Is it possible to play sports after biorevitalization and contour plastic surgery?

Individual approach to each patient.
Special author's programs.
  • Indications for “beauty injections”
  • Benefits of beauty injections
  • Preparations IAL-System and Restylane vital
  • Preparing for injections
  • How is the procedure performed?
  • What happens after biorevitalization?
  • In what cases are beauty injections contraindicated?
  • How much does facial biorevitalization cost?
  • Questions from patients about the biorevitalization procedure

Biorevitalization is an effective rejuvenation technique that makes it possible to stop time and eliminate age-related skin changes in the shortest possible time. The procedure is often also called “beauty injections” or “youth injections”.

Biorevitalization is based on the injection method of introducing a special drug into the dermis to replenish the necessary balance in tissues, accelerate metabolic processes and improve the overall appearance of the skin.

In aesthetics, hyaluronic preparations IAL-System

(Ial-system) and
Restylane vital
(Restylane vital). Hyaluronic acid, being a natural component of the intercellular space, responsible for maintaining the required amount of moisture in cells, is gradually lost under the influence of age-related changes. This leads to increased dryness of the facial skin, dehydration, the formation of deep wrinkles, and deterioration of the skin texture. But with the help of hyaluronic preparations it is possible to solve all these problems.

Why can’t you play sports after biorevitalization?

Performing any sports exercises accelerates metabolic processes and blood circulation. This is good for the body and immune system, but after biorevitalization you should not rush to train, because all the introduced beneficial substances will simply come out along with sweat. In addition, the injections leave small marks, which are likely to become inflamed if the skin begins to actively sweat. All this will complicate and increase the duration of rehabilitation after “beauty injections”. Thus, playing sports is a contraindication after the biorevitalization procedure.

When answering the question whether it is dangerous to maintain high physical activity after the injection of hyaluronic acid, it is worth noting several possible negative consequences:

  • Double stress for the body. Microinjections are done with very thin needles, but the technique is still associated with a violation of the integrity of the skin. In places of tissue injury, redness and swelling remain, therefore, resources are wasted on regeneration. In addition, visual defects, even if temporary, do not contribute to a good mood. Therefore, after a session with a cosmetologist, it is better to relax at home and not rush to another grueling workout.
  • Loss of effect from the procedure. During physical activity, waste and toxins are eliminated through the sweat glands. The same fate may befall most of the administered drug. Obviously, it is worth holding off on sports activities so that the effort, time and money spent are not in vain.
  • Increased rehabilitation period. As a result of microtraumas of the skin, small papules are formed. They disappear on their own within a few days, but when sweat and dirt get on the wounds, inflammation begins. As a result, recovery will take longer, and the reflection in the mirror will be far from ideal.

Indications for “beauty injections”

Injections using IAL-System and Restylane vital are recommended for the following indications:

  • pronounced signs of photoaging;
  • unhealthy complexion;
  • formation of wrinkles;
  • loose and sagging facial skin;
  • loss of skin elasticity;
  • severe dryness and dehydration accompanied by peeling;
  • dark circles under the eyes;
  • pigmentation;
  • dehydration of the facial skin;
  • enlarged pores;
  • deterioration of the elastic properties of the skin.

Biorevitalization can be useful for patients of all ages. The technique is used both to prevent premature aging and to restore youthful skin after 40 years, when wrinkles become more pronounced and are difficult to mask with cosmetics.

Beauty injections for the face are indispensable after 50 years, when the reserves of hyaluronic acid decrease so much that there is a noticeable deterioration in the hydrobalance of the dermis. In this case, injections of hyaluronic acid are vital to provide natural protection against external and internal factors, restoring the functions that young skin usually has.

Benefits of beauty injections

Injections using hyaluronic preparations effectively cope with signs of skin aging and are ideal for patients who do not want to undergo a surgical facelift. Beauty no longer requires sacrifice and long rehabilitation.

Biorevitalization often helps to achieve improvements that are almost impossible to achieve using conventional skincare cosmetics. After the procedure, you will notice that the face becomes more youthful and well-groomed, wrinkles are gradually smoothed out, and the skin looks elastic and toned.

