Laser remodeling of the intimate area using the MonaLisa Touch laser

May 12, 2018

If you experience symptoms associated with vaginal atrophy, you should know that from today it is possible to restore sexual activity and reduce symptoms that reduce the quality of daily life. MonaLisa TouchTM promotes the restoration of the genital mucosa in a safe and painless manner using methods similar to those used to slow down the aging of facial skin.

The gentle effect on the tissue of the vaginal mucosa stimulates the production of collagen, improves the functionality of the treated area and restores proper blood flow.

Natural, reliable and minimally invasive - the MonaLisa Touch method restores tissue tone, increases blood flow and restores moisture secretion: in a word, it naturally restores the normal physiological state of the vaginal walls.



MonaLisa TouchTM is one of the most advanced methods of vaginal photorejuvenation and elimination of the most problematic symptoms associated with vaginal atrophy: insufficient vaginal lubrication, vaginal itching, dryness, heaviness and even pain during sexual intercourse can become just memories for you. If you want to restore the harmony of your femininity, do not hesitate to ask your doctor about MonaLisa TouchTM.

MonaLisa TouchTM: A Guide to Therapy.


Until recently, the end of the reproductive period triggered a gradual biological and sexual decline. Now that life expectancy after menopause exceeds 30 years, the well-being and quality of life of women has become an important issue that has significantly attracted the attention of the scientific community. As you probably already know, not all women going through menopause feel the same. Symptoms and risk factors are different for every woman, starting with the age at which this stage begins, which is approximately 50 years old on average worldwide.

There are many options for relieving symptoms associated with menopause , ranging from hormone replacement therapy, localized hormonal therapy, photoestrogens, gynecological surgery and laser technology.

If you are concerned about symptoms such as itching and irritation of the genitals , vaginal dryness (vaginal dryness), lack of moisture and even pain during intercourse (dyspareunia), do not worry. These are actually quite common symptoms and may be related to estrogen deficiency and vaginal atrophy . Menopause (physiological or conditional) is often accompanied by these symptoms, which affect quality of life and relationships with your partner.

With a decrease in estrogen production caused by menopause (physiological, surgically induced or due to local anti-cancer treatment), along with short-term concerns such as hot flashes and night sweats, the symptoms listed above may appear, which may intensify over time.

The discomfort caused by these physiological changes in the vaginal mucosa affects the quality of life and relationships with the opposite sex , which is reflected in the sex life , which is already at risk in many mature women due to decreased libido caused by lack of testosterone.

Main components of V2LR technology (MonaLisaTouch®)

DEKA Pulse

- an exclusive pulse mode, which is designed specifically for a gentle effect on the sensitive vaginal mucosa.


® is a patented technology for delivering a pulse that maintains its full modular shape, which improves the quality of CO2 laser exposure in each specific case. We are talking about the continuity of three pulses S, D and U.


- an intravaginal fractional scanner, which is a truly innovative scanning system, which was created by the developers of the DEKA company specifically for conducting sessions of vulvo-vaginal treatment, restoration and rejuvenation using the MonaLisaTouch® laser technique.


Atrophy of the genitourinary organs (atrophic vaginitis) Vaginal atrophy occurs due to decreased production of estrogen by the ovaries due to menopause or as a result of treatment for cancer of the female genital organs.

These changes lead to a gradually increasing thinning of the genital epithelial tissues , the mucous membrane of the vagina and vulva; as the thickness decreases, the tissue becomes thinner and more fragile, susceptible to irritation and injury.

A decrease glycogen in cells (which contributes to the balance of vaginal microflora) as well as insufficient hydration and low blood flow to epithelial tissues, in their complex, lead to morphological changes in tissues, as well as some physiological and functional changes, such as:

  • vaginal dryness and lack of hydration
  • decreased vaginal secretion,
  • increased vaginal pH level exceeding 5.0,
  • decrease in the level of vaginal lactobacilli and increase in gram-negative pathogenic flora
  • inflammation and burning sensation
  • itching and localized blood flow,
  • leucorrhoea and atypical vaginal discharge
  • sensitivity to friction and mechanical stress of the vaginal walls
  • smoothing of vaginal folds (due to a decrease in collagen in cells)

Symptoms associated with atrophy of the vaginal mucosa and prolapse of the pelvic floor muscles during sexual intercourse can lead to changes in the sensations of the genital organs or worsen existing symptoms, such as decreased sexual desire and lack of orgasm.

Therapy and treatment to improve vaginal physiology, as well as to combat disorders, all of these symptoms were seen as a consequence of the inevitable aging process, which increased over time, were not widely accepted.

Today, an increasing number of women are turning to medicine to improve the tone and functionality of this intimate area. Don't be afraid to ask questions of your doctor, who will help you make the choice that best suits your needs based on what they know about you, clinical judgment, and personal experience.

MonaLisa TouchTM is a vaginal rejuvenation procedure based on special fractional CO2 laser therapy, developed specifically for medical use.


The procedure using a laser is minimally invasive and is performed without hospitalization or on an outpatient basis or day hospital, without incisions or sutures, and the duration of one procedure does not exceed one hour.

The procedure usually does not require anesthesia, however, anesthetic ointment may be used if the patient wishes.

