Plastic surgeon Dmitry Slosser: I know the secret why at 70 Rotaru looks 35!


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Elena YURCHENKO August 7, 2022 16:00 0

Photo: Sofia Rotaru now.
Photo: social networks Plastic surgeon Dmitry Slosser. Photo: personal archive.

It is unethical to discuss a lady's age. But the case of Sofia Mikhailovna is special. Plastic surgeons agree that she is the only Ukrainian and Russian pop artist who manages to look almost half her age. A mystery, and nothing more! After all, many celebrities spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on improving their appearance, trying to look younger, but plastic surgery only changes them beyond recognition.

In order not to grow old, but to grow younger, like Rotaru, you need to:

...Born with a special facial structure

“I know the secret why at 70 Sofia Mikhailovna looks 35,” Slosser smiles. – It is fueled by people’s love! Now let's get serious. The main reason that Rotaru “seems to have stopped aging” is her genetics. When talking with patients, I always focus on this nuance: there are people with a very advantageous facial structure. To age as gracefully as Rotaru, you must be born with a special facial structure. Then age-related changes will be practically unnoticeable if the woman simultaneously competently uses the achievements of modern medicine. I immediately recognize such people by their faces and give them a compliment: “Your face will not age for a long time!”

Perhaps you are one of those people? Take a close look at yourself in the mirror. You should have pronounced cheekbones and a pointed chin. In simple terms, the cheeks “rest” on the cheekbones.

Head of the multidisciplinary plastic surgery center Oberig

Dr. Slosser Dmitry Vladimirovich is one of the most famous plastic surgeons in Ukraine. He became widely known for his participation in many television shows - such as “Turn My Beauty” on 1+1, “I Shame My Body” on STB, “Speak Ukraine” on TRK Ukraine, including on a number of leading Russian TV channels. Nineteen years of experience in plastic surgery, and more than 10 thousand successfully performed operations, rightfully makes him a leader among plastic surgeons. The only specialist in the CIS who received an academic education in this specialty at Hadassah University Hospital in Jerusalem, completing a six-year residency in plastic surgery. Foreign experience as a plastic surgeon includes 6 years of practice in Israel, where the doctor received permission to practice medicine. After completing his residency, he worked in a number of the best private clinics in Israel. Among them is Ramat Aviv Medical Center. Since 2003, Dr. Slosser has held the position of leading plastic surgeon in Moscow at the American Medical Center.

As a plastic surgeon, constantly improving his academic level, he studied at numerous courses in Switzerland, Great Britain, Israel, and Italy. He is the author of low-traumatic techniques in rhinoplasty. Widely known for his masterful technique of performing breast reduction and lifting. The clinic regularly performs operations on patients from European countries, the USA, and well-known personalities in Ukraine. Widely known among professionals for his masterly performance of the most complex reconstructive surgeries, including nasal reconstruction, ear reconstruction, and breast reconstruction.

Dr. Slosser is a plastic surgeon certified to work in the near abroad and some European countries. He is a member of the European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery (EAFPS) since 2003, a member of the Ukrainian and Russian Associations of Plastic Surgery. With the introduction of the specialty of plastic surgery in Russia, one of the first plastic surgeons became a certified specialist. Additional specialties of a plastic surgeon include mammology and maxillofacial surgery. From 2008 to 2022, Dr. Slosser, as a visiting specialist, headed the direction of plastic surgery in a multidisciplinary clinic.

In 2009 to 2010, he was the head teacher of the Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Aesthetic Medicine and Cell Technologies at the Russian State Medical University. He is one of the authors of the retraining program for plastic surgeons and the residency program in plastic surgery in Russia and was one of those involved in the reform of plastic surgery as a specialty in Russia. From 2009 to 2011 he was a member of the ethical council of the Russian Association of Plastic Surgeons (ROPRECH).

In 2016 he received the prestigious “Specialist of the Year” award.

  • Member of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS)
  • Member of the European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery (EAFPS) since 2003
  • member of the Israeli Medical Association
  • board certified plastic surgeon
  • certified breast surgeon
  • Board Certified Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon

...Properly camouflage and “adjust” age-related processes

Scientists have repeatedly announced that humanity is at a breakthrough level in terms of life expectancy: they promise a minimum of 120 years. And here everything also lies at the level of genetics - scientists will change the telomere arm, which contains special DNA sequences. Over time, telomeres, like shagreen leather, shorten the shoulder. There are mechanisms to counteract these changes, with good results obtained after testing in mice. In the meantime, “the court and the body,” plastic surgeons will continue to camouflage flaws. I’m not afraid to say this, but at the moment there is not a single popular star who has not used injection methods to improve their appearance - these include botulinum toxins, which remove wrinkles, and filler drugs, which replenish volume.

Sofia Mikhailovna is very careful in choosing procedures to improve the appearance of the skin. There was no need for plastic surgery - a facelift was carried out competently. There are now many varieties of them, doctors select the necessary procedure individually for each patient. If the patient leads a healthy lifestyle and there are no concomitant diseases, such an operation will last a lifetime; only corrective procedures will need to be carried out. At the same time, the missing volume in the nasolabial folds is replenished, and the contour is improved with different types of injections. May God grant us all to look like this at 70, Sofia Rotaru!

Slosser Dmitry Vladimirovich

Dmitry Vladimirovich Slosser is a plastic surgeon, member of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS), member of the European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery (EAFPS) since 2003, member of the Israeli Medical Association, member of the Russian Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons.

