Sisters Kolesnichenko before and after losing weight. What do the Kolisnichenko sisters look like after the project? Ekaterina Kolisnichenko before and after plastic surgery

The show "Dom-2" has become truly legendary. 05/11/2016 marks 12 years since young people, under the close attention of television cameras, built love, sorted out relationships and even raised children. Some of the participants turned into real stars, whose lives are closely watched by residents of the country. Among them are the Kolesnichenko sisters. “Dom-2” became a real launching pad for the twins, marking the beginning of their life for show.

How Katerina Kolesnichenko lost weight

Katya Kolesnichenko on Instagram often publishes her photos with updated forms, which she worked on throughout 2014.

The secret of the diet is extremely simple. It turns out that the girl simply eats very ascetically.

Here's what her daily menu looks like:

  • Late breakfast. This is low-fat cottage cheese with sour cream or oatmeal. Then coffee, a few pieces of chocolate.
  • Lunch is around 18.00 - there is either the first or second course. Katya usually uses a small spoon, even for first courses. The second is chicken, boiled veal, vegetable salad, stew or buckwheat porridge.
  • Snacks – fruits, juices, green tea without sugar.
  • Doesn't eat after 18.00.

At the same time, the girl actively leans on coffee, which she can drink in unlimited quantities, especially during periods of stress. When a former participant in the Dom-2 project starts having problems, she drinks coffee with chocolate pieces to curb her hunger. Perhaps such decisions have a positive effect on your figure, but they certainly do not improve your health. Therefore, Kolesnichenko’s weight loss format is her individual choice.

Coming to the project

On September 3, 2010, the gates of the Dom-2 project opened to the charming twins. The participants were captivated by their liveliness and emotion. The girls were 22 years old, but they looked younger than their age. The beauties could not arrange their personal lives and came to look for love, not intending to waste time on nonsense. They immediately declared that they belonged to a noble family - their grandmother was a German countess. The guys already began to look at their sisters with sincere interest. Katya admitted that they often like the same guys. You can distinguish girls by their character: Katya is wiser and more flexible, and Yulia is more emotional and acts more often spontaneously, without thinking about the consequences.

The girls did not hesitate to say that they lost their virginity on the same day. They assured that they were not ready to change for the sake of a man. Even changes such as hair color and clothing style caused a negative reaction from them. The participants liked the answers of the lively girls, and the single guys were ready to try to break up this couple for the sake of a real serious relationship.

Diet effectiveness

Evil tongues that Kolesnichenko personally know say that the girl took special diet pills for a long time, which helped her get rid of the hated kilograms. But in return, she acquired new problems related to her facial skin. In any case, all the problems were solved long ago, and Katerina looks luxurious.

Nutritionists who analyzed Katya’s diet (the girl writes a blog in which she describes everything in detail) criticized this approach to health. They called the “weak link” a meager breakfast and an insignificant intake of calories into the young body. After such experiments, health problems may begin (with women, first of all). Experts insist on a balanced diet and regular physical activity, and the type of weight loss chosen by Kolesnichenko is far from ideal.

Sisters Yulia Salibekova and Ekaterina Kolisnichenko met in the “Actually” program. The first believes that her twin is taking her husband Tigran away. According to the ex-participant of “House-2”, she is driven by envy, since they have a happy family, and Katya has neither a husband nor children.

“No one is immune from the most vile situations in life. And I'm really ashamed of this. But I'm tired of systematic reproaches. Not only me, Tigran is tired too. These are complexes. But in the end, this is sisterly competition,” said Katya.

In turn, Julia claims that she has every reason to think about betrayal. The young woman is sent photographs of Katya together with Tigran. According to Salibekova, in these frames Kolisnichenko kisses and hugs her husband.

Katya believes that Tigran has lost interest in her sister because she dresses unsexily. Screenshots of Kolisnichenko’s correspondence with Yulia’s husband were shown on air. In them they flirted cutely and agreed to meet.

Salibekova is worried because her husband already left her once, when she was expecting her first child. Then Katya supported her. The ex-participant of “House-2” managed to return Tigran. Now Kolisnichenko refuses to help their family in any way. By the way, besides Yulia, the girl has no close relatives: the twins’ mother died, their father left the family when they were little, and their brother lives far away.

Barely holding back tears, Yulia recalled how, after plastic surgery, she had to take care of her child, who was 1.5 years old, herself: pick him up and fully care for him. Then Katya refused to come to the rescue.

