How long can you not exercise after Botox?

Reasons for prohibiting loads

Botox, Dysport, Xeomin are medical products derived from botulinum toxin and are usually used to reduce the activity of individual muscles. They have proven their effectiveness, but they must be used very carefully. It is necessary to carefully prepare for injections and strictly follow the recommendations of a specialist during the rehabilitation period.
Sports after Botox are prohibited, as are other stresses on the body. Let's try to understand the reasons for this ban.

Loss of result

Is it possible to immediately play sports after Botox injections? If you are a pro in this field, we recommend weighing all the pros and cons, because the procedure eliminates any stress. And downtime of 3-4 days can negate the results you have achieved.

There is one more point. The effect of botulinum toxin, on the basis of which Botox is produced, may not appear at all if you resume training in the gym immediately after the injections.

When you work out in the gym, all your muscles are used, even if you don't feel it. For example, when jumping, running, or strength training, the muscles shake. This can lead to the spread of the active substance beyond the treated area.

Also, during exercise, the work of the heart increases, blood circulation accelerates, body temperature rises, and metabolism becomes more active. Thus, the drug is eliminated ahead of schedule. Accordingly, the result does not appear or is completely absent.

Side effects

Botox is considered safe. The risk of complications with injections is quite low. In addition, most of them are moderate and temporary. But this is only provided that the procedure is performed by an experienced cosmetologist and all rehabilitation rules have been followed.

If you engage in sports immediately after botulinum toxin injection, this may lead to the following undesirable reactions of the body:

  1. Pain, swelling, bruising at the injection site.
  2. Headache, flu symptoms.
  3. Crooked smile, drooling.
  4. Dry mouth.
  5. Pain in the neck.

Botox and other injectable drugs are made from the same substance that causes botulism. Therefore, in rare cases, active training after the procedure can lead to symptoms of this disease:

  1. Muscle weakness throughout the body.
  2. Vision problems.
  3. Difficulty talking or swallowing.
  4. Loss of urinary control.

To avoid such reactions, check with your cosmetologist about how long you can’t exercise after Botox for the eyes, eyebrows, and forehead.

additional information

If such circumstances arise that the Botox injection coincides with a period when it is impossible to do without physical activity, for example, developing the muscles of a leg or arm after a fracture, any gymnastic exercises should take place in the most gentle form and no earlier than a week later after a cosmetic procedure.

As mentioned earlier, Botox injections have a long-lasting but not permanent effect. Before deciding on botulinum toxin injections, you should know that if unwanted complications arise after the procedure or the patient is dissatisfied with the final result, there is no treatment that could correct the situation in one day. That is, even if the consequence is ptosis, you will need to put up with it until the substance leaves the body. You can find out about hair Botox products in this article.

It is in this situation that playing sports will be a good help in solving the problem, since increased activity will promote metabolism and quickly remove Botox from the body.

Before you decide to have a beauty injection, you should think carefully about everything and weigh the pros and cons, because the risk of complications from sports exercises can be high, but the effectiveness of the procedure and the duration of the result will be low. The doctor determines how many days to abstain from any type of physical activity. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the mask with the Botox effect at home in this material.

When can you resume training?

Typically, load restrictions apply only to the rehabilitation period. But in some cases, the doctor may ask the patient to stop exercising 2-3 days before the injection session.

This recommendation is due to the fact that due to constant tension, the muscles become tight. This prevents the botulinum toxin from being distributed evenly in the treated area. After injections, the duration of abstinence from training is determined individually.


During the first 2 hours after Botox injections, the patient should not lie down or expose himself to significant physical activity. There is also no need to lower your head. Botulinum toxin can enter peripheral muscles and cause unwanted and unexpected effects.

You cannot massage for 6 hours. It is also recommended to avoid strong muscle contractions in the treated areas.

