How many units of Botox do you need to prevent wrinkles?

  1. Mechanism of action and scope of application
  2. Drug manufacturers
  3. Procedure
  4. Correct dosage
  5. How much is a unit of Botox?
  6. How many units to smooth out wrinkles on the forehead?
  7. Number of units for the area between the eyebrows
  8. Using Botox to remove wrinkles around the eyes
  9. How many units will be required from the neck folds?
  10. How many units of Botox will be needed to treat lips?
  11. Number of units of Botox for the treatment of hyperhidrosis
  12. Number of units table
  13. The result of beauty injections

When injecting Botox, it is very important to calculate the dose correctly. If botulinum toxin is administered in too small an amount, there will be no effect. If you exceed the dose, your face will turn into a frozen mask. An experienced doctor will correctly calculate the amount of toxin to smooth out wrinkles , but maintain lively facial expressions: in this case, no one will guess about the intervention, the result will be as natural as possible. The safety and effectiveness of botulinum toxin-based drugs has been confirmed by numerous studies (research of botulinum toxin in clinical practice in general).

Mechanism of action and scope of application

Botulinum toxin has the unique ability to block the transmission of nerve impulses to muscles. This leads to muscle relaxation, due to which facial wrinkles are smoothed out

The face becomes calm and serene , it looks much younger than before the procedure, and this effect lasts for an average of six months. ( Botulinum toxin ) - action study )

Various drugs based on botulinum toxin are used in the cosmetology market, such as Botox, Dysport , Botulax, Relatox, Xeomin, Lantox . But we will tell you using the example of two drugs - Botox and Dysport .

Undesirable effects

It is impossible to predict in advance how the substance will be distributed, how muscle fibers will react to the effects of botulinum toxin.

Typical side effects are redness of the facial skin, the appearance of papules, pain, and swelling.

Rare complications and their causes:

  • Strong relaxation of the frontal muscles gives the effect of lowered eyebrows.
  • Excessive botulinum toxin injections can lead to eyelid spasm.
  • Excessive physical activity and ignoring recommendations are a common cause of asymmetry, bruising, and articulation disorders.
  • Individual reaction: headaches, lumps and papules at injection points, increased intraocular pressure.

Drug manufacturers

Botox . The manufacturing company is located in the USA ; the manufacturing company is Allergan . The company uses auxiliary components: sodium chloride and human plasma albumin. The cost of the drug is higher due to the high concentration of the active substance: one unit of Botox is equal to approximately three units of Dysport . Therefore, it is used more sparingly; in the end, the cost of the procedure is approximately the same.

Disport - the drug is produced in Europe by the French company Ipsen . The substance contains botulinum toxin and auxiliary substances lactose and albumin. Since the drug has a high degree of penetration into tissue, it begins to act a little faster than its analogues, although the final effect, as with Botox , is achieved within two weeks.

Botulax - Manufacturer Hyugel Inc., Republic of Korea

  • Sustained therapeutic effect that lasts over time
  • Selective corrective action that determines the preservation of natural facial expressions against the background of complete correction of facial wrinkles
  • Excellent patient tolerance
  • The authority and high production standards of the Korean pharmaceutical concern HUGEL Inc.
  • Botulinum toxin type A – hemagglutinin complex – is a highly purified neurotoxic protein produced in compliance with local and international GMP standards.

Relatox is a premium Russian botulinum toxin drug used in aesthetic cosmetology to correct facial wrinkles and eliminate hyperhidrosis. The drug is produced at the Immunopreparat .

For its production, high-quality raw materials are used, strain Clostridium botulinum 501 serotype A and gelatin from a leading European manufacturer as a stabilizer. During the production process, botulinum toxin undergoes a three-stage purification system, which guarantees the effectiveness and absolute safety of the procedures.

Xeomin - manufacturer Merz (Germany) Highly purified botulinum toxin type A with proven safety and effectiveness for the correction of facial wrinkles. Xeomin is a botulinum toxin produced by a strain of the bacterium Clostridium botulinum type A, freed from complexing proteins.