Kolisnichenko tries to avoid trips to visit his sister. One day, while Yulia was out of town, she had to spend some time in her apartment with Tigran and the children. Katya admits that she was very uncomfortable.

Ex-participants of “House-2” admit that from an early age they tried to divide men. However, recently Katya and Yulia have had a serious conflict. Allegedly, Salibekova told her sister some information about her ex-husband Nikita.

The expert on the program was singer Tatyana Zaitseva. She was surprised how the twin sisters fought among themselves. “Firstly, there is a terrible rivalry. I know that. Only 15 years later I find out that my sister once went abroad so that I would not take away her men,” the artist recalls. When they began to understand the situation, they had a serious quarrel. For many years they had to improve their relationship.

During the test at the detector, it turned out that Julia was really jealous of Catherine. According to Salibekova, her sister is still not burdened with any worries.

“Look at her and me. She is free, she is luxurious, she succeeds,” said Salibekova.

Yulia complained of extreme fatigue, since no one was helping her with babysitting her children. When Catherine was asked about envy, she answered negatively, but this was recognized as a lie. The biggest shock for Salibekova was that Kolisnichenko had a romantic relationship with her husband.

“It happened that we met a little earlier, then we stopped by to pick up Yulia. These were, rather, discussions of family problems,” explained Katya.

In the middle of the program, Tigran Salibekov came to the studio. He immediately attacked Yulia’s sister with accusations of lying. It turned out that Catherine is angry with her relatives because they opened her eyes to the infidelities of her ex-husband Nikita.

“I love my family very much, my wife. I love her more than life itself. Katya came here and told the whole country that I was flirting with her and cheating on her. I completely changed Yulia, but Katya remained that twin,” said Tigran.

Kolisnichenko remembered when Salibekova began to move away from her. She believes that the couple destroyed her family.

“When Yulia met Tigran, I simply turned out to be a bargaining chip. I was simply spat out into a very harsh environment where I had to live without her. Second point. I have been married since 2013. They rushed to tell me that my husband Nikita had cheated on me. You destroyed my family with your gossip,” Katya said, sobbing.

Salibekov accused his wife of jealousy. Katya claims that she deliberately created such a situation in order to show the “imperfection” of the family of Tigran and Yulia.

The experts managed to find out the answer to the main question: “Was there an intimate relationship between Tigran and Katya?” Kolisnichenko and Salibekov said: “No.” This turned out to be true. Yulia is ashamed in front of her husband that she could suspect him of such an act.

At the end of the program, experts found out one unexpected thing. It was Katya who sent Yulia her photos with Tigran using a fake account.

Julia and Ekaterina’s brother Vladislav came to meet his family. He encouraged them to make peace, recalling stories from their childhood.

“Get all these quarrels and resentments out of your head. You are one,” Kolisnichenko noted.

Ekaterina Kolisnichenko

born in the spring of 1988 in Krasnodar. She grew up in the company of her twin sister Julia. The girls graduated from the flute and clarinet class together at a music school and performed as part of the Kuban choir.

Ekaterina Kolisnichenko

and her sister performed three solo numbers and were the leading duo in the choir. However, due to a conflict with management, they had to leave the stage and go into the “restaurant business” - delivering trays to visitors to local cafes.

– Everything would be fine, but we gave our best, but our talent was not appreciated. What can we talk about if on the website our photographs hung in the soloists section, and according to our documents and salary we were considered choir artists of the second category, not even the first. And when we tried to hint to our boss about this, he threw a scandal. And he asked us to resign of our own free will.

On September 3, 2010, Ekaterina and Yulia Kolisnichenko first appeared on the set of the reality show “Dom-2”

. They immediately established themselves as the most scandalous intriguers on the perimeter, which caused general disapproval from the viewers of the project and a colossal rating.

First time Ekaterina Kolisnichenko

Together with her sister, she tried to look after
Evgeniy Pynzar
, but then she met
Denis Lysenko
and forgot about everything. Their romance ended a month later on Denis’s initiative.

Ekaterina Kolisnichenko

I wasn’t going to give up and was looking for my man: a handsome and devoted family man.
Soon Philip Alekseev
and melted the heart of the charming Catherine.

Despite the stormy relationship, Philip can hardly be called a “dream man”: he repeatedly beat his girlfriend, broke the flute given by her deceased mother, and had an explosive character.

