How does Dysport work: what can and cannot be done before and after injections?

The effectiveness of Botox, like Dysport, largely depends on compliance with skin care recommendations after the rejuvenation procedure. Failure to follow fairly simple rules and violation of the regimen recommended by a specialist can lead not only to accelerated removal of the active substance from tissues, but also to negative side effects. The recovery period after Botox/Dysport takes place in several stages.

Dysport: when does the effect occur?

It is worth warning right away that Dysport and Botox are drugs that do not have an immediate desired effect, but a long-lasting one.
This is why we value them. Although you will see the first changes within a few hours. To understand why this happens, let’s find out together what Dysport is, how long it takes to see the effect, and why injections with Botox and Dysport should only be done in trusted clinics and qualified specialists. Several decades ago, botulinum toxin, which is the basis of Dysport, had interesting side effects. Doctors noticed that in small quantities the substance “freezes” the muscles, and simply paralyzes them. Changes in muscle fibers lead to the fact that the skin becomes smooth, effectively stretched, wrinkles quickly disappear as they are smoothed out, and the face itself pleasantly relaxes. Previously, the properties of botulinum toxin were used to work with muscle tone, correct cosmetic defects, and also to combat excessive sweating in the armpits, feet and palms.

In cosmetology and aesthetic medicine, they began to use a version of the toxin that has undergone a special purification technique. We are accustomed to thinking of toxins as poisons, but in minimal quantities and with the use of certain components, such poisons become wonderful tools for wonderful transformations. This is how the drugs Botox and Dysport appeared. The effect of both was quickly appreciated by women who actively care for themselves and strive to restore youth to their skin or maintain it for as long as possible. Many of them breathed a sigh of relief, because everyone is thinking about being young and charming for as long as possible without plastic surgery.

Cost of Dysport injection at D. Grishkyan’s clinic in Moscow

Dysport injections cost

Procedure namePrices
Dysport - 1 unit.150
Injections of the drug Dysport in the area between the eyebrows4000
Injections of the drug Dysport in the forehead area2500
Correction of the periorbital zone with Dysport2500
Correction of the perioral zone with Dysport900
Correction of the nasal bridge with Dysport900
Chin correction with Dysport900
Treatment of palm hyperhidrosis with Dysport26000
Treatment of foot hyperhidrosis with Dysport35000
1 bottle of Dysport (500 units) one-time administration38000

Wide range of compositions. What to choose?

Before releasing the drugs to the wide market, specialists meticulously tested Botox and Dysport. How long the effect lasts and how it occurs became clear after a detailed study of the properties of botulinum toxin and analysis of the results. True, this took more than one year. The history of compositions, the search for ideal components, testing side effects and the effect on different skin types - the toxin has come a long way to turn from a nerve poison into the main trump card of modern cosmetology (it is no coincidence that during the Second World War it was even considered a component of bacteriological weapons).

Dysport and Botox have many analogues. For example, Lantox and Xeomin. They are based on botulinum toxin type A (there is also B). They affect the release of acetylcholine in our body, significantly slowing down and reducing this process. This is an organic compound that is responsible for neuromuscular activity. In fact, this is the main answer to the question why Botox and Dysport became popular and how long the effect lasts.

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How long does the result last?

The effect lasts 4-6 months, after which the procedure is repeated. To achieve lasting results, dermatocosmetologists advise administering the drug 2-3 times a year. As a result, the bad habit of frowning disappears even without the influence of the drug. After 2-4 years of regular botulinum therapy, they begin to inject Dysport less frequently. The muscles are kept relaxed, wrinkles are smoothed out and new ones are not formed. You will forget about the “crow’s feet” around the eyes, the “furrows of anger” on the forehead and the puppet wrinkles at the corners of the lips, giving the face a mournful expression.

Why we recommend Dysport

In fact, both drugs have their advantages and their admirers. Who decides which composition is right for you?

Much has already been studied and written about the difference between Botox and Dysport. The effect is similar. The first drug is produced by an American company, the second is produced by a French company (made in France and the UK). Dysport contains lactose, and Botox contains sodium chloride. Dysport contains less botulinum toxin. Additional substances are auxiliary components, like human albumin. To give you an idea, Lantox is the result of the work of the Chinese and Germans. According to experts, they give results that last less than the duration of exposure.