The therapeutic effect of botulinum toxin appears 2–3 days after administration, the peak therapeutic effect occurs after 7–12 days. This effect gradually decreases and after 3-4 months muscle contraction is restored. Xeomin contains only pure, active neurotoxin, purified from complexing proteins, which reduces the risk of side effects and addiction even with regular use.

LANTOX® Lanzhou Institute of Biological Products, China Botulinum toxin type A-hemagglutinin complex is a neurotoxin produced by the bacteria Clostridium botulinum that causes botulism . It is a drug that affects neuromuscular transmission and has a local muscle relaxant effect.

Highly purified protein (botulinum toxin type, A), extracted from the anaerobic bacteria Clostridium botulinum using high-tech methods. The mechanism of action is due to a reversible blockade of neuromuscular impulse transmission. The toxin inhibits the release of acetylcholine, leading to local muscle relaxation.

As a rule, injections of Botox, Dysport, Botulax, Relatox, Xeomin, Lantox (these are similar drugs, the difference is only in the manufacturer and concentration of the active substance) are used to correct expression wrinkles in the upper third of the face. Botulinum toxin is also used to treat hyperhidrosis . Under the influence of the drug, sweating decreases due to a reduction in the transmission of nerve impulses to the sweat glands.

Lifestyle after the procedure

The strictest recommendations for the first 3 days after the session:

  • Avoid alcoholic drinks: ethyl alcohol increases blood flow to the face.
  • Do not take hot baths or go to the sauna.
  • Avoid visiting the beach and solarium.
  • Protect your face from direct sunlight.
  • Avoid even minimal physical activity.
  • Do not take muscle relaxants, tetracycline antibiotics, or B vitamins.
  • Do not massage the injection area.

Correct dosage

Wherever toxin injections , it is important to correctly calculate the dose of the drug to achieve optimal effect. There is no need to do the calculations yourself - this is the task of an experienced cosmetologist in the clinic. The doctor will be able to determine the required amount of botulinum toxin only after an in-person examination and assessment of the patient’s skin condition.

The calculation takes into account:

  • Age;
  • Skin condition;
  • Depth of wrinkles;
  • Muscle activity;
  • Condition of muscle tissue;
  • Processing area;
  • Number of injections.

However, there are average values ​​for the required amount of botulinum toxin for different areas. The drug is measured in units. Knowing these values, you can very roughly calculate the cost of the procedure before visiting the clinic in order to have an idea of ​​what to prepare for. Let's consider how many units may be required for different zones.


Botulax is a new drug on the Russian market and has passed the necessary studies.

Main contraindications for injections:

  • individual intolerance;
  • diseases: diabetes, oncology, tuberculosis, infections, endocrine and cardiovascular, chronic pathologies;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • problems with blood clotting;
  • menstrual period;
  • hernia of the eyelids;
  • chronic muscle fatigue.

The choice of anti-aging injections will be made by a cosmetologist taking into account the condition of the skin, rejuvenation area, and age. It is difficult for a non-professional to make the right decision; choosing a drug is the task of a specialist.

How much is a unit of Botox?

To measure drugs based on botulinum toxin, not the usual milliliters are used, but special units of action (AU). An international unit (IU, sometimes - Action Unit, AU) in pharmacology is a unit of measurement of the dose of a substance based on its biological activity.

BOTOX ® is measured in “units” based on potency (biological activity). This measurement is unique to BOTOX®. You cannot compare 1 unit of BOTOX ® to the measurement used for any other product. One unit is the amount of BOTOX ® required to achieve a certain level of blockade of the nerve responsible for muscle contraction.

In medicine, the activity of a drug such as Botox is measured in international units of biological activity - action units. The number of units of the drug is not equal to the administered volume in milliliters. Approximately 10 units of Botox is about 0.1 ml of the drug.

The dose of Botox® and injection points are determined individually for each patient in accordance with the severity and location of muscle hyperactivity. Botox® is diluted with 0.9% sodium chloride solution for injection. For each zone, the doctor selects the required number of units of the drug and its concentration.

