Biography of Ani Lorak: best songs, scandals, photos, news, personal life

Kuek Karolina Miroslavovna (real name and surname of the singer. - Ed.) was born on September 27, 1978 in Kitsman, in the Chernivtsi region in Ukraine. The girl inherited her passion for music from her father, Miroslav Ivanovich. The man had a diploma as a conductor and also graduated from the local philology department. He writes poems and is an Honored Journalist of Ukraine. Zhanna Vasilievna, the mother of the future star, worked as an announcer on a local radio.

In addition to Caroline, there were other children growing up in the family. The girl had an older brother, Sergei, from her mother’s first marriage. According to the singer, she and he were very close. The young man took care of the child just like his mother: he dressed, fed and walked with her for hours. Then Igor and Andrey appeared. However, the girl grew up in a single-parent family. At the time of her birth, her parents managed to separate. Her father was replaced by the same older brother. However, at some point the family no longer had enough money even for food.

Little Carolina with her mother Zhanna Vasilyevna. Instagram @anilorak

According to the singer’s recollections, they lived very poorly. Mom often worked late. The woman realized that she did not have enough time to take care of the children. However, there was nowhere to wait for help: Zhanna Vasilyevna decided to send her children to a boarding school, from where she takes them home on weekends.

It is noteworthy that earlier in the same house where Ani Lorak was born and spent her childhood, the poet Vladimir Ivasyuk once lived. He is the author of a number of famous Ukrainian songs. The most famous of them is “Chervona Ruta”, the composition that made Sofia Rotaru famous.

As for Carolina, her first hit is still very far away. The girl will show interest in music at the age of four. However, she will begin to visit the same vocal studio later. At the age of nine, Caroline experiences a bereavement - the death of her older brother Sergei. A young man dies in the war in Afghanistan. After this tragedy, Caroline realizes her seniority in the family. In the seventh grade, she independently transferred to an educational institution closer to home. During the same period, her visits to the vocal studio began. Carolina decides to become a singer.

First steps on the big stage

The girl takes her first step towards real show business at a tender age. As a 13-year-old girl, she becomes a participant in the Primrose music festival. The young artist wins her first victory on stage. There she enters into her first contract.

Yuri Thalesa becomes the singer's producer. He immediately recognized the singing talent in the young singer and offered cooperation. The documents for the girl were signed by her mother. In the future, this professional union will develop into a romantic relationship. In the meantime, the girl is gaining stage skills and making creative plans.

The first wave of popularity overtook the young artist in 1995 after participating in the Morning Star program. Besides her, another Carolina took part in the program. The producer recommended that the ward appear before the public under a different name. It was Ani Lorak, that is, Carolina in reverse. The artist's performance was liked by the audience. Later, the girl was recognized as the “Discovery” of 1994 and was awarded the feather of the “Golden Firebird” as part of the Tavrida music festival.

Ani Lorak at the age of 15. Instagram @anilorak

In the future, the girl will receive second place in the Chervona Ruta music competition. However, this will not upset her at all. After all, already in 1996, the singer recorded her debut album entitled “I Want to Fly.” However, the record never reaches the listener. But this failure does not stop the artist. She continues to record songs and perform in music competitions.

Already in 1997, the singer’s second album, called “I’ll be back,” was released. This is followed by participation in the New York music competition “Big Apple Music 1996 Competition”. Later, Ani Lorak would call victory in this competition her first serious achievement.

It was followed by a tour of Europe, the USA and Ukraine. The trip gave the girl unprecedented professional experience. In the same year, Ani Lorak becomes an Honored Artist of Ukraine and sets a record. The girl receives the award at the age of 19 and turns out to be the youngest recipient of the prestigious award. However, real success awaits the singer in the future.

What does she look like now

You can live up to the title of an honored singer and star only through persistent and daily work on yourself. If you compare what Ani Lorak looks like before and after plastic surgery, you can understand that she has gotten better over the years. It seems that age has no power over her. It is difficult to determine how old he is by his appearance. She becomes younger and more beautiful.