Reasons why many women opt for beauty injections:

  • restoration of facial volumes lost with age;
  • noticeable lifting effect;
  • successful removal of wrinkles, deep nasolabial folds, eyebrow arches and many other typical signs of age-related changes that appear on the face after 35-40 years;
  • long-lasting cosmetic effect, since when hyaluronic acid is absorbed, the dermis does not return to its state before injections;
  • maintaining the necessary amount of moisture to maintain youth;
  • increasing the firmness and elasticity of facial tissues;
  • rapid achievement of a rejuvenating effect (after 2-3 sessions the first improvements can be observed).

Injections are also recommended for patients to prevent premature skin aging and the appearance of early wrinkles. It should be noted that the duration of the effect after hyaluronic injections will depend on the patient’s age, his general health, the presence of bad habits, the rate of decrease in hyaluronic acid reserves and many other factors.

Preparations IAL-System and Restylane vital

The preparations IAL-System and Restylane vital are widely used in modern cosmetology for biorevitalization. They are created on the basis of unstabilized hyaluronic acid, the action of which is aimed at deeply moisturizing the skin, stimulating the natural synthesis of collagen and elastin, rejuvenation and complete restoration.

Features of beauty injections with the drug IAL-System:

  • drug from an Italian manufacturer;
  • main component: unstabilized hyaluronic acid 1.8%;
  • purpose: suitable for dry aging skin;
  • main actions: deep hydration and restoration of the skin;
  • course: about 5 procedures;
  • Frequency: approximately once every 2-4 weeks.

Features of beauty injections with Restylane vital:

  • drug created in the USA;
  • main component: unstabilized hyaluronic acid 2%;
  • purpose: suitable for dry, dehydrated skin in need of restoration of metabolic processes;
  • main actions: preventing age-related changes and deepening old ones, stimulating the production of collagen and elastin;
  • course: about 3 procedures;
  • Frequency: approximately once every 3-5 weeks.

The dosage level may vary and is selected individually by a specialist. The number of procedures and frequency are also determined depending on the current condition of the facial skin, the nature of the problem and the age of the patient.

Preparing for injections

Hyaluronic acid injections do not require special preparation on the part of the patient. However, to ensure the maximum effect of biorevitalization and prevent the risk of complications, you should be aware of some restrictions 3-4 days before the procedure:

  • refuse to visit the solarium,
  • avoid prolonged exposure to the sun,
  • do not take anticoagulants these days (for example, Heparin and Aspirin),
  • do not drink alcohol.

It is also advisable to reduce the number of cigarettes or completely quit smoking a few days before biorevitalization. It is not recommended to take medications with vitamin K, as this can cause severe swelling of the face and hemorrhages under the skin after injections.

How is the procedure performed?

During biorevitalization, the specialist uses stabilized hyaluronic acid, which has a longer decay period compared to its natural counterpart contained in the human body. Thanks to this property, the effect after the procedure lasts for a long time.

Procedure steps:

  • special pre-treatment of the skin, involving makeup removal and cleansing;
  • applying anesthetic cream to the face if necessary to make the injections as comfortable and painless as possible;
  • Beauty injections are performed using the finest microneedles according to a special scheme.

The injections may cause mild pain. If you pay attention to the reviews of patients, many of them note that during the procedure they only felt a slight tingling sensation. If the sensitivity threshold is low, the cosmetologist will definitely offer local anesthesia to make biorevitalization as comfortable as possible.

Side effects when playing sports after biorevitalization

As a rule, slight swelling appears at the injection sites. With active physical activity, this phenomenon increases noticeably, given the ability of hyaluronic acid molecules to bind and retain water. As a result, it will stagnate, leading to the appearance of bags under the eyes.

Other side effects when playing sports after biorevitalization:

  • Bruises, hemorrhages. During physical exercise, blood flow accelerates, which causes a strong rush of blood to the skin of the face. As a result, small vessels can burst, causing bruising.
  • Hyperpigmentation. If classes are carried out outdoors, UV rays will affect the areas damaged by needles, causing a “spotty” tan or age spots that will have to be removed by a cosmetologist.

Why does my breath smell even after brushing my teeth?

An unpleasant odor in most cases appears when hard and soft deposits accumulate in the interdental spaces. Therefore, the main reason for its persistence after ultrasound remains poor cleaning of the oral cavity. Most often, dentists do not clean the subgingival space well enough. In this situation, periodontal pockets accumulate plaque and periodontitis or periodontal disease develops.

