The best plastic surgeons for facelifts: specialists in their field

What is facelift surgery?

After a facelift, facial contours are restored, appearance improves, and a person’s internal state is harmonized. The popularity of this operation is growing.

Professionals recommend plastic surgery for 35-55 year olds. This is the time when the skin has not yet lost its ability to regenerate. There are several types of lifting.

By type of area being treated:

  • the upper one is designed to work in the area of ​​the forehead and eyebrow line, while excisions are made in the scalp;
  • The middle one leads to the treatment of nasolabial folds and folds around the mouth and cheeks. Incisions are made in the temporal region and above the upper lip;
  • the lower one covers the lower jaw, chin, and neck. The incision is made under the chin.

During the operation, the surgeon uses one or several types of lifts. And if a circular facelift is chosen, the specialist treats all 3 zones, changing the intensity of the intervention.

By depth of intervention:

  1. Subcutaneous lifting does not affect fatty tissue and facial muscles. This method is suitable for those whose face is affected by age-related changes.
  2. SMAS lifting works with both the skin and the muscular structure of the face, so the procedure combats underlying age-related problems, such as sagging and loss of skin elasticity.

Wrinkles, pigmentation of the epidermis, and loss of volume can be treated with a non-surgical facelift.

To achieve this, chemical peeling, hyaluronic acid injections and hardware procedures are performed.

Chumak, Roman Yurievich

He started playing football in the DUFC Krivoy Rog "Krivbass". He was accepted into the first group as a striker, but later Chumak, on the advice of his father, switched to the position of goalkeeper[2]. The first professional clubs were Prykarpattya-2 and Energetik (Burshtyn); in the 1999/2000 season, he did not play a single match for the main team in these teams.

From 2000 to 2004 he played for Gornyak-Sport. On July 29, 2000 he made his professional debut. In the first match of the Second League Cup against Cherkassy-2, he entered the field in the 67th minute instead of Alexander Krikun. He made his debut in the Ukrainian Championship on September 20 in the home match of Group B of the Second League against Dnepr-3. In total, the club played 80 matches in the championship, in which it conceded 107 goals. He played another 5 matches (10 goals conceded) in the Ukrainian Cup. In the 2004/05 season, he demonstrated a record “dry” streak for an outsider team. [ source not specified 69 days

] On the advice of Dmitry Manuylenko and Evgeniy Slipchenko, he went for a tryout at Nafkom-Academy and made a good impression on the coaching staff of the Brovary team, but Nafkom and Gornyak-Sport did not agree on the amount of compensation.
After this, on the initiative of the head coach of Poltava Vorskla Vladimir Muntyan, the Poltava team bought out Chumak’s contract. The estimated transfer amount was $20,000[2]. In the Poltava club, the main goalkeeper was Vitaly Postransky, while Chumak competed with Andrei Pyatov for the place of the second goalkeeper. Then Pyatov became the main goalkeeper, and Sergei Dolgansky appeared in the team, and the young reserve goalkeeper Oleg Chuvaev also showed confident play. [ source not specified 69 days
] During the 2008 summer transfer window, Chumak moved to Kremen Kremenchug on loan[3] .
Coach Andrei Nedyak wanted to see him on the team. "Kremin" played in the second league. [ source not specified 69 days
] again became the main goalkeeper. In 2008-2009, he played 49 matches and missed 68 goals.

In February 2010, Chumak moved to the first league club Alexandria[4]. He played his only game on May 7 in the away match of the 28th round against Energetik Burshtyn (1:2). Vladimir Sharan did not see Chumak in the team and completely trusted Yuri Pankiv. Therefore, Chumak soon returned to Kremenchug. [ source not specified 69 days


In “Kremlin” Chumak again became the main player, playing in 2010-2012. In the 2010/11 season, he became the bronze medalist of Group B of the Second League. He played 24 matches in the championship and missed 20 goals. He played another 4 matches (4 goals conceded) in the Ukrainian Cup. He spent the 2012/13 season with Shakhtar Sverdlovsk, where he was also the main goalkeeper. In the second league he played 22 matches and missed 15 goals.

