HealthRussian plastic surgeons about aesthetic surgeries and body reconstruction

Dmitry Melnikov negative reviews

Young specialists who have achieved early recognition or simply become famous are checked by future patients as carefully as possible. Women spend hours on forums, looking for reviews, studying information about education and experience, internships, and only after such in-depth research work agree to go for a consultation with a plastic surgeon. Of no small importance in this preparation for a meeting with a doctor is the presence or absence of negative reviews about the work or behavior of a specialist: you must agree, no one wants to have surgery from an arrogant boor.

Sometimes the demand for a doctor’s services is so high that his name is included in the top queries of Internet search engines. One of these specialists was a Moscow doctor who is not yet 40 years old. More precisely, the request “Dmitry Melnikov plastic surgeon negative reviews” has recently become popular. Suddenly, the activities of a fairly young doctor became interesting to tens of thousands of people.

Investigation: beginning and end

Let’s admit right away that our correspondents were interested in such targeted activity on the Internet. What if the specialist really is hiding some secrets and secrets from the general public? Trying to hide unsuccessful operations and not listening to patients? Determined to find out, we, like real investigators, studied all the links that Yandex and Google gave us, went through the surgeon’s social media accounts and read all the published patient stories. Moreover, we even carefully studied the comments that users left under a regular post, interview or author’s column of the doctor. So what's the result?

No sensation in the matter! No scandals, no intrigues, no investigations!

Nothing! Many hours of studying the material in front of a computer monitor did not result in any sensation: no scandals, no intrigues, no investigations. At first they were even upset, because hard work did not reveal any of the surgeon’s secrets! A thorough study forced the portal’s journalists to lean toward the harmless opinion that the request “Dmitry Melnikov plastic surgeon negative reviews” became so active due to the surge of interest that potential clients show to the specialist.

Future patients, surprised that the waiting list for just a consultation has stretched out for three years, are interested in the reputation of such a sought-after plastic surgeon. Does Dmitry Vladimirovich really have no dissatisfied patients? Well, how about without negative reviews? Is there something where a specialist is not sufficiently qualified? Not seeing the desired result, people continue to type “Dmitry Melnikov plastic surgeon negative reviews” into the search, believing that next time the first lines will reveal the doctor’s secrets. But this is not destined to come true. All relevant links lead to positive reviews of the doctor's work and character.

What is known about Dmitry Melnikov?

37-year-old Dmitry Vladimirovich Melnikov may not boast of 20 years of work experience, but, if assessed by the totality and complexity of the operations performed, he can be called a very experienced specialist in plastic surgery. Candidate of Medical Sciences graduated from MMA named after. Sechenov, residency in surgery at the Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery of the State Institution Russian Scientific Center for Surgery named after. B.V. Petrovsky RAMS. He is an employee of the Department of Plastic Surgery at PMSMU. THEM. Sechenov, Moscow.

He has completed internships in European centers of plastic and reconstructive surgery: at the Dr. Fabritio Mercarelli (Gstaad, Switzerland), at the University Hospital Linz in Austria. This was followed by internships at the Lipex clinic (Riga, Latvia), the MAYO clinic (Rochester, USA), and the FrauKliniken clinic of Professor Mario-Axel Feller (Munich, Germany). Dmitry Vladimirovich even underwent a personal internship with the president of the Belgian Association of Plastic Surgeons at the University Hospital of Brussels.

The outstanding specialist’s track record includes numerous appearances at Russian and international congresses as a speaker. He has written more than 70 scientific papers on plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery. Successfully combines medical practice with research work, introducing new surgical techniques in plastic surgery. The main specialization of Dr. Melnikov is aesthetic and reconstructive mammoplasty and abdominoplasty.

Dmitry Melnikov is credited with the first breast reconstruction operation in Russia using a SIEA flap

It was Dmitry Melnikov who was responsible for the first breast reconstruction operation in Russia with a SIEA flap. By the way, restorative operations are as important an area of ​​specialist activity as aesthetic plastic surgery.

It is also worth mentioning that the doctor we are interested in is a full member of the International Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (ISAPS), and also holds the position of National Vice-Secretary of ISAPS in Russia.

