Plastic surgeon Olga Nosova

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Nosova Olga Olegovna

Olga Olegovna Nosova is a plastic surgeon, member of the European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery (EAFPS), member of the European Society of Rhinologists (ERS), member of the Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons OPREH (SPRAS).

Specializes in solving complex problems in the field of aesthetic surgery and rhinology. Proficient in modern surgical techniques in rhinology, aesthetic surgery of the face and body, and breast surgery.

Olga Olegovna combines practical experience in plastic surgery and deep knowledge in otorhinolaryngology.

Olga Olegovna’s education includes classical medical education and numerous foreign internships. Such training allows you to successfully implement many areas of plastic surgery. Including aesthetic and functional nasal surgery. The goal behind the nasal surgeries performed by the doctor is not only to restore, but also to improve breathing.


She graduated from the Moscow Institute of Medical and Social Rehabilitation, after which she completed a residency in general surgery at the Department of Hospital Surgery of the Russian State Medical University.

Received a specialization in plastic surgery under the guidance of Professor A.M. Borovikov. and Dr. Ross A.V.

She completed her residency in otorhinolaryngology at the Department of Otorhinolaryngology of the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education under the guidance of Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences G.Z. Piskunov.

Repeatedly trained abroad:

• In 2008, for scientific activities in the theory and practice of combining plastic and reconstructive surgery, she was awarded a grant from the European Society of Rhinologists to complete an internship in Germany on modern issues of aesthetic and functional rhinosurgery.

• In 2009, she completed an internship in the USA at the Atlanta aesthetic surgery clinic PACES Plastic Surgery and Piedmont Hospital under the guidance of leading US plastic surgeons Dr. Foad Nahai, MD, Dr. T. Roderick Hester, Jr., MD, Dr. -ra Mark Codner, MD.

• In 2010, she completed an internship in the USA, Atlanta, at the aesthetic surgery clinic of Dr. Mark A. Codner, MD and Piedmont Hospital.

Constantly takes advanced training courses:

• Course in dermatology and cosmetology. Institute of Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology, 2003-2004.

• The first international course on plastic surgery. Body contouring. Liposuction. Lipofilling, 2004

• Ninth intensive course in plastic surgery. Ligature surgery of the face and mammary glands. Surgery of involutional changes in the face and mammary glands, 2006

• Dimensional Augmentation Mammaplasty Advanced Course “Breast Augmentation with McGhan Matrix System”, 2007.

• 35th Surgical Course on “Septoplasty and Functional-Aesthetic Rhinoplasty”, 2008.

• V International Plastic Surgery Course on “Facial Rejuvenation and Body Contouring”, 2008.

• Mentor – Paragon forum, 2009

Practical activities

From 2002 to 2003 she worked in the department of general surgery - 1st City Clinical Hospital of Moscow.

From 2003 to 2004 she worked in the emergency vascular surgery service in Moscow.

From 2004 to 2005 she worked in the department of craniofacial surgery. Russian Children's Clinical Hospital.

2008 - Head of the endoscopic course on functional rhinosurgery at the Department of Otorhinolaryngology of the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education ROSZDRAVA.

Currently he operates at the Medlaz plastic surgery clinic.

Scientific activity

He is a participant in Russian and international conferences. Author of 12 scientific papers in the field of plastic and aesthetic surgery.

Plastic surgeon Olga Nosova

After facial plastic surgery, you can stop aging. How? Studying your genetic data will help. A genetic test allows us to look at aesthetic surgery in a new way. Thanks to a new approach, including not only an external assessment, but also a deep analysis of your inherited individual characteristics, it is possible to get the maximum effect from surgical transformation of the face and body. What is a beauty passport and why do plastic surgeons use it? Answers to this question were provided to us by a specialist in the field of genetic diagnostics, head of the capital's aesthetic medicine center Beauty Space Clinic, plastic surgeon Olga Olegovna Nosova.

Corr.: Your clinic was the first in Moscow to launch a genetic testing program for patients planning aesthetic surgery. Why is this necessary, for example, for facial plastic surgery?

Olga Nosova: Anti-aging surgery is the main profile of our clinic. Most operations involve plastic surgery of the face, eyelids, forehead and neck. We justify the trust of our patients by achieving excellent results. We are the leader in spacelifting - Dr. Mendelson's method of spatial facelift. This is a face lift with a bright, permanent effect and separate recovery days.

Our experience has shown that everyone reaches the age of 40-50 differently and the reason for this is mainly genetic. Researching the causes of aging, finding ways to correct it, and using this data for surgery has become our task. Thus was born the patient's genetic passport: a spectrum of genetic knowledge that we can use to improve surgical outcomes and even prevent disease.

For ease of understanding, this is an assessment of the rate of skin aging, the degree of withering of the reproductive system, the level of collagen degradation, or, in general, this is an assessment of the body’s reserves for existence and quality life.

Having a genetic passport (testing) allows you to minimize the possible risks of cosmetic or surgical procedures

Genetics is one of the most promising areas in world science. Proper use of its capabilities takes aesthetic medicine to a completely new level.

This is a scientifically proven way to find out how your skin will age. See her weaknesses and strengths. Calculate all possible risks in advance. And as a result, choose the most effective effect to preserve health, beauty and youth.

Corr.: Sounds tempting. But genetic testing is quite a complicated story?