Ekaterina Kolisnichenko

admitted that she likes to live “like on a volcano.”
However, after another nervous breakdown, Philip Alekseev, a participant in the “Dom-2”
, packed her things and moved from their city apartment to a clearing.

The girls in the perimeter negatively greeted Ekaterina Kolisnichenko

, since she repeatedly allowed herself to insult them. It was difficult for her to defend her opinion alone, because her sister was not nearby.

Yulia Kolisnichenko

At the project she met
Tigran Salibekov
, and it soon became clear that she was expecting a child. The young father left the show in a temper, but later returned with an apology.

There were rumors that the reason for his decision was not his love for Yulia and his unborn child, but the one-room apartment that the organizers of the Dom-2

promised Tigran if he returned. Still, the slogan of the reality show sounds like “Build your love,” and Salibekov’s behavior did not fit into the framework of this concept.

Ekaterina Kolisnichenko

for a long time she was next to her pregnant sister in city apartments. Almost before the birth of the child, Tigran and Yulia Salibekova got married, and in the winter of 2012 their son Rolan was born.

Today Ekaterina Kolisnichenko

Together with relatives, he works on his own business projects: the beauty house “Sisters Kolisnichenko & Michele” and karaoke “U Tigran”.

In addition, she promised to change for the better, to stop weaving intrigues and plotting intrigues for the new participants of the Dom-2 project.

. The reason for the positive changes was the birth of a nephew.

– I admitted my mistakes and blame myself for everything - I get what I sow. Now, if we commit mischief as a child, we know that we are to blame, but we don’t take offense at mommy. But when it seems to us that everything is not deserved, then it’s a shame. You know, life has become so much easier - it’s so cool. That's when something unpleasant happens, you take responsibility and immediately paint an oil painting, you realize that you screwed it up yourself, but everything is cool.

Ekaterina Kolesnichenko, a beloved ex-participant of the television project “Dom-2”, recently announced that she again failed to build a relationship. She was married to DJ Nikita for more than three years. We will talk about this couple, their relationship and separation in this article.

Evgenia Feofilaktova

Instagram photo

Evgenia was the first girl on the project who decided to undergo breast surgery and spoke openly about it.

Under the guns of the cameras, Feofilaktova went to consultations with a doctor and discussed her decision during the broadcasts. The videographer accompanied the Dom-2 participant literally to the operating room. The rehabilitation period also took place online.

“Zhenya was transformed after the operation,” say the project participants. “She began to wear revealing blouses more often, which suit her very well.”

And yet, before going under the knife, Feofilaktova was very worried.

“I already wanted a child then and immediately asked the doctor whether silicone breasts would interfere with feeding the baby? – recalls Evgenia. “The doctor reassured me that this would not be a hindrance. The implant is placed under the mammary gland and does not interfere with milk production.” Evgenia was very pleased with the result of the operation. And the subsequent pregnancy, according to the celebrity, made her breasts even more natural.

“She used to be like balls,” shares Evgenia. “And after giving birth it sank, the outlines became softer.”

After breast surgery, Evgenia decided to have her lips enlarged using biogel injections. The next stage was rhinoplasty.

“My wife didn’t like her nose,” recalls a celebrity friend. – She had rhinoplasty, which made her nose thinner and neater. Zhenya is happy!”

The ex-participant of “House-2” is sure that beautiful people are always luckier: people are drawn to well-groomed people, and she owes her current success, among other things, to constant work on her appearance.

“If there is a complex from a flat chest, why not? If your lips are thin and you want to give them a little plumpness, then so be it. But everything is in moderation. You need to be able to stop,” says Evgenia.

Outside the perimeter

First of all, Katya went on vacation to Egypt with her friend from the project. They decided to “have a blast” and have short-term holiday romances. As a friend later said, Ekaterina Kolesnichenko practically did not appear in the room, as she started a relationship with a man.

Katya said that this is a married man and he has two children. She, of course, was asked relevant questions about the continuation of the romance, to which the girl answered: the relationship was serious, they fell in love with each other, he promised to divorce and marry Katya.

All the girl’s fans began to wait for news about the wedding, but they never received it. It turned out that the lovers had not met for a long time.

Then Kolesnichenko had another affair, from which they expected a happier continuation than from the previous one, but even here the young and interesting girl did not become a bride and wife.