In the 2013/14 season he moved to FC Karlovka, where he was also the main goalkeeper. The team soon ran into financial problems. For some time I kept in shape on my own, at the amateur level I played mini-football and “Globino” in the championship of the Poltava region. [ source not specified 69 days


Chumak started the 2015/16 season as part of MFK Nikolaev. He was invited to the team by the head coach of the club, Ruslan Zabransky. He immediately became the main goalkeeper, essentially displacing Valery Voskonyan. [ source not specified 69 days

] On April 26, 2022, Chumak played in the semi-finals of the Ukrainian Cup against Dynamo Kyiv. In this match he missed four goals, but at the same time made at least five super saves[5]. Retired in 2022. In December he was appointed to the position of Nikolaev goalkeeper coach. In January 2022, he began working with the goalkeepers of MFC Nikolaev-2[6].

The best plastic surgeons for facelifts in Moscow (TOP 5)

Their names are known in Russia and abroad. The professionals have earned grateful attention for their high-quality work and respectful attitude towards patients.


Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Medical Academy named after. Sechenova has been practicing for many years. In 2012, Sergei Nikolaevich’s fame was increased by receiving the title of laureate of the National Award as the best plastic surgeon for facelift.

Those who turned to him, S.N. Blokhin performs rejuvenation procedures using advanced techniques and the latest scientific developments.

These are endoscopic facelift, lipofilling, SMAS lifting, check-lifting, platysmoplasty.

Dr. Blokhin performs facelifts by simultaneously combining up to 5 interventions on the face in 1 event.

The total duration of manipulations does not exceed 1.5 -2.5 hours. Professor Blokhin has been involved in lipofilling for several years and has gained excellent practice in fat tissue transplantation. The doctor conducts the appointment at the Frau Klinik clinic.


Levine, MD, runs the EMC Aesthetic Clinic.

Over decades of professional and scientific activity, Sergei Lvovich has developed more than one proprietary method of comprehensive facial rejuvenation.

They are based on endoscopic and cellular technologies, lipofilling and help in creating a youthful facial oval for the patient.

S.L. Levin has a patent for the FEEL&LOOK YOUNGER® technology. This unique method of non-surgical rejuvenation of the body with its own fibroblasts was first presented by him in the Russian Federation.

The professional’s arsenal also includes the development of the “invisible scar” technique using the plasmacytic fraction.


Candidate of Medical Sciences, surgeon of the highest qualification category, Dr. Bakov skillfully performs both non-surgical and surgical facelifts.

Vadim Sergeevich in his practice uses the drug “Botox”, methods of working with intradermal implants based on hyaluronic acid, and the technique of thread facelift.

Likewise, V.S. Bakov is also fluent in the “Softliftin” injection technique for facial rejuvenation.


A candidate of medical sciences with the highest professional category, surgeon Yakimets most often performs total endoscopic face lifting among all plastic surgeries.

The author's method consists of temporoplasty (upper lifting), endoscopic lifting of the forehead, as well as the middle area of ​​the face through intraoral access, SMAS face lifting and platysmoplasty.

Valery Grigorievich combines such procedures in pairs, which depends on the physiological characteristics of the patient.

For example, a surgeon performs endoscopic forehead lifting with lower blepharoplasty, facial SMAS lifting with platysmoplasty.

V.G. Yakimets operates at the Estet Clinic Center, where he performs operations using endoscopic equipment.


Professor, MD, Igor Anatolyevich successfully practices in facial plastic surgery. He is one of the first specialists to use check-lifting surgery in Russia.

Doctor Bely is the author of a number of facial rejuvenation procedures, including primalifting and 3-S lifting.

I.A. Bely receives patients at the clinics: “Ottimo”, “Medicine”, Seline and “Mositalmed on Ovchinnikovskaya”.