Olga Nosova : For the patient it is as simple as possible. He arrives at the clinic, fills out a form and takes a swab on the inside of his cheek. It's quick and painless. The set of genes we need is studied in the laboratory. It is in them that the key to the processes currently taking place is encrypted and the algorithm for further changes in terms of aging is laid down.

Further research finds “weak spots” in the DNA molecule responsible for age-related abnormalities. We see how and when age-related changes will manifest themselves and can correct the detected deficiency of certain protein structures. Thereby prolonging your youth.

After undergoing a genetic test, the patient receives not just a description of the current situation and possible risks. He has a full-fledged program of action on his hands. These are tips on skin care and choosing cosmetic procedures. As well as recommendations on lifestyle and possible medications.

Specialist in the field of genetic diagnostics, head of the capital's aesthetic medicine center Beauty Space Clinic, plastic surgeon Olga Olegovna Nosova

Corr.: What does plastic surgery have to do with it?

Olga Nosova: Having a person’s genetic passport before our eyes, we can answer a number of questions:

  • whether our patient will rapidly age;
  • will facial plastic surgery be a panacea for him for many years;
  • what to do to correct your genetic “destiny”.

Previously, the doctor was forced to rely on intuition when answering these questions and did not have a sound plan of action. Now we have in our hands an invaluable tool for making the right decisions. And the effectiveness of the correct approach is appreciated by our patients who have found a “second youth”. Having a genetic passport (testing) allows you to minimize the possible risks of cosmetic or surgical procedures. It allows you to identify the characteristics of the skin's reaction to surgical exposure. Genetics can reveal a tendency to hyperpigmentation, systemic inflammation and scar formation. High-risk patients are not operated on. Patients with a low risk of risk can be operated on, subject to special planning of the operation and full information.

As a result of our approach, the patient receives not only an excellent effect, but also rapid rehabilitation. Thanks to the analysis of genetic status, we can guarantee effective results for the longest possible time.

Patients who undergo genetic testing and then undergo anti-aging surgery experience fantastic results

Corr.: How?

Olga Nosova : Only by collecting all the information for each patient from a geneticist, endocrinologist, cosmetologist and surgeon. Next, we choose how we can achieve the goal set by the patient.

For surgery, we can choose preoperative preparation with the restoration of collagen deficiency, for example, and for cosmetology, from a variety of procedures, choose the one that will fill the niche of “genetic weakness.” Here we have in our hands enzymes, hormones, plant estrogens, and hardware methods.

This is also a very profitable approach. Several times a year you perform procedures that are effective for you. You don’t overpay for unnecessary trips to a cosmetologist or repeated plastic surgery. Enjoy your youth.

Corr.: Can visits to a cosmetologist be unnecessary?

Olga Nosova : Approaches to a cosmetologist should be justified and harmless. We now firmly know that chemical peels or laser resurfacing should not be offered to every patient. There are genetic prerequisites for the development of complications. And these risks can very easily be identified in advance. Dealing with complications is always painful. Another example explains the ineffectiveness of hyaluronic acid fillers. Genetics shows us that the activity of the gene responsible for hyaluronidase will negate all attempts to use such fillers. Knowing this, you can immediately switch to an effective drug, save money and avoid disappointment.

Genetic testing again helps to foresee all these subtleties. Moreover, it allows you to identify “weak spots” of the skin. And we are building the program in such a way as to influence precisely these links. This is a very precise job with a predictable result.

Our patients are sophisticated people who are excellent at numbers. They understand well that a “genetic passport” is the best protection against disappointment and unnecessary expenses. It saves time, money and even nerves. Because you only do what works for your youth and beauty.

Corr.: But facial aging cannot always be corrected with the help of operations, procedures or cosmetics. When a woman goes through menopause, her entire body undergoes a restructuring. And these changes usually do not have the best effect on appearance.

Olga Nosova : That's true. Therefore, we suggest that ladies who are approaching premenopausal age additionally test another set of genes. This analysis shows the characteristics of menopause in a particular woman.

This is where our gynecologist-endocrinologists get involved in the work. Analyzing genetic information, they calculate all possible risks not only for appearance, but also, first of all, for health. And they develop a safe program to support the body.

This approach allows you to go through the menopause very gently and unnoticed. Menopause will not cause sudden decline. There will be no emotional outbursts, weight problems, hot flashes and other unpleasant symptoms. You will continue to look and feel young and active. It’s not for nothing that this program is called “Dynamic Youth”.

Corr.: How often should you undergo genetic testing?

Olga Nosova: Just once in a lifetime. And its results will “work” for you for many years. You can always use them to plan your home care or select different treatments. For a doctor who has undergone special training in this field, such a “beauty passport” is an invaluable tool. I can say this from my own experience. Patients who undergo genetic testing and then undergo anti-aging surgery experience fantastic results.

We not only restore their youth, but also prevent them from aging. And this is not luck, not an experiment, not a “trial and error” method, but a scientifically proven approach recognized throughout the world.

These women do not “live” in a cosmetologist’s office and do not spend a fortune on surgeries and procedures. They look natural and young, enjoy life, receive compliments and enjoy looking at themselves in the mirror.

You can find out more about the “Beauty Passport” genetic test and sign up for a consultation with Dr. Olga Nosova by phone..

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