Biography of Stas Mikhailov: childhood, career, personal life and best songs

Popular singer Stas Mikhailov has overcome a long journey to reach the top of the starry Olympus and become an Honored Artist of the country. Many people love and know the artist’s songs by heart, they are inspired by his work, and they idolize the idol himself. True, lately they have been talking more not about new compositions, but about how Stas Mikhailov has changed before and after plastic surgery.

Childhood and family

Stas Mikhailov was born on April 27, 1969 in the Sochi family of Vladimir Borisovich and Lyudmila Vasilievna. At that time, the couple had a seven-year-old son, Valera. The future star’s mother worked as a nurse in the gynecological department, and her father was a pilot. Stas and Valera will become close friends in the future.

The Mikhailov family was far from show business and celebrity parties. As teenagers, she and her brother wore the same pair of shoes.

As a child, the future artist became interested in sports. Fifth-grader Stas even decided to monitor his own weight. However, home-cooked food often conflicted with the sports diet. However, this did not stop him from pulling himself together and, by the age of 17, receiving a second adult rank. As a teenager, Mikhailov played basketball and even judo. The singer will continue to have a passion for sports into adulthood.

Stas Mikhailov in childhood. Instagram @inamikhaylova

After graduating from school, Stas Mikhailov entered the Belarusian State Aviation Academy (BSAA). The guy was captivated by the romance of flying, and he also hoped to continue the family tradition. After all, not only his father was a pilot, but also his older brother. The latter will show the future star the first chords on the guitar, after which he will become interested in music.

The young man was expelled from the BGAA six months later. He quickly realized that aviation was not for him. Stas Mikhailov returned home and got a job as a loader. The young man was very ashamed of such work. Often, going out into the city on errands, the young man was afraid to meet acquaintances and friends. Later he is drafted into the army, where, thanks to his driving experience, he quickly becomes the boss's personal driver.

Stas Mikhailov as a teenager. Instagram @stas_mihailoff

Brother's death

In 1989, Stas and the entire Mikhailov family faced a terrible tragedy: at the age of 27, his older brother died in the mountains. Being a pilot, Valery lost control of the helicopter, and it crashed down. There was a close connection and friendship between the brothers. After the funeral, Stanislav felt lonely for the first time in his life.

Until now, the singer and parents cannot get used to the thought of losing a loved one. The death of his brother left a wound on Stanislav’s heart. The head of the family had to endure a double loss. Despite his love for the sky, Vladimir Borisovich left the service when he heard his daughter Valeria say at the funeral: “Dad crashed, and grandfather will crash.”

Family tragedy

In the late 80s, Stas Mikhailov lost his older brother. He dies in a plane crash. The young man will search for the body of the deceased along with rescuers. According to the artist’s recollections, he was never able to find the entire remains. What was left of Valera was placed in the coffin. At the time of his death he was only 27 years old. The tragedy will leave an indelible mark on Stas. Having gained fame, he dedicated several songs to the death of his beloved brother: “Helicopter” and “Brother.”

Devoted fans of Stas Mikhailov's work know that there is not a concert at which the singer would not perform a composition about the death of Valera. According to the star’s recollections, his brother’s coffin made him think about his own future. A very young boy realized the transience of the time allotted to a person and decided to change his life.

Stas Mikhailov dedicated several of his songs to his deceased brother. Instagram @stas_mihailoff

Stas Mikhailov enters the Tambov Institute of Culture. However, he did not study there for long and soon returned home to Sochi. In one of his future interviews, Mikhailov admits that he left his studies because of the need to earn money.

Personal data

  • Name: Stas
  • Last name: Mikhailov
  • Date of Birth: 27.04.1969
  • Place of birth: Sochi
  • Zodiac sign: Taurus
  • Eastern horoscope: Rooster
  • Occupation: singer, composer
  • Height: 175 cm
  • Weight: 68 kg

Stas Mikhailov is an Honored Artist of Russia, laureate and winner of various competitions. The lion's share of the singer's fans are women, charmed by Mikhailov's charisma, his velvety voice and songs.

