Should there be bruises after an anti-cellulite massage?

Many women think about the advisability of anti-cellulite massage in connection with the statements of some “experts” that there must be bruises after an anti-cellulite massage.

This is what confuses them very much, because they want to undergo an anti-cellulite massage in order to improve blood circulation, normalize metabolic processes, remove harmful toxins and, ultimately, to get beautiful, elastic skin. Therefore, the question: should there be bruises after an anti-cellulite massage interests many.

Some clients, who consider themselves to be experienced, confidently believe that anti-cellulite massage cannot be done without bruises. And, if this happens, it means that the master is not qualified enough. This statement is absolutely incorrect, since bruises from an anti-cellulite massage should not remain.

Prices for anti-cellulite LPG massage

Recommendations for bruises from LPG
After the LPG procedure in a salon where highly qualified professional specialists work, there can be no bruises. Tissue damage can occur in inexperienced practitioners. To avoid bruising in the future, you need to create heat in the damaged areas with a heating pad or a special lamp. It would also be a good idea to use Ascorutin and Troxerutin ointments.

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LPG massage and pregnancy

In general, experts recommend doing lpg massage after pregnancy. Since it is a contraindication. However, there are exceptions. During pregnancy, this procedure can be used in a gentle manner, which has a particularly gentle effect. This technique is called "venous insufficiency". It helps the expectant mother get rid of swelling.

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Calling fire on ourselves

Contraindications for endermology:

  • oncological diseases and benign tumors;
  • pregnancy;
  • acute infectious process and exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • skin rash;
  • painful varicose veins.

I decided to personally check whether LPG is as good as they say it is. After work, I went to a multidisciplinary medical center that boasted one of the most modern models of equipment.

A separate room is reserved for the miracle of technology. I don’t remember if there was a sign on the door “do not enter without an invitation”... But there was definitely something like that, because I changed clothes without fear.

Unlike manual massage, where the client must be naked, in LPG disposable special panties and special overalls are put on the naked body. White, thin as a stocking and just as tight. It’s a real hassle to get in while you’re putting your arms and legs in, but it looks hi-tech and sexy.

Before being placed on a high massage table, I was asked in detail what exactly I wanted to get from the procedure. The program that will be launched depends on this. For example, you can choose relaxation, destruction of fat deposits, fight against cellulite, etc. I wanted everything at once, so I had to settle on something between a restorative and anti-cellulite massage with an emphasis on problem areas.

While the woman doctor activated the necessary endermology program, I looked over her shoulder with interest and watched obscure inscriptions jumping on the screen of the LPG unit. This is probably how a Chukchi would feel if he found himself in a space mission control center...

The achievement of high technology reminded the time machine from the film “Guest from the Future”: without handrails, but with a long hose tail. As it turns out later, it was this tail, as conceived by engineer L.-P. Gautier must act as the massage therapist's hands.

LPG massage after childbirth

After giving birth, almost all women dream of returning to their previous shape, since the body has somewhat changed its dimensions during pregnancy and these changes are not always perceived positively by young mothers. Lpg massage after childbirth is not just useful, but simply categorically recommended. It will effectively get rid of the extra pounds that have been accumulating for nine months. Lpg massage is safe while breastfeeding. Therefore, you can not be afraid to go to the salon for procedures.

Hardware cosmetology is actively gaining popularity. This is due to its super efficiency. After all, special equipment can penetrate quite deeply into the skin and affect problematic fat deposits, eliminating them as successfully as possible.

As a rule, ten sessions are enough to get results, thanks to which you get rid of many ailments that prevent a woman who has given birth from looking stunning. This method actively breaks down fatty tissue, eliminates swelling and the body itself takes on a toned and neat appearance.

LPG vacuum roller massage is also indicated during breastfeeding. The lpg procedure for nursing mothers will help protect against postpartum depression, improve the health of the body, get rid of unwanted kilograms and a stretched belly. It is absolutely safe and will bring a lot of positive emotions. Therefore, if you are asking the question: “Is it possible for a nursing mother to have lpg?”, then the answer will certainly please you - it is possible!

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How to avoid bruises after a massage?

There is not a single woman who would calmly take any damage after a massage. She is not interested in whether bruises should remain after an anti-cellulite massage; she just wants to see significant changes in the skin after each session that improve her aesthetics.

To avoid problems with bruises, it is important to follow several rules:

  • stop drinking carbonated drinks;
  • never overeat;
  • prohibit the consumption of heavy food and alcohol;
  • monitor your diet, avoiding eating too late;
  • play sports or perform a set of physical exercises.

Is it possible to have lpg after caesarean section?