A terrible and unforeseen incident occurred on September 9, 1968 in Leningrad, during a speech on Leningrad television in the notorious live broadcast of the First Secretary of the Leningrad Regional Committee of the CPSU, Comrade Tolstikov. A few minutes after the start of the broadcast, Comrade Tolstikov felt ill, lost consciousness, and the broadcast was interrupted; Comrade Tolstikov was struck by a severe stroke, and he died on the studio floor without regaining consciousness, despite all the efforts of the resuscitation team. The case was egregious and unacceptable: the death of a leader of such rank should have been presented to the people as an abstract secret of the Higher Spheres as the death of the Chinese Emperor. For political reasons, a rumor was created about his removal and appointment as USSR Ambassador to China, and even jokes were made on this topic. This is relatively well known. Less known and almost unmemorable is that the very next day, his first deputy and second secretary, Comrade Grishchenko, appeared on the same television in order to read the same address, programmatic and necessary: ​​September 68 - the turning point of the political course after many events in the world and the country . And he suffered exactly the same fate!.. And you say... A strict non-disclosure agreement was taken from all television workers and the intensive care team. The KGB with desperate force shook up the TV, the Smolny canteen, the staff of assistants and assistants, drivers and mechanics of the regional committee garage, checked all contacts, squeezed out the juice from the pathological anatomy and biochemical laboratory of Sverdlovka, interrogated the families: in vain; stroke, all the symptoms, and that's it. They were looking for a terrorist attack! Colonel Kalugin became a general at the Leningrad KGB! Everyone rowed: they were burning with zeal, they remembered Kirov, no joke. And when everything was squeezed out, a grain remained in the sediment: television. And it turned out: In August, LenTV, Chapygina 6, received, in order to switch from b/w to color, new French equipment in the SECAM system (very little used in the world compared to PAL). The tight-fisted and impoverished state (the oil crisis had not yet arrived, petrodollars were not flowing in) spent more than was absolutely necessary on only two items (and, in fact, one): weapons and ideology. That’s why they slammed money into TV, the main weapon of ideology and propaganda. Western statistics already existed: how much more effective and stronger impact does color TV have on the viewer than black and white. That's why we chose SECAM. Not because it’s cheaper—price was not a factor in ideology. And (less perfect?! hehe...) the colors were more concentrated, more active, unnaturally more contrasting - they hurt the eyes and brain more. That's why the Central Research Institute of Communications was there. And when a speaker, or even more so a party leader, addresses the people through a color screen, the efficiency of the intelligibility of his speech increases significantly. The circuit through which the affecting image and sound is transmitted is simple: speaker - camera - cable - monitor - cable - remote control - cable - amplifier - transmitting antenna - broadcast - receiving antenna - cable - TV receiver - viewer. In principle and in general terms this is true. This is the chain through which the influence occurs. And how it goes! When in the late eighties Kashpirovsky and Chumak actually put many people to sleep, some people’s sores actually healed, they charged the water, etc. - they quickly got used to this, millions of people felt the effect on themselves, and no one was particularly surprised. Doctors mostly did not believe and cursed, many after the programs turned to them with an obvious deterioration in their health - but this is also an effect, negative, but the most reliable: it was recorded by traditional mass medicine. And not just hypnosis, not just suggestion: what about that American guy who started the watch on TV for viewers to wake up? Many laughed, but he was on TV! — the stopped Big Ben started! This is an absolute fact, there are a lot of witnesses and journalists. That is: the connection is semiconductor, in one direction. But: absolute semiconductors do not exist in nature. Firstly, the reaction force tends to equal the action force. Secondly, if the “receiving” end of such a semiconductor connection is itself energetically charged, then if it reaches a very high, powerful energy level, a message arises from it of such strength that it exceeds the valve-closing capabilities of the semiconductor and is pressed towards the opposite direction . Communication becomes two-way. It’s like if you connect a powerful compressor to a water tap: either the pipes will burst, or the roof will fly off the water pump. And Leningrad fiercely hated its party bosses. Since Zhdanov's times they have been talking about the greed, meanness and cruelty of the owners of Smolny. And their faces inspired disgust. And the evil, negative energy of millions of television viewers was made up of drops, just like a jet of a hydromonitor under enormous pressure cuts down a granite rock. TV - cable - antenna - broadcast - TV tower antenna - amplifier - cable - remote control - cable - monitor - cable - camera - speaker! And when the operator pointed the camera's crosshairs at the boss's eyes, this was equivalent to pointing an optical sight, a harpoon gun, or a remote-controlled ATGM. After this, work on introducing VCRs on TV was hastily accelerated, and the era of live broadcasts ended for a long time. And as administrative measures, they changed the leadership and appointed the hardened committeeman, the iron and permanent Lapin, as chairman of the State Committee for Television and Radio. Nobody, of course, noticed in the flow of official information that the Lenin Prize for 1969 in the field of technology was received by a “group of employees” of the Central Research Institute of Communications “for the introduction into operation of original new generation technologies.” And no one wondered why the First Secretary of the Leningrad Regional Committee of the CPSU, member of the Politburo of the Central Committee, Comrade Romanov, never spoke live on television. So everything was known to whoever needed it for a long time, was taken into account and used.

