About hand hair removal methods and how to make the procedure less painful

If you have coarse and dark hairs on your hands, and especially if there are a lot of them, then you should think about removing them. A neat woman's hands should be smooth and velvety, so that it is pleasant to look at and touch them. But before you start removing hair, you should choose a depilation method. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. And the fastest and most expensive hair removal method is not always the best for you. For such a delicate procedure, you should prepare and choose a method that will leave your skin in good condition, and will not dry it out and cause irritation, and will be simple and easy to use. When choosing, be sure to take into account the skin type on your hands, sensitivity, pain threshold and many other factors.

Pros and cons

Should I wax my arms or not? This is a controversial question, and the answer depends on the situation, preferences and desires of the person himself.

Usually the hairs on the upper limbs are not very noticeable. Especially for women. The man doesn't bother about this. Vegetation on this part of the body does not affect health in any way and does not interfere with everyday life. If there is more than one “but” – the girl’s hair is very long and dark and it grows. In this case, the lady gets complex. In winter, it is not difficult to hide them under clothes, but what to do in the summer? In order to become more confident and conquer men with their smooth and velvety skin, women decided to resort to hair removal.

Pros of hair removal on arms:

  • the epidermis becomes beautiful;
  • you can wear open outfits;
  • no need to be ashamed of your body anymore;
  • self-confidence appears.

The downside is that you will have to do this systematically. The frequency depends on the method of removing vegetation. There is also a risk of:

  • irritations;
  • ingrown hair;
  • ulcers;
  • burns;
  • itching, etc.

What side effects will occur and in what quantity depends on the method, preparation, correctness of the procedure and care.

Precautionary measures

Depending on the depilation method you choose, you must be careful not to damage your skin and avoid health problems. To do this, follow these recommendations:

  • when shaving, use safe razors; To reduce the risk of cuts, make smooth movements without pressure; After shaving, apply moisturizer;
  • When planning to depilate with cream or wax, make sure that you are not allergic to the components of the product: apply a small amount of the composition to your elbow and leave for 10 minutes, then rinse and observe the skin reaction. If irritation or redness occurs, you should discard the chosen product;
  • When using an electric epilator, do not press it tightly against your hand, otherwise the device may catch the skin along with the hairs and injure it. Do not use the epilator in a bathtub filled with water - this increases the risk of electric shock;
  • When performing sugaring or waxing, do not apply too hot a composition to the skin - there is a high risk of getting burned; wait until the mass cools down to a warm state;
  • do not use hormonal drugs to reduce hair growth - this can be dangerous to health, such drugs can only be prescribed by a doctor;
  • Do not depilate if you have skin diseases or existing wounds and cuts in the treated areas;
  • immediately after depilation, do not further irritate the skin: avoid sunbathing, visiting the bathhouse, try not to be in the open sun;
  • Application of chemical compounds to the skin for the purpose of depilation during breastfeeding and pregnancy is contraindicated.


Before you remove hair, be sure to prepare. This point is important and the further result depends on it.

Regardless of the chosen method, the preparatory stage is almost the same.

  • Always keep your dermis clean. On cleansed skin there is a minimum number of microbes, which means the risk of infection is minimized.
  • For a week, or even earlier (depending on the method of hair removal), do not go out under ultraviolet light. A tan is not the best thing you need before this procedure. Any tanning is prohibited: natural and artificial.
  • The day before (a couple of days before) do not visit public places. This refers to those where the infection can be acquired: baths, swimming pools, gyms, saunas, etc.
  • If there are wounds or irritations on the epidermis, they must be cured before the day of the scheduled session. No procedure is performed on affected skin. Special wound healing and anti-inflammatory creams will help speed up the regeneration process. It is advisable to smear the area with panthenol or rescuer.
  • Make a scrub the day before. It will remove all dead cells and allow the hairs to freely flow upward. This will not only prevent ingrown hairs, but will also make the process of removing hair easier.
  • Before manipulation, you should thoroughly steam the skin. This will open the pores, help the hair come out of the follicles more easily (if it is epilation) or soften it and make the depilation process easier (if shaving or chemical removal).
  • If you plan to do sugaring or waxing, then be sure to degrease the dermis. To do this, purchase a special product. Then powder the entire area with talcum powder. It will contribute to better adhesion of the material to the vegetation.
  • Before starting the procedure, the epidermis is always treated with an antiseptic solution. This will prevent pathogenic microorganisms from penetrating microtraumas.