Comparative table of botulinum toxin composition

Type of toxin/characteristicsBotoxDysportXeominLantoxNeuronoxRelatox
Units100 units500 units100 units50 and 100 units100 units50 and 100 units
Molecular mass900 kDa500 kDa150 kDa900 kDa900 kDa150 kDa
Albumen500 mcg125 mcg1 mg500 mcg
ExcipientsNaCl 900 mcgLactose 2.5 mgSucrose 4.7 mgGelatin 5 mg Dextran 25 mg Sucrose 25 mgNaCl 900 mcgGelatin 6 mg Maltose 12 mg

Activity units reflect the dosage of drugs. One unit of activity corresponds to the average lethal dose (LD50) for female mice of average weight. Methods for determining activity units are individual and are not disclosed by manufacturers, so they are not equivalent to each other. It has been roughly established that 1 unit of Botox is almost equal in activity to 1 unit of Xeomin, Lantox, Neuronox and Relatox, and 3 units of Dysport. But once again I will emphasize that the equal sign cannot be used in this case. In practice, with equivalent administration of different drugs, different severity of effect and duration of action will be observed. This is also due to the fact that each batch of the drug may differ in activity by +/- 10%, which is reflected in the certificates provided by the manufacturer with each batch of toxins. Botulinum toxins are a biological product, which makes it difficult to standardize and store.

The particle size (molecular weight) of botulinum toxins will also differ (see table). The smaller the particle size, the greater the diffusion of the drug, the larger the area that can be “covered” with one injection. A high degree of diffusion in the hands of an inexperienced practitioner can lead to unwanted side effects due to the spread of the drug to adjacent muscles. On the other hand, this property provides a more uniform effect on the muscle, a “stronger” and faster effect.

Albumin is the main stabilizing substance. The functions of this protein are to bind botulinum toxin, limit the diffusion of the drug, and also limit its activity. The more albumin, the more subtly the drug works, and the “softer” its effect.

Excipients and their effect on the stability, diffusion and activity of drugs, unfortunately, are not described in the literature, which does not allow us to evaluate and accurately compare drugs with each other.

How many units of botulinum toxin are needed to smooth out wrinkles on the forehead?

Expression wrinkles on the forehead are a common problem. Often such folds appear at a young age and quickly deepen, forcing their owners to hide their faces under their bangs.

Treating wrinkles usually requires multiple treatments. The earlier therapy is started, the more effective it is. 10-15 units of Botox are used for the forehead area . The amount of Dysport is calculated in a ratio to Botox of one to three, or one to four.

During the preliminary consultation, the doctor will ask you to frown to determine the exact location of wrinkles and evaluate facial expressions. After this, the doctor will determine the required amount of the drug and the exact injection sites.

Injection safety

To avoid complications and side effects after botulinum therapy, before carrying out it it is important to pay attention to the following nuances:

  • Take a responsible approach to choosing a clinic that provides this type of service, study the portfolio, and read real patient reviews.
  • During the consultation, ask the cosmetologist for a license confirming his qualifications and professionalism.
  • Pay attention not only to the manufacturer of the drug, but also study in detail the quality certificates, compliance with the batch number, and expiration dates.

The International Hemostasis Clinic employs experienced specialists who constantly improve their skills, undergo special training, and have the appropriate documents in hand. For botulinum toxin, our cosmetologists use only proven drugs, which guarantees the quality and safety of the service.

Using Botox to remove wrinkles around the eyes

One of the first noticeable signs of aging is wrinkles in the corners of the eyes, the so-called “crow's feet”. The procedure will smooth out this area and erase such signs of age. To treat one zone, 5 to 15 units of product are required.

Injections into the area under the eyes will help smooth out fine wrinkles on the lower eyelid, as well as make the look more expressive, removing signs of fatigue.

Advantages of the technique

The use of botulinum toxin injections in cosmetology has many advantages:

— This is the only method of rejuvenation that effectively blocks the muscles of the face and neck.

— A unique method allows you to eliminate the patient’s sweating for a long time.

