Penis size correction (penis enlargement)


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Penis thickening surgery

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Every second representative of the stronger sex experiences dissatisfaction with the size of their penis and dreams of lengthening or thickening it. Some men experience physiological difficulties associated with the anatomical structure of the penis, others have medical indications for surgery, and others experience complexes associated with emotional distress (unsuccessful initiation of sexual activity, ridicule of friends).

Modern plastic surgery can solve such a problem. But before you decide to have surgery to thicken the penis, you need to weigh the pros and cons in order to avoid unexpected problems and complications.

Indications and contraindications

Penis enlargement is recommended for:

  • curvature of the penis;
  • organ underdevelopment;
  • congenital pathologies;
  • inability to perform sexual intercourse;
  • compaction of the cavernous bodies, causing erectile dysfunction;
  • serious organ injuries;
  • lack of positive results with conservative therapy.

Surgery cannot be performed if:

  • poor blood clotting;
  • acute inflammation in the genital organs;
  • venereal diseases;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • uncompensated diabetes mellitus;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • underage age.

Types of surgery

Thickening the penis can be done in several ways. Non-surgical injection techniques are among the most popular and safe.

All known operations are divided into 2 groups:

  • penis lengthening;
  • thickening of the penis.

To lengthen the penis, penile prosthesis or ligamentotomy is performed.

To thicken the penis use:

  • lipofilling - the internal tissues of the organ are filled with their own fat cells;
  • polymer materials - a gel implant is installed between the skin of the organ and its trunk;
  • muscle tissue transplantation;
  • injections of hyaluronic acid.

Currently, there is no perfect way to enlarge the penis. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages.

When transplanting muscle and fat tissue (it is taken from the abdominal or pubic area), rapid recovery is observed, tissue rejection is avoided and a 100% survival rate is achieved. When using fat, the penis thickens up to 1.5 centimeters, and with muscle implantation - up to 3 centimeters. But the effect lasts for 2-4 years. Gradually, the transplanted tissues wear out, which can cause the penis to become bent.

Gel implants not only thicken but also lengthen the penis. The survival rate reaches 95%, the cost is higher, but the effect lasts up to 10 years.

Injections do not require surgery, general anesthesia and long recovery, do not pose a danger to the body, but the result is short-lived (lasts 1-1.5 years) and thickens the penis by no more than a centimeter.

The duration of the penis thickening operation is from 20-30 minutes (when using injection techniques) to 3 hours. It is performed under general anesthesia.

If the operation is performed incorrectly or medical recommendations are not followed, the shape of the organ may change, irregularities may appear on the surface, and tissue and materials will be rejected.

To get the desired result and avoid serious complications, you must carefully choose a clinic and contact only highly qualified, experienced specialists.


The operation is performed under general anesthesia, but despite this, hospitalization is only necessary for a day. Implants are installed between the skin and the trunk along the dorsal (outer) surface for the purpose of thickening. Implantation is only necessary if the diameter is less than 3 cm.

Types of implants:

  • Gel.
  • Semi-rigid.
  • Inflatable.

After installation of the implant, the likelihood of complications developing is minimal. The operation allows you to enlarge the phallus both in a calm and erect state. The results obtained last for the rest of your life.

Preparing for surgery

At the initial appointment, the surgeon examines the patient and determines the possibility of surgery. Then he directs the man to undergo tests to determine the biochemical composition of the blood, hemoglobin level, hepatitis, and HIV infection. If the results are satisfactory, the urologist conducts consultations, gives the necessary recommendations and sets a date for the operation.

A month before surgery, you will have to give up smoking and alcohol, follow a balanced diet, minimize physical activity, and avoid unprotected sexual intercourse.

For 12 hours before surgery, you must refrain from eating and drinking less. Before going to the clinic, you need to shave your pubic hair.

What thickness is considered normal?

According to statistics, most men have a diameter of about 3 centimeters (circumference 9.4 cm). Although a 4-centimeter diameter (girth 12.7 cm) is not the average statistical norm, in surveys women either say that only with this size will sex be full (less than that, there’s no point even trying), or they confirm that they would prefer a partner with manhood this thickness.

Although a 3-centimeter diameter is close to the medical norm, it can hardly be confidently called the norm in sexual terms. Even if the phallus is long enough and penetrates deeply during intimacy, the lack of thickness negates the efforts. Then the vaginal muscles do not clasp the entire shaft of the penis - the sensations are dull, and it is difficult or impossible to bring your partner to orgasm.

The desire to increase an organ in girth, and not just in length, is a justified, correct desire. Sexologists confirm that about half of the sexually active men surveyed are dissatisfied with the indicators. After all, everyone wants mind-blowing intimacy, and the sensations during sex directly depend on the volume of the penis. Externally, manhood also looks much more impressive when the thickness is in harmony with the length.

Effective ways to increase penis girth:

  • surgical intervention;
  • massage exercises (jelqing);
  • use of an extender, hydraulic pump.

Each method has its own characteristics. Results come faster or slower. The time and effort required vary.

Rehabilitation period

The duration of rehabilitation is 1.5-2 months. During this period, sexual intercourse is impossible, as there is no erection. But even after restoration of erectile function, it is recommended to avoid frequent sex for 2-3 weeks. Then you can gradually increase the intensity of sexual activity.