If you take the preparatory stage responsibly, then this is already the beginning of a successful procedure.

What can be the consequences of removing hair from the skin of your hands?

Each hair removal method can lead to unpleasant consequences if used incorrectly:

  • if the depilatory cream was applied to damaged areas of the skin, then inflammatory processes may develop;
  • using a depilatory machine on overly sensitive areas of the skin can cause severe irritation that turns into inflammation;
  • the use of wax or sugaring for rosacea or varicose veins entails serious health problems;
  • If, after laser or photoepilation, the skin is exposed to sunlight, pigmentation will appear on it.

Therefore, in order to prevent undesirable consequences of hair removal or depilation, you must follow all restrictions and recommendations of specialists.

Methods of hair removal and depilation of hands

There are several ways to depilate the upper limbs. If you want to permanently remove hair from your arms, then this is where you will come to the rescue:

  • laser;
  • electrolysis;
  • photoepilation.

If you don’t have the money or time to wait for full results, then decide to remove hair from the roots. This is hair removal:

  • sugar;
  • wax;
  • depilator.

If you can’t stand the pain and are ready to deal with rapidly growing hair every day, then proceed to:

  • shaving;
  • depilation cream.

Now let's look at each method in detail.

Table - hand skin care after hair removal

Hair removal methodSkin care after the procedure
  • do not visit baths, saunas and swimming pools for 24 hours after the procedure;
  • Avoid visiting the solarium for 1–2 days and limit your exposure to the sun;
  • Do not use hard washcloths, lotions, creams, soaps, shower gels and other cosmetics for a day.
Laser hair removal
  • do not sunbathe for 2 weeks;
  • Do not visit saunas, steam baths, or take hot baths for 7–10 days;
  • If your hands are not hidden by clothing when going outside, use sunscreen with SPF 20 for 14 days or more;
  • Avoid intense physical activity for 2 weeks;
  • newly growing hairs can only be cut or shaved; resorting to pulling out “vegetation” by the roots is prohibited;
  • follow the recommendations of the cosmetologist;
  • If undesirable symptoms occur, consult a doctor.

After hair removal, the skin is especially sensitive to ultraviolet radiation, so you should avoid exposure to the sun


The simplest and cheapest hand depilation at home is shaving. Here the hair is removed only from the surface of the skin, the bulb is not affected at all. Since the vegetation is cut, stubble is left behind. The hair will appear darker and coarser. The most important thing is that they will appear very quickly. For those who have active hair growth, it will be tomorrow.

The procedure goes like this:

  • The epidermis should be wet.
  • Apply a special composition (foam or shaving gel) to it.
  • Keep the machine under water.
  • We can begin. Hair should be removed according to its growth.

After manipulation and during it, the razor must be washed. Try not to use a machine whose blades are already dull. Each family member should have their own individual instrument.

In the photo below you can see how my hands became after depilation.

There is also a video instruction for your attention.

Since the procedure is carried out at home, you only have to pay for the machine and foam. The tool costs from 50 to 150 rubles, foam – 100-300 rubles. Keep in mind that you can use both of them many times.


I thought hair removal was painful, but I was wrong! The hairs on my legs are pulled out without pain, at least it’s tolerable! The epilator captures hair at least 1 mm long. Those hairs that did not want to be pulled out today can be epilated again in a couple of days. Pulls out both thick and thin transparent hairs. There are no more ingrown hairs from the epilator.



Usually I remove hairs only with sugar paste, and therefore I forgot about the razor, and I don’t touch the areas where I use sugar paste with a razor. Velvet depilatory cream helps. The product itself does not cause irritation, does not sting the skin during the process, and the depilation process is quite gentle and calm. There is a characteristic sulfuric odor, but it is not so critical. You can endure it, and somehow you get used to it. After I removed the cream along with the hairs, the skin was calm, it did not turn red, there was a slight irritation, but I just have very sensitive skin. But it does not slow down hair growth, although there is such a promise on the packaging.