The singer promotes sports and healthy eating. She states that in order to stay in great shape you need to watch what food you put into your body and do gymnastics regularly. The star believes that it is not necessary to spend a lot of time in the gym; it is enough to do morning exercises and not eat at night. All this will allow you to stay in great shape.

But photographs from her concerts in 2022 treacherously reveal that it’s not just about sports and diet.

According to rumors, Lorak underwent the following plastic surgeries:

  • enlargement of lips and cheekbones;
  • thread lifting;
  • removing bush lumps;
  • rhinoplasty;
  • mammoplasty.

In the latest photos on the Internet, you can see what Lorak looks like now. The woman's refreshed appearance only fuels rumors about plastic surgery. In them, the singer appeared in a new style of clothing and with a changed hairstyle. Discussions about these pictures broke all records for discussions. This is not the first time that the singer’s appearance has been a hot topic for speculation and gossip.

Particularly attentive fans claim that in the photographs of 2021, Carolina’s face looks unnatural and very strange. The singer’s explanations about her desire to try something new are not sufficiently reasoned for them. In their opinion, in this way Lorak is trying to hide traces of plastic surgery. It is really difficult to recognize the star in the photo, as if they depict a completely different person. It is difficult to talk about changes exactly. Because the reason may be due to the new style, shooting angle and lighting.


In 2000, Ani Lorak began collaborating with Russian composer Igor Krutoy. During their collaboration, the song “Mirrors” was born. With this composition, mass Russian listeners will learn about Ani Lorak. Music lovers are captivated by the pleasant timbre of the singer’s voice. Professional music critics, in turn, praise the artist’s four-and-a-half-octave vocals.

At the same time, Ani Lorak is included in the list of 100 sexiest women in the world according to FHM. Then he takes part in the musical based on the novel by Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka”. In 2004, the singer’s Ukrainian-language album “Ani Lorak” was released, which instantly went gold. During this period, Ani Lorak stopped working together with Yuri Thales. The separation of the producer and the ward was peaceful.

This is how Ani Lorak enters Russian show business. During this period of time, the singer's career experienced an important boost. Ahead of Ani Lorak is the recording of seven studio albums in Russian, English and Ukrainian, a lot of performances and joint songs with top Russian artists. However, the most important episode in this period of time is participation in another song competition, in which the artist has long dreamed of participating.


Ani Lorak started thinking seriously about going to the prestigious competition in 2005. At the same time she released the album Smile. The artist plans to perform on the European stage with the composition of the same name. That year, the celebration of music was held in Ukraine, which only fueled the singer’s interest in the competition. However, Eurovision 2005 is taking place without her, although the Ukrainians fervently advocated that Lorak become the candidate from their country. There is an opinion that politics allegedly did not allow the performer to represent her homeland at Eurovision. Instead, Ukraine is represented at the European competition by the group “Grinjoly” with the composition “Together we are rich.”

Previously, Ani Lorak spoke in support of former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych. The state elite, according to the popular belief of that era, wanted to present an artist at the song competition who would show the world the new Ukraine. However, this loss will not stop Ani Lorak.

Next time Eurovision itself will invite Ani Lorak to participate. According to the artist, she didn’t even need to participate in any national selection. Philip Kirkorov invited her to represent her homeland in the Serbian capital. The girl agreed without hesitation. In 2009, Ukraine was represented at the song competition by Ani Lorak with the song Shady Lady, written by Philip Kirkorov. With her, she takes an honorable second place.

Later, the artist presented a Russian-language version of the composition, which the listener knows today under the name “From Heaven to Heaven.” For her, Ani Lorak receives the prestigious Golden Gramophone music award. In 2009, the singer released the album “The Sun”. The album receives platinum status and brings Ani fame not only in Russia and Ukraine, but also in the CIS.

