Skin tightening with fillers – liquid facelift

Aging is an inevitable process for any living organism. Skin cells lose their elasticity, wrinkles appear, youth and beauty disappear. A few decades ago, age-related changes could not be dealt with radically, but today, thanks to the development of plastic surgery, it has become possible to maintain external attractiveness for many years. The facelift procedure is very popular all over the world, and both beautiful ladies and representatives of the stronger sex resort to it. When thinking about facial plastic surgery, we usually want to know the answers to the following questions:

  • At what age can you have a facelift?
  • What is the preparation for the procedure?
  • Which method is most effective?
  • How to choose a doctor and clinic?

Since facial plastic surgery is a surgical procedure, it is extremely important that the patient is in good health and has no contraindications to the procedure. Only in this case the operation will take place without complications, and the result will please you for a long time.

Contraindications for face lift

Facial plastic surgery is not performed for diseases such as:

  • Diabetes;
  • Bleeding disorders;
  • Chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • Oncology and tumors of unknown etiology;
  • Various infections.

For ailments such as influenza, ARVI, caries and other diseases that are easily treatable, facial skin tightening surgery is postponed until healing.

Before the procedure, specialists at the Arnovel cosmetology center will collect data on your health status and send you for the necessary tests and studies. In order for the lift to go smoothly, be sure to tell the doctor about your illnesses, as well as the presence of allergic reactions.

Facial plastic technologies

In today's aesthetic medicine, two facelift methods are used - minimally invasive and surgical.

The first method is recommended for patients (usually no older than 40 years) with slightly pronounced age-related changes. Thus, injections of Botox or hyaluronic acid can help with fine wrinkles and loss of volume, and peeling will help get rid of pigmentation.

If superficial methods of rejuvenation are no longer effective, but the skin is still regenerating normally (usually between the ages of 40 and 60), surgical facial plastic surgery is indicated. It is better to entrust the choice of a specific method to a surgeon, who will select the optimal method taking into account the individual characteristics of your body and the severity of the problem.

A facelift can eliminate drooping eyelids and sagging cheeks, nasolabial folds and vertical wrinkles on the cheeks, a double chin and other signs of age.

Face and Neck Lift – Before and After Photos

Home > Photo gallery > Face and neck lift – Before and After Photos

Signs of aging are most quickly reflected on the skin of the neck and face. You can try to reduce them to a minimum or completely eliminate them using methods such as gymnastics or a cream with a lifting effect. Unfortunately, these measures are not effective enough - they do not combat the more serious consequences of aging and, as a rule, give a rather short-lived effect.

A more radical and effective way to combat aging is a circular face and neck lift. This is not only an effective, but also a quick way to restore youth - the result will be visible immediately after the end of the rehabilitation period. Moreover, the positive effect after surgery lasts for several years.

In this section you can evaluate the results of face and neck lift operations (see before and after photos) performed by Professor Igor Anatolyevich Bely. The professor has vast experience in operations of any complexity. Sign up for a consultation with Dr. Bely to get answers to all your questions.


SMAS lifting is a comprehensive solution to all age-related changes on the face and neck.
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Circular blepharoplasty or eyelid lift, as well as short-suture smas lifting, is the secret to the incredible transformation of this young girl.
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The patient underwent SMAS lifting of the face and neck - this helped restore the oval shape of the face and remove sagging in the neck.
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The patient is 65 years old. Gravitational ptosis of the midface, significant excess skin and fat deposits in the neck and chin. A 3S lifting operation was performed. It was possible to eliminate pronounced nasolabial folds, correct the malar zone, and restore the oval of the face.

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A 46-year-old patient asked to solve the problem of loose skin on her neck and remove her double chin. At the same time, it was necessary to remove the nasolabial folds and restore the youthful oval of the face. A SMAS lift was performed, we were able to restore a beautiful cheekbone line and restore the V-shaped contour of the face.

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The patient is 52 years old. Severe ptosis of the lower third of the face and neck, age-related changes in the malar zone. I asked for a neck lift, to remove jowls and restore facial contours. As a result of the 3S lifting operation, the volume of the cheekbones was restored, significant excess skin in the neck and lower jaw was eliminated, and the double chin was corrected.

