Non-surgical plasma blepharoplasty

Plasma blepharoplasty in Moscow

Who wants to look beautiful and young for as long as possible? Of course, anyone will answer positively to this question.

However, if before the age of thirty, in order to eliminate skin imperfections and get rid of wrinkles, it is enough to apply special creams and gels, then after forty years, in order to say goodbye to bags under the eyes, puffiness, and wrinkles, many decide to undergo surgery.

This operation is called blepharoplasty.
It can be performed under either general or local anesthesia. Surgical intervention is quite expensive and entails a significant recovery period. Today, the Cellulite clinic offers you an excellent alternative to surgical blepharoplasty - this is non-surgical plasma blepharoplasty.
To carry out the procedure, we use a unique medical device - PLASMAGE, which uses the phenomenon of plasma (plasma consists of ionized gas, includes ions and electrons, while the substance is completely neutral).

The plasma generated by gas ionization creates a lifting effect, causing renewal of surface tissues.

The device works as accurately as possible, without affecting the deep layers of the skin and without affecting the surrounding tissues.

Pinch method in blepharoplasty


Doctors at Svoe Clinic use the most modern, proven, minimally invasive techniques. Usually, when talking about lower blepharoplasty, they mention classic and transconjunctival. In fact, there are many more methods. Plastic surgeon Boris Aleksandrovich Kabakov will talk about the pinch method, how it differs from other options for lower blepharoplasty, and in what cases it is used.

The perception of a person almost always begins with the perception of his face. Usually our first impression of a person is formed by his eyes and gaze. We subconsciously evaluate, first of all, the key areas around the eyes. The aesthetic condition of these zones (periorbital areas) depends on many different factors, including:

  • eyebrow position;
  • condition of the tissues of the temporal zones;
  • the presence of intraorbital hernias;
  • condition of adipose tissue and supporting structures surrounding the orbit (including bone);
  • width, height and axis of the palpebral fissure;
  • skin tone.

Therefore, for a “real” anti-aging effect, eyelid surgery alone is usually not enough.

A comprehensive individual approach to achieving aesthetic correction is required - a combination of surgical and cosmetic techniques.

One of the stages of surgical correction may be lower blepharoplasty, which is performed under both local and general anesthesia. Schematically and most often, blepharoplasty involves the elimination of excess skin, excision or redistribution of orbital fat packets, strengthening of the structural tissues of the eyelid (orbicularis muscle, septum, canthal ligaments). The most commonly used approaches to the internal structures of the lower eyelid are subciliary (percutaneous incision) and transconjunctival (from the inside of the eyelid). The main problem of the subciliary approach is the approach to the fat packets with the inevitable dissection of the orbicularis muscle and the underlying septal septum. This increases the risk of developing inversion of the lower eyelid margin in the postoperative period due to destabilization of the support and a scar process that pulls the eyelid downward. Therefore, this kind of intervention requires additional “safety net” manipulations - myopexy and/or lateral canthopexy.

Traditionally, the transconjunctival approach is used in cases where there is no excess skin of the lower eyelids. However, many surgeons today use this approach in most cases as it is less invasive. In this case, excess skin is carefully removed using the pinch technique (pinch - from English “pinch off”). Fatty hernias are removed from the inside (transconjunctivally = through the conjunctiva), excess skin is removed from the outside, and the orbicularis oculi muscle is not affected. If necessary, canthopexy is performed. This approach to eyelid correction significantly shortens the rehabilitation period and reduces the risk of developing ectropion of the lower eyelid margin.

However, the choice of technique is individual and depends on hundreds of reasons.

To make an appointment with Boris Alexandrovich Kabakov, call 8 or email the clinic



Application of plasma in aesthetic medicine

Procedures using plasma help initiate the processes of skin regeneration and rejuvenation.

Specialists non-invasively remove not only wrinkles in the eye area and skin imperfections in this area, but also remove various tumors, and also eliminate age spots. One of the advantages of using plasma is that the patient can go about their daily activities the very next day.

Among other things, plasma blepharoplasty has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect.

Pros and cons of non-surgical blepharoplasty Plasma Pen

The main advantage of the Plasma Pen is low trauma and rapid recovery after the procedure with an effectiveness comparable to much more “armor-piercing” devices. Plasma pens are not only a non-surgical, but even a non-contact method: a potential difference is formed between the tip of the needle and the surface of the skin, but only the plasma, not the needle, touches the skin itself. Even so, the needles used are disposable and, of course, sterile. This means that the risk of infection during the procedure is reduced to almost zero. The same applies to allergic reactions. It is important that, unlike any injections, Plasma Pen will not leave even small bruises on the skin.

