Non-surgical eyelid surgery - is it effective?

Non-surgical eyelid surgery helps restore an open, light look, making the face much younger and more attractive. Using this technique, without the use of a surgical scalpel, it is possible to get rid of drooping eyelids, small and large wrinkles, and bags under the eyes. In terms of effectiveness, non-surgical eyelid lifting is often compared to traditional plastic surgery. The difference is that this correction method is much more gentle for the patient and carries significantly fewer risks.

The main advantages include the following:

  • Having decided to undergo non-surgical blepharoplasty in Moscow, the patient does not have to worry that his face will be distorted: it will simply look younger. The result of correction in the eye area can be seen in the before and after photo of non-surgical blepharoplasty.
  • In most cases, it is not necessary to stay in the clinic for more than a few hours. This saves not only time, but also money for patients.
  • When performing non-surgical blepharoplasty, there is no need to use general anesthesia, which significantly reduces the list of contraindications. Local anesthesia is used.
  • Since no incisions are made on the skin, there are no stitches left after an eyelid lift without surgery.
  • There is no risk of bleeding or infection penetrating into the deep layers of tissue.
  • According to reviews, non-surgical blepharoplasty does not require a long period of rehabilitation: as a rule, traces of laser eyelid correction without classical surgery become invisible after just a few days.

Features of the technology

In modern aesthetic medicine, several technologies for eyelid lifting without surgery are used: prices in Moscow depend on the choice of method.

Non-surgical plasma blepharoplasty is an innovative technique. Skin tightening occurs under the influence of cold plasma (the fourth state of matter). A plasma arc is formed between the surface of the skin and the needle-shaped attachment.

  • During non-surgical eye correction, the skin does not heat up: problem areas are exposed to charged particles, which reduces the risk of skin burns in the upper or lower eyelid area. Under the influence of a plasma device, a very fine fine mesh is formed under the skin, which resembles a lifting effect.
  • The fat layer (fatty hernias) is broken down and excess moisture is removed.
  • After the regeneration process and rehabilitation period, the condition of the skin in the upper or lower eyelid area improves, wrinkles become smaller.
  • This technology is recognized by specialists in the field of aesthetic medicine as one of the most effective and safe correction methods.
  • In eliminating upper eyelid hernia, this method is considered the most modern and effective.

The thermolysis method allows you to achieve excellent results after non-surgical blepharoplasty due to the combination of the effects of fractional laser optical thermolysis and RF radiation on the skin. The advantage of this method is that it can be used for patients with different skin conditions and at different ages. The operating parameters of the plexer for non-surgical eyelid lifting are selected individually using a special scanner that reads all the features of a person’s skin.

  • This technology allows you to work with moving and fixed eyelids.
  • The impact is targeted, so only small areas are treated, which leads to the production of collagen. The skin in the area of ​​the lower or upper eyelid remains intact: rehabilitation after blepharoplasty without surgery is as fast as possible.
  • The device generates various types of pulses (D-Pulse and S-Pulse), which cause ablation of skin tissue and deeply warm it up. The combination of two types of waves reduces the exposure time.
  • Thanks to the participation of CO2 laser energy, tissue resistance is reduced, and radio frequency waves can penetrate into deeper layers.
  • The result of laser exposure is the natural production of collagen, reduction of wrinkles, improvement of skin elasticity, and reduction of pigmentation.

Non-surgical blepharoplasty is also used using electromagnetic waves that heat the deep layers of the skin, causing the collagen fibers to curl. This leads to an increase in skin tone - wrinkles are smoothed out, hernias are eliminated, dark circles under the eyes disappear. Thanks to a special attachment, the skin is treated right up to the edge of the eyelashes: only this technique provides this opportunity.

Non-surgical blepharoplasty of the upper eyelids also includes injection methods: a cocktail of nutrients is injected under the skin using a syringe, which includes plant analogues of human sex hormones, collagen and elastin, vitamins and amino acids. This has a stimulating effect, renewing and tightening the skin.

Regardless of which non-surgical technique is used, it is recommended to undergo a course of procedures: two to four at intervals of one month. This helps to achieve the best effect.