You can return to professional activities immediately, but precautions should be taken. Sports activity, according to doctors, can be resumed after 24 hours. This time is enough for the botulinum toxin to stabilize at the injection sites.


Female athletes who resort to salon “beauty injections” most often do:

  • roller skating;
  • running;
  • fitness;
  • training at home;
  • yoga and pilates;
  • dancing;
  • water aerobics.

After Botox injections, all of the listed activities are prohibited for 14 days. You should not bend or squat at home, even when performing daily household duties.

It is permissible to start classes only 3 weeks after the injections. The first workouts should contain no more than 2-4 lightweight exercises. They should be performed throughout the day. You can do breathing exercises, stretching, leg swings and torso twists.

They must be performed exclusively in two positions - sitting or standing. Under no circumstances should you lie down.

Then you can add more complex exercises to this light version of the workout. Including from a lying position. Squatting and bending are allowed. Swimming, dancing and fitness classes can be resumed 15-20 days after botulinum toxin injections.

Serious cardio and strength training can be planned no earlier than a month after the anti-aging injections. But keep in mind that such activity will contribute to the accelerated removal of Botox.

How to behave after a Botox injection

In order for the effect of Botox injections to last as long as possible, you must adhere to certain recommendations. These rules are simple and will not require you to radically change your usual lifestyle.

What to do during the first hours after a Botox injection, because they are the most critical for success:

  • Maintain an upright body position. Do not lie down or bend over. This is necessary for proper distribution of the drug. Otherwise, the face may not take a natural position.
  • Make your facial muscles work actively. Facial exercises will allow Botox to penetrate deeper into the tissue of facial muscles. Facial movement is especially beneficial in the first two hours after a Botox injection. After this time, the muscles will begin to atrophy and these exercises can lead to injury.
  • It is forbidden to touch your face with your hands, massage injection sites, or touch the skin with foreign objects.
  • You should not take drugs that affect blood clotting.
  • Experts do not recommend flying by air during the day due to possible pressure changes.
  • Avoid physical stress, physiotherapy, heating the skin through contact with hot air or water.
  • Try not to do anything for a couple of days that will require you to bend your head for a long time: ironing clothes, washing floors, etc.
  • To avoid the appearance of edema, for the first few days it will be better to do without food that can retain water in the body.
  • You should not drink alcoholic beverages for at least two weeks. Alcohol causes dilation of blood vessels, which is not desirable after the procedure

To achieve the best aesthetic effect, Botox is sometimes used in combination with other anti-aging procedures, primarily contouring, hyaluronic acid fillers and biorevitalization. They can be carried out within a week after the injections. But, in any case, before carrying out these and any other procedures, it is highly advisable to consult with a specialist!

In order not to interfere with the effects of botulinum toxin, you should also refrain from manual massages in the injection area, microcurrent therapy and myostimulation. Exposure to a magnet, ultrasound, or current can neutralize the effect of Botox on muscles, therefore all procedures based on them are strictly prohibited

For 10-14 days after injections, you should not engage in too much physical activity. It is better to postpone any sports activities after Botox for several weeks, as well as visiting baths, saunas, steam rooms and, in general, any procedures that increase body temperature. Accordingly, sunbathing and visiting a solarium are also undesirable - otherwise, wrinkles may simply not be smoothed out, and the removal of toxins from the body will accelerate.

Be very careful when taking medications in the first week; it is better not to use medications without the recommendation of a cosmetologist. Antibiotics of the tetracycline group reduce the effect of botulinum toxin. There are drugs that, on the contrary, enhance its effect (for example, aminoglycosides) - and this can lead to unpredictable changes in appearance. Therefore, all mentioned drugs should be discontinued within 2 weeks after the injections. Injections of certain vitamins may prevent wrinkles from smoothing out. Some psychoactive substances are also not recommended in the first weeks due to their ability to affect muscles. Analgesics, especially the famous aspirin, greatly reduce blood clotting, so taking them contributes to the appearance of bruises at the injection sites.

