Kristina Deryabina - biography, photo, personal life, news, “Dom-2” 2022

Those who closely follow the developments of the television project “House 2” know who Kristina Deryabina is.
And they closely follow the girl’s life on Instagram and VKontakte. The show's participants enjoy the possibilities of plastic surgery. But Christina’s results before and after plastic surgery are amazing. The city in which the future TV show star Kristina Deryabina was born is Tolyatti. After graduating from school, the young lady went to conquer the majestic St. Petersburg. I entered university and mastered the profession of PR manager.

I failed to realize myself as a PR specialist. But I managed to open my own business selling travel packages, which soon went bankrupt. Having a disruptive character, Deryabina continued to try to find herself and began to “taxi” in her car. At the same time, the girl enthusiastically followed the television project “House 2”. And in moments of daydreaming, I imagined myself as one of the participants.

Childhood and youth

The childhood years of the life of the TV star, the names and occupations of the parents are a secret. It is only known that Christina was born in 1989 in Tolyatti. She graduated from high school there. The girl received a higher education diploma in the specialty “Public Relations” in St. Petersburg, but did not work by profession. The girl has two sisters, one of whom is named Inna, a niece and nephew.

Kristina Deryabina before the Dom-2 project

Life in the Northern capital for Christina was relatively successful. An active and enterprising girl opened her own business - a travel agency, but soon it had to be closed. Deryabina did not give up and went to work as a taxi driver in her own car. All this time, Christina followed the ups and downs of the scandalous show on the TNT channel and decided, following many of its participants, to try to change something in her biography.

Anastasia Lisova now

Anastasia Lisova in 2022

After leaving the project, Anastasia not only appeared in a couple more programs (“Let’s Get Married,” “Instagram Girls,” “Talk and Show”), but also released a collection of business suits designed based on her personal sketches.

Anastasia Lisova with her husband

In 2022, the ex-participant of the TV show together with her husband created a channel on YouTube called “And Varka stayed at home!” According to the girl, she and her husband will post videos taken during their joint travels on the channel. In the vlogs, the couple will show subscribers the sights of the countries they visit and warn about the difficulties that adventurers may encounter during their vacation.

The TV star also doesn’t forget about Instagram, which she regularly updates with fresh photographs and video clips from her personal archive.

"House 2"

Kristina got into “House 2” on her second attempt; her official arrival took place in November 2014. Deryabina went to the show purposefully - to visit participant Nikita Kuznetsov. The stubborn girl was not stopped by the fact that the guy’s heart was already occupied by Sasha Artemova. According to viewers' reviews on the official website, Deryabina's behavior was nothing short of annoying. The beauty took the object of attention into a circular siege, but Christina’s open advances and flirting were in vain: Nikita left for the Seychelles with his other half.

Kristina Deryabina and Nikita Kuznetsov

Then she entered into a confrontation with Albert Hovsepyan, as a result of which she received a minor injury. Later, Christina, seemingly fragile and defenseless, demonstrated by her behavior that she had come seriously and for a long time and could fight back against anyone.

The next person to come into Deryabina’s field of vision was Sergei Katasonov, who was going through difficult times with Inessa Shevchuk. Christina tried to speed up the couple’s breakup and turned Sergei’s attention to herself. But the girl’s explosive character and the guy’s immaturity did not allow the young people to maintain their relationship: at the execution place, participant Bogdan Lenchuk raised his hand against Kristina in response to her attacks, and Katasonov did not consider it necessary to intervene and protect.

Sergey Katasonov and Kristina Deryabina

Deryabina found a defender in the person of another participant - psychic Vlad Kadoni, who by that time had returned to the show as an expert. This step by Christina caused bewilderment among the female half of the TV set, since before this Vlad had not been able to build a relationship with any girl.

The couple turned out to be strange. For his part, the young man treated Christina with a degree of cynicism and arranged controversial tests. Deryabina did not remain in debt, going over the appearance of her chosen one. Very soon Kadoni said that the couple had no prospects.