In the future, Ani Lorak will be recognized as one of the most talented artists in Ukraine. In addition, she will take part in the musical “The Phantom of the Opera,” which was broadcast on Channel One. In addition, Lorak is actively involved in charity and social activities.

Already in 2006, the pop singer became the UN Goodwill Ambassador on HIV/AIDS in Ukraine. And already in 2014, she was proclaimed the voice of the “No to Orphanhood!” program, launched by the “Development of Ukraine” charitable foundation. The song “I Dream” is dedicated to the problem of orphanhood. However, not everyone appreciated the noble beginnings of the singer’s social activities. The Ukrainian public will be much more interested in the singer’s civic position in the context of big politics.

In the future, Ani Lorak will not support the annexation of Crimea to Russia, but will continue to perform on Russian territory. When asked whose side she is on, the singer will call herself a dove of peace and say that she is for peace. However, not all compatriots will believe her words.

Outcast of Ukraine

The deterioration of relations between Ukraine and Russia affected the careers of many artists. Among them was Ani Lorak. The singer continued to perform in Russia after the annexation of Crimea and the war in Donbass. Some Ukrainians suspected their compatriot of hypocrisy. Ani Lorak was hit with a wave of criticism and threats. Things came to a head just before the concert.

The artist’s Kiev performance was overshadowed by the actions of aggressive compatriots towards the listeners who came to the concert. Citizens protesting against Ani Lorak organized a so-called corridor of shame in front of the entrance to the building. Stones and bottles were thrown at the artist's fans. Nationalist-minded Ukrainian youth delayed the start of the artist’s performance by 50 minutes. The police arrived at the scene. Tear gas was used against law enforcement officers.

The hooligans chanted “Shame!” near the walls of the Ukraine Palace, where the singer’s concert took place. The protesters were not happy that the performer continued to perform both in Russia and Ukraine. "A shame!" they shouted to the audience who came to the idol’s concert.

For the next three years, Ani Lorak will not set foot on the Ukrainian stage, and concerts will be cancelled. At some point, the authorities will want to deprive the singer of the title of People's Artist of Ukraine. Her press service will stand up for Lorak in time, stating that she never made calls directed against her homeland.

The triumphant return of Ani Lorak to Ukrainian fans will happen only in 2022. The artist will appear before her compatriots as part of the celebration of the 15th anniversary of the Freedom ballet. Initially, the organizers will keep silent about the performer’s participation in the event. She will be announced as a special guest of the holiday, which has millions of fans in Ukraine. Ani Lorak's performance will be met with thunderous applause.

Ani Lorak in 2022

The most striking episode in the singer’s work was the show DIVA. Music experts put it on a par with the touring performances of world show business stars. The program includes dozens of scenery and special effects. During the performance, the artist changes 30 costumes, and also sings while on a chandelier and at some point finds herself in a huge martini glass.

Ani Lorak today is a recognized artist with a 20-year musical career. At the same time, the singer managed to take part in the Channel One show “The Voice”. The artist took the place of mentor in the seventh season of the program. Her stage experience and vocal abilities made her an ideal mentor for conquering the domestic show business.

The love and adoration of Ani Lorak around the world clearly indicates that she is one of the brightest pop singers.

After the breakup

After the noisy breakup of the marriage, many decided that Murat would be able to get full custody of the child, taking his daughter away from Anya. This desire was associated with the temper of a man of Turkish nationality, overcome by jealousy and the decision to take revenge on his ex-wife.

A little time passed after the sensational divorce, and Murat significantly reduced the time allotted for communicating with his daughter. Instead of attending children's parties, he began to be seen in the company of a spectacular girl at various entertainment events.

Personal life

Despite her public status and vibrant singing career, Ani Lorak rarely opens up about her personal life. The singer is not used to frank interviews, and she keeps the attention of fans by releasing new songs and videos. Nevertheless, the press managed to find out something about the private side of Ani Lorak’s life.

