TOP 5 best men's intimate area depilation creams

Nowadays, it is no longer generally accepted that a man should be a little different from representatives of primates, which is why more and more men prefer to get rid of excess body hair, and not only with a razor.

Today we will talk about a method of hair removal using depilatory cream for the face, intimate and other areas of the male body.

How it works?

Depilatory cream for men is becoming increasingly popular due to its ease of use, painless procedure, affordable price and effectiveness.
The principle of operation of the depilatory cream for men is that the active components of the product, such as thioglycolate, when exposed to hair, destroy keratin, and after 5-10 minutes of exposure, the hair curls and falls out .

After that, just remove it with the spatula included in the kit and rinse with warm water. And the newly grown hair becomes lighter and softer to the touch.

But there are some differences in composition between women's and men's products. Thus, the pain threshold in men is lower, the thickness of the integument and the thickness of the hair are greater, therefore the amount of all active, soothing and anti-inflammatory components in men's depilatory cream is much greater than in women's.

Table of contents

  1. Etiology and pathogenesis
  2. Clinical manifestations
  3. Principles of treatment

Hirsutism in women is excess male-pattern hair growth. Contrary to popular belief, the disease can also occur in men, but this article discusses only the female version.

In our company you can purchase the following equipment for the treatment of hirtusism in women:

  • M22 (Lumenis)
  • Lightsheer DUET (Lumenis)
  • LightSheer DESIRE (Lumenis)

According to statistics, approximately 10% of women living in the United States and Northern European countries have signs of hirsutism. There is little reliable information for other regions of the world.

How to choose a product?

Men need to carefully approach the issue of choosing a product depending on the area of ​​the body that needs to be treated, since different places have different thickness and sensitivity, and therefore the products must be specially selected.


Among the many manufacturers of body care products for men, the most popular are:

  • Cliven Young is popular as a men's product thanks to the active component Skin Preserving Complex, which is enriched with plant components, hemp oil and sweet almond oil. Kliven depilatory cream makes the skin moisturized, smooth and soft, and also prevents irritation.
  • Veet for men copes with its tasks with a bang, but only for such areas of the body as the back, chest, shoulders, armpits, arms and legs. Its holding time is only 4 minutes. Under no circumstances should it be used as a depilatory cream for the face, head, area near the nipples, anal area and groin for men.
  • Collistar men is a famous Italian brand that has released a universal cream for hair removal of all areas of the male body, including sensitive areas. Positions itself as a mild product that does not irritate the skin and slows down hair growth. You need to stand for 4-8 minutes, no more.

You should not sunbathe in the sun or visit a solarium a few days before and after depilation with cream. Visiting the bathhouse, swimming pool and sauna is also excluded.

Skin type

There are products available to combat excess hair depending on skin type:

  • for sensitive skin, products with a high content of vegetable oils and other skin-soothing ingredients;
  • for coarse hair and areas of the body with thick skin, such as legs, arms, back;
  • hypoallergenic hair removal creams , which are suitable for men with particularly sensitive and delicate skin;
  • universal preparations suitable for all areas of the skin.

Other criteria

When choosing a chemical hair removal product, it is important to adhere to the following basic rules:

  • Before purchasing, carefully read for which areas of the body the cream is intended;
  • focus not only on the appearance of the packaging, but also on the date of manufacture, expiration date and storage rules;
  • buy only from trusted retail outlets with a positive reputation;
  • Read the ingredients carefully, and if harmful or allergenic components are found in it, this product should be discarded.

Did you know?
People who are going bald lose hair at the same rate as everyone else; the hair that falls out is simply not replaced by new ones.

Comparison with shaving

Each method leads to a single goal - getting rid of unwanted hair. But both shaving and depilation with cream have their advantages and disadvantages.

Benefits of stubble removal cream:

  • no irritation or ingrown hair;
  • no damage to the skin during the procedure;
  • contains soothing and moisturizing components;
  • no pain;
  • requires little time.

The disadvantages of the method are not so numerous, but they still exist.

  • an allergic reaction may occur;
  • Do not use if there are cuts or abrasions on your face.

Traditional shaving has its advantages.

  • no pain.
  • efficiency;
  • speed of the procedure;
  • no allergies;
  • convenient to take with you on the road.

But shaving also has a lot of disadvantages:

  • the appearance of irritation, inflammation, rashes and ingrown hairs;
  • risk of skin damage during shaving;
  • risk of infection from cuts;
  • rapid appearance of stubble - literally the next day;
  • requires the use of additional products - shaving products.

Depilation - an alternative to shaving
When comparing shaving and depilatory cream, there are many nuances to consider.