Vlad Kadoni and Kristina Deryabina

During an affair with another “household member” Evgeniy Rudnev, news about Christina’s pregnancy was announced on the show. Which, however, turned out to be untrue. The guy was frankly glad that the prospect of becoming a father was postponed, and the relationship came to an end.

Deryabina left the site of “House 2” just before the New Year, declaring that she was leaving for the sake of her beloved man. Although in fact love overtook Christina later.

biography, photos from Instagram, plastic surgery and before the project

Participant name: Kristina Deryabina

Age (birthday): 11/22/1989

City: Tolyatti, St. Petersburg

Height and weight: 177 cm

Found an inaccuracy? Let's correct the profile

Kristina Deryabina does not talk about her childhood. What is known is that after graduating from high school, she moved to live in St. Petersburg, where she received a higher education, but did not work in her specialty.

Instead, she decides to open her own travel company. But this idea failed miserably. To which the purposeful girl did not give up, but began to think about how to live further.

Christina is a very active and mobile person.

Later she meets a guy, but he turns out to be not the hero of her novel. The young man was very lazy and did not know how to earn money, but tried to sit on his girlfriend’s neck. Simply put, he turned out to be a gigolo.

After a year and a half, Christina realized that such a relationship did not suit her, and she left him. Deryabina has long been a fan of the scandalous show Dom 2 and decides to try herself as a participant.

Christina's casting is going well. A couple of days later she was invited to the project.

Christina's official arrival to the project: November 6, 2014.

Appearing in the clearing, Christina stated that she really wanted to be with Nikita Kuznetsov, who was already paired with Alexandra Artyomova.

But all her efforts to win the heart of the curly-haired participant ended with Nikita and her girlfriend going to the Seychelles. Leaving his fan to grieve in the clearing.

Christina was very worried about the departure of her chosen one, and in the end she realized that the guy was serious about Artyomova. As a result, Christina, as they say, goes all out.

Kristina Deryabina has more than once initiated fights and brawls on the project. In one of which, her little finger was seriously injured.

The fact is that Deryabina spoke harshly to the new participant Albert, and the guy simply behaved inappropriately in response to her insults.

Then Christina promised her offender that at the first vote he would fly out of the perimeter. And she kept her promise, but before that, she turned all the participants against the guy, and they voted against him. And thus she made herself a serious enemy, in the person of the scandalous and strong participant, Victoria Bernikova, who really liked Albert.

Their enmity very seriously affected the reputation of Kristina Deryabina. They simply began to fear the girl, since, in appearance, a fragile person could give a serious rebuff to any of the participants, including representatives of the stronger sex.

Christina’s relationships with men did not work out

But gradually the passion began to subside and the object of sighing became Sergei Katasonov, who was also already in a relationship with Inessa Shevchuk, but their union was on the verge of separation.

Christina decided not to wait long and contributed to Sergei becoming a bachelor

After breaking up with Inessa, Sergei gave Christina a chance, to which the girl was very happy and actively began to pay attention to her new passion

But the incident that occurred at the execution site made Deryabina become disappointed in him.

The fact is that Bogdan Lenchuk could not stand Christina, considering her an upstart, a brawler and generally a very ugly girl. And on the forehead, he expressed all his unpleasant feelings to Christina, to which the girl attacked the guy with her fists, and he, in response, also raised his hand. And Sergei, as he sat in his place, remained sitting.

As a result, Christina considered him a coward and a worthless man and abandoned all her intentions to be with him.

Then another man appeared in Christina’s project life, with whom she began a serious affair. This man was the “black magician” and bright character Vlad Kadoni. Who became a real defender for Deryabina. But for a number of reasons they could not be together.

And later Kadoni left the project altogether. Then Evgeny Rudnev began to carefully look after Christina.

But it was very difficult to call them a couple, since Zhenya had not even divorced yet, and after family ties he decided to feel free again, and most likely he chose Christina for show.

On December 28, 2015, Christina of her own free will decides to leave the project, as she has found true love outside the perimeter and her boyfriend urgently demands that she leave the scandalous show.