First steps on stage

In the future, Stas Mikhailov will be interviewed by thousands, he will give a concert in the Kremlin and become a confidant of the Russian President. The lyrics to his songs will not only be learned by millions, they will be printed on mugs, T-shirts and even bed linen. At the same time, Channel One will shoot a documentary about the singer, where the artist admits that he achieved real success on stage only at the age of 40.

In the meantime, young Stas Mikhailov gives live performances in Sochi restaurants and works part-time in a local recording studio. At some point, the local catering crowd becomes insufficient for the young man and he leaves for Moscow. It's 1992.

Stas Mikhailov when he was a military man. Instagram @stas_mihailoff

During this period, the artist was just beginning to test the waters of Russian show business. He meets people from the industry, looking for a stage image that is close to him. In addition, he delivers his recordings to different addresses in the hope that he will finally be heard. Everywhere the young artist is given advice on his appearance and repertoire. But Mikhailov is adamant. He did not agree to lose weight and sing other songs.

Later, having become a famous artist, he admits that he did not follow the advice of others because he wanted to follow his own path. According to Stas Mikhailov, as soon as an artist ceases to be himself and creates according to the dictates of society or the producer, he ceases to be a person. From now on, this is another musical project created for the needs of the public.

In the meantime, Stas Mikhailov, unknown to anyone, lives in Moscow and works at the Moscow State Variety Theater. As part of his troupe, the artist travels around half the country and gains experience. During this period he writes a lot, but everything goes to the table. The only composition of that era that reaches the listener is “Candle”.

The composition ends up on the radio, but does not receive the attention it deserves. Stas Mikhailov suffers a creative collapse and moves to St. Petersburg. In the city on the Neva, the artist does not fall into depression at all and does not engage in self-flagellation. Instead, he is recording a debut album.

There are still rumors in the domestic show business that the artist received funds for his first solo album from criminal circles. In addition, there is an opinion that Mikhailov allegedly himself has a prison past: this, according to some sources, explains his departures and returns home, first from Moscow and then from St. Petersburg.

In St. Petersburg, Stas Mikhailov not only records his debut album, but also shoots a video for one of the compositions. The song “Dark Eyes” becomes it. However, creativity again does not bear fruit and Stas is forced to return home in the second half of the 90s.


The singer and his wife help a children's charity. A special project is helping Sasha Pushkarev, who has been disabled since childhood. Stas Mikhailov fulfilled the dream of a talented boy - he performed a song with him. He also gave me a trip to Disneyland and provides financial and spiritual support. Stas helped many other people. The pop star tries not to advertise his good deeds of mercy.


The next time the singer will make his presence known will be in a few years. In 2000, he again came to Moscow, where he recorded his second album. A song hits the radio and eventually becomes the artist’s calling card. Today “Without You” is familiar not only to fans of Stas Mikhailov’s work, but also to those who are indifferent to the performer’s music. This is understandable: there was a time when the track was played on the radio, the video shot for it was broadcast on television, and the lyrics of the song were sung by passers-by on the streets.

The album “Dedication” became the artist’s second solo album. It was released in 2002 and brought the artist his first wave of popularity. Initially, the album was intended as a gift to a narrow circle of friends. However, listeners liked him so much that word of mouth soon began to spread. This is how Stas Mikhailov became a star. However, a real breakthrough awaited him ahead.

The artist gives his first concert in St. Petersburg. 300 people come to it, but the chansonnier has the feeling that there are many more people coming. Stas Mikhailov experienced a lot of emotions at that moment. He even prostrates himself in front of the audience and thanks them for coming. Having become a truly popular performer, he will remember St. Petersburg with tenderness. Today, the musician allows himself leisurely walks around the city center. As an aspiring singer, he had to think about where he could get food.

The third album was released in 2004 under the title “Call Signs for Love.” The super-popular “Without You” was included there; it is played around the clock on Radio Chanson. In the same year, a video for the song “Halves” was released on television. The artist's popularity skyrockets. Stas Mikhailov receives long-awaited recognition from the listener.