The best plastic surgeons for circumferential facial plastic surgery in Moscow

Circular facial plastic surgery helps to correct the facial contour, modify the shape of the cheekbones and cheeks. The following specialists work in the capital and cope with such an event most successfully.


High skill of Candidate of Medical Sciences E.I. Karpova is well known to foreign patients.

In practice, Elena Ivanovna uses the author’s method of lifting a “heavy face.”

Plastic surgeon Karpova operates at IMCmed.


Candidate of Medical Sciences with the highest category and 37 years of work experience, Andrey Albertovich is a certified trainer of Coapt Systems Inc. (Palo Alto, California, USA) on methods of fixation in facial aesthetic surgery.

Dr. Voroshkevich can perform endoscopic facelifts in the following areas:

  • frontotemporal region;
  • middle zone and lower eyelids;
  • frontotemporal and middle regions.

Masterfully conducted by A.A. Voroshkevich facelift with skin tightening, SMAS, affecting the superficial fascial-muscular structures of the face with the second procedure.

Partial lifting (for example, neck) is also subject to the doctor. The doctor operates in BIOS.


Candidate of Sciences Vasilyeva has been in the profession for 16 years. She has performed over 11,000 plastic surgeries.

During her practice, Yulia Sergeevna has perfectly mastered advanced and innovative methods for aestheticization and facial rejuvenation.

Among them are the combined use of surgical and minimally invasive methods of facial rejuvenation, the use of volumetric facial rejuvenation techniques using autologous fat tissue transplantation (lipofilling).

Yu.S. Vasilyeva successfully uses a combination of botulinum toxin preparations and hyaluronic acid-based products to eliminate facial asymmetries.

She is proficient in face lift techniques using absorbable and non-absorbable threads. Dr. Vasilyeva is a leading specialist at Estecoc.


Doctor of Medical Sciences Salidzhanov has 32 years of work experience. Anvar Shukhratovich acquired knowledge and skills in well-known clinics in Greece and the Russian Federation.

In his practice, the surgeon uses the best and most reliable materials and implants.

Therefore, patients who came for total facial rejuvenation (SMAS plastic surgery of the face and neck, endoscopic brow lift and mid-facial area, temporal lift and blepharoplasty) thank the master for his work.

Accepted by A.Sh. Salidzhanov at the GMT clinic.

How healer Allan Chumak increased cow milk yield and personal well-being

People brought photographs of sick children or parents to the psychic to charge. Photo: Robert NETELEV/TASS

Each time has its own heroes and hoaxers, and Chumak is called the most famous psychic of the troubled perestroika times. Many believed that he could heal from a distance. And they even felt: it helped! People who knew him told us about the healer who passed away at the age of 83.

A magician with a commercial streak

Healer Allan Chumak was born in Moscow into an intelligent family. And he owes his unusual name to his father-translator. After school, he graduated from a physical education institute and became a cycling coach. But his career was interrupted by an unpleasant incident. One day Allan was sent to a scientific conference in Minsk. The report of the young coach unpleasantly surprised his colleagues: it contained clearly fictitious facts... At the age of 29, Chumak had to leave his profession.

Then Allan entered the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. Worked as a sports commentator. One day I was preparing a journalistic piece about charlatan magicians and... I discovered healing powers in myself.

“I knew Allan as a journalist,” healer Vyacheslav Nazin told me. — In the late 80s, many people became interested in extrasensory perception. And I began to receive patients at home, influencing them with my energy. But he didn’t take the money, believing that help should be selfless. When Chumak came to visit me and saw that my apartment was full of people, Allan’s eyes lit up. He said: these are missed opportunities - if you had even a penny from everyone, you could have earned money. I determined the human biofield, and Chumak’s turned out to be very strong, more powerful than others. He became interested and asked me how I work with patients.