— Botulinum toxin injections are painless, low-traumatic and do not require anesthesia.

— The procedure is carried out quite quickly and once, which saves the patient’s valuable time.

— The habit of not constantly using the facial muscles of the eyebrows and forehead can persist after the end of the effect, which will reduce the number of wrinkles.

— Botulinum toxin is the only cosmetic drug that is widely used in modern pediatrics

How many units of Botox will be required to treat the lips (purse-string wrinkles above the upper lip)?

Hyaluronic acid fillers are used to correct nasolabial folds and the mouth area . They act differently than Botox - they do not relax the muscles, but fill the folds, smoothing the epidermis.

As for botulinum toxin, it is rarely used in the lower third of the face , although you can always discuss with your cosmetologist the possibility of using the drug in the area of ​​interest to you. The doctor will conduct an examination and offer optimal solutions to existing problems. On average, to treat lips, Botox will require 2-5 units .

Precautionary measures

Like any other injection cosmetological rejuvenating technique, botulinum therapy has a list of contraindications, ignoring which is fraught with serious consequences. Botox injections are not prescribed to patients diagnosed with the following diseases:

  • acute infectious diseases accompanied by general poor health, high temperature, fever;
  • oncological neoplasms;
  • herpes in the active stage;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • cardiovascular disorders;
  • cardiac, renal, liver failure;
  • diseases of the hematopoietic system;
  • autoimmune, hormonal, endocrine, nervous disorders;
  • congenital or acquired immunodeficiency;
  • damage to the integrity of the skin in places where injections are supposed to be given;
  • diabetes.

Botulinum toxin injections are not prescribed for pregnant women, breastfeeding women, or during menstruation. The procedure is contraindicated for patients who are forced to constantly take medications that affect blood viscosity. Also, botulinum therapy is not carried out if a person has an individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Number of units of Botox for the treatment of hyperhidrosis

To get rid of excessive sweating, you will need quite a lot of Botox, but the result will be impressive.

On average, it takes about 50-100 units 50-70 units per palm . For one foot from 50-100 units . The effect of the procedure lasts for 1 year.

Exposure time

The duration of the effect of Botox depends on the individual characteristics of the body, habits, and care procedures:

  • Age. Typically, botulinum therapy is indicated for people over 45 years of age, but often younger people also need correction. The breakdown of drug substances in a young body occurs faster, so the duration of the effect is reduced.
  • Behavior. Poor nutrition, lack of sleep, stress and negative habits affect not only your well-being, but also your appearance - they worsen the effect of injections.
  • Quality of the drug. The drug must be original and stored correctly.

Table of the number of units of Botox, Dysport, Botulax, Relatox for treated areas

Area to be treatedBotox unitsDysport unitsBotulax unitsRelatox units
Wrinkles on the forehead10-1530-4510-156-12
Area between eyebrows10-2530-7510-2510-20
Wrinkles around the eyes5-1515-455-155-10
Folds on the neck (platysma)20-6060-18020-6040-60
Purse-string wrinkles above the upper lip2-56-152-52-4
For the treatment of hyperhidrosis of one armpit50-100150-30050-10050-100
For the treatment of hyperhidrosis of one palm50-70150-21050-7050-70
For the treatment of hyperhidrosis of one foot50-100150-30050-10050-100
Efficiency, %90-10090-10090-10090-100

The result of beauty injections

The effect after injections begins to appear after 2-3 days , gradually relaxes the muscles and reaches its apogee within 10-14 days .

The results will last for an average of six months. At the appointment, the doctor will tell you what needs to be done so that the effect of the drug does not end prematurely. You will also learn what procedures can be combined with botulinum toxin .

Repeated procedures

After Botox is removed, you can repeat the course to get the results back. Wait until your facial muscles have fully recovered to get the best results.

If Botox was administered for the first time, a corrective session is usually carried out after 8 months. All subsequent injections are performed at intervals of 4-6 months. With this technique you can maintain consistently good results.

If procedures are performed too often, the sensitivity of the dermis and nerve structures increases significantly. Botox dissolves faster each time, correction is required more often.

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