There were rumors that this guy was the same Vlad Kadoni, but later it turned out that Vlad has a beloved woman and he is not waiting for Christina at all. Christina never revealed the name of her love. According to rumors, Deryabina is now running her own business together with her loved one.

Kristina Deryabina participated in the Live broadcast with Boris Korchevnikov.

Kristina Deryabina also performed several plastic surgeries: breast and lip augmentation, rhinoplasty, before and after photos:

Personal life

The attractive girl had a knight back in St. Petersburg, but he turned out not to be what she expected. Christina doesn't even say his name.

Life under 24-hour camera surveillance did not help Christina find personal happiness. The girl met her loved one outside the perimeter of “House 2”. Father and son Andriyanov worked on the set. Deryabina communicated with the youngest, Alexander, while still an active participant in the program.

Alexander Andriyanov and Kristina Deryabina

Then there was a chance meeting in a store and the relationship moved to a different plane. According to Christina, Alexander courted beautifully, demonstrated in every possible way the seriousness of his intentions, and soon offered to live together.

Be that as it may, Christina and Alexander rented an apartment, got two Pomeranians Richie and Bonya and enjoyed their privacy. Each party introduced their significant other to their parents. But there is no talk yet about a change in marital status, although Christina periodically posts photographs in wedding dresses, in the comments to which she shares dreams of a family and children.

Kristina Deryabina in a wedding dress

Followers supported their favorite in her quest for happiness, especially after the girl caught the bride’s bouquet at the wedding of Ella Sukhanova and Igor Tregubenko, whose couple formed on a TV show.

In an interview with the online publication, Christina openly spoke about how participation in the show “House 2” influenced her life. Love helped the girl lose weight, and the desire to please others and especially herself led to a plastic surgeon. She loves to cook, eats healthy, but allows herself burgers or sweets. Deryabina posts photos of beautifully served dishes, as well as other events, on social networks, including Instagram.

Kristina Deryabina before and after plastic surgery

Christina is not at all embarrassed to say that she resorted to plastic surgery, corrected the shape of her nose, and changed her lips. And breast augmentation surgery was a dream come true, since in this regard the girl could not boast of an attractive figure. Also, in a simple way, in her personal account, the beauty who became a blonde said that doctors had banned a repeat operation.

Kristina Deryabina became a blonde

Deryabina’s dream was to become a TV presenter; she came to “House 2” with the intention of appearing on the screen. On the way to her goal, Christina participated in a competition for a professional presenter, but the commission considered that the girl did not have enough knowledge. Therefore, she entered the Ostankino Higher School of Television. It is unlikely that Kristina will have to be content with a state diploma, but only with an internal document of the university, since in the summer of 2017 Roskomnadzor deprived the institute of accreditation.

Nadezhda Ermakova now

Ermakova’s career is developing well, as evidenced by the improvement in the living conditions of the former project participant. In the spring of 2019, Nadezhda became the happy owner of an apartment in a new residential complex in Moscow. For the sake of her own real estate in the capital, she worked for 5 years in several jobs, among other things, she started a personal blog, which also became an additional source of income.

Nadezhda Ermakova in 2022

Now Ermakova’s name continues to appear on the pages of online publications. In 2022, in an interview, the current editor-in-chief of Dom-2 made a loud statement. According to Nadezhda, the television building is expected to close in the near future. The reason for this is the low ratings of the reality show.

However, fans of the show did not take her words seriously: some suggested that this statement was additional advertising for the program, others even thought that Nadya was joking.

Kristina Deryabina now

At the beginning of 2018, news related to the name of Kristina Deryabina appeared on the Internet. According to the media website, the couple purchased a two-room apartment, in addition to the one-room apartment they had purchased earlier. The lion's share of the money earned, according to Christina, goes to repairs and loan repayments.

Kristina Deryabina in 2022

Users did not share the girl’s enthusiasm for obtaining Moscow registration; moreover, they even showed distrust of such a statement. It was suggested that the property was bought with Alexander’s money, the man earns money alone, and since he is not Christina’s husband, she has no right to be called the owner of the home.