If the patient is absolutely healthy, the following factors can lead to halitosis:

  • Poor hygiene. If a person continues to use a brush with paste irregularly, the effect of professional cleansing will quickly disappear.
  • Insufficient cleanliness of removable structures after prosthetics.
  • Including foods that have a strong smell in your diet. This includes onions, garlic, canned fish, etc.
  • Inflammatory processes, extensive carious lesions, neoplasms (cysts).
  • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, peptic ulcer), liver, kidneys.
  • Chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract (tonsillitis, sinusitis).
  • Diabetes mellitus (acetone smell is noticeable from the mouth).
  • Drug therapy using certain drugs (antibacterial agents, antidepressants, allergy medications and high or low blood pressure).
  • Pathological dryness of mucous membranes. The mouth does not produce enough saliva. It is needed not only for moisturizing soft and hard tissues, but also for removing pathogenic agents (bacteria, microbes) and regeneration.

If the stench persists after ultrasonic cleaning, it is recommended to visit a doctor. A dentist and other specialized specialists will be needed to establish the exact causes of this phenomenon and develop further therapeutic tactics.

When can you play sports after biorevitalization?

You can resume training as usual 7-10 days after the procedure, that is, after waiting for the microtraumas to completely heal. However, a strict ban on visiting the gym only applies for 1-2 days after the session. Otherwise, everything depends on the individual characteristics of the body.

When undergoing a biorevitalization course, sports are allowed between procedures if the hyaluronic acid has time to be well absorbed. This can be judged by the condition of the skin. Bionika clinic cosmetologists advise going to training a few days after redness, swelling and bruising have completely disappeared. However, when engaging in dynamic and traumatic sports, a 2-week rehabilitation period is recommended. You can learn more about the features of the procedure from the specialists of our clinic.

General recommendations

After professional hygiene, tooth enamel becomes thinner and requires at least two weeks to restore. In addition, when removing hard plaque, the gums suffer, and the degree of trauma depends on their initial condition. For successful rehabilitation and consolidation of the results obtained, dentists at the Atlantis Dental clinic recommend adhering to a set of measures.

  1. It is necessary to use a toothbrush with soft bristles, as well as a toothpaste with an abrasiveness index (RDA) from 30 to 50 and a high content of minerals - calcium, fluoride, etc.
  2. After each meal, the mouth is rinsed with a solution that does not contain alcohol, for example, Miramistin or Chlorhexidine. Despite the fact that ethanol is a powerful antiseptic, it irritates and dries the injured mucous membrane. This effect leads to inflammation and pain.
  3. For rapid tissue regeneration, relief of hyperemia and bleeding of the gums, it is recommended to apply anti-inflammatory gels to the gums two to three times a day. The most effective drug is Metrogyl Denta.
  4. The use of herbal infusions is excluded, since they contain coloring pigments and intensely stain tooth enamel.
  5. Hygienic procedures are carried out at least twice a day. Irrigators, dental brushes and floss are used to clean the interdental spaces.
  6. In some cases, the doctor may prescribe painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs.

For maximum effect from the procedure, regular visits to a hygienist are required - at least twice a year. Particular attention should be paid to maintaining a healthy lifestyle and choosing care products.

The appointment includes consultation and drawing up a treatment plan with cost determination

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You must refrain from any food or drinks for an hour after the procedure. If remineralization therapy was carried out, the time increases several times. The first meal may include:

  • soups without tomato;
  • dairy products;
  • casseroles;
  • boiled beef, poultry, fish;
  • porridge;
  • bananas;
  • vegetables after heat treatment.

During the recovery period, which takes two to three weeks, you should avoid foods with natural or artificial colors. Gradually, fresh fruits and vegetables are introduced into the diet: apples, pears, carrots, cabbage.

Plant products with a solid structure prevent plaque formation and put stress on bone tissue, which improves blood circulation.

What should you not eat after brushing your teeth?

In the first days after the procedure, consuming products with coloring pigments can cause darkening of the enamel. The following should be excluded from the diet:

  • tea, coffee and other drinks with dyes;
  • spices (turmeric, mustard, paprika, etc.);
  • chocolate, cocoa;
  • red berries (cherries, blackberries, blueberries);
  • beets, carrots, cabbage.

Drinks and dishes should not be very hot or cold, and you should not eat sour, spicy or too salty foods.

Caffeinated drinks - to drink or not to drink?