Using a depilatory cream, hairs are easily removed from the skin of your hands.

_Nita Pepito_


I myself have been using wax hair removal for 6 years (to be honest, I have never picked up either a machine or an epilator), I started at the salon, then I started doing it myself at home. Indeed, after 6 years of use, the hairs have become thin, the density has disappeared somewhere and are not growing at such a breakneck speed. Many people think that waxing is very painful, yes, of course it hurts, but only the first times, gradually the hairs become thinner and the procedure is almost painless.

The armpits have sensitive skin. Using wax, hair from this area was effectively removed

Marilyn Monroe


After photoepilation, the hairs do not completely disappear, but they become so few and so thin that now you can only get by with tweezers. Smooth, even skin without stubble! one can only dream about this. Ingrown hairs, inflammation and irritation disappear completely! Unlike waxing. Even if you do shave once (which I don’t recommend, but there are emergency cases), there will be no irritation at all, no pustules or inflammations, smooth and soft skin like a baby’s!



I performed 12 laser hair removal sessions on my hands. This happiness lasted for almost two years. I need to stock up on money and patience, but in the end I achieved my goal - I forgot about the problem of hair on my arms, now if there is hair there, it is sparse, short, transparent in color. I can now wear open blouses and T-shirts. Tiny brown dots and pigmentation remained on the skin. But they are almost invisible.

Using photoepilation, zaki consumer managed to make the skin of his hands smooth



Hair from the skin of your hands should be removed. There are many methods for this. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. When using one or another hair removal option, you must follow all recommendations and restrictions in order to achieve maximum effect and avoid unwanted consequences.

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Depilation with cream

If you want a longer lasting effect and less coarse growing hairs, then buy a depilatory cream. It will cost from 100 to 300 rubles. Depends on the brand and composition.

It gently dissolves vegetation that is on the surface of the dermis. There is no irritation or mechanical damage. The danger is that a burn is possible (if you keep the composition on the skin for a long time).

Instructions for use:

  • Apply cream to dry and clean epidermis.
  • Distribute it evenly. All hairs must be completely covered with the composition.
  • Wait a few minutes. The recommended time for each area and hair type is indicated on the package. Usually this is 6-10 minutes.
  • Use a spatula to remove the product. The hair should also come off easily. If this doesn't happen, wait a little longer.
  • Be sure to rinse your skin with water afterwards.

If you are using the cream for the first time, it would be useful to conduct a tolerance test.

See before and after photos below.

The video shows the procedure.

Should I remove hair on my arms?

Hands, like the face, are in the constant field of vision of other people. And by the way the hands look, others can draw conclusions about their owner.

No matter how beautiful and original the manicure on the nails is, no matter what the most expensive rings and bracelets a woman wears, the impression will be irrevocably “blurred” if thick dark hairs grow on the skin of her hands.

Removing excess hair from your arms or not paying attention to your hair is a personal matter for every woman. But modern fashion trends dictate their own principles. Today, hairy hands are considered unaesthetic. Therefore, fashion industry experts insist that hair should be removed from hands, especially since today there are many ways to do this.

Smooth skin on your hands looks much more attractive


Hand waxing is one of the procedures after which hair does not grow for several weeks. The hair is removed from the root. Waxing your arms is a painful procedure, so use a pain reliever if necessary. It can be applied to the dermis in the form of a gel, spray, or cream.

The composition can be hot, warm or cold. The most painful is the cold one. These are ready-made wax strips that do not need to be preheated. The most painless is hot. Non-professionals cannot cope with such material and risk getting burned.

The technique for removing hair on hands with wax is as follows:

  • Wax is applied to the epidermis or a wax strip is glued.
  • After 5-10 seconds, the material is jerkily removed.
  • The entire area is processed in this way.

After waxing your arms up to the elbows, be sure to remove any remaining material using an oil wipe.

A salon procedure will cost from 400 to 1500 rubles. Houses are much cheaper. You only have to buy wax - 200-400 rubles. Additional tools upon request.

The photo shows the result of the procedure.