Indications for the drug Dysport®

  • blepharospasm, hemifacial spasm, spasmodic torticollis, spasticity of the arm muscles after a stroke, hyperkinetic folds (expression wrinkles) of the face in adults;
  • dynamic foot deformity caused by spasticity in cerebral palsy in children aged 2 years and older;
  • hyperhidrosis of the axillary region.
ICD-10 codeIndication
G24.3Spasmodic torticollis
G80Cerebral paralysis
R25.2Cramp and spasm

"Dysport" - anti-wrinkle injections

If you want smooth skin without age or expression wrinkles for a long time, a cosmetologist may advise you to choose Dysport. The effect of the composition, unlike Botox injections, is characterized by a large area. This means that one injection will demonstrate results not only in the wrinkle where the injection was made, but also in the area surrounding it. They say about Botox that it has a targeted effect, this is neither a plus nor a minus, it’s just that everything is decided individually and at will. In addition, a qualified specialist will determine how many injections of Dysport or Botox you will need and calculate the dosage so as to achieve the maximum result you need.

Corrections with Dysport are used to influence different areas of the face and body. Most often, a series of injections with botulinum toxin is used for the following areas:

  • in the upper part of the face (injections in the forehead against wrinkles with Dysport perfectly “smooth out” horizontal wrinkles);
  • to the area between the eyebrows (vertical folds, which often form when we frown, are leveled and disappear);
  • in the area of ​​the corners of the eyes (where “positive” wrinkles appear from smiles and good mood);
  • to change the inclination of the corners of the lips (using the action of the toxin, it is possible to lift them higher, since the composition fixes the muscles and keeps them in good shape; it is believed that after injections with Dysport, a positive facial expression is created, because in a relaxed state, the corners of the lips are “sadly” lowered);
  • for tightening the neck and armpits (in these places, age-related changes can rarely be removed using preventive methods, but Dysport does an excellent job);
  • around the nose – correct diagonal wrinkles, nasolabial folds and pronounced folds on the bridge of the nose;
  • in the cheek area you can tighten your cheekbones.

Surely, you still have questions about the features of the drug. Rest assured that Dysport is a product of natural animal origin. For injections, a very weak concentration is used, the safety of which has been confirmed in many countries.

The effect after Dysport is characterized by good stability. This sets it apart, for example, from smoothing serums and simple tightening masks, which in most cases last only a few hours. The drug easily removes the so-called “crow’s feet”, since these are shallow wrinkles by nature, and has a productive effect on horizontal and vertical folds on the skin. It is important to remember that the toxin is weakened and purified, so it becomes a drug. At the same time, all over the world, injections with Botox, including Dysport, are called not just life-giving injections, but also “injections of youth.” This is exactly the comparison you will hear about Dysport, about how long it takes to see the effect, in reviews. Fast and productive!

So, the main question: on what day does the effect of Dysport appear and how long does it last?

The amazing anti-aging result that we so strive for appears within just a few days. Effective changes can last up to 5-7 months. Then the series of manipulations can be repeated. Dysport does not provoke addiction or muscle atrophy. Muscle reflexes and muscle activity, if you do not inject the drug again, are restored over time. At the same time, the skin has time to renew itself, wrinkles become fewer, and the entire oval of the face is tightened. This is because while the toxin is working under your skin, you get into the habit of not wincing or frowning. And this is the most important effect after Dysport. This means that in the near future you will be free from the appearance of new wrinkles. By the way, for the future, keep in mind that excessive facial emotionality and facial expressions can cause headaches and migraines. So muscle relaxation is a chance to get rid of these unpleasant ailments.

At the follow-up meeting, the cosmetologist will check how Dysport “works” in your case. When the effect comes, you will already be thinking about the next transformation. For the first course, only 2-3 sessions of procedures are recommended, injections are made in different areas determined during the consultation. It is important that the drug that the clinic recommended to you is certified, has an individual serial number and a valid expiration date.

Preparation and rehabilitation

Injections require little preparation:

  • You should not drink alcohol the day before.
  • On the day of the procedure, you must limit your mobility, do not make sudden movements, or bend over.

After injections:

  • Do not take a horizontal position for several hours.
  • Avoid sudden temperature changes.
  • Don't exercise for a few days.
  • Avoid stress on the heart.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol for two weeks.

About the nuances of the procedure

We have already written that Dysport does not act on the surface of the skin, but on its internal capabilities and facial muscles. Therefore, the effect of Dysport is aimed at tense facial muscles, blocking them with brain signals. Despite the targeted use of the toxin, injections with this substance have certain contraindications. The cosmetologist raises this topic during the first visit. You must understand that there are cases when it is undesirable to do such manipulations. Injections with botulinum toxin are not recommended:

  • before the age of 12; up to 18 years of age they are possible for medical reasons if it is necessary to remove an aesthetic defect;
  • Since we are talking about Dysport injections as a rejuvenating procedure, the main category of patients who come to us on this issue are women over 30 years old; Of course, exceptions are possible;
  • during pregnancy (it has been proven that the components can harm the baby);
  • during breastfeeding, as the substance may pass into milk;
  • in the presence of pathologies and ailments that are associated with blood clotting;
  • during exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • for diseases of the nervous system;
  • if there are inflammatory processes in the body, especially in the intended injection area;
  • oncological diseases
  • during a course of taking antibiotics, antiplatelet agents, anticoagulants (the prohibition is associated with the general weakening of the body at this moment).

