Plastic surgery of the frenulum of the foreskin of the penis

  • Deltaclinic
  • Services
  • Andrology and urology
  • Male intimate plastic surgery


  • Plastic surgery of the frenulum of the penis

Intimate plastic surgery for men is a surgical treatment or correction of aesthetic defects in the intimate area. With the help of aesthetic plastic surgery, you can change the shape and size of the genital organ.

Surgery may be performed for medical reasons to improve the patient's quality of life. In some cases, reconstruction can be performed to recreate the genitals using implants.

Who performs intimate plastic surgery on men?

Intimate plastic surgery for men is performed by andrologists and gynecologists specializing in genital plastic surgery. Following the development of female intimate plastic surgery, there is a need for men to perform aesthetic surgeries on the genitals. When men come to see a plastic surgeon, they simultaneously want to undergo, for example, blepharoplasty and penis lengthening, or remove gynecomastia and enlarge the glans penis. Intimate plastic surgery for men in Moscow is not available in all plastic surgery clinics.

What is included in male intimate plastic surgery?

How long does the postoperative period last after frenuloplasty?

After the operation, the patient is under the supervision of medical staff in the clinic for 2-3 hours, and then can return home. Analgesics can be taken to reduce pain. To avoid the development of complications, during the rehabilitation period you must strictly follow all the doctor’s recommendations, including:

  • take prescribed antibacterial drugs;
  • carefully treat the wound using antiseptic agents prescribed by the doctor;
  • regularly carry out hygiene procedures;
  • exclude any physical activity for 1 week after surgery;
  • abstain from sexual activity for 3 weeks.

Postoperative observation involves 1-2 visits to the doctor.

Penis extension/Penis lengthening)

Penis lengthening

– consists of a surgical stage (ligamentotomy) and traction of the penis with an extender. The most common method of intimate plastic surgery for men. This method of intimate plastic surgery for men exists, it is safe, does not cause any complications, and can be used both in men with a really small penis (less than 7 cm in an erect state) and in men with physiologically normal penis sizes (12-18 cm in erect state) to increase the size of the penis. Using an extender without surgery has no effect. Patients often come to us with their extender for surgical elongation of the penis. Previously, independent use of an extender without ligamentotomy had no effect. An operation without the use of an extender will also not have an effect; over time, the penis will retract and the initial effect will disappear. Therefore, to consolidate and develop the effect, an extender must be used.

Most patients are satisfied with the results of surgery to lengthen the penis using an extender. The penis increases not only in length, but also in thickness, which makes this method of intimate penile plastic surgery universal for penis enlargement.

Rehabilitation after frenulotomy

After frenulotomy, the patient rests for several hours in the ward, then he is sent home. After 2-3 days you can go to work, if it does not involve lifting heavy loads (the seam may come apart).

There is usually some slight swelling or bruising in the first 24 hours, which goes away within a few hours. Within two days, a few drops of blood may come out of the suture. This is fine. They need to be blotted with a sterile napkin and observed over the wound.

Antibacterial therapy is usually not required. The course of antibiotics is replaced by antiseptic ointment "Levomekol". A thin layer of it is applied to the suture area once a day for 5 days. You must appear for a dressing change the next day, and for a final examination after 10 days. The pain goes away completely after 2 weeks. During an erection, slight discomfort may remain for 3-4 weeks.

During the rehabilitation period, the patient should adhere to the following recommendations of the attending physician:

  • carry out hygiene measures after each visit to the toilet and use an antiseptic solution prescribed by a doctor for this;
  • take a course of antibiotics to prevent the development of purulent infections;
  • during rapid healing, do not use fat-based ointments, as they can prolong the rehabilitation period;
  • visit a urologist a week after the operation so that he can determine the need to remove the remaining threads, which should be completely resolved by this time.

In addition, during the recovery period you should avoid:

  • physical activity and sports;
  • visits to baths, saunas, swimming pools;
  • taking baths; sexual intercourse and masturbation.
  • The latter is necessary in order to eliminate the risk of seams coming apart.