You can see hand waxing in the video.

Advice from the “experienced”

Girls who resort to arm hair removal share tips:

  • to make the procedure less painful, enjoy a hot shower or bath before the session;
  • after epilation with wax, sugar paste or an epilator, you can use a cotton swab to treat your hands with hydrogen peroxide; this procedure will make the newly growing hairs lighter and thinner, making them easier to remove;
  • To prevent ingrown hairs, scrub your hands with a soft peeling 1-2 times a week and regularly pamper your skin with moisturizing creams and lotions.

If irritation appears on your hands after epilation, you need to wipe the affected areas with a cotton pad soaked in:

  • Chlorhexidine;
  • hydrogen peroxide 3%;
  • calendula decoction (pour 2 tablespoons of flowers with a glass of boiling water, soak in a steam bath for 5–10 minutes, cool to room temperature, filter);
  • aloe juice

Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a day until the irritation disappears.


Is it possible to do sugaring on your hands? Sugar hair removal is allowed on all areas and the upper limbs are no exception. This procedure is not as painful as waxing. The hair also comes out with a bulb, which means it doesn’t grow back for a long time. This is an opportunity to forget about unwanted vegetation for a month.

Sugaring of arm hair in stages:

  • Apply a little sugar paste to the skin and distribute evenly.
  • Wait a few seconds.
  • Pull off the paste with a sharp movement.
  • After treating the entire area, rinse the skin with water.

You can epilate 3-4 times with one paste.

Sugaring on your hands can have the following consequences:

  • ingrown hairs;
  • irritation;
  • redness;
  • swelling;
  • allergic reaction.

All this can be avoided or minimized if you follow the rules.

The price in the salon depends on the zone and other factors: from 500 to 1500 rubles. If you make it yourself at home, the money will only be spent on pasta - 150-500 rubles. You can save money and cook it yourself.

Is it worth sugaring your hands? Everyone decides for themselves. hand sugaring before and after

See the photo for the result of hand sugaring.

The technique for sugaring hands up to the elbow is presented in the video.

Answers to frequently asked questions

If you use wax strips or cream, will they not sting like after shaving?

No, with these methods the hairs do not cause discomfort.

After using the epilator, body hair will not grow back, and when it grows back, it will not prickle?

They grow in. To avoid this, your skin should be cleaned regularly with a scrub or a hard washcloth. They will not prick, as they become softer and thinner.

If you start removing hair on your arms, will it not darken and become rough over time?

On the contrary, over time the hairs become thinner and thinner. They only get rough after a razor.

When doing sugaring, do you need to use a strip?

No. Sugar paste is elastic, like plasticine, and comes off the skin well.

I got rid of hair in my bikini area with wax, can I use the same wax on my hands?

Yes you can.


Laser hair removal of hands is a hardware technique that can rid you of hair forever. The laser beam affects the follicle and destroys it. After 7-10 sessions, hair will stop growing. This is an expensive procedure. One session – from 500 to 10,000 rubles or more. And keep in mind the fact that several sessions will be needed.

There is an option to purchase a portable home epilator. It is low-power and affects a small area. This means that removing hair on your arms at home will take a long period of time.

Progress of the procedure:

  • A conductor gel is applied to the skin.
  • Wear safety glasses.
  • The device is being configured.
  • The head is brought to the skin and work begins.
  • After treating the desired area, the skin is treated with a soothing composition.

Keep in mind that not every device works on blonde hair. And if you have naturally dark or tanned skin, you may even get a burn.

The photo shows the results of reusable hair removal.

See below for how to do laser hair removal on your hands.

