Plastic surgery of the frenulum of the upper lip - why, why, when and how. Video of laser trimming at the Utkinzub clinic and reviews


Lip frenuloplasty is a corrective operation to trim the fold that attaches the lip to the jaw. Lip frenuloplasty was first performed in the middle of the last century. But now this procedure can be performed using a laser. It is laser lip frenuloplasty that will be discussed later in this article.

If there is an incorrect structure of the frenulum, a person begins to experience problems from this even in childhood, and over time they gradually intensify. The development of malocclusion, predisposition to periodontal disease, problems with articulation - this is not all that a person with an irregular lip frenulum may encounter.

Laser lip frenuloplasty can not only make your smile more beautiful, but also correct various problems with speech or with the installation of orthopedic structures, which are often observed in patients with improperly developed labial frenulum.

Laser excision of the labial frenulum is performed without complex special preparation, and the entire operation takes place quite quickly, and the patient does not experience any significant inconvenience. Laser surgery for lip frenuloplasty is a modern and excellent method of correcting it.


Frenuloplasty is a surgical method for treating the complete form of ankyloglossia. It is performed on children who are already 5 years old, since they are already able to understand the essence of the procedure, as well as on adult patients. There are 3 options for performing the operation:

  1. Removal - during the operation, a significant part of the frenulum is clamped with instruments, incisions are made from below and above in the shape of a triangle, and the edges of the wound are sutured.
  2. Cutting is the easiest method for this pathology. The fold is cut, and its side edges are pulled together using transverse seams, while grasping the fabric at great depth.
  3. Moving the attachment point. In this case, 2 incisions are first made, which separate a strip of tissue between the interdental papillae and the transitional fold. The edges are brought together using suture material, and the cut strip is then sewn to the area of ​​the wound that remains.

Exercise is a good alternative to surgery

If parents are willing to put in a lot of effort and spend a lot of time, then treatment for a short frenulum of the tongue can be carried out using gymnastics. Classes with the child should be regular, several times a day, and the number of approaches and repetitions should be gradually increased.

Basic exercises to stretch the frenulum:

  • tongue movements with half-opened lips along the upper lip;
  • protruding the tongue to its maximum length and returning it back;
  • licking a saucer (or imitating this action);
  • touch the tip of your nose with your tongue, then your chin and your nose again.

After treatment for a short frenulum, the patient visits a speech therapist and gets acquainted with special exercises that help stretch the muscles and folds of the tongue. In some cases, facial massage is performed. If angiloglossia is treated in a timely manner, there will be no consequences for the full development and health of the child.

Indications for surgery

You should know that not every pathology of the labial frenulum requires mandatory surgery. The advisability of excision of the frenulum is usually determined by the orthodontist or periodontist during an external examination of the patient.

The operation is indicated in the following cases: - For orthodontic treatment. Pathology of the frenulum can prevent the normal installation of dentures (plates and braces). - Presence of a diastema (gap between teeth). The gap between your front teeth can widen and lead to gum disease such as periodontitis. — Periodontal diseases. Due to the incorrect structure of the frenulum, food can accumulate under the lip, which gradually rots, thereby creating favorable conditions for the development of dental diseases. - Problems with speech. Severe pathology can sometimes cause impaired diction.


The gums are excessively exposed, mainly due to the structural features of the upper jaw ( maxilla

). Its excessive development leads to the fact that even a normal upper lip appears short and is unable to fully cover the mucous membrane.

Another reason is excessive elevation of the upper lip. If the orbicularis oris muscle is too strong (in medicine they use the term “overactive”), the lip rises higher than usual. In this case, the teeth and gums may be of normal size; the lip just lifts up too high, violating the proportions.

A short lip also leads to compromised smile aesthetics. The reason is a shortened frenulum, which lifts the lip upward.

A common cause of a gingival smile is gum overgrowth. Hyperplasia ( fibromatosis

) tissues leads to the fact that most of the tooth crown is covered, and even a slight smile exposes a significant part of the gum. Tissue proliferation can occur in diabetes mellitus and some blood diseases.

Bruxism, pathological abrasion of teeth, caries and trauma lead to the fact that the height of the crowns decreases and the gums are exposed. The same effect is observed with incomplete teething.

Some malocclusions, especially those with the upper incisors moving forward, also contribute to gum exposure.

Contraindications for surgery

There are practically no contraindications for laser excision of the labial frenulum compared to other operations. The procedure can be performed even on children as young as 6 years old.