Tea and coffee contain tannins and coloring agents that give tooth enamel a yellow-brown tint. Therefore, after professional hygiene, you should completely exclude such products from your diet for several weeks. If necessary, drinks can be diluted with milk or water and consumed through a straw.

Is it possible to smoke?

The habit is especially harmful after professional teeth cleaning.
Resins accumulate on the enamel and around the neck of the crown, forming mineral deposits and contributing to the development of caries. Hot smoke irritates injured mucous tissues, causing bleeding gums and aggravating the inflammatory process. We strongly recommend that you avoid cigarettes, pipes, hookahs and vapes for the first 5-7 days after treatment! It is during this time that the enamel is restored and covered with a protective layer.

Alcohol is prohibited

Some types of alcohol contain dyes, so you should limit your consumption:

  • cocktails;
  • red wine;
  • chilled beer;
  • energy drinks and tonics.

Clear or light-colored drinks are allowed, but after drinking them, you must thoroughly rinse your mouth.

Complications of laser removal of blood vessels

Laser vascular removal allows you to quickly and safely remove unsightly dilated blood vessels on the face and body. However, side effects similar to the above-mentioned complications from other laser procedures are possible. Thus, patients may experience the following negative consequences after laser removal of blood vessels:

  • Severe erythema (redness) that does not go away for a long time. Laser treatment often causes temporary redness of the skin, which usually disappears on its own within 2-3 days. If redness does not go away naturally, you should consult your doctor.
  • Formation of scars on the skin. The appearance of keloid scars, which require long-term combined treatment, is especially dangerous.
  • Pigmentation disorders. After laser procedures, areas with hyper- or hypopigmentation may appear in the area of ​​treatment.
  • Skin burns. According to statistics, this is the most common complication that occurs after laser exposure.

The negative consequences of laser removal of blood vessels require qualified diagnosis and timely treatment. Therefore, if these or other side effects of hardware therapy occur, you should consult an experienced doctor.

Complications of laser hair removal

Laser hair removal is one of the most effective methods of getting rid of unwanted hair on the body and face today. However, if the specialist who performed the procedure makes mistakes, as well as in the case of using old, uncertified equipment, or the patient does not comply with care recommendations, various side effects of laser hair removal may occur:

  • exacerbation of herpes infection;
  • skin burn;
  • allergic reaction in the form of severe itching, urticaria, allergic dermatitis;
  • inflammation of the hair follicle (folliculitis);
  • hypo- or hyperpigmentation, usually due to skin burns;
  • the appearance of scars;
  • increased hair growth (paradoxical hypertrichosis);
  • prolonged redness of the skin that does not go away for more than three days.


It is strictly forbidden to carry out peeling and biorevitalization at the same time. Both procedures are characterized by a high degree of trauma. Biorevitalization is allowed after peeling only when the rehabilitation period is completed. Otherwise, serious complications cannot be avoided.

Conditions for combining procedures:

  1. The duration of the pause between sessions is set by the cosmetologist. The skin must recover from the aggressive effects of cleansing agents.
  2. Biorevitalization after peeling is more desirable. But whatever the combination of procedures, their effectiveness increases almost 2 times with a complex effect.
  3. With comprehensive care, fewer sessions are required. 2 peeling sessions and 3 biorevitalization sessions are enough, which is beneficial both financially and time-wise.

How long after one procedure to do another is determined by the cosmetologist, focusing on the individual characteristics of the patient’s skin. Typically, experts advise performing it 2 weeks after chemical peeling. And if retinoic acid was used, then after peeling you can do biorevitalization within 4-5 days.

Help with complications after hardware procedures

Complications after cosmetic procedures can cause a lot of discomfort. In addition, without timely adjustments, negative consequences can intensify and even in some situations remain for life. Therefore, in case of complications, you should never self-medicate. Only a qualified doctor can correctly determine the causes of the problem and provide competent assistance.

We also note that the success of correcting complications and your health directly depends on the choice of a doctor. Therefore, it is important to immediately contact an experienced, qualified specialist.

Our clinic has a special department for dealing with complications that occur after various cosmetic procedures. This department employs experienced specialists with many years of experience in the field of cosmetology, plastic surgery and other medical specialties. Doctors at our clinic will help you choose the most effective treatment, taking into account the nature of the complication, the cause of its occurrence and the patient’s health condition.

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