The results are noticeable after the first procedure; Usually a full cycle is recommended, including 4-5 procedures with an interval of 45-60 days. The number of treatments, however, may vary depending on the degree of atrophy. Only your gynecologist, after a thorough examination, will be able to evaluate and advise you on the most suitable treatment plan.

Beneficial action

Collagen stimulation caused by laser improves the condition of the mucous membrane that envelops the vaginal wall and improves hydration and restoration of functionality of vaginal tissues.

By acting on the factors that lead to dryness, weakening and decreased elasticity of the mucous membrane, the regenerating procedure can eliminate the unpleasant sensation of vaginal itching, which is especially acute during sexual relations. The majority of patients who have undergone treatment using the vaginal rejuvenation technique note a significant improvement in the quality of life, including in the intimate sphere.

With the help of fractional CO2 laser therapy, it is possible to effectively treat even those cases where, due to loss of tone, the vaginal mucosa is stretched (wide vagina), but the muscles are not involved, and there is no such problem as vaginal prolapse.

The actual stimulation and rejuvenation process involves cells and tissues and takes several weeks to complete. Therefore, you will be able to fully evaluate the results of treatment approximately one and a half months after its completion.

Recovery time

The risks for patients treated with the MonaLisa TouchTM method are minimal: most patients report only transient side effects, slight redness or minor swelling: minor discomfort that does not cause alarm immediately after the procedure, which goes away after one or two days of rest.During During your recovery, it is not recommended to lift heavy objects or temporarily stop doing certain activities, such as hot baths and exercise: your doctor will give you more detailed recommendations to help you get back to your normal routine as soon as possible.

How it works

In micro-areas under the influence of the laser, gentle evaporation of epithelial tissue occurs and microtraumas are formed, the healing of which causes intensive regeneration processes. This stimulates the mitotic activity of cells.

As a result, there is an increased formation of hyaluronic acid molecules, which perfectly attracts water molecules (getting rid of dryness and irritation), increased collagen production, improved local blood circulation, oxygen saturation of tissues, and “elimination” of pathogenic microorganisms. All these phenomena contribute to qualitative changes: reducing the volume of the vagina and improving the elasticity of its walls and the walls of the bladder, changes in microflora and high-quality hydration, restoration of physiological shape and aesthetic appearance.

Absolutely all of our patients note a significant difference after the first procedure. You have the opportunity to verify the effectiveness of MonaLisaTouch and solve aesthetic and functional problems of an intimate nature in the very near future. Make an appointment with our gynecologist!

Can MonaLisa Touch be recommended for wide vaginas?

The English term “wide vagina” (or wide vagina) most often describes a condition when the diameter of the vaginal canal increases. Most often, it is caused by natural but traumatic events such as childbirth, or when tissue relaxes during the normal aging process. In these cases, it is important to evaluate the real cause and the real condition of the vaginal canal in order to rule out problems such as vaginal prolapse and, in any case, that the muscles are not involved. The fractional laser system can be used in cases where CO2 “wide vagina” is caused by loss of mucosal tone.

Contraindications for vaginal volume remodeling using the Mona Lisa Touch laser

Since the effect of laser is very gentle, it has virtually no contraindications. The procedure is not performed during critical days, with deterioration of the general condition, acute infectious processes and elevated temperature. They do not do it during pregnancy either, since during this period any effects on the body of storage are desirable.

The operation is also not performed during critical days, immediately after childbirth, abortion, or surgery. In this case, you need to contact the University Center for Aesthetic Medicine a little later.

For which women is MonaLisaTouch laser therapy primarily recommended?

For all women who have disorders associated with vaginal atrophy due to physiological hormonal fluctuations, which is an inevitable age-related phenomenon. In particular, MonaLisa TouchTM is the ideal procedure for those who are looking for the most gentle treatment compared to traditional surgical or medical methods. Please remember that only your healthcare professional can best advise you about the MonaLisa TouchTM technique, what is best for you and what your goals should be.

What are the advantages of this procedure?

The MonaLisa TouchTM device performs true functional restoration of the vagina (Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation) which helps fight or mitigate the signs of vaginal atrophy, these disorders are very common in premenopausal and postmenopausal women. By acting on some factors that lead to dryness, fragility and decreased elasticity of the mucous membrane, you can eliminate the unpleasant sensations of vaginal itching, which is especially acute during intimacy. The interaction of laser radiation is an ideal way to stimulate the collagen contained in the vaginal walls to moisturize and restore tissue functionality: its beneficial effect increases women's self-confidence and sexual satisfaction.

What is the MonaLisa Touch procedure?

MonaLisa TouchTM is a vaginal rejuvenation treatment that improves the condition of the mucous membrane lining the vaginal wall through a gentle laser procedure.
MonaLisa TouchTM is not an aesthetic procedure, which is implied whenever we talk about “rejuvenation”, since the positive effect of this procedure “rejuvenates” the vaginal tissues, which restore their functionality, which weakens with age. Disclaimer The information provided here is intended for general information about laser treatments only and should not be used to determine how to apply the MonaLisa TouchTM procedure, nor should it be construed as a guarantee of results upon completion of treatment. For more information about MonaLisa Touch procedures, please contact your physician or other industry professional.

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