Dmitry Melnikov and unsuccessful operations

Since Internet users were so interested in whether the doctor had any unsuccessful stories, but did not find any relevant reviews, we decided to find out what Dmitry Melnikov’s opinion is regarding the ethics of a plastic surgeon. Here are quotes from his recent interviews:

“I come from a school that developed in Russia, starting in the 60s, from microsurgery. Academician Nikolai Olegovich Milanov, my teacher, also belonged to this school. According to her principles, common sense comes first, and, of course, we often refuse patients despite financial gain. But in the commercial part of our industry, surgeons often follow the lead of patients in pursuit of short-term profit. This often affects their practice: patients remain dissatisfied and go to court. This is typical, in particular, for young surgeons: at the beginning of their career, many try to take on everything at once. Most often, the reason for a patient’s refusal is inflated expectations from the operation or very strange requests. In any case, the only reason for refusal in my practice is lack of contact with the patient. If we don’t understand each other, the person’s motivation is not clear to me, or I feel the patient distrusts me, I can refuse.”

Here’s what the success of the operation depends on, according to the doctor:

“The success of an operation depends on several factors: the surgeon’s hands, the quality of the patient’s skin, the speed of tissue healing. In addition, each operation has a so-called “percentage of complications.” One hundred noses will survive the operation well, but the one hundred and first will suffer complications in the form of scars and breathing problems. Everyone's body is different! As for deaths, there are two reasons for them in plastic surgery. The first is thromboembolism, when large arteries become blocked. This is an unpredictable story; about 1% of patients die from it during surgery. The second is anaphylactic shock. Its occurrence is also almost impossible to predict in advance. Whether it will be possible to save the patient - it all depends on the speed of assistance, the effect of the drugs and the availability of an intensive care unit.”

Well, in conclusion, about in what cases a plastic surgeon will not hesitate to refuse you surgery:

“Reason No. 1 is patients’ high expectations, No. 2 is their unusual requests. At the same time, each case must be considered separately. So, I consulted several patients with very strange requests, but they ceased to be so after careful analysis. We are all individual, and we all have different reasons for turning to a plastic surgeon.

If during a consultation a woman asks to increase her bust to size 10, but she manages to explain to me why she needs it, gives adequate reasons for the need for her to get exactly that breast size, perhaps I will perform such an operation. On the other hand, if a young girl comes to me and wants to “get her breasts done” because all her friends have already done it, I will most likely refuse. In general, it is important for me not only to be able to operate well, but also to understand why a person needs to change something in his appearance.”

Viktor Sergeevich Melnikov

1. Korshunov V.F., Melnikov V.S. Treatment tactics for patients with Sudeck syndrome // Materials of the 7th scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 40th anniversary of City Hospital No. 10 “Medical rehabilitation of patients with pathology of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems.” – Moscow March 3-8, 2006 – P.206-207.

2. Korshunov V.F., Melnikov V.S. Surgical treatment of improperly healed fractures of the distal epimetaphysis of the radius // Kremlin Medicine. Clinical Bulletin. – 2007. – No. 1. – P.28-30.

3. Korshunov V.F., Melnikov V.S. Methods of surgical treatment of improperly healed fractures of the distal epimetaphysis of the radius // General Medicine. – M.: “Atmosphere”. – 2008. – No. 3. – P.78-84. 4. Korshunov V.F., Melnikov V.S. Surgical treatment of improperly healed fractures of the distal epimetaphysis of the radius // Abstracts of the scientific and practical conference “Current issues of modern traumatology and orthopedics 2008”. – Minsk. – 2008. – P.36.

5. Korshunov V.F., Melnikov V.S. Surgical treatment of improperly healed fractures of the distal epimetaphysis of the radius using bone autoplasty and the distraction method // “Injuries to the hand and their consequences: a modern approach to treatment”: Proceedings of the city scientific and practical conference. – Volume 209. – M.: Research Institute of Emergency Medicine named after. N.V. Sklifosovsky, 2009. – P.22-23.

6. Korshunov VF, Melnikov VS The operative treatment of wrong conjoined fractures of distal epimetaphysis of radius // Abstracts ХIV Congress of FESSH. – Poznan, Poland. – 2009. – P-148. – P.126.

7. V.F. Korshunov, V.S. Melnikov, E.V. Vidasova “Features of diagnosis of aseptic necrosis of the scaphoid bone in combination with false joints”, 1st international congress “Modern technologies for diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation for injuries and diseases of the upper limb”, collection of abstracts, page 324, RUDN printing house.

8. V.F. Korshunov, V.S. Melnikov, E.V. Vidasova “Distraction method in the treatment of patients with aseptic necrosis of the scaphoid and lunate bones of the hand”, International Pirogov Scientific and Practical Conference “Osteosynthesis and Endoprosthetics”, collection of abstracts, page 101.