Chumak began to do the same, but began to take money. He left journalism and began to develop his abilities. He became so carried away that he soon seriously said that this was a gift from God and he was fulfilling a mission.

As an intelligent and purposeful person, he did not simply copy the standard methods of work of healers, but went further. His know-how is that, firstly, he came up with the idea of ​​conducting not individual, as psychics usually did, but mass sessions. The idea was in the air, but it was Chumak who was the first to implement it. Secondly, Allan, as a former journalist, was attracted to television. The first mass television sessions were his idea. Chumak had an entrepreneurial spirit. He caught the mood, social demand and tried to adapt to expectations for his own benefit. I came up with the idea of ​​charging water, creams, as well as my photographs to “preserve the aura of the house.” Chumak himself assured that he was taught by the voices that sounded in his head. He allegedly took notes and then studied from these lectures.

Allan Chumak wrote a book about himself. In business, extra advertising can't hurt.

Sessions in the parking lot

After television sessions, he made a name for himself, which fed him until his very last days. There was a period when his sessions were broadcast for 15 minutes every day. Chumak’s program was part of the “120 minutes” program. In the early 90s, his fame as a psychic was crazy! He himself said that crowds of people were on duty near his house, as if he were Alla Pugacheva... The editor-in-chief of The New Yorker, David Remnick, in his book “Lenin’s Tomb” wrote how Chumak treated people right in the yard parking lot. He organized such sessions once every two weeks.

“Chumak stood on the porch and invited everyone to surround him to feel his aura. But he warned in advance: he would not be able to cure former party functionaries. “Their souls have already become completely hardened,” he explained,” the author reports.

People brought photographs of sick children or parents to the psychic to charge.

Chumak always kept his nose to the wind. With the advent of the Internet, I came up with the idea of ​​conducting paid online sessions on my website. He also advised me to buy his sessions on CD. Registered a patent for an invention called “Transfer of bioactive information to moisture-containing substances” (in other words, for charging water and creams). In 2000, the healer even ran for the State Duma from the Samara region, but received only three percent of the votes.

“I went on a drinking binge”

“I knew Chumak,” a friend of the healer Juna, General of the Cossack troops Valery Kamshilov, told KP. “He treated Juna with jealousy; after all, she was the first among healers of this level. Juna knew his long-standing illness - this is a green serpent. Yes, you can’t tell from him purely outwardly, but from time to time he went into a dive. He was not violent, but there were binges. I even tried to be treated for this, I don’t know if I eventually overcame the disease. I remember we jokingly said: can you charge us with vodka so we can drink it with healing effects?

“There is no specific information about Chumak’s healing,” Alexey Karpeev, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, told Komsomolskaya Pravda. — Back in the Soviet years, the Ministry of Health opened the Federal Center for Traditional Methods of Diagnostics and Treatment, which I headed. In it we carried out voluntary certification of healers. Chumak contacted us; he wanted to receive a state certificate. We were going to explore his abilities, but in the end he refused. In my opinion, Chumak did not do anything special. There is not a single real confirmation of the healing effect of such sessions. Perhaps it’s all about the placebo effect (when the patient feels better not because this or that drug really helps, but because he believes in the power of the drug. - Ed.)

— Did he get rich from his business?

- Yes, Kashpirovsky. And Chumak had average income. He was distinguished by modesty in his requests.

“I amazed Pavel Lobkov”

“What Allan Vladimirovich did worked, it brought benefits to people,” assures the president of the Association of Traditional Healers, Vladimir Egorov. — The latest research: on NTV, the host of the “Plant Life” program, Pavel Lobkov, conducted an experiment on the effects of Chumak on plants. One greenhouse was treated with ordinary water, the second - charged with Chumak. Plants watered with charged water grew two-thirds faster than usual. Materialist Pavel Lobkov admitted this.

“KP” got through to Pavel Lobkov to find out his impressions of the TV experience.

Pavel Lobkov is sure: saltpeter is healthier for plants than charged water.

Photo: Anatoly ZHDANOV

“My first reaction when I saw the chrysanthemums treated by Chumak and compared them with the control group was enthusiastic,” admits the TV journalist. — Chrysanthemums watered with charged water outstripped their competitors in growth. They had more buds, and many of them were already beginning to open. And the first group had green buds, they were five days behind in development.