Table - contraindications

Hair removal methodContraindications
  • diabetes;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • oncological diseases;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • open damage to the epidermis;
  • skin pathologies.
  • diabetes;
  • open lesions on the skin of the hands;
  • inflammation;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • increased dryness and sensitivity of the skin;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the composition.
Using an epilator
  • increased skin sensitivity;
  • tendency to ingrown hairs;
  • dermatological pathologies;
  • pregnancy;
  • open damage to the epidermis;
  • varicose veins (rarely found on the hands).
Laser hair removal
  • individual sensitivity to light radiation;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • malignant formations;
  • diabetes;
  • systemic diseases;
  • cardiovascular pathologies;
  • febrile conditions (ARVI, influenza, etc.);
  • inflammatory processes;
  • open skin lesions;
  • multiple nevi and age spots;
  • fresh tan
  • inflammatory processes;
  • tumor diseases;
  • epilepsy;
  • psychical deviations;
  • varicose veins (rarely found on the hands);
  • cardiovascular pathologies (including a history);
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • individual sensitivity to metals and alloys.
  • diabetes;
  • acute viral infections;
  • tumor pathologies;
  • tanned skin;
  • areas with tattoos;
  • concomitant steroid therapy;
  • the presence of electronic devices in the body (insulin pump, pacemaker);
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • sensitivity to light radiation.

Regardless of which hair removal method was chosen, after the procedure it is important to provide the skin of your hands with the necessary care and protection. The table below reflects the main recommendations.


Hair removal on the arms is another procedure option that eliminates everything forever in a few sessions. Here you will have to go a little longer than with laser hair removal - 8-15 times, maybe more. One visit costs 400-10,000 rubles. Light flashes destroy the hair follicle, burn out the hair, after which it stops growing.

Progress of the procedure:

  • A special composition is applied to the dermis.
  • They suggest putting on glasses.
  • The appropriate power is selected.
  • The device turns on and zone processing begins.
  • Upon completion, antiseptic treatment and application of a soothing cream.

Photoepilation sessions are prohibited for people with dark skin and those who have a tan. The procedure is ineffective on light and gray hair.

The photo shows the result.

The video details the procedure.


This is another way to remove hair for a long time. Electrode needles are inserted into the skin. Through which current is supplied. It enters the hair follicle and destroys the follicle. Vegetation growth stops.

Progress of the procedure:

  • The dermis is lubricated with a special conductor compound.
  • A sterile individual needle or thread corresponding to the diameter of the hair is selected.
  • Injected into the follicle.
  • Current is supplied.
  • This way it affects all hair.

At the end, antiseptic treatment is needed.

The method is very painful. Therefore, anesthesia is always suggested first. The price of electrolysis also depends on many factors. Usually prices are given per minute - 25-45 rubles.

In the photo you can see what the skin of your hands looks like after electrolysis sessions.

There is also a video instruction for your attention.

Prevention of ingrown hairs

For some girls and women, a household electric epilator can be a solution to the problem of increased arm hair. With his tweezers, he pulls out hairs quickly enough, but very painfully. Special massage or cooling attachments help reduce sensitivity. Improved models of epilators allow the procedure to be carried out directly in the shower, when the skin is most steamed, and, accordingly, sensitivity to pain is reduced. The advantages of an epilator include convenience and ease of use; in addition, the procedure is very inexpensive: once you buy an electrical device, you can use it for years.

Using methods in which hair is pulled out from the roots, it is necessary to constantly take preventive measures against ingrown hairs:

  • regularly use scrubbing agents or a hard washcloth;
  • moisturize the skin with oils or creams;
  • Disinfect tweezers if you use a household epilator.

In addition, inhibitor creams can prevent ingrown hairs and slow down their growth. They contain proteases - enzymes obtained from papaya and pineapple. Proteases can slow down the division and maturation of follicles; they destroy keratin bonds, making hair thin and less pigmented. The creams also contain other plant components, such as extracts of aloe leaves, arnica, chamomile, essential oils and everything that helps soften, moisturize and nourish the skin.

Which method should you choose?

Of all the above methods, the most preferred are those. After which the hair no longer grows. Since they are very expensive, there is an option to remove vegetation for at least a month - waxing and sugaring.

Shaving is used the least. It is ineffective and often causes side effects.

Hand care after the procedure

After hair removal on the hands, women may experience redness, swelling, etc. To minimize these undesirable effects, you need to carefully care for the skin of your hands. Namely:

  • moisturize the epidermis daily;
  • After manipulation, be sure to wipe with an antiseptic;
  • after 3-5 days, do scrubs (twice a week);
  • do not irritate the dermis mechanically after the procedure;
  • Do not wear synthetic or rough clothing.
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