9. Melnikov V. Treatment of metacarpal fractures, our experience with internal fixation // Abstracts ХVI Congress of FESSH. — Journal of Hand Surgery (European Volume). – 2010. – Vol.00. – Supplement 0. – P.29.

10. V.F. Korshunov, V.S. Melnikov The use of various types of bone grafting in the treatment of improperly healed fractures of the distal epimetaphysis of the radius // Bulletin of Traumatology and Orthopedics named after. N.I. Priorova - 2011. - No. 1. – pp. 43-47.

11. V.F. Korshunov, V.V. Lazareva, S.Yu. Romanov, V.S. Melnikov “Diagnostics and treatment of fibrolipoma of the nerves of the upper extremities”, abstracts of the Scientific and Practical Conference “Topical Issues of Orthopedics. Achievements. Prospects." Pages 75-76. Moscow, 2012.

12. V.B. Germanov, V.F. Korshunov, Melnikov V.S. Surgical tactics for the treatment of fingers scalped with a ring // collection of abstracts of the scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 250th anniversary of the founding of the Pavlovsk Hospital - Moscow - 2013. - P. 48

13. V.B. Germanov, Melnikov V.S. Treatment of extensive scalped wounds of the hand and fingers using the method of pocket skin plasty // collection of abstracts of reports of a scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 250th anniversary of the founding of the Pavlovsk hospital - Moscow - 2013. - P. 50

14. V.F. Korshunov, Melnikov V.S. Application of bone autoplasty and the distraction method in the treatment of fused fractures and false joints of the distal epimetaphysis of the forearm bones // collection of abstracts of reports of a scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 250th anniversary of the founding of the Pavlovsk hospital – Moscow – 2013. – P. 73

15. V.F. Korshunov, V.V. Lazareva, S.Yu. Romanov, Melnikov V.S. Diagnosis and treatment of tumors of the nerves of the upper limb // collection of abstracts of the scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 250th anniversary of the founding of the Pavlovsk Hospital - Moscow - 2013. - P. 79

16. V.F. Korshunov, S.Yu. Romanov, Melnikov V.S., Magnitskaya N.E. Experience in the use of various types of skin grafting to close skin defects of the upper limb // collection of abstracts of the scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 250th anniversary of the founding of the Pavlovsk Hospital - Moscow - 2013. - P. 85

17. V.F. Korshunov, S.Yu. Romanov, Melnikov V.S., Magnitskaya N.E. Treatment of hand skin defects using island flaps // collection of abstracts of scientific and practical conference, III meeting of hand surgeons - Boryspil - May 31, 2013. - pp. 7-8

18. V.F. Korshunov, V.V. Lazareva, S.Yu. Romanov, Melnikov V.S. Diagnosis and treatment with fibrolip of the nerves of the upper limb // collection of abstracts of scientific and practical conference, _________________ - Moscow - 2013. - P.

19. V.F. Korshunov, S.Yu. Romanov, V.S. Melnikov, D.Yu. Elections Tactics of treatment of patients with hand injuries and their consequences resulting from road traffic accidents // collection of abstracts of reports of the Anniversary International Scientific and Educational Conference “Modernization of care for patients with severe combined trauma”, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Department of Traumatology, Orthopedics and Military Surgery of the Russian National Research Medical University named after. N.I.Pirogov, 10th anniversary of the Department of Traumatology, Orthopedics, IPK FMBA of Russia - Moscow - November 7-8, 2013. - S.

20. V.S. Melnikov, V.F. Korshunov, S.Yu. Romanov, N.E. Magnitskaya Methods of replacing defects in the integumentary tissues of the hand, review of clinical material // collection of abstracts of reports of the Anniversary International Scientific and Educational Conference “Modernization of care for patients with severe combined trauma”, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Department of Traumatology, Orthopedics and Military Surgery of the Russian National Research Medical University named after. N.I.Pirogov, 10th anniversary of the Department of Traumatology, Orthopedics, IPK FMBA of Russia - Moscow - November 7-8, 2013. - S.

21. V.S. Melnikov, V.F. Korshunov, S.Yu. Romanov, Magnitskaya N.E. The use of island and perforator flaps to replace defects in the integumentary tissues of the hand, a review of clinical material. // materials of the conference “Current issues of reconstructive microsurgery of the extremities - Journal “Traumatology and Orthopedics of Russia” - St. Petersburg - 2013 - 4(70) - P. 120

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