In addition, the beauty admitted that the car featured on social network accounts is Olga Rapunzel’s car. Christina bought the car from the previous owner after Olga left reality and did not want to take the car given by her gentleman, considering it cheap.

Andrey Malakhov and Kristina Deryabina

Another news is the possible return of Deryabina to “House 2”. According to rumors, Christina expressed a desire to appear in front of the cameras again, but only under certain financial conditions, which she had already voiced to the project management. We are talking about the “Million Dollar Wedding” competition. At the same time, the blonde emphasized that she considers it important that after the end of the competition Alexander returns to his workplace.

The changes the girl dared to make

Perhaps dissatisfaction with her appearance made Deryabina so harsh and irritable. And looking at her few friends from “House 2”, the TV star decided to improve it. Christina wanted to get rid of all visible flaws.


The transformation affected her face, or rather, the most unfortunate part of it - her nose. Christina underwent rhinoplasty. This intervention was the second in her life and quite successful. The surgeon, who had previously successfully operated on other participants in the television project, removed the hump from the girl’s nose.

Deryabina hastened to share her joy about the operation even before the end of the rehabilitation period. Despite the pain and swelling she experienced, she wrote that she does not regret the decision to undergo rhinoplasty.


But still, Christina considered her flat, asymmetrical breasts to be her main drawback. She wanted to get rid of him first. True, there were contradictions between her desires and the opinion of the aesthetic surgeon:

  • Deryabina wanted to get a full bust of at least size 3. She was dominated by stereotypes of beauty, and was also affected by ignorance in the field of aesthetic surgery.

  • The doctor insisted on a more modest size for the new bust. The specialist understood that a large size would not be suitable for a thin girl with a problem spine. In this case, the breasts would look unnatural, and Christina would definitely have back pain.

The girl listened to the surgeon’s opinion, and he began to work. Due to the asymmetry of the chest, the choice of implants was not easy. Computer modeling was carried out to determine the desired size and shape. The doctor found out that endoprostheses of different sizes will give the optimal result, and he was not mistaken. Christina was pleased, which she reported to her fans.


Childhood and youth

Kristina Deryabina photography

The childhood years of the life of the TV star, the names and occupations of the parents are a secret.
It is only known that Christina was born in 1989 in Togliatti. She graduated from high school there. The girl received a higher education diploma in the specialty “Public Relations” in St. Petersburg, but did not work by profession. The girl has two sisters, one of whom is named Inna, a niece and nephew. Advertising:
Christina’s life in the Northern capital was relatively successful. An active and enterprising girl opened her own business - a travel agency, but soon it had to be closed. Deryabina did not give up and went to work as a taxi driver in her own car. All this time, Christina followed the ups and downs of the scandalous show on the TNT channel and decided, following many of its participants, to try to change something in her biography.

Kristina Deryabina photography

"House 2"

Kristina got into “House 2” on her second attempt; her official arrival took place in November 2014. Deryabina went to the show purposefully - to visit participant Nikita Kuznetsov. The stubborn girl was not stopped by the fact that the guy’s heart was already occupied by Sasha Artemova. According to viewers' reviews on the official website, Deryabina's behavior was nothing short of annoying. The beauty took the object of attention into a circular siege, but Christina’s open advances and flirting were in vain: Nikita left for the Seychelles with his other half.

Kristina Deryabina photography

Then she entered into a confrontation with Albert Hovsepyan, as a result of which she received a minor injury. Later, Christina, seemingly fragile and defenseless, demonstrated by her behavior that she had come seriously and for a long time and could fight back against anyone.

The next person to come into Deryabina’s field of vision was Sergei Katasonov, who was going through difficult times with Inessa Shevchuk. Christina tried to speed up the couple’s breakup and turned Sergei’s attention to herself. But the girl’s explosive character and the guy’s immaturity did not allow the young people to maintain their relationship: at the execution place, participant Bogdan Lenchuk raised his hand against Kristina in response to her attacks, and Katasonov did not consider it necessary to intervene and protect.

