Preparing for laser hair removal: recommendations and rules

Laser hair removal is the most modern and one of the most effective ways to reduce the growth of unwanted hair on the face and body. Thanks to modern technologies, the procedure is painless. The client may feel a slight tingling sensation and warmth. To achieve maximum results, you must follow the recommendations for preparing the skin for the procedure and its recovery after. At La Chance clinics, specialists use a diode laser. One of its advantages is the presence of a sapphire tip on the device. It effectively cools the skin, which helps to avoid discomfort, prevent the possibility of burns and makes the procedure as safe as possible. It also helps reduce the number of treatments compared to other types of lasers.

How to properly prepare for the first procedure?

Proper preparation for laser hair removal is the key to obtaining the desired result and the absence of negative consequences. Therefore, it is necessary to take the preparatory procedures responsibly, not ignore the doctor’s recommendations, and ask questions about unclear points.

Laser hair removal today is one of the most effective methods of radical removal of unwanted hair, which has many advantages:

  • painlessness;
  • long lasting effect;
  • no irritation or damage to the skin;
  • affordable price.

The procedure is recommended for patients over 18 years of age. The technique is suitable for people who have a natural stripe color from light brown to dark. Moreover, the darker the hairs, the better they are removed. The essence of the technique is to apply the destructive properties of a laser to the hair follicle. A laser hair removal device generates radiation that interacts with the pigment found in the hair. Due to this, the hair shaft and root are heated, as a result of which the follicle is destroyed and hair growth stops for a long time.

A dermatologist-cosmetologist at the Medial clinic will tell you what to do before laser hair removal and how to properly prepare for it. By following all the recommendations, you will protect your skin from increased heat load, eliminate the risks of pigmentation, burns, peeling and irritation.

We offer hair removal with CANDELA GentleLase Pro - reliable, painless, effective.

The Alexandrite laser, unlike diode analogues, has the following advantages:

  1. There is no need to use lubricants or gels to increase laser penetration. Agree, when you are “coated” with gel before the procedure, it’s not very comfortable! This device shows high efficiency even without additional “bells and whistles”.
  2. Comfort during the procedure, no pain ! Our device is equipped with the latest cryogenic cooling system: it is more efficient than air systems and contact sapphire systems.
  3. The optimal wavelength for effective hair removal on different parts of the body (755 nanometers). Laser energy at these parameters is much better absorbed by hair melanin than at higher values.

The Alexandrite laser is effective in the fight against dark hair on light skin (phototypes 1-3), as well as against light hair (skin phototypes 1-2). But the effectiveness for removing gray or very light hair is minimal, as with other types of lasers.

Features of facial hair removal

The face is divided into several areas, each of which must be approached selectively.

For example, the depth of hair roots on the cheeks is 2-4 mm, and above the upper lip 1-.25. This requires the technician to correct the settings of the laser device.

Inexpensive and unlicensed devices (even if they are of the same type as ours - alexandrite) often do not allow selective approach to different areas of the face, not to mention the fact that most of them do not have an effective skin cooling system. The result is an ineffective procedure, an increase in the number of hair removal sessions, and even burns and scars after the procedure.

We do not recommend facial hair removal with contact laser attachments, and we especially do not recommend electrolysis in any area of ​​the face.

What needs to be done immediately before the procedure?

Before the procedure, you must consult a specialist who will conduct an initial examination and survey to exclude contraindications. The procedure is not performed on patients with the following pathologies and conditions:

  • herpes in the active stage;
  • cancer diseases;
  • decompensated diabetes mellitus;
  • gray or red hair;
  • tanned skin;
  • skin damage;
  • varicose veins;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • age up to 18 years.

If the examination shows that everything is fine with health and there are no restrictions, the specialist gives recommendations before laser hair removal, which are important to strictly follow and not ignore.

What should you beware of when choosing a salon?

First of all, I would like to open my eyes to what methods of fraud there are in this area.

First, the laser. Now many salons buy cheap Chinese LEDs, which are ineffective. Very often in such salons the prices for procedures are prohibitively low, for example 200 rubles for the upper lip. If this is not a promotion, but a regular price, then you should be wary.