I was amazed and said that yes, some impact is obvious. But later experts explained to me: our experience was extremely incorrect. After all, we did not organize round-the-clock video surveillance of plants. We couldn't rent greenhouses - it's expensive. We simply agreed that we would be provided with two identical greenhouses for the experiment where chrysanthemums were grown. And they took two tanks of water, one of which was loaded by Allan Vladimirovich. But there were many unaccounted factors. Strictly speaking, we did not know what happened to the plants in our absence. Were they really treated identically? One greenhouse may have applied fertilizer a little earlier than another. Roughly speaking, an uncontrolled additional half a gram of saltpeter per tank loaded with Chumak could have had the same effect.

Advertised dietary supplements

“I collaborated with Chumak in the 90s,” recalls businessman Mikhail Khurin. — My friends and I decided to sell dietary supplements that had just appeared in the USSR. I invited Chumak, who was very fashionable at that time, for advertising. I paid for his performances in Kyiv in 1994 - flights, hotel accommodation, meals. At his speeches, he said that he loaded dietary supplements, which ones, where to buy them. He said that it was inexpensive and “to beware of fakes.” Then it rolled. Chumak increased our product sales. I paid him 10 thousand dollars for a week of performances.

Of course, my partners and I understood that he was not a psychic. If not a charlatan, then a hoaxer and a verbiage. For example, Chumak boasted that after he charged the udders of cows, the animals gave more milk. Then local veterinarians determined that he lubricated the nipples of each cow with Vaseline, and this increased the milking time. The Vaseline softened the udder and the cow's teat didn't chafe like it used to when she stopped giving milk because she was in pain.

Son kidnapping

Chumak was a happy family man. From his first marriage he has a daughter, Lena (now 50 years old), who at one time assisted him during sessions. The second time Chumak married his fan Lyudmila, with whom he lived for forty years. In 1984, their son Dmitry was born. He caused his father a lot of trouble. Chumak bought his son a separate apartment, a Lexus, and gave him money. And Dmitry loved to take a walk. As indicated in the police databases, Dmitry was on the special register of the Moscow Central Internal Affairs Directorate, and in 2010 he was convicted under Article 116 part 2 - “hooliganism”. A young man attacked a cafe security guard with a knife and received a suspended sentence.

After the trial, Dmitry came to his senses and maintained Chumak’s website, where the healer conducted his sessions.

“Allan Vladimirovich was very upset by the latest story with his son,” says Vladimir Egorov, president of the Association of Traditional Healers. — In 2011, Dmitry was kidnapped for ransom. They pushed him into the car, took him out, and demanded that he sign a contract for the sale of his Lexus, which he did under pressure. Then these people were caught and sent to prison. To convict them, Chumak had to strain all his connections: the kidnappers were difficult people, one of them was an FSB employee (reserve lieutenant colonel of the Federal Security Service Timur Gashaev was given 7.5 years in prison, his accomplice, the unemployed Khavazhi Dugachiev, received the same sentence. - Ed. .).


"I believed in my father's gift"

We called the son of the psychic Dmitry Chumak.

“It’s hard for us now, so I’m not commenting yet,” said Dmitry. “Of course, my father was the main person in my life, and I will miss him.

- What did he die from?

— We do not disclose this information.

- Did you believe in his gift?

- Yes.

The psychic arranged group sessions right on the street. People came to him with three-liter jars and photographs of sick relatives. Photo: Vitaly SAVELIEV/RIA Novosti


The price of a miracle for the people

A disc with a recording of a session dedicated to a particular disease costs 3,500 rubles.

Charged photo portrait - 1000 rubles.

Individual sessions - from 5000 rubles.


Provided for relatives

Chumak left as a legacy a three-room apartment in the center of Moscow, a dacha near Moscow, bank accounts, a collection of ancient icons and antiques, his patents and videos of healing sessions.

“Apparently, the recorded sessions can feed Chumak’s relatives even after his death,” suggested lawyer Vladimir Sergeev.

Chumak’s children are fully provided for; their daughter and son each have a separate apartment.