In the first days, pain is possible, which can be easily relieved with analgesics. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics or hormonal drugs.

Every 2 days for 2 weeks (before the stitches are removed), dressings need to be done.

Predicted results

How many centimeters can you enlarge your penis?

The penis lengthening potential is between five and six centimeters. The result depends on many factors:

  • elasticity of fabrics;
  • reserve of the urethra and cavernous bodies;
  • wearing an extender.

The risk of postoperative complications is minimal. The erection remains normal, there is no tissue damage.

Side troubles include:

  • poor healing of sutures;
  • infection of the operated area.

Benefits of treatment at Uclinica

The specialized clinic of urology and gynecology Uclinica employs high-class urologists, among whom there are candidates of sciences and professors. They constantly improve their skills, participate in seminars and scientific conferences, get acquainted with innovative techniques and actively introduce them into their practice. Our specialists have extensive knowledge, many years of experience and professional skill, which eliminates the risk of medical errors.

If surgical intervention is necessary, surgeons perform minimally invasive operations with minimal trauma to the body, facilitating rapid recovery. After the operation, the penis thickens evenly, there is no deformation or bulging of the graft.

The clinic has a day hospital where you can relax in comfortable conditions and recuperate. The attending physician will monitor the patient's condition, and the clinic staff will provide the necessary care and attention.

You can make an appointment with a specialist at the Uclinica clinic by phone. The genital surgeon will perform a visual examination and the necessary diagnostics, based on the results of which he will provide a reasonable answer to the question of whether there is a need for surgery.

Contact a specialist:

Initial appointment with an andrologist2000 rub.
Ultrasound of the penis with pharmacodopplerography5400 rub.
Vacuum erection therapy (1 session)1500 rub.

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Cost of working methods: is the game worth the candle?

If you do jelqing, you won't have to spend any money. True, self-massage did not become massively popular because of this. It is inconvenient to carry out, it takes a lot of time - you can spend your own resources much wiser. And if you make a mistake with the intensity or with the movements themselves, it is easy to “earn” injuries, for the treatment of which you will have to pay a large sum.

Two or three men out of ten are deterred by their cost from purchasing extenders, hangers, hydraulic pumps, and other devices. You can’t call her tall, but it’s still not free, like self-massage. Therefore, the rest - reasonable, intelligently thinking buyers - draw different conclusions:

  • the price of proven, safe devices is an order of magnitude lower than the cost of surgical procedures;
  • you won’t have to wait for “side effects” like from surgery, or undergo long rehabilitation;
  • the positive effect is achieved faster, so the costs are clearly worth it.

You can also add that success in sex, pleasure from intimacy, recognition and admiration from women are priceless. All you need to do is achieve the appropriate thickness of the main male organ. The penis should definitely be both long and voluminous. Achieving this has become easier today thanks to secure, tested developments.

Article reviewer

Lychagin Andrey Sergeevich

Head of the department of innovative technologies in the field of andrology and urology, urologist-andrologist, ultrasound doctor. 15 years of experience. Doctor's contacts

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Our staff consists of high-class doctors - members of the Russian and European Societies (EA).

We have a day hospital

We guarantee constant care for the patient and control over his recovery in the most comfortable conditions.

Low-traumatic treatment methods

We carry out operations with minimal intervention in the body using modern equipment of the new generation of intraoperative X-ray systems.

Testicular prosthesis

Testicular prosthesis

– an operation to install a testicular prosthesis in the scrotum, it can be unilateral or bilateral. When choosing a testicular prosthesis, the size of the preserved testicle is measured and a prosthesis similar in size is selected. The consistency and feel of the prosthesis resembles a testicle. When replacing both testicles, the physiological size is selected, taking into account the patient’s opinion. Testicular replacement is performed no earlier than 3 months after testicular removal.

Our partners

Phlebology Clinic First Phlebological Center

Phlebology Clinic First Phlebological Center.
Treatment of varicose veins by leading specialists from Russia using the most advanced equipment. The head of the clinic is Viktor Nikolaevich Lobanov, a vascular surgeon and phlebologist. The clinic’s doctors have more than 20 years of experience, which makes it possible to treat chronic diseases, as well as perform operations even at the most severe stages of venous disease. The Phlebology Center is located at: Moscow, st. Dmitry Ulyanov, 31. Phone: +7(495) 967-94-42.

Patients of our urology clinic are provided with preferential conditions for consultations, diagnostics and further treatment.

Is it worth performing a ligamentotomy?

So, to do or not to do? Not every man can decide to have a ligamentotomy. Firstly, this is a responsible decision, and secondly, it is quite expensive. In the Russian Federation, the cost of ligamentotomy is 30,000-90,000 rubles; this difference is determined by the qualifications of the plastic surgeon, the rating of the clinic and the price of the extender.

For obvious reasons, any patient-respecting urological center that performs ligamentotomy provides detailed information about this intimate operation on its website. Plastic lengthening of the penis by cutting the suspensory ligament is considered a simple and relatively safe operation. But no clinic will give an absolute guarantee. Therefore, the choice is yours - to have surgery or try to solve the problem not so radically.

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