LPG massage after cesarean section has its own characteristics and recommendations:

  • Firstly, the woman must undergo examination and consultation with competent specialists who will assess the condition of the seam.
  • Secondly, about six months should pass from the moment of the operation. In order to maximally protect and not harm the patient’s health.
  • Thirdly, when lpg massage after cesarean section, the suture area should be avoided.

To get professional help and know exactly when you can come for an lpg massage after a caesarean section, you should contact knowledgeable specialists. Only professionals not only know how to use the device, but also have the medical knowledge and experience to provide qualified assistance.

Therefore, before doing lpg massage after cesarean section, make sure that there are no contraindications for this.

Lpg massage after childbirth is a more subtle procedure, but no less useful. It will help you quickly restore an attractive shape, improve your mood and well-being.

Gaultier is a rich man

The difficult fate of women (men are lucky - they don’t have cellulite) was made easier by the French engineer Louis-Paul Gaultier. He invented a device that smoothes the skin gently but extremely effectively.

There would be no happiness, but misfortune would help. Louis-Paul was in a serious accident, and in order to recover from his injuries, doctors prescribed him a long course of massage. Either the qualifications of the local craftsmen did not suit Gautier, or there was no longer enough money, or simply due to idleness, the engineer decided to mechanize the massage process. And he succeeded.

Imagine the inventor’s surprise when testing the device revealed that it not only relieves swelling and helps scars to resolve, but also improves the structure of the skin. Tightens it, makes it more elastic and smooth, reduces fat deposits. It also calms the nerves and improves immunity.

Louis-Paul Gaultier immediately patented his brainchild and gave the technique the commercial name “ endermology ”. And it is connected with the skin (dermis), and it sounds beautiful.


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Contraindications for massage in pregnant women

It is not always possible to carry out the procedure, especially when a woman is expecting the baby. It is worth remembering that there are a number of contraindications for pregnant women when massage should not be performed:

  • sharp, severe pain in the lumbar region, as well as chronic diseases of the spine;
  • increased uterine tone can lead to miscarriage;
  • varicose veins , especially if severely manifested in the lower extremities;
  • infectious pulmonary diseases;
  • problems in the cardiovascular system;
  • skin diseases (dermatitis, allergic manifestations);
  • high blood pressure.

It is not recommended to carry out the procedure in the first 14 weeks, when the main organs of the embryo are formed. At this time, pregnant women are generally advised to take extreme care of their health and not overwork. If a woman exhibits toxicosis, she should refrain from going for massage sessions.

In the second trimester, contraindications associated with pregnancy in women are mostly removed. But in any case, the doctor must advise and indicate which actions can be carried out and which are prohibited, for example:

  • striking movements;
  • tapping;
  • strong pressure and pinching.

Also, during the procedure, you should not touch the tailbone, sacrum, heels and sole of the foot, wrists, and Achilles tendons. There are a large number of nerve plexuses and sensitive points located here, so you need to act in this area with great care.

It is not recommended to use creams, lotions and other cosmetics during a massage, as the composition contains many chemically active impurities that can harm the baby.

The sides were bruised

“The procedure will take a little more than half an hour, if it hurts, tell me,” the owner of LPG warned me. She reacted very skeptically to my willingness to endure for the sake of beauty.

It turns out that pain is stress and a signal warning our body of danger. This also applies to skin. Sensing something is wrong, she immediately turns on the defense system and ceases to adequately perceive beneficial effects. So it is not recommended to pretend to be a martyr in a massage parlor; this is not a sadomasochistic salon.

I climbed onto the table, made myself comfortable and relaxed, the doctor took the trunk hose in her hands. The procedure has begun.

Through the thin layer of the special overalls, the wide tip of the hose stuck to me. From the vacuum, the skin lifted slightly and fell between rotating rollers arranged in two rows - the main working unit of the LPG device. Having properly stretched the resulting fold, the tip (as if “rolling” it) gently and smoothly slid further, processing more and more new areas. I won’t say it’s very pleasant, but it’s quite tolerable. You can imagine yourself as a carpet being vacuumed.

After about ten minutes, on command, I turn over from my back to my stomach, the work on my body continues. Experts claim that at this stage of the massage, blood flow in small blood capillaries and lymphatic vessels improves. As a result, swelling disappears, skin elasticity increases, fatigue goes away, and even somehow (apparently, reflexively) the functioning of the endocrine glands (adrenal glands, ovaries and thyroid gland) is normalized.

The next stage is to work on problem areas: excess fat deposits and cellulite irregularities. The intensity of the device's buzzing, the speed of rotation of the rollers and their pressure on the skin automatically changes. Now I am no longer a carpet, but something like pie dough. I feel in my spinal cord how my fat cells are being destroyed, how cellulite is begging for mercy. And I fall asleep...

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