Depilatory cream needs to be washed off with plenty of water, which is not always convenient on the road. In this sense, shaving is easier and faster - just remove the remaining foam or shaving gel. This makes sense during long business trips or travel.

The appearance of inflammation and ingrown hairs is a frequent companion to shaving, especially with sensitive skin. But if you are allergic to chemical components, it is better to shave.

In terms of effectiveness, the cream clearly wins - the skin remains smooth for up to five days, and after shaving the effect lasts until the next day.

If we take the economic part of the issue, then there will be equality. Shaving cream, which lasts for a long time, up to ten uses, and shaving foam or gel for daily use will require approximately the same money.

Rules for using depilatory cream for men

Having carefully read the instructions for use of the drug, we proceed to the immediate removal of unnecessary vegetation.

Skin preparation

Before using the purchased product, you need to conduct a test to avoid irritation or allergies in the future.

Squeeze out a small pea-sized amount of cream and apply to a sensitive and inconspicuous area of ​​the body, such as the inside of the forearm.

Leave for the same amount of time as with standard depilation according to the instructions.

If there are no negative reactions, be it redness, rashes or itching, then the depilatory agent can be used.

The body and hair must be clean and dry before depilation.

How to apply the product

The product is very easy to apply. The kit includes a special spatula, with which a thin layer of cream is applied to the selected area of ​​the skin.

After application, wait for the time specified in the instructions for the interaction of the active components and the hair structure, usually from 5 to 10 minutes.

How to remove cream

After the exposure time has expired, remove the cream with a spatula using smooth movements against hair growth. This method will help to remove vegetation better.

Rinse off with warm water without using any shower gels or soap.
Do not remove the product before the prescribed time, if nothing bothers you, it will not have time to act, and the hair will remain in the same place. And also do not overexpose it, otherwise there is a risk of getting inflammation or even a chemical burn.


Depilatory creams contain active chemicals that cause hair splitting. Because of this, there is a danger of getting a burn or irritation, so any of the products must be used in strict accordance with the instructions. The higher the concentration of the active substance, the less time the cream is left on the skin.

You should also pay attention to the method of removal. The manufacturer may provide a special spatula and recommend using a hard washcloth or cotton pads.

Skin care after the procedure

There are important recommendations that will help your skin after depilation:

  • After rinsing, moisturize the skin with some cream with medicinal plants: chamomile, calendula, or celandine.
  • Do not use lotions containing alcohol or other products containing alcohol.
  • For the first couple of hours, do not have sex if you have had intimate waxing.
  • After a few hours or the next day, you can start using a cream that stops hair growth.

Features of hair removal in intimate areas

A cream for intimate depilation must be selected specially, taking into account male characteristics. This should be a product for sensitive skin, containing many skin-soothing ingredients.

You should also avoid getting the cream on the mucous membranes, as burning and inflammation in this area are guaranteed.
Did you know?
The human body is 95% covered with hair, which is absent only on the feet and palms. The rest of the body is hairy, although this is not always noticeable.


  1. Hair removal cream is aimed at destroying the hair follicle. This allows you to partially get rid of vegetation and slow down its growth.
  2. For the intimate area and face, it is recommended to purchase special formulations. They have a targeted effect, provide effectiveness and rarely lead to complications.
  3. The main components of cosmetics for men's hair removal: diluents, thioglycolate, sulfides, emollients. Flavorings, preservatives and dyes are used as additional substances.
  4. Popular brands: Vanity Bielenda, Cliven Young, Tanita For Men, Rica For Men. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the best antiperspirant for men in this material.

Contraindications and possible complications

There are many contraindications to hair removal cream for men, so you should carefully read the section before using it:

  • the presence of damaged areas on the treated skin (abrasions, scratches, wounds);
  • any inflammation on the body, and not only the area being depilated;
  • fungal and viral skin diseases;
  • the presence of allergic reactions of the body to the product or to any of its components;
  • varicose veins in the area to be depilated;
  • the presence of any rashes, pimples, as well as a sunburned body.

Complications only occur when the product is chosen incorrectly or not used according to instructions. The main complications may be:

  • skin irritation, redness and itching;
  • folliculitis or other skin rashes;
  • ingrowth of new hair into the skin, since thin and delicate hair cannot penetrate thick skin.

The East says no

Russia is partly an eastern country; millions of Muslims have lived in it since ancient times. Europe also became home to many Arab families. Islamic life has its own strict rules, including those regarding intimate hygiene. This discipline is called fiqh and it states that a Muslim should not get rid of hair in the genital area. This applies primarily to women. Therefore, a person with a traditional Eastern upbringing is unlikely to address this issue at all. According to Muslim rules, shaving the intimate area is simply prohibited.

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