Parents should know that laser lip frenuloplasty is the least traumatic and uncomplicated operation that can solve many problems that a child may encounter in adulthood.

Despite this, there are a small number of contraindications, including: - The patient has cancer; — Severe mental and neurological diseases; — Serious defects in the structure of the oral cavity; — Blood diseases; — Infectious diseases in the acute stage; — Advanced caries; - Osteomelit.

As you can see, contraindications are quite serious diseases that are rare. But it should be remembered that a referral for this operation, like any other, can only be given by a qualified dentist after an in-person consultation with the patient.

Laser plastic surgery of the lip frenulum

There are several methods of performing lip frenuloplasty surgery. In modern dentistry, the following methods are used: frenotomy, frenectomy, frenuloplasty and laser plastic surgery of the labial frenulum. Among all these techniques, the most modern, safe and effective is, of course, performing the operation using special laser equipment.

Among the advantages are the following: - Almost complete absence of pain; - No bleeding; — The whole operation takes just a few minutes; — There are no significant restrictions before and after the operation; — The operation is performed on an outpatient basis, there is no need for hospitalization; — Sterility of the procedure; — Short recovery period.

No special preparation is required before the operation. Laser lip frenuloplasty begins with cleaning the oral cavity; professional teeth cleaning procedures can be performed. This is done to prevent infection, if any.

Next, a special gel is applied to the operated area, which acts as a local anesthetic, and the operation itself begins. The doctor, using special equipment, aims a laser at the lip frenulum, with the help of which the excision occurs. The impact of the laser not only dissolves the tissue, but also simultaneously achieves the effect of sterilization and cauterization of blood. Unlike other techniques, with laser frenuloplasty there is almost no blood or complications after surgery.

The postoperative period also does not require any special actions and does not introduce great restrictions into the normal rhythm of a person’s life.

It is recommended after surgery: - Carefully monitor oral hygiene; — Do not eat hot, spicy, sour or solid foods for several days;

About a week after the operation, you will need to visit the clinic for an examination, where the doctor will make sure that the operation was successful. The doctor will also recommend and help you learn special exercises for the mouth, aimed at strengthening the facial and chewing muscles.

Speech therapy exercises

Speech therapists offer a wide range of exercises that are aimed at stretching the frenulum of the tongue. All exercises are carried out in a playful way, which only increases the baby’s interest in the exercises.

  • The first and quite common exercise is the “horse”. To do this, the baby needs to make clicking movements, imitating the sound of a horse.
  • For small children, you can offer the “kitten” exercise - give the baby a saucer and ask him to lick it. Instead of a saucer, the child can be offered any other object, for example, a spoon.
  • For older children, you can use more conscious games, for example, ask the child to imagine that the oral cavity is a room in which the ceiling needs to be painted, the tongue is used as a paint roller, and the ceiling is the sky.

Stretching the frenulum can occur not only with exercises that are aimed at stretching the frenulum in length; exercises that are aimed at stretching the frenulum to the side give excellent results. For example, ask the child to count the teeth in the mouth, or “paint” the inside of the cheeks with paint.

The basis of all exercises, one way or another, is stretching the frenulum in the literal sense of the word.
The number of exercises will depend on the clinical picture, the length of the frenulum in the cavity and, of course, on the age of the child. Volunteer professor Bessonov Sergey Nikolaevich CONSTANTA Clinic through the eyes of a child! Anesthesia for operations in children Treatment of children with the support of the Charitable Foundation

Lip frenuloplasty in Krasnodar

Laser lip frenuloplasty is a safe and effective method of frenulum correction, which is chosen by dentists in modern dental clinics. Our experts also recommend using laser techniques. This method allows you to achieve results in the shortest possible time.

In the city of Krasnodar, you can perform this procedure in our dental clinic “Symmetry”. The clinic has all the necessary modern, high-quality dental equipment. And our dentists have extensive experience and high qualifications, confirmed by many specialized diplomas and positive reviews from our patients.


Full recovery usually takes no more than two weeks.

  1. After the procedure, you should avoid solid, hot food for two days.
  2. You should brush your teeth twice daily with a soft toothbrush.
  3. Lubricate the area affected by the laser with healing ointment, rinse your mouth with an antiseptic.
  4. Show the child to the doctor 2-3 days after surgery.
  5. Perform special facial exercises.

We are waiting for you at the World of Smile clinic. We have modern equipment, experienced specialists, and high-quality medical services. Make an appointment online or by phone.

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