Lower eyelid blepharoplasty

Lower blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure to tighten the skin in the lower eyelid area. As a result of this manipulation, it is possible to remove unaesthetic bags under the eyes, hernias and swelling, etc. The look becomes open, fresh, clear!

It is important! The operation is performed on the skin and subcutaneous layer - the organs of vision are not affected in any way. Blepharoplasty does not affect the clarity of vision!

Indications for lower blepharoplasty

  • Wrinkles that are too pronounced.
  • Sagging skin.
  • The presence of deep lacrimal and eyelid-buccal grooves.
  • Decreased skin tone in the lower eyelid area.
  • Hernias.
  • Painting bags.
  • Bags under the eyes.
  • Sunken eye effect.
  • Swelling (anatomical structure of the lower eyelids).
  • Eye shape that does not suit the patient.

Please note: blepharoplasty, like any surgical operation, has its contraindications. Among them are malignant tumors, problems with the heart and blood vessels, exacerbation of inflammatory processes, diabetes mellitus, dry eye syndrome and certain diseases of the visual organs. Otherwise, the operation is recommended for people of different ages who want to make their appearance more attractive.

Result of lower blepharoplasty

Effective correction of aesthetic defects
After the operation, all the points listed above, which negatively affected the appearance and general condition of the patient, really go away.
Correction of individual vision problems
, namely those that arose due to sagging skin.
No scars
Modern surgical technologies make it possible to perform operations using high-quality suture material. There are no scars left behind, and the skin can always be polished with a laser for a flawless result!

Types of lower blepharoplasty

  • Transconjunctival - used to remove a hernia or a specific area of ​​skin. A small incision is made in the lower eyelid through which appropriate manipulations are performed.
  • Laser – is used on the same principle as the classical one, but instead of a scalpel, the surgeon uses a laser. The beam opens the skin in the desired area, while accidental damage to the eyeball or cornea is excluded.

In addition, there is the so-called lower fat-sparing blepharoplasty. It does not involve removal, but re-preservation of adipose tissue, as a result of which you can obtain the desired shape of the eyelids. This method is recommended for people with anatomically deep nasolacrimal grooves.

Preparation for lower eyelid blepharoplasty

The preparatory stage is similar to the classical stage for any surgical intervention. The patient undergoes a biochemical and general blood test, a urine test, and is examined by specialized specialists (cardiologist, dentist, therapist). The presence of allergies to antibiotics and anesthesia is determined. If the conclusion is positive, the day of surgery is set.

Progress of lower eyelid lift surgery

  1. The surgeon marks the areas with a special marker.
  2. Anesthesia (usually local anesthesia) is administered.
  3. An incision is made along the eyelash growth line.
  4. The surgeon removes the hernia and corrects the position of the skin to an ideal result.
  5. Stitches are placed and the eye is covered with a bandage.

The total duration of the operation is about 1 hour.

Possible sensations immediately after surgery

  • dry eyes;
  • pain syndrome;
  • slight dizziness;
  • itching in the eyes;
  • swelling;
  • hematomas and swelling;
  • Periodic bleeding is possible.

Postoperative period and recovery

The first few days you need to use special drops and anesthetic gel.

3-4 days after the operation, the surgeon removes the sutures, leaving no scars in their place. Even if there are thin white stripes, they can always be polished with a laser.

After a week, the hematomas and swelling completely disappear, the eyes acquire the necessary appearance - the one for which the operation was performed.

Recommendations for quality restoration:

  • stop playing sports;
  • do not raise or lower your head sharply;
  • Avoid direct exposure to the sun's eyes;
  • do not use decorative cosmetics;
  • Do not strain your eyes while reading or working at the computer.

How is an eyelid lift performed without surgery?

At the first appointment, the doctor examines the patient, collects a complete medical history, finding out whether there are any contraindications to non-surgical lower eyelid blepharoplasty. The doctor evaluates its effectiveness for a particular person. After this, the doctor and the patient decide on non-surgical blepharoplasty or choosing another method. Traditional surgery may be a more appropriate option.

The procedure for lifting an overhanging eyelid without surgery includes several main steps.