The cosmetologist is obliged to check you for individual intolerance to the drug. If it is, then under no circumstances should you receive injections with botulinum toxin. In addition, if you have allergic reactions, the procedure may be dangerous for you, therefore it is considered a contraindication.

Severe swelling


  • Failure to comply with the doctor’s post-procedure recommendations, namely: drinking alcohol and salty foods within a week after the procedure
  • The dose is too high Further actions: if the swelling does not go away within a week, then you should consult a doctor for corrective manipulations.

Once again, we draw your attention to the fact that the procedure for administering botulinum toxins can only be carried out by a cosmetologist. Take care of your health and beauty!

Author of the material: Cosmetologist G.V. Fattaeva All rights reserved.

Recommendations before Dysport injections

Our main recommendation is to carry out manipulations in a specialized clinic. A reliable clinic is a guarantee of safety and effect. This strict rule applies to all serious cosmetic procedures, especially those involving injections. During your consultation, a specialist will examine your skin and tell you about the procedure. His task is to tell you in as much detail as possible about the nuances of Dysport and how long it takes to see the effect. Reviews from our patients and everyone who has tried the miraculous injections speak of a variety of positive changes. After injections:

  • skin condition improves, fine wrinkles disappear;
  • large ones are noticeably smoothed out;
  • you look younger and fresher;
  • skin turgor is strengthened,
  • facial contours are noticeably tightened;
  • the smile changes.

All this once again proves that the effect extends not only to the injection area, but also affects neighboring muscles, since Dysport blocks nerve impulses. Injections in the eye area require special care from a specialist. Dysport allows you to preserve the elasticity of the upper eyelid, but in this case the qualifications and professionalism of the cosmetologist are of great importance, since this area requires increased attention. A cosmetologist who has experience in competently carrying out the procedure and understands the nuances will accurately determine the injection site, measure the amount of the injected drug and the number of injections. A few injections are enough to introduce the toxin. The manipulations will take a few minutes to completely relax the muscle processes.

About the advantages

Photos after Dysport injections demonstrate all the visual anti-aging effects. But I would like to separately mention the unobvious advantages of the drug.

  • noticeable effect: appears quickly, lasts a long time;
  • using the drug in compliance with all the rules of the procedure, strictly according to the instructions, guarantees safety and the absence of negative effects on health;
  • almost painless (can be numbed), the needle is thin;
  • price;
  • There is no feeling of a hardened mask on the face, you can express emotions through facial expressions.

But you should not abuse the latter advantage in order to prolong the effect of Dysport injections. We recommend saving a photo of the packaging of the composition so that you can show it to a specialist before a repeat series of sessions, in case you do injections in another clinic.

We want to maintain skin tone for as long as possible. This is facilitated by both basic procedures and care, as well as maintaining the effect after Dysport injections. Don't forget to cleanse your skin, remove oil and dust that covers your face during the day, and remove makeup. Try to moisturize it regularly, do massages and masks. By the way, “Dysport” can be combined with other procedures, then the result will please you much longer. For example, you can inject fillers and do biorevitalization. But not earlier than in 2 weeks.

Next two months

When the skin calms down a little, you can begin hair removal and light facial massage. All this should be done with extreme caution. There are several types of cosmetic procedures that will have to be completely excluded for the entire duration of Botox or Dysport. We are talking about manual massage, myostimulation and microcurrent effects on the facial skin. In addition, cosmetologists have noticed that the duration of the anti-aging effect is significantly reduced by subcutaneous injections of B vitamins. You can take tablets and powders with these vitamins.

Rules for preparing solution for injection

Remove the protective plastic tamper evident cap from the bottle.

When diluting the drug, do not open the bottle by removing the stopper. Immediately before diluting the contents of the bottle, the central part of the stopper should be treated with alcohol. The lyophilisate is diluted by introducing a regulated volume of 0.9% sodium chloride solution for injection into the bottle by piercing the stopper with a sterile needle of size 23 or 25. The resulting solution is a colorless transparent liquid. Since the drug does not contain a preservative, it is recommended to use it immediately after dissolution. The diluted drug can be stored for no more than 8 hours at a temperature of 2° to 8°C.

Rules for processing tools and waste disposal

Immediately after the injection, the remaining solution in the vial or syringe should be inactivated with a dilute sodium hypochlorite solution containing 1% active chlorine. All ancillary materials that have come into contact with the drug should be disposed of in accordance with standard hospital practice.

Spilled medication should be removed with an absorbent cloth soaked in 1% sodium hypochlorite solution.

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