Ahead of the musician is the recording of ten more studio albums. Records come out almost every year. In addition, Stas Mikhailov will gather the entire stadium of the Oktyabrsky Concert Hall, one of the largest concert venues in St. Petersburg. Later he will be invited to perform at the capital's Cosmos Hotel. Then Mikhalov will receive two Golden Gramophones, and Radio Chanson will name him Artist of the Year. In 2010, Stas Mikhailov received the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

In 2022, Stas Mikhailov was a confidant of V.V. Putin. Instagram @stas_mihailoff

It seems that awards are pouring in on Stas Mikhailov as if from a cornucopia and nothing will stand between him and the listener. However, evil tongues do not sleep. Not everyone liked the singer receiving the title of Honored Artist. There was talk among Russian show business that the chansonnier was allegedly celebrated thanks to the efforts of the wife of the then President of the Russian Federation.

As for Stas Mikhailov himself, the gossips breathing in his back only provoke him. Because he continues to create and achieve new successes. Already in 2011, Forbes recognized him as the main star of Russian domestic show business. Later, the chansonnier took first place in terms of frequency of requests according to Yandex.

At the same time, for a long time it was believed that the work of Stas Mikhailov was intended exclusively for women of Balzac’s age. The artist responded to the spiteful critics with a duet with rapper Dzhigan, popular among young people. He also sang with Zara, Taisiya Povaliy, the idol of millions of teenagers Ani Lorak, the pop group Artik&Asti and many other colleagues.

Today Stas Mikhailov is one of the most sought-after artists in Russian show business. The singer’s schedule is planned several years in advance; his music is heard not only on television, but also in the headphones of the younger generation of music lovers. However, the artist’s relationship with fashion trends was not always cloudless.

The best songs of Stas Mikhailov

According to the official website of Stas Mikhailov, many of his tracks became the best songs from the artist’s repertoire. There are at least 50 of them, and among the list are such hits as:

  • "Candle" (1997).
  • “Well, that’s all” (2004)
  • “For all women” (2004)
  • “Everything for you” (2004)
  • “Shores of Dreams” (2004)
  • “Without You” (2004).
  • “You are mine” (2009)
  • “Let It Go” (duet with Taisiya Povaliy, 2010).
  • “Only You” (2011).
  • “There, Beyond the Horizon” (2016)

Stas Mikhailov. Photo: Global Look Press

Stas Mikhailov filed a lawsuit against Alexander Revva

In 2012, the comedy “The Understudy,” starring Alexander Revva, was released on the big screen. In the story, his character, the young actor Igor Uspensky, becomes a nominee for a prestigious award. If he gets it, then all of Russia will talk about him. However, among his rivals is Mikhail Stasov. The image of Stas Mikhailov is instantly recognizable in the hero. He is also played by Alexander Revva.

Still from the film “The Understudy,” directed by Evgeny Abyzov, 2012 / Kinopoisk

The singer took the comedian’s parody as an insult and filed a lawsuit against him in a Russian court. In addition to the leading actor, the authors of the film and the distributor came under attack. The claim for moral damages was rejected by the Russian court. Then the singer appealed to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), where Mikhailov’s case lay for several years and came to light at a time when the conflict between Revva and Mikhailov was resolved.

The legal side of the matter was controlled by the singer’s wife Inna. According to her, Alexander Revva apologized to Stas Mikhailov personally. This happened at one of the social events where both stars were invited.

Wives and children

The personal life of Stas Mikhailov is no less intense than his work. At the moment, the artist is married for the third time. The unknown Stas Mikhailov met his first wife Inna Gorb in the mid-90s. The young people not only signed at the registry office, but got married in the church. In 2001, the couple had a son, Nikita. However, the family could not keep the man from his dream. Mikhailov is still trying to get through to the listener. Behind him is work at the Moscow Variety Theater, and before his eyes is a big dream - a solo career.

Mikhailov is again trying to conquer Moscow. For a long time, Inna has been visiting her husband in the capital. According to insiders, omissions between the spouses began against the backdrop of fans of his work who appeared next to Stas. Inna can't stand it and files for divorce. The singer dedicated the song “Well, that’s all” to the separation from his first wife.

The next woman in Stas Mikhailov’s life was Natalya Zotova, the cousin of singer Valeria. The future favorite of millions met her already in Moscow. The girl was a backing vocalist in his musical group. The couple never got married, but their relationship is evidenced by the birth of a girl. It will be a long time before the artist acknowledges paternity.