Dmitry Vladimirovich Slosser is a certified plastic surgeon and can work not only in Ukraine, but also in a number of European countries. He is the author of special low-traumatic techniques in plastic surgery of the nose (“Rhinoplasty without fracture”) and face (regenerative non-surgical rejuvenation).

He has repeatedly acted as an expert in such leading publications as “Arguments and Facts”, “Vedomosti”, and television programs of “Channel 1”, “NTV”, “TVC”, “RenTV” and others.

He specializes in plastic surgery, mammology and maxillofacial surgery.


In 1993 he graduated with honors from Lviv Medical University. After which he received an academic education in this specialty at Hadassah University Hospital in Jerusalem, completing a six-year residency in plastic surgery. In 2003, he received a certificate in plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery in Israel.

Studied at numerous courses in Switzerland, Great Britain, Israel, Italy:

• From 1999 to 2003, completed postgraduate educational courses in Plastic Surgery (Tel Aviv University)

• 2003: ACLS Course (Hadassah University Hospital Jerusalem)

• 2003: 2nd International Milano Masterclass (Milan, Italy)

• 2003: Canniesburn Practical Course of Plastic Surgery (North Glasgow University Hospital, UK)

• 2003: International Society of AestheticPlastic Surgery Course (Lugano, Switzerland)

Practical activities.

Worked in a number of the best private clinics in Israel. Among them is Ramat Aviv Medical Center. The total foreign experience as a plastic surgeon is equal to eight years of practical work.

Since 2008, Dr. Slosser has headed the direction of multidisciplinary plastic surgery.

In 2009, he was the head teacher of the Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Aesthetic Medicine and Cell Technologies at the Russian State Medical University. He is one of the authors of the retraining program for plastic surgeons and the residency program in plastic surgery.

Scientific activity.

1998 - 2002 — Israeli Ministry of Education (Shapiro Foundation for Young Researchers).

2001 - Hadassah-Hebrew University Foundation ($8333 / $8333). Topic: “Stable Nitrous Oxide as a protective agent against replantation ischemia - reperfusion injury.”

Expert of the show “Turn My Beauty” Dmitry Slosser: I can give people a dream

The famous plastic surgeon, expert of the show “Turn My Beauty” on the “1+1” TV channel, Dmitry Slosser, spoke about his childhood, the principles of raising children and what the wife of a plastic surgeon may face.

What did you dream of becoming as a child?

Probably all children at a certain age want to be police officers, firefighters and astronauts. I also suffered this fate. Moreover, we had a childhood when the choice of professions was not particularly pleasing with variety, and we bought into the romance offered to us by television. So in this matter I will not be original.

How did you search for yourself? Do you feel like you've already found it?

Yes, over the past few years I have had a strong feeling that I have found myself. Although it was not so easy, it took me quite a long time to achieve this. This feeling came to me precisely in Kyiv, and I am convinced from my own example that the city and country of residence play an important role in this. It is important to find the right place. As for the search itself, it is very important that a person always has a slight feeling of dissatisfaction. This feeling moves people. If I am satisfied with everything, then I will have no incentive to work and move on.

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Why a plastic surgeon?

As an applicant, I was faced with a difficult choice: to study foreign languages ​​or go into medicine. The choice fell on the second option. I think this is due to a lucky coincidence and my craving for beauty. I must say that, working as a surgeon, I identify myself more with art than with medicine - I can give people youth, I can help make their dreams and desires come true, and restore self-confidence.

Is there any moment in life, a situation that you would like to change, to return time back?

There are no such moments because I never regret anything. And I don’t recommend it to others, it’s a very thankless task. I live not in the past, but in the future. The time when my thoughts will be turned to the past will probably come to me later.

What are the main principles of raising children in your family?

The most important principles are trust and honesty. We try to build trusting relationships with children, teach them honesty and openness. If there is any problem, then it is better to talk about it, discuss it and solve it together. But under no circumstances should you hide or hide in your own shell.

We also try to adhere to family traditions. For example, the whole family gets together for lunch on Saturdays. This is the hour when everyone should put aside their business and plans and devote this time to their family. Also, celebrating the New Year together with your family near the fireplace. This should be the law. In my opinion, such traditions make a family special, bring it closer and form a real single organism.

What have your children taught you?

They are still trying to teach me to ski, but they are not succeeding - I avoid it in every possible way. But seriously:) , thanks to my children, I began to look at the world a little differently, became more optimistic than I was before. I can’t say that they taught me how to be organized; rather, I am constantly trying to teach them to be more organized - and I have to constantly fight with them about this.

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What difficulties await the wife of a plastic surgeon?

To be honest, I see only advantages in this:) . There may be some discomfort in relationships due to the fact that in their professional activities, plastic surgeons constantly work with the female body. This thought probably never leaves the wife of a plastic surgeon. But this is rather a matter of trust in a relationship.

Would you recommend any operations to your loved ones to change their appearance?

No never. Each of them knows that I can help in this matter, and if there is such a need, he himself will turn to me. But if a person does not care about this, then I consider it extremely incorrect and indecent to give such recommendations.

What is the difference between Dmitry Slosser, a doctor, and Dmitry Slosser, the father of the family?

Nothing special. I am as caring at work as I am at home. And at home he is just as demanding of results as at work.

Continue the phrase: “Happiness is...”

Happiness is a home where your loved ones are waiting for you and the sincere pleasure that you receive every day in the process of your work.

Read also: After childbirth: a frank conversation with plastic surgeon Dmitry Slosser

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