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The patient is aged 54 years. Significant excess tissue in the chin and neck area, ptosis of the lower third of the face, fatty hernias under the eyes. A SMAS lift with chin liposuction and lower eyelid blepharoplasty were performed. It was possible to eliminate jowls, remove a double chin, and get rid of bags under the eyes.

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The patient is 64 years old. Excess skin and fatty tissue in the chin and neck area, ptosis in the middle and lower third of the face, drooping “heavy” eyelids and eyebrows. In addition, the patient wanted to remove hollows under the eyes, smooth out nasolabial folds and eliminate jowls. A complex operation was performed: SMAS lift, blepharoplasty and check-lifting.

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48 years old.
The patient's rather young face was spoiled by drooping eyelids, bags under the eyes and general ptosis of the middle third of the face. A complex operation was performed: check-lifting and blepharoplasty. This made it possible to remove bags under the eyes, drooping upper eyelids, correct the malar area and create a beautiful cheekbone line in one operation. More detailsCollapse


The patient is 56 years old.
As part of the comprehensive rejuvenation, upper blepharoplasty and check-lifting were performed, which included lifting the lower eyelids, malar area and cheeks. The cheekbone line was restored, age-related changes in the malar zone, bags under the eyes were eliminated, and the sagging of the upper eyelids was removed. Nasolabial folds are smoothed. More detailsCollapse


The patient is 63 years old.
To remove bags under the eyes, eye bags, smooth out nasolabial folds and correct drooping eyelids, a check-lift and blepharoplasty were performed. It was possible to achieve the effect of an open look and restore the youthful contours of the facial area and cheekbones. More detailsCollapse


The patient is 59 years old. Chin liposuction, face and neck lift, circular blepharoplasty were performed. The patient asked to eliminate the “tired face” effect and remove the double chin. The look has become more open, the “angle of youth” has been restored, bags under the eyes and drooping eyelids have been removed.MoreCollapse

Surgical facial plastic surgery

To carry out lifting in aesthetic surgery, it is customary to divide the face into three zones:

  • Forehead, including the eyebrow area;
  • Neck and area around the mouth;
  • Chin, lower jaw and neck.

If necessary, the doctor can perform a circular facelift, in which all facial areas are subject to intervention.

Based on the depth of impact, lifting is divided into two types:

  • Superficial, when the surgeon works only with the skin;
  • Deep, when in addition to the skin, manipulations are carried out with the muscle structure and adipose tissue.

The effect of a deep facelift (Smas) is more pronounced and longer lasting. However, you should not insist on this method if you are still quite young, and the surgeon recommends limiting yourself to superficial effects on the face. The fact is that deep lifting is a serious operation that requires long-term rehabilitation, so it is not advisable to resort to it unless absolutely necessary.

At the Arnovel Aesthetic Medicine Clinic, the doctor will select the optimal type of plastic surgery for each client, allowing for maximum results with minimal surgical intervention.


Facial contouring is carried out using various methods. The least traumatic way to remove excess skin is rhytidectomy. The procedure is repeated after 2-3 years. Other types of facelift require deeper intervention, but their effect lasts longer. Thus, Smas lifting mainly affects the facial muscles and ligaments, but the skin is almost not affected. Another facelift procedure, endoscopic facelift, is performed through tiny incisions in the mouth and scalp, so the scars are virtually invisible. This lifting allows you to tighten both the face and neck, which is why the method is very popular. In some cases, we combine endoscopic and Smas lifting, which allows us to achieve maximum results.

Circular lifting is performed strictly for patients over 50 years of age, since in this case, to achieve a pronounced effect, it is necessary to work not only with the skin, but also with other tissues.

What drugs are most often used for liquid tightening?

Various types of cosmetic fillers are used for this purpose. When choosing, the patient’s age, skin condition, injection site and other factors are taken into account. Therefore, a different regimen is selected for each patient.