Kristina Deryabina photography

Deryabina found a defender in the person of another participant - psychic Vlad Kadoni, who by that time had returned to the show as an expert. This step by Christina caused bewilderment among the female half of the TV set, since before this Vlad had not been able to build a relationship with any girl.

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The couple turned out to be strange. For his part, the young man treated Christina with a degree of cynicism and arranged controversial tests. Deryabina did not remain in debt, going over the appearance of her chosen one. Very soon Kadoni said that the couple had no prospects.

Kristina Deryabina photography

During an affair with another “household member” Evgeniy Rudnev, news about Christina’s pregnancy was announced on the show. Which, however, turned out to be untrue. The guy was frankly glad that the prospect of becoming a father was postponed, and the relationship came to an end.

Deryabina left the site of “House 2” just before the New Year, declaring that she was leaving for the sake of her beloved man. Although in fact love overtook Christina later.

Personal life

Kristina Deryabina photography

The attractive girl had a knight back in St. Petersburg, but he turned out not to be what she expected. Christina doesn't even say his name.

Kristina Deryabina photography

Life under 24-hour camera surveillance did not help Christina find personal happiness. The girl met her loved one outside the perimeter of “House 2”. Father and son Andriyanov worked on the set. Deryabina communicated with the youngest, Alexander, while still an active participant in the program.

Then there was a chance meeting in a store and the relationship moved to a different plane. According to Christina, Alexander courted beautifully, demonstrated in every possible way the seriousness of his intentions, and soon offered to live together.

Be that as it may, Christina and Alexander rented an apartment, got two Pomeranians Richie and Bonya and enjoyed their privacy. Each party introduced their significant other to their parents. But there is no talk yet about a change in marital status, although Christina periodically posts photographs in wedding dresses, in the comments to which she shares dreams of a family and children.

Followers supported their favorite in her quest for happiness, especially after the girl caught the bride’s bouquet at the wedding of Ella Sukhanova and Igor Tregubenko, whose couple formed on a TV show.

In an interview with the online publication, Christina openly spoke about how participation in the show “House 2” influenced her life. Love helped the girl lose weight, and the desire to please others and especially herself led to a plastic surgeon. She loves to cook, eats healthy, but allows herself burgers or sweets. Deryabina posts photos of beautifully served dishes, as well as other events, on social networks, including Instagram.

Christina is not at all embarrassed to say that she resorted to plastic surgery, corrected the shape of her nose, and changed her lips. And breast augmentation surgery was a dream come true, since in this regard the girl could not boast of an attractive figure. Also, in a simple way, in her personal account, the beauty who became a blonde said that doctors had banned a repeat operation.

Deryabina’s dream was to become a TV presenter; she came to “House 2” with the intention of appearing on the screen. On the way to her goal, Christina participated in a competition for a professional presenter, but the commission considered that the girl did not have enough knowledge. Therefore, she entered the Ostankino Higher School of Television. It is unlikely that Kristina will have to be content with a state diploma, but only with an internal document of the university, since in the summer of 2017 Roskomnadzor deprived the institute of accreditation.

Kristina Deryabina now

At the beginning of 2018, news related to the name of Kristina Deryabina appeared on the Internet. According to the media website, the couple purchased a two-room apartment, in addition to the one-room apartment they had purchased earlier. The lion's share of the money earned, according to Christina, goes to repairs and loan repayments.

Users did not share the girl’s enthusiasm for obtaining Moscow registration; moreover, they even showed distrust of such a statement. It was suggested that the property was bought with Alexander’s money, the man earns money alone, and since he is not Christina’s husband, she has no right to be called the owner of the home.

In addition, the beauty admitted that the car featured on social network accounts is Olga Rapunzel’s car. Christina bought the car from the previous owner after Olga left reality and did not want to take the car given by her gentleman, considering it cheap.

Another news is the possible return of Deryabina to “House 2”. According to rumors, Christina expressed a desire to appear in front of the cameras again, but only under certain financial conditions, which she had already voiced to the project management. We are talking about the “Million Dollar Wedding” competition. At the same time, the blonde emphasized that she considers it important that after the end of the competition Alexander returns to his workplace.

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