Secondly, lasers have a part (the lamp or the handle as a whole) that needs to be changed. For example, in our laser the handle needs to be changed every 600-700 thousand flashes, since the lamp power drops, and with it the result of the procedure. But many unscrupulous salons neglect this and shine with “empty” lamps. The effect is the same as at home under a light bulb. Particularly cunning salons do the first 1-2 sessions with a normal laser so that the client sees the effect, and then, at the 3-4th session, they can do it with an “empty” handle. As a result, the person is convinced that the problem is in his characteristics, and not in the shortcomings of the equipment, because at first there was an effect.

Thirdly, unscrupulous salons carry out procedures despite clear signs that laser hair removal is not suitable for the client. One day a girl approached us with a request to rid her of the hair on her arms. She went to an expensive clinic for 1.5 years and did not get any effect. At first glance, everything became clear: she had white translucent hair. When we said that, in principle, no laser can treat such hair, she was shocked and said that she could already buy a car with the money she left at that clinic.

Or another case. A very dark man with black hair on his back, stomach and chest came. The master noticed that they were already growing stubble and asked what they were doing before. The client said that he had already gone to laser. The master suggested that there was probably only 1 session at most, because the hair was growing quite thick. But the man admitted that he had already done 15 sessions on Alexandrite in an expensive clinic. Most likely, in order not to burn the skin (Alexandrite can only remove hair on the skin up to the 4th phototype), they turned down the power to the maximum, but it was not enough to burn the hair. As a result, the man started our course from scratch. After the first session, the effect was immediately visible; about 99% of the hair that was in the active stage was gone.

Basic recommendations for areas on the body

Cosmetologists advise starting preparations for removing unwanted hair from certain areas of the body 1 - 1.5 months in advance:

  • 1.5 months before the procedure, you must stop tanning and use sunscreen with the maximum level of protection in the summer. You should also avoid visiting the solarium. A month before laser hair removal, you should not resort to procedures such as sugaring, waxing, or depilation. Overgrown hairs can only be removed with a razor.
  • Two weeks before the procedure, it is advisable to stop taking certain groups of medications: antimicrobial, antibacterial, hormonal, etc. The fact is that the laser beam heats the hair shaft, destroying the bulb, and previously taken medications accumulate in the tissues, including the skin. Under the influence of high temperatures, some substances contained in the preparation can cause an unexpected reaction in the form of hyperpigmentation, irritation, or even reduce the effect of the procedure. If you must continuously take such medications, be sure to consult your doctor.
  • Three days before epilation, you need to shave your hair with a razor. During this time, the hair will have time to grow a little (up to 2 - 3 mm), which will ensure maximum effectiveness of the session. You should not neglect the shaving procedure, as too long hair can cause discomfort during hair removal.
  • On the day of laser hair removal, you should take a refreshing shower without soap, gel or other hygiene products. After a shower, it is forbidden to treat the skin with cream, lotion, deodorant, etc.

These were general rules that helped answer the question “how to prepare for the first laser hair removal procedure.” Now let’s look at the preparatory recommendations regarding certain areas that will be subject to laser treatment.


In the bikini area, the skin is very thin and delicate, so the only way to easily and painlessly get rid of unwanted hair is to resort to laser hair removal of the bikini area. Preparing for the treatment of the intimate area requires compliance with the above rules, however, there is one more important nuance - if you have previously had genital herpes, 1.2 - 2 weeks before the procedure, the doctor will advise you to take an antiviral drug, the use of which will also need to be extended for another week after procedures.

To minimize the risk of discomfort during laser hair removal, you should not resort to the procedure during your period. The fact is that during menstruation the sensitivity of the skin increases, so not all women will be able to endure the session painlessly.


Before removing unwanted hairs on the face directly on the day of the procedure, you need to abandon any skincare and decorative cosmetics. The skin must be absolutely clean. Do not forget that before the procedure it is forbidden to carry out peelings or use masks containing various acids.


Legs require more careful preparation. Five to seven days before hair removal, it is forbidden to pluck hairs using an epilator, wax or other means. Shaving is recommended 2–4 days before the procedure.