“Sick animals were treated with my photography”

“Fifteen years ago, such an experiment was carried out at the All-Russian Research Institute of Animal Husbandry. In the village of Shchapovo near Moscow there is a large livestock breeding complex - an experimental farm of the institute. Several dozen cows in Shchapov suffered from mastitis, an inflammatory disease of the mammary gland, and they decided to treat them with my help. I didn’t want to travel to the Moscow region for such a thing - I recommended lubricating the udder of a sick cow with the cream I charged and each time lightly moving my photograph along the body of the sick animal. The cows not only recovered, but also gave increased milk yield!”

From the book by Allan Chumak “To those who believe in miracles.”


Natalya Yufereva, veterinarian:

I have big doubts

We asked a professional veterinarian to comment on the data from Chumak’s experience, when, after lubrication with charged cream, cows were cured of mastitis and their milk yield increased.

— If the cow is healthy and not sick, then her psychological mood can affect the amount of milk yield. This is an established fact,” says our expert. — If a cow is in a good mood, in excellent condition, then, of course, she gives the maximum volume of milk possible according to her physiology. And you can, of course, increase milk yield by relaxing her with massage and affection. You don't have to be a wizard to do this.

But for a psychic to cure mastitis, I have great doubts about the purity of the experiment. The cows could have been given antibiotics or another drug to treat mastitis in their feed, and a charged cream could have been applied against this background, which supposedly worked. There have been cases where researchers have manipulated facts in order to obtain funding or make a “discovery.”

The best plastic surgeons for facelift in Russia

Such specialists work not only in the capital of the Russian Federation. There are many of them in St. Petersburg and in Russian regions.

  1. Khrustaleva Irina Eduardovna (Academy Clinic, St. Petersburg).
  2. Volokh Maria Aleksandrovna , MD (Clinic of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery of Northwestern State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov, St. Petersburg).
  3. Kozulin Igor Dmitrievich , highest category (“GALAXY”, St. Petersburg).
  4. Chumak Roman Anatolievich , kmn (DEGA, St. Petersburg).)
  5. Nuryev Azat Azamatovich (“AG Faber Dentaplant”, Ufa).
  6. Fursov Georgy Yurievich (“Aquatoria”, Surgut).
  7. Almazov Ilya Alekseevich , kmn (Medgard, Orenburg).
  8. Bezrukov Sergey Grigorievich , doctor of medical sciences, professor (Clinic of Bezrukov S.G., Simferopol).
  9. Kondulukov Anton Nikolaevich , kmn (“Sharapova Clinic”, Samara).
  10. Pershin Andrey Vasilievich , kmn (“Dr. Pershin Center”, Kaliningrad).
  11. Eliseev Vladimir Valerievich , kmn (“Doctor Albrecht”, Voronezh).
  12. Obydennov Dmitry Sergeevich (“Clinic of Aesthetic Medicine”, Kazan).

The best plastic surgeons for facelift in Kyiv

The capital of Ukraine is famous for its doctors who work wonders on the appearance of their patients. Some of them work at the CERTUS clinic. This:

Zamkovoy Vadim Viktorovich;

  • Pinchuk Vasily Dmitrievich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor;
  • Podorozhny Anton Vladimirovich;
  • Tkach Oleg Sergeevich.

Patients also received recognition from:

  • Barinova Anna Aleksandrovna, kmn (“Aylaz”, “Oberig”);
  • Baranskaya Olga Vladimirovna (“Oberig”);
  • Mironov Andrey Borisovich (“Ana-Cosmo”).



“The upper eyelids have noticeably drooped, and I decided to correct this defect.
I contacted Dr. Karpova, and she performed a brilliant operation, tightening my upper eyelids with pinpoint precision. The result is amazing, because I look younger: I look refreshed, my eyes are open, my eyes seem to have opened wider. The surgeon performed neat, tiny stitches after the operation; after rehabilitation, they were completely unnoticeable.

I am very pleased with Elena Vasilievna’s “creativity” and recommend her to other brave and determined patients!”


“I had circumferential blepharoplasty and a facelift with Dr. Almazov.
At first I was confused by his age. But, having seen the result, I realized that the young specialist is a Professional with a capital P. Now I enjoy the result. I look 10 years younger. Ilya Alekseevich created a miracle; not only my husband, children, grandson, but also my colleagues admire my appearance. And if you need to fix anything else in your face, then only go to him.”

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