Katya Kolisnichenko now

Now Katya Kolisnichenko is actively organizing her own life. The girl devotes a lot of time to her business, as well as to her appearance. According to rumors, the curvy beauty (Katya’s height is 156 cm and her weight is 54 kg) underwent several plastic surgeries, changing the size of her breasts, the shape and size of her nose and lips. The changes in appearance also affected Katya’s hair color: now she is blonde. Photos of Ekaterina Kolisnichenko in a new image received many compliments on the star’s Instagram.

Katya Kolisnichenko before and after surgery

Despite leaving the television project, Katya Kolisnichenko still remains in the center of attention of viewers and fans. Some time ago, the latter were excited by a rumor about a quarrel between the Kolisnichenko sisters. Indeed, the girls stopped communicating. As it turned out, the reason for the twins’ quarrel was Katya’s refusal to babysit her sister’s children (Yulia Salibekova already has two sons). However, the girls soon made up.

Katya Kolisnichenko in 2022

According to rumors, in 2022 Katya began dating a young man named Alexander, whom the girl met in Turkey. Alexander Shepel himself lives in Ukraine, owning his own chain of fitness clubs. While distance does not prevent lovers from enjoying communication. Who knows, perhaps soon Katya’s fans will again be pleased with the news about the beauty’s wedding.

Meeting with Nikita

Ekaterina Kolesnichenko’s future husband, DJ Nikita Kopelyush, is a successful guy who works in nightclubs. They immediately found a common language with Katya, because the girl is also a DJ.

The couple began a relationship, Katya constantly posted photos together on the Internet. Many decided not to comment on the girl’s new relationship, as they did not expect this romance to end successfully.

Ekaterina Kolesnichenko assured that this time everything would work out! She talked about how good, kind, handsome, decent, attentive and simply wonderful Nikita is.

Nikita also commented on his romance with Katya as serious. The young people spent a lot of time together and did their favorite work.

Irina Agibalova

50-year-old Irina Aleksandrovna had a forehead and eyebrow lift, mid-face lift, and neck plastic surgery in the spring of 2012. Unfortunately, the operations were not entirely successful - as a result, the star’s right eyebrow sank, and the upper right part of her face lost her facial expressions.

“For salvation, I turned to the cosmetologist of the Doctor Plastic clinic, Olga Anatolyevna Tsygankova. She saved me! But before that, many doctors abandoned me ... "

Agibalova's next step towards beauty was gastric banding, which helped her lose 38 kg in a year. This time, Irina Alexandrovna was very pleased with the result of the surgical intervention.

“Away, you huge robes! – the ex-participant wrote on her blog. – Get rid of your fears of going to the beach in a swimsuit! Long live the new me!

News of the wedding

Ekaterina Kolesnichenko posted the news on her social network page that she and Nikita were going to get married. Fans, of course, were happy for the girl, but still waited for confirmation.

Katya didn’t have to wait long and with her next post she posted an image of two wedding rings. Friends began to wonder why they were ordinary, to which the girl replied: she and her future husband recognize old traditions, so they chose classic wedding rings without stones, engravings and other delights.

The young people hid information about when and where the wedding would take place for a long time, revealing it only literally a few days before the event.

Margarita Agibalova

The birth of her son Mitya in December 2009 made Margarita decide to have a breast lift.

“After giving birth, Rita’s breasts sagged a little,” says a friend of the ex-Dom-2 participant. - A slight asymmetry also appeared... All this could not help but upset Rita, because she is so young, she wanted to be a beauty! So she decided to have a breast lift and small implants. Now her breasts look very natural. She didn’t stop Rita from feeding her daughter Bella, who was born last June.”

Ekaterina Kolesnichenko is divorcing her husband

The family life of the young couple went on as usual, they were happy and did not hide it. By constantly posting new photos, the young people confirmed their status as an ideal couple.

One day, fans began to pay attention to the fact that the girl spent too much time alone; therefore, she also posted photos without her husband.

Many began to assume that Ekaterina Kolesnichenko was divorcing her husband, and the girl’s account was filled with relevant questions.

Initially, Katya tried not to answer them or brushed them off, saying that everything was fine, just hard times, a crisis in the relationship.

This could not continue for long, and soon news appeared that Ekaterina Kolesnichenko had divorced. This upset many friends and people I knew. They wrote her words of consolation and asked about the reason for the separation. The girl was silent for a long time about what led them to break up, but one day she confessed.

Personal life

After the project, Katya Kolisnichenko’s personal life improved: the girl briefly found long-awaited family happiness. The chosen one of the fatal brunette was DJ Nikita Kapelyush.