Thickening of the penis

Thickening of the penis

- one of the most popular operations in male intimate surgery. The purpose of the operation is to increase the diameter of the penile shaft.

Thickening of the penis with hyaluronic acid gel – involves the introduction of high-density hyaluronic acid gel in an amount of 10 ml between the shaft and the skin of the penis through special needles according to preliminary markings, for uniform distribution of the gel in the penis. Thickening of the penis is created along the dorsal and lateral surface of the penis through the introduction of hyaluronic acid gel. Penis thickening is performed under local anesthesia, without incisions at the base of the penis, and the gel is administered using injections with a minimum number of punctures. The method of thickening the penis with gel is safe, there are no complications noted. This is the most reliable and fastest method at present. A week after thickening the penis with gel, you can have sexual intercourse

How is frenulum lengthening surgery performed?

Surgery is performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia for adult men, or with general anesthesia for adolescents. The duration of the manipulations is no more than 20 minutes. The patient is asked to assume a supine position on the operating table and the surgical area is disinfected.

With local anesthesia, the anesthetic is injected into the tissues of the penis, with general anesthesia - into a vein. As soon as it begins to act, the surgeon dissects the frenulum of the penis across, allowing the skin folds to straighten to the required size.

After this, the edges of the incisions are sutured with threads, which will self-resolve in the postoperative period. If there are scars, they are first excised. Upon completion, a napkin with an antiseptic is applied to the penis, which can be removed no earlier than after 12 hours.

The operation can be performed using a conventional scalpel, radio knife or laser.

Frenulotomy using laser Frenulotomy using radioknife
The intervention is bloodless due to the fact that the laser cauterizes the edges of the wound, eliminating bleeding. Unfortunately, this operation has one drawback, which is the risk of divergence of the edges of the wound during an erection. The use of a radio knife involves exposure to high-frequency radio waves. They allow the destruction of skin growths and neoplasms, excluding the impact on healthy tissues along with blood vessels. Thanks to this, there is no risk of purulent processes and hematoma.

If indicated, the operation can be combined with other techniques aimed at eliminating scar tissue or narrowing the foreskin. At the same time, circumcision of the foreskin is also carried out. It is used if the surgeon notes the impossibility of completely exposing the head due to an excessive amount of foreskin tissue.

Enlargement of the glans penis

Enlargement of the glans penis

currently only possible with hyaluronic acid gel.

Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance in the human body that undergoes partial resorption, but there are no rejection reactions to it.

Enlargement of the glans penis can be combined and performed simultaneously with elongation of the penis. If enlargement of the glans penis with hyaluronic acid gel is performed separately, it is performed under local anesthesia; if in combination with penis elongation, then under general anesthesia. Enlargement of the glans penis with hyaluronic acid gel gives a lasting, long-lasting effect.

Installation of clitoral balls

Clitoral balls

- This is a method of local thickening of the penis in order to please the partner. Balls in the penis are installed under the skin of the penis along the dorsal and lateral surfaces.

Indications for inserting clitoral balls into the penis are the patient’s wishes. During the consultation, the patient and the doctor agree on the number of clitoral balls and the order of their installation in the penis. There are no branded balls for installation in the penis; manufacturers of silicone prostheses do not produce them. All penis balls are made artisanally from plexiglass. In our clinic we install pearl clitoral balls under the skin of the penis, with a diameter of 8-9 mm, the final diameter after installation is 10 mm. Installation of balls into the penis is classified as male intimate plastic surgery, because it allows you to thicken local areas of the penis.

Effect of the operation

Intimate plastic surgery provides a comprehensive result:

  1. Psychological – you will no longer be embarrassed to have sexual intercourse and make preventive visits to the urologist;
  2. Aesthetic – you will achieve the appearance of your genitals that you consider ideal;
  3. Physical – you will avoid all functional and physiological difficulties associated with the lack of personal comfort in everyday and sexual life.