Stas Mikhailov left Natalya before the birth. Her celebrity sister and her husband Joseph Prigogine helped her get back on her feet. The girl was named Dasha. The singer did not recognize her as his child for seven years. However, as soon as he saw her, the artist’s heart thawed. However, this did not prompt Mikhailov to return to his former common-law wife.

The singer met his second wife Inna Mikhailova in a restaurant where he was relaxing with friends. The music was turned on in the hall, the girl came out to dance. Stas, passing by, was fascinated by the stranger’s shape and lightly pinched her waist. A humorous conversation ensued between Stas and Inna, which would develop into a serious relationship, and then into an official marriage.

Stas and Inna got married in 2011. They have two children. Instagram @inamikhaylova

Both were over 30 and each had two children. Moreover, Inna at that time was still married to football player Andrei Kanchelskis. Insiders claim that Inna’s meeting with Stas came at a time when the athlete’s career began to decline. Before this, her husband’s work fed and clothed Inna, and she became accustomed to luxury. Professional problems allegedly ruined their relationship. So Inna found herself in the arms of the idol of millions of women.

Other sources claim that at the time of meeting his future wife, Stas Mikhailov lived in a small apartment. But Inna, being the wife of a professional football player, is accustomed to a high standard of living. Nevertheless, the woman preferred the artist.

The couple met in 2006, but registered their relationship only in 2011. The wedding took place in France, in the 16th century castle of Esclimon. However, the first fruit of Stas and Inna’s love was born back in 2009. The girl was named Ivanna, and the daughter born a year later was named Maria. Stas Mikhailov's children grow up in modesty. Girls are sincerely happy to receive simple gifts like an ordinary doll.

According to the father of the family, he really does not want his children to grow up spoiled. At the same time, the artist notes that he does not forget to please his offspring from time to time. In the meantime, the youngest of Stas Mikhailov’s six children are busy with toys, and the elders are building their own relationships, the singer himself tours the world, writes songs and gives love to millions of listeners.

What operations were

Stas Mikhailov never suffered from lack of attention from the opposite sex. The singer has always enjoyed success with the beautiful part of the population, but star status obliges a man to always and everywhere look good, regardless of age.

For his fiftieth birthday, the Russian singer decided to give himself a gift and had plastic surgery, which resulted in a noticeably younger and refreshed face. True, not all of his fans greeted these transformations with understanding and approval.

The pop artist himself categorically denied any surgical intervention. But the photos showing Stas Mikhailov before and after plastic surgery clearly proved the opposite.

Experts in the field of plastic surgery also confirmed their presence:

  1. The first thing that the performer of the famous hit “Without You” may have resorted to is anti-aging blepharoplasty. The photo before plastic surgery shows loose skin around the eyes, serious sagging of soft tissues, all this gave the artist’s face fatigue. Now there is no trace of this.
  2. Experts are also confident that Mikhailov used the procedure of volumetric contouring with fillers. The man repeatedly used so-called acid injections, when hyaluronic acid and Botox injections are injected into the tissue. They provide a facelift and get rid of wrinkles.
  3. Singer Stas Mikhailov after plastic surgery became the owner of more voluminous lips. Experts are sure that the same hyaluronic acid gave them noticeable swelling and sensuality. It is impossible to obtain such a volume in any other way.
  4. If you compare photographs from five years ago and today, you can see differences on the head. In the past, Stas had obvious bald spots, but they are no longer visible in the 2022 photo. Mikhailov has enviable hair, his growth line has moved down a little, and clear outlines have appeared. Plastic surgeons are confident that this could not have happened without a hair follicle transplant. And the artist enhances the effect with the help of coloring.

Stas’s physique has also changed significantly; the singer has noticeably lost weight. If in old photographs his body looks flabby and plump, today Mikhailov boasts of a fit and athletic figure. There is no hint of extra pounds. This transformation also contributes to visual rejuvenation, and reduces age no worse than plastic surgery.

The Russian artist claims that he achieved this form by completely abandoning bad habits, including alcoholic drinks and cigarettes. The man has been following a healthy diet for several years; the singer’s diet does not include baked goods or fatty foods.

In addition, Stas, despite his busy touring schedule, devotes a lot of time to physical activity in the gym, and in his free time he enjoys running and swimming.

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