Katya Kolisnichenko and Nikita Kapelyush

Katya Kolisnichenko’s wedding delighted the girl’s fans and friends, but, unfortunately, three years later this marriage broke up. According to rumors, Katya Kolisnichenko divorced her husband due to problems in her intimate life, which the couple could not resolve.

What is the reason?

Katya admitted that everything was perfect with Nikita, except for the bed. He needed closeness constantly, but she did not. She said that one day she just realized that the romance was over, she just needed to lie on the couch in her pajamas, watching her favorite movie, and Nikita wouldn’t let her do that.

Katya said that she was tired of such a relationship and decided to let her husband go to a more active woman. Nikita supported this decision, and they went to file for divorce. After the couple received the divorce certificate, they remained on good friendly terms.


Meanwhile, Julia fell head over heels in love with the handsome Tigran Salibekov. The hot Caucasian guy pulled the blanket over himself, and Katya was left alone. She did not envy her sister - for the first time their tastes diverged. Tigran's beauty did not make any impression on her. But she liked the guy, who was already known for his tough character. This was a real leader who could take control of even such a troublemaker as Katya. Unnoticed by the others, they began to communicate and soon became so close that they declared themselves a couple.

Biography of the “Internet star”


Catherine doesn’t really like to talk about these years; her father left the family when the girls were very young. The mother had three children left in her arms, twin girls and the eldest son.

I spent my entire childhood side by side with my sister, they studied together, played, tried on outfits, and together decided to go to music school. The girls performed with a real Kuban choir. In fact, the girls' mother admits that the twins' relationship was not always so wonderful. They constantly argued and even fought, but by about the age of 13 the relationship ceased to be strained.

Having made peace, the girls had the honor of performing several solo numbers at their college's musical performances. After studying, the girls performed for some time, but they were paid so little money that the girls were forced to quit and go work as waitresses.

The worst thing is that the girls could have enjoyed a quiet teenage life at that time, but during these years their mother suddenly died. Raising three children fell on the shoulders of an elderly grandmother; she had to constantly work.

Having moved away a little from the tragedy, the girls realized that they missed the enthusiastic screams of the crowd and the stage. So they decided to try their hand at the television project Dom-2.

Ekaterina Kolesnichenko on VKontakte shared her feelings about her mother’s death; she says that if it weren’t for the show, she would have been left sobbing into her pillow.

Having appeared on the screens in 2010, the girls realized that they were not mistaken in their choice of life path, filming and participation in the project brought them great pleasure.

Participation in the project

The twins gained fame as the most scandalous participants in reality shows. The girls were constantly in the center of attention and provoked other participants into constant quarrels. Surprisingly, this only fueled interest in their personalities; the sisters became the most popular girls in House 2.


Yulia Kolesnichenko was born on April 9, 1988 in the city of Krasnodar. She has a twin sister, Ekaterina, and a brother, Vladislav. The twins spent their childhood without their father; he left the family almost immediately after their birth. The girls' mother was a police captain. Julia went to music school and studied singing. Together with their sister Ekaterina they performed on stage. Later they became part of the Kuban Choir, where they worked for 3 years. After that, they decided to leave the group because they had a fight with the choir management. They were not satisfied with the wages. The sisters went to work as waitresses in a restaurant. A little later, their mother died of cancer, and they were left in the care of their grandmother.

Elena Bushina

Elena is one of the ex-participants of the project who does not comment on her appeal to plastic surgeons. Bushina's fans were the first to talk about the fact that in 2011 the girl was on the surgical table - her nose became noticeably smaller and more attractive in appearance. Despite the fact that Bushina in every possible way denied the doctors’ interference in her appearance, her photographs spoke for themselves.

Before the operation, Bushina had a rather large nose with a hump; after rhinoplasty, it became much smaller and smoother. Subscribers on Elena’s social networks approved of her action.

“Her nose has become so cute, and Lena has become so feminine!” - fans praised the new image of the star.

Ksenia Borodina

The presenter of the project became the owner of large breasts of the third size a year and a half after the birth of her daughter Marusya. For the first time, Borodina showed her updated self at the presentation of her own book about weight loss in the fall of 2011.

Borodina walked away from direct questions about whether she had plastic surgery or laughed it off, clearly not wanting to comment on this point.

Rumors that the star actually resorted to the help of plastic surgeons were confirmed by the ex-wife of her lover at that time, Mikhail Terekhin.

“Yes, Ksyusha really did her breasts,” said Christina. “Misha told me about this.”

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