For liquid tightening, a large number of drugs are used, which can be divided into groups:

  • Poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) preparations, the most famous of which is Sculptra / Sculptra Aesthetic. Unlike other fillers that simply fill in lines and creases, it works to address the cause of wrinkles. The drug stimulates the production of collagen protein, which makes up the skin framework, replenishing lost volume. Scuptra is used in the mouth area to correct nasolabial folds, marionette lines and chin wrinkles. As a rule, three procedures are performed, the results of which last for more than two years.
  • Preparations based on hyaluronic acid - a substance that the skin loses with age. Among them, the most famous fillers are Juvederm and Restylane. This type of filler can be used to reduce wrinkles on the forehead, cheeks, jawline, and the appearance of wrinkles on the arms. They enlarge lips. The effect lasts from eight months to two years.
  • Preparations based on calcium hydroxyapatite, the most common of which are the Radiesse line. This is also a completely natural drug that is found in teeth and bone tissue. Fillers of this type are used to tighten the skin on the cheekbones and cheeks, correct the shape of the nose, facial contours, and chin contours. They are used to fill wrinkles on the face and hands.

Liquid lifting goes well with other procedures:

  • Administration of drugs based on botulinum toxin. Dynamic wrinkles (crow's feet, forehead lines, wrinkles) are treated with Botox or Xeomin, a muscle relaxant. The skin becomes even and smooth.
  • Lipofilling is a transplantation of fat taken from the patient’s abdomen or thighs. This method allows you to restore large volumes of tissue, obtaining long-term results.
  • PRP procedure – injections of platelet-rich plasma. Combining this method with a non-surgical facelift significantly improves the quality of the skin - fillers smooth out wrinkles and folds, and plasma injections work in deep tissues, causing them to rejuvenate and regenerate.

Only a cosmetologist with extensive experience can choose the right combination of liquid lifting with other procedures. In this case, you will be able to get the maximum effect.

Photo 1. Liquid facelift before and after

Photo 2. Liquid facelift before and after

Operation stages

After the patient has undergone the necessary medical examinations and has agreed with the doctor on the areas and types of surgical intervention, a date for the procedure is set. Depending on the client’s wishes and the chosen type of facelift, the operation is performed under general or local anesthesia. The surgical facelift procedure takes from one and a half to six hours, depending on the complexity of the operation. After performing all the necessary manipulations, the doctor sews up the incisions using self-absorbing threads. This avoids the need to remove sutures and protects delicate skin from additional trauma.

Next, a tight sterile bandage is applied. For 1-2 days, the patient is in the ward under constant supervision of medical staff and regular supervision of the attending physician.

What is liquid lift used for?

With age, facial tissues lose volume, the skin becomes less elastic and sags. Due to the loss of muscle and fat, the face appears “blown out”, bruises appear under the eyes, wrinkles form on the forehead, around the mouth and eyes. The face appears tired and aged. These phenomena can be eliminated by introducing fillers - facelift or liquid facelift.

Fillers reverse the negative effects by filling the vacated space. Facial tissues are tightened, its oval takes on its former shape, the skin straightens, wrinkles, creases and lines disappear.

Liquid facelift has other effects:

  • Increased lip volume.
  • Elimination of sunken areas and dark circles under the eyes.
  • Changing the shape of cheeks and cheekbones, making them beautiful and youthful.
  • Resorption of scars, scars and other skin defects.

The ideal candidate for a liquid facelift is a patient with few wrinkles and little sagging tissue. With pronounced age-related changes, it is better to prefer a surgical facelift or effective non-surgical methods.

Fillers are injected into a variety of facial areas - the forehead, areas under the eyes, near the eyebrows, cheeks, lips, folds between the nose and mouth, and the lower jaw line. The number of such zones depends on age-related changes in the skin and the wishes of the patient.

Filler injection scheme

Rehabilitation period

Postoperative rehabilitation proceeds differently, depending on the complexity of the facial plastic surgery performed and the physiological characteristics of the body. The most common complications after surgery include swelling and hematomas, which completely disappear after a couple of months. The general recovery period, for example, after endoscopic lifting, takes up to 7 months.

To minimize the described complications, the doctor will recommend various procedures to promote a speedy recovery.

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