The recovery period after correction under Plasma Pen is very short - on average 7-10 days (after CO2 laser, for comparison, it can be up to three weeks). You can dose the effect on the skin in any way - be it by time, or by area of ​​treatment - and generally use an as individual approach as you like.

The main disadvantage is the rather high influence of the human factor on the final result. Most likely, thanks to the ease of use of the Plasma Pen, very soon every second cosmetologist, including those from home workers, will offer non-surgical blepharoplasty services using this small device. Not every one of them will be professional enough to competently use the new technology, and some will also bring cheap “analogues” of high-quality pens from Chinese sites - which means the number of dissatisfied clients will increase. Please do not add to their number! Use the services of only professional cosmetologists whom you can trust, be sure to attend preliminary consultations in beauty salons and ask all your questions. Do not neglect the list of contraindications, treat your health and beauty with the utmost care!

Benefits of plasma blepharoplasty

— plasma blepharoplasty is suitable for all skin types, it has virtually no side effects; - use of local anesthesia; - does not cause bleeding; — effect after 1 procedure; — the rehabilitation period is insignificant.

Photos before and after the procedure

Non-surgical plasma blepharoplasty. Eyelid skin tightening without incisions using the Plexr device.

Eyelid surgery can be performed in different ways.
The main indication for this operation is the appearance of sagging eyelid skin, the formation of skin bags and drooping of the outer corner of the eye. Until 2008, blepharoplasty was performed only with a scalpel. Traditional surgery is performed under anesthesia and always leaves a mark in the form of a postoperative scar.

The Plexr device allows you to perform eyelid surgery - blepharoplasty using plasma without anesthesia and incisions, without health risks and scars on the skin.

Rice. 1. Non-surgical plasma blepharoplasty

Progress of the procedure

The procedure for correcting deficiencies in the periorbital area lasts, on average, 15-30 minutes. The specialist applies an anesthetic cream to the affected area. Then the mode and radiation power that is ideal for the patient are selected.

After the procedure is completed, the effect is immediately visible.

There may be slight swelling of the treatment area and redness of the skin. Experts recommend taking care of the treated area (applying compresses, applying special creams), and wearing sunglasses. Complete restoration of the skin occurs, on average, after 4-6 weeks.

The procedure can be performed at any time of the year, regardless of the patient’s age, skin type and color.

How does it work

Plasma or laser blepharoplasty is a technology of ionization of gas particles in the air between the instrument and the skin, which provides extremely effective skin tightening in plasma.
There is no heat transfer between the tool and the surface of the skin, so there is minimal or no damage. Today, this is the only procedure that removes skin without a single cut, without stitches and with a quick recovery period. Due to its precision, laser blepharoplasty is ideal for removing excess skin around the eyes. Plasma eye lift not only leaves very little damage to the surface, but also has no effect on the underlying tissue. In addition, the procedure also protects the deeper layers of the skin from unwanted heat transfer.

What is the price

Non-surgical wrinkle correction Price list
Eyebrow area10,000 rub.7,000 rub.
Forehead area10,000 rub.7,000 rub.
Crow's feet10,000 rub.7,000 rub.
Upper eyelids20,000 rub.15,000 rub.
Lower eyelids15,000 rub.12,000 rub.
Cheeks (fine wrinkles)10,000 rub.7,000 rub.
Neckfrom 10,000 rub.from 7,000 rub.
Cleavage20,000 rub.18,000 rub.
Post acne treatment whole face105,000 rub.10,000 rub.
Treatment of post acne lower third of the face10,000 rub.7,000 rub.
1 element1,000 rub.700 rub.
Treatment of scars, stretch marksfrom 1,000 rub.

Price Promotion: Eyebrow area 10,000 RUR Forehead area 10,000 RUR Crow's feet 10,000 RUR Upper eyelids 20,000 RUR Lower eyelids 15,000 RUR Cheeks (fine wrinkles) 10,000 RUR Neck from 10,000 RUR Décolleté 20,000 RUR Treatment of post-acne whole face1 RUB 05,000 .Treatment of post-acne lower third of the face10,000 rub.1 element1,000 rub.Treatment of scars, striaefrom 1,000 rub.

Eyelid blepharoplasty procedure.

Results in three weeks. Please note that lower eyelid blepharoplasty was not performed.

Video procedure
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