set.

The situation on the set was tense to the limit, as Tigran constantly gave his beloved reasons for jealousy. However, the couple soon moved to live in a city apartment, and in the summer of 2011 it became known that Julia was expecting a baby.

Salibekova with her husband and children

That period was one of the most emotional in the girl’s life. Tigran was shocked by the news of his friend’s pregnancy. A guy with an oriental temperament first demanded a lie detector test, and then even started talking about abortion. After which Salibekov left the project with a scandal, while Yulia was supported at that difficult moment by the rest of the participants in “House-2”.

Tigran Salibekov nevertheless decided to take responsibility for his child and take Yulia as his wife. They say that the guy's parents insisted on this. So, in December 2011, Julia married Tigran. The location of the wedding ceremony was the Griboyedovsky registry office.

For some time, representatives of the tabloid press published various information about the newlyweds: for example, about who paid for Tigran’s wedding, and also helped in opening his karaoke club and buying an apartment.

Despite all the speculation, Yulia and Tigran continue to be married; the couple already has three sons: Rolan, Eldar and their newborn brother. According to Yulia Salibekova, she and her husband bought their first home themselves, for this they had to work seven days a week and leave their children under the supervision of a nanny. However, during the renovation, Salibekova still received some things as a gift from various firms and companies, in exchange for which the girl advertised their services and products on her Instagram page.

The Salibekovs, like every family, sometimes quarrel, but still they always find a compromise. According to Yulia, her husband is calmer, but she is emotional and explosive. In addition, the girl respects and honors Caucasian traditions, so the spouses have already developed their own family rules.

After the girl left Dom-2, she emphasized in every possible way that her husband and children now come first for her. From time to time, Julia reminded herself of herself by appearing in other projects, for example, in the “Battle of Psychics” and in the talk show “Time will tell.”

The conflict that arose between the sisters also attracted public attention: first, the cause of the quarrel between Yulia and Katya was the latter’s ex-husband, Nikita. Allegedly, the man in every possible way set the sisters against each other. After a while, Julia finally made peace with Catherine, although she sometimes complained about the lack of help from her. According to Salibekova, Katya refused to help her with her nephews.

All this time, Julia did not forget about her vocal career. However, the girl’s first attempts at singing were not successful. Then she decided to seek the help of a professional vocal teacher.

At the beginning of 2022, a new conflict occurred between Julia and Catherine. This time, Salibekova accused her sister of making claims on her husband. The girl shared the details of this situation not only on her page on the social network, but also on the air of the scandalous program “Actually.” However, Salibekova’s fans this time did not support her and did not believe in the sincerity of the girl’s words about family happiness and moral values. Yulia was accused of insincerity and unwillingness to think about the future of her children. Tigran also received a portion of reproaches: the public was surprised that a Caucasian man allowed his wife such publicity. However, some fans of the Salibekovs still came to their defense, suggesting that everything that was happening was just a well-staged and paid show.

In November 2022, Julia gave Tigran a third son. The boy was born in one of the Moscow maternity hospitals.

In February 2022, it became known that the Salibekovs’ eldest son, eight-year-old Roland, was hospitalized. Salibekova shared her misfortune with her subscribers on the Internet, but did not name her son’s diagnosis. Gradually, the boy began to recover, and Julia’s fans wish him a speedy full recovery.

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