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Testicular prosthesis

Testicular prosthesis

– an operation to install a testicular prosthesis in the scrotum, it can be unilateral or bilateral. When choosing a testicular prosthesis, the size of the preserved testicle is measured and a prosthesis similar in size is selected. The consistency and feel of the prosthesis resembles a testicle. When replacing both testicles, the physiological size is selected, taking into account the patient’s opinion. Testicular replacement is performed no earlier than 3 months after testicular removal.

Preparing for surgery

Before the operation, the patient is examined, which includes:

  • blood tests (determination of blood group and Rh factor, clinical, biochemical, coagulogram, as well as testing for infections such as HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B and C);
  • urine test (general);
  • conducting electrocardiography;
  • performing fluorography.

Additionally, according to indications, an ultrasound examination of the scrotal and abdominal organs may be prescribed. In addition, patients over 50 years of age need to be tested to determine PSA levels to exclude prostate cancer.

Men need to follow some recommendations, namely:

  • Stop taking or reduce the dosage of blood thinning medications in advance. Only the attending physician can provide comprehensive information about the use of thrombolytics before surgery;
  • 3-4 days before the operation, stop drinking alcohol;
  • refuse to eat in the morning before surgery;
  • Immediately before surgery, shower and shave hair from your navel to mid-thigh.

Curvature of the penis

Curvature of the penis

– a disease accompanied by curvature of the penis in an erect state, which causes pain and makes sexual intercourse difficult. The causes of penile curvature are damage to the tunica albuginea of ​​the corpora cavernosa. To correct the curvature of the penis, several types of operations are performed using tunica albuginea plastic surgery. As a result of surgical treatment, the penis becomes straight.

Indications and contraindications for lengthening the frenulum of the foreskin

Indications Contraindications:
The operation is performed for congenital or acquired short frenulum. The latter occurs due to scarring after injury or inflammation of the foreskin or glans. Signs that surgery is necessary include the following:
  • development of pain symptoms during sexual intercourse;
  • an unpleasant feeling of tension and tension in the head area;
  • bleeding due to rupture;
  • scars at the site of tears and increased sensitivity of the fold;
  • premature ejaculation against the background of a short fold;
  • displacement of the head of the penis downward in an excited state;
  • the appearance of cracks and damage to the frenulum after sexual intercourse.

Correction of the frenulum of the penis is also carried out when the foreskin is narrowed - phimosis or paraphimosis.

The operation has minimal contraindications, which are as follows:
  • acute liver and kidney failure;
  • any bleeding disorders;
  • inflammatory and infectious diseases in the acute phase against the background of fever;
  • neoplasms of a malignant nature;
  • identification of any STD in the patient;
  • inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system (before surgery you need to undergo a course of treatment to eliminate them);
  • violations of the integrity of the skin and purulent processes in the operated area;
  • pathological conditions in the stage of decompensation.

If the patient has diseases in the acute stage, the operation is performed after they have passed. For chronic diseases, it is carried out during remission.

Penile prosthetics

Penile prosthetics

– installation of plastic or hydraulic cylinders into the cavernous bodies of the penis, which create tension in the penis (artificial erection) sufficient for sexual intercourse. The cavernous tissue is completely destroyed. Penile prosthesis is a radical, irreversible way to restore erectile function and continue sexual activity. Penile prosthesis is used for severe cavernous fibrosis, vascular and venous erectile dysfunction, when other treatment is already effective. Penile prosthesis can be used for curvature of the penis along with erectile dysfunction. Penile prosthetics can increase the volume and length of the corpora cavernosa, and therefore the size of the penis.

Treatment of hydrocele (hydrocele)

Today, surgery remains the main treatment method for hydrocele. Both abdominal and laparoscopic interventions are used. Since abdominal operations are accompanied by fewer complications, they are used more often. The most effective of the various techniques is the Lord's operation.

During the intervention, the membranes of the testicle are cut and hydrocele is released. In this case, the testicle itself is not freed from the surrounding tissues, this allows to reduce trauma to the tissues and vessels that feed it.

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