It is prohibited to use anti-cellulite products or resort to massage procedures. If there are bruises on the skin, an hair removal session is contraindicated. You must wait until the bruises have completely disappeared and only then begin the procedure.

Do I need to shave before laser hair removal?

About a month before laser exposure to the skin, you should not pluck hairs, lighten them, or do waxing. There is no need to shave immediately before the procedure itself, but should be done 2-3 days before it. Thanks to this, hair growth is activated and excellent results can be achieved. The best effect can be achieved if the hair length for laser hair removal is 3-4 mm, but if it grows much longer, hair removal may become more painful.

What should be the length of hair?

For a high-quality session, it is necessary that the length of the hair in the treatment area be less than 2 - 3 mm. This is an indicator for all types of procedures. Hair length is an important factor on which the results of the procedure directly depend. If the vegetation exceeds the recommended values, the risk of overheating of the follicle increases, which in turn will lead to injury and burns of the skin. Pigment spots, inflammation, burning, and peeling may appear on the treatment area, but the follicle itself may not die.

Skin care after the procedure

During the laser hair removal method, the skin is exposed to powerful light. Therefore, subsequent care of the treated area should not be ignored. After the procedure, it is recommended to follow these tips:

  • do not wet the treated area during the day;
  • do not engage in physical activity during the first 3 days;
  • do not take hot baths for the first 14 days;
  • do not visit tanks and saunas;
  • sunbathe in the sun with protective cream;
  • during the water process, do not rub the treated skin with a washcloth;
  • It is prohibited to apply caring creams to the skin, except for special soothing and healing agents prescribed by a doctor;
  • do not pull out burnt hairs, they will come out on their own after 7 days;

It is very important to follow all the above rules to avoid side effects and possible complications on the skin. Therefore, it is important to prepare for the procedure in advance.


There are many myths around the laser hair removal procedure that refute the opinion of doctors. Such misconceptions include the following:

  1. Laser hair removal is harmful to health. During the procedure, the light beam penetrates to a depth of 4 mm without affecting adjacent tissues. Subsequently, the radiation is partially absorbed and scattered. Therefore, complications rarely occur after laser hair removal.
  2. Before the session you need to grow your hair. In fact, to carry out the procedure, it is necessary that the length of vegetation in the treatment area does not exceed 2 mm.
  3. The procedure can be done at home. This myth is partly true. But the high cost of equipment and the risk of complications stops many from laser hair removal at home.
  4. Laser exposure promotes scarring of the skin. During the procedure, the integrity of the tissues is not compromised. Therefore, after the session there are no scars left on the body.
  5. Laser exposure causes pain. The likelihood of unpleasant sensations occurring during a session is determined individually and depends on the degree of skin sensitivity.
  6. After laser treatment, hair becomes stiffer. In fact, some installations soften vegetation.
  7. Laser exposure provokes cancer. Malignant tumors do not appear after this procedure. The formation of melanoma is possible if there is a nevus in the treatment area. Therefore, it is not recommended to resort to laser hair removal in such cases, and moles should be removed if possible.

There are many other myths about laser hair removal. In fact, this procedure has few contraindications and gives complications mainly in cases where a person does not follow the rules of skin care.


Laser hair removal has a number of contraindications. Restrictions include:

  1. Oncology.
  2. Diabetes.
  3. Intolerance to the components of painkillers.
  4. A large number of moles, warts, birthmarks.
  5. Breastfeeding period.
  6. The period of bearing a child.
  7. Allergies, acne, herpes.
  8. Tanned skin.
  9. Varicose veins
  10. Skin rashes, inflammation or irritation.
  11. Presence of damage to the skin: wounds, scratches, skin cuts;
  12. Epilepsy.
  13. Tattoos.
  14. Persons under 18 years of age.

History of the discovery of the method

Hair lasers were first used in the 1990s. However, this method of hair removal became known about 20 years earlier. In the 1970s, scientists accidentally discovered that hair disappears when exposed to lasers.

Initially, the researchers did not pay attention to this phenomenon, since no visible damage remained on the skin after contact with the beam. But over time, scientists noticed that the treated area of ​​the body was not covered with vegetation. After this, the time came for neodymium lasers in cosmetology.

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