It’s better to check with your doctor in advance what you can’t do after Botox to understand whether you are ready to accept the required restrictions.


Botulinum toxin is a strong poison. In small dosages it is not dangerous to humans. But if the recommendations are not followed during preparation for the procedure and rehabilitation, it can lead to side effects and complications. Therefore, the list of restrictions is quite extensive.

In addition to sports, after Botox injections it is prohibited:

  • take horizontal poses for 4-5 hours;
  • bend over (the time frame is similar to the first prohibition);
  • massage injection sites;
  • expose the body to any physical activity for at least 2-3 days;
  • visit a bathhouse, sauna, and also take a hot bath for 24 hours;
  • use aggressive cosmetic products (peeling, scrub);
  • apply decorative cosmetics (eyeshadow, tone, blush);
  • drink alcohol for 10-14 days;
  • eat salty or spicy foods;
  • use the services of dentists if injections were given in the area of ​​the nasolabial folds.

If the above requirements are met, the risk of complications is minimized, and the effect of the procedure will appear after 2 weeks and will remain for 4-6 months. After this, you can repeat the course of injections.

When can you start exercising?

Intense training and exercise in the gym are strictly prohibited for several days after the manipulation, since the facial muscles are overly tense during such exercises. The distribution of the toxin throughout the muscle structures lasts 1-2 days. However, the final effect can be seen only after a week.

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Another 7-14 days are given to the body to recover from stress. From this it turns out that you can engage in sports only three weeks after the injection, and it is better to wait a month. Before the lesson, you need to contact the cosmetologist who gave the injections to evaluate the result and obtain permission to return to physical activity.

Sports exercises immediately after manipulation will lead to consequences, so it is recommended to strictly follow the specialist’s instructions. Only after a month is it allowed to return to classes, gradually increasing the load.

Let's summarize

If you are wondering when you can exercise after Botox, be sure to ask this question to the cosmetologist you are going to entrust with the procedure and read reviews from other clients. Typically, restrictions on training are introduced after injections, and their duration depends on the individual characteristics of the body.

In some cases, the specialist may ask you to give up sports a few days before the injections. This is due to muscle tightness due to constant tension and the difficulty of spreading botulinum toxin throughout the treated area.

Why is physical activity prohibited?

The prohibition of sports training immediately after Botox injections is caused by the ability of botulinum toxin to migrate. Intense muscular efforts and active work of the cardiovascular system during sports cause increased blood circulation, which creates the opportunity for uneven distribution of the injected toxin. As a result, the face acquires pronounced asymmetry.

And this is not the only danger. Combining Botox and sports, you can get unpleasant secondary effects in the form of:

  • increased body temperature;
  • tachycardia;
  • the appearance of general weakness;
  • loss of appetite.

Physical exercise has an impact on most of the metabolic processes occurring in the body: their progress is accelerated, which in turn accelerates the elimination of botulinum toxin.

One of the reasons why it is not recommended to combine Botox with intense physical activity is a significant reduction in the effect of the injection and the duration of the achieved effect.

A sports regimen often requires additional intake of vitamin and mineral complexes, which can also reduce the effectiveness of botulinum therapy. This is especially true for injections of vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) and B1 (thiamine), which prevent muscle paralysis.

In view of this, the question arises of how long you should not exercise after Botox.

Rule 7. Do not undergo cosmetic procedures in the first week

After Botox injection, the skin experiences stress, so there is no need to further irritate it. It is necessary to temporarily abandon any other cosmetic procedures - hygienic cleansing, peeling, massage, administration of various anti-aging drugs. It is necessary to allow Botox to gain a good foothold in the tissues.

When performing a Botox injection at the Aesthetic Medicine Center, you need to consult a cosmetologist about what you can and cannot do after the procedure. The center’s specialists are always ready to answer your questions to help maintain the positive effect of injections for as long as possible.

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