The girl met her first common-law husband at the age of 13. Yuri Thalesa became her first producer, but at the time they met, he saw the girl as a potential artist, nothing more. The couple began cohabiting when Caroline turned 18. This relationship lasted for ten years.

With this man, Ani Lorak not only received her first experience of personal relationships, but also her first wave of fame. They parted with Yuri Thalesa in 2005 as good friends.

The next man in Ani Lorak’s life was Turkish entrepreneur Murat Nalchadzhioglu and co-owner of the travel company Turtess Travel. The couple got married in 2009. And on June 9, 2011, their daughter Sofia was born. In one of her interviews, Ani Lorak admitted that the girl was named after Sofia Rotaru. At first, both spouses simply liked this name. Then Murat saw Sofia Rotaru on TV and declared his wife’s similarity to her: “You are both radiant,” the man remarked. This is how Ani Lorak’s daughter got her name.

Ani Lorak named her daughter after Sofia Rotaru. Instagram @anilorak

Ani Lorak's marriage to a Turkish businessman lasted about ten years. In order to be with the woman he loved, Murat moved from Turkey to Ukraine. In the capital, he continued to engage in business. His wife helped him in some projects. The former spouses have several establishments on their account. Restaurant "Mangal" and bar Angel lounge are among them. According to rumors, Murat launched all projects with Ani’s funds.

The couple divorced in January 2019. According to the artist, troubles in the marriage began a long time ago, but she hoped that she and her husband would survive this crisis. The woman refused to specify the reason for the breakup. According to rumors, the reason for the separation was Murat’s systematic infidelities. It is noteworthy that during the same period, Ani Lorak released the song “Dream” about the betrayal of a loved one.

Later, Ani Lorak admits how difficult the divorce was for her. In addition to their daughter, the former spouses shared real estate and business. However, the singer did not have to sit alone for long. That same year, the artist began a new romance. This time her chosen one turned out to be a 26-year-old sound producer of the Black Star Inc. label. Egor Gleb. The musician does not comment on his relationship with the star. Ani Lorak herself looks happy.

Ani Lorak with her daughter Sofia. Instagram @anilorak


Karolina Miroslavovna Kuek was born on September 27, 1978 in the city of Kitsman in Ukraine.

Caroline's father, Miroslav Ivanovich, worked as a journalist. He had 2 educations: at the school he trained as a conductor, and at the institute as a philologist.

Her mother, Zhanna Vasilievna Linkiv, worked as an announcer on the city radio.

When Miroslav and Zhanna were still married, they gave birth to 2 sons - Sergei and Igor. Jeanne then became pregnant with Caroline. But the girl’s parents separated before her birth.

In the 80s, Zhanna, her sons and Caroline moved to Chernivtsi. There she continued to work as a radio announcer, but she was paid pennies. The Kuek family lived in poverty in a dilapidated house.

Then Caroline’s mother met Vasily. In 1985, the girl had a younger brother, Andrei. Vasily did not become a good father for Andrei and a stepfather for the other children. He started drinking and stopped working. Zhanna provided for the whole family.

Igor, Karolina and Andrey wore each other’s clothes and often went hungry. Therefore, my mother decided to send Igor and Caroline to local boarding school No. 4, where they were not only educated, but also fed and clothed.

Sometimes Caroline's father visited her. He bought her clothes, sweets and toys, but this happened extremely rarely. Miroslav tried to persuade the children to come live with him, but they did not want to offend their mother, so they stayed in the boarding school and came to their mother’s house on weekends.

The singer's older brother Sergei died in 1987 while serving in Afghanistan. The family was given a 3-room apartment. After that, Zhanna took the children from the boarding school, they began to study at a regular school and live with her and their stepfather.

From the age of six, Caroline studied at a boarding school. And when I went to a regular school, I faced bullying from my classmates. They humiliated Caroline because of her appearance, her past and her alcoholic stepfather.

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Posted by ANI LORAK (@anilorak)

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