  • Makeup is completely removed from the face and eyelids.
  • An anesthetic – a special gel – is applied to the area around the eyes.
  • The eyeball is covered with a protective lens.
  • The skin near the eyes is polished.
  • The device for non-surgical blepharoplasty is customized according to the individual characteristics of the patient.
  • The doctor works with areas where there is excess adipose tissue: it is broken down.
  • When the process is complete, the area near the eyes is covered with cold compresses. Subsequently, the patient is asked to use antiseptic ointments to eliminate the risk of infection.

What can and cannot be done before eye surgery?

After the final decision on the possibility of performing the operation, immediate preoperative preparation for blepharoplasty of the upper and lower eyelids begins.

In order for eye plastic surgery to proceed without risks and complications, the patient must strictly follow the recommendations of the plastic surgeon 2 weeks before the correction:

  • It is necessary to stop taking medications that contain aspirin.
  • It is forbidden to visit the solarium or be in direct sunlight.
  • You should stop taking vitamin E and ginkgo biloba.
  • A categorical cessation of alcohol and smoking is required.
  • The evening before blepharoplasty of the lower and upper eyelids, you should avoid eating and reduce the amount of water you drink.
  • You should not wear jewelry or use decorative cosmetics during the operation.

It is very important to get a good night's sleep and rest before circumferential eyelid surgery, which will help relieve nervous tension before surgery.


Fat-sparing, transconjunctival or circumferential blepharoplasty does not require inpatient monitoring of the patient. A few hours after surgery on the upper and lower eyelids, you can leave the plastic surgery clinic, but accompanied by a loved one or relative.

How to behave after non-surgical laser eyelid lift?

For several days after the procedure for lifting the upper eyelid without surgery, you should follow the recommendations of the plastic surgeon, which he gives during the consultation after non-surgical blepharoplasty. A soothing cream is applied to the treated area. There is no need to be in the sun, and if you must go outside, it is recommended to use sunscreen.

What laboratory tests are needed?

A complete list of tests before blepharoplasty can be obtained from the plastic surgery clinic where the operation will take place. In most cases, this set is classic and includes:

  • general and biochemical blood tests to assess the patient’s health status;
  • level of blood clotting - coagulogram;
  • checking blood glucose levels to detect diabetes;
  • ECG.

Additional examinations may be prescribed by a physician, cardiologist or ophthalmologist. Consultation with these specialists is also necessary before plastic surgery of the eastern eyelids. After the examination, it is necessary to submit expert opinions on the possibility of surgical intervention to a plastic surgeon.

Sign up for a consultation with a specialist

Eyelid surgery without surgery in our aesthetic surgery clinic is performed by plastic surgeon M.A. Osin, who has extensive experience in the field of correction of the skin around the eyes. To find out whether this technique is right for you - blepharoplasty of the lower or upper eyelid without surgery, choose a consultation time that is convenient for you. The doctor will examine your situation and offer the best option for eliminating the problem: non-surgical or surgical. Contact the clinic administrator to make an appointment and find out the prices for non-surgical blepharoplasty.

Despite the fact that non-surgical blepharoplasty is a fairly popular medical service in the field of aesthetic medicine, it is impossible to achieve a long-term effect of skin rejuvenation in the eye area using laser correction and injection techniques. Only plastic surgery - blepharoplasty of the upper and lower eyelids will help make your eyes open and youthful.

The information on the site was personally verified by plastic surgeon Maxim Aleksandrovich Osin; if you have any additional questions, call the phone number listed on the site.

Why is preparation for blepharoplasty so important?

It is very easy to answer this question, even without going into medical details. Many patients, having seen photos before and after eyelid surgery, come to the conclusion that blepharoplasty is a very simple and low-traumatic procedure, since during the operation the plastic surgeon works on a couple of centimeters of skin in the eye area. For this reason, many decide to go to the clinic on the same day to correct cosmetic imperfections. But this approach is extremely dangerous, since without careful preparation for surgical correction there is a high risk of complications during and after blepharoplasty. Thus, preparation for blepharoplasty is a very important stage that is strictly forbidden to be skipped.

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