Advantages of LPG massage over other procedures

A person’s success is determined by many signs, including a well-groomed and beautiful body. Much attention has recently been paid to this indicator. But a lack of time, a fast-paced lifestyle and age-related changes make their own adjustments to their lifestyle and appearance. How can you improve your appearance at minimal cost and, most importantly, effectively? Currently, innovative hardware cosmetology perfectly contributes to improving the health of the body and its rejuvenation.

Myostimulation or LPG massage

Various programs contain in their complex the popular myostimulation procedure. This procedure is a kind of “exercise for the lazy.” The bottom line is that pulsed current affects the muscles where correction is required and in this area a contraction of certain muscle groups occurs.

The advantage of myostimulation is that you can develop those muscles that are difficult to influence with conventional physical exercises. As a result of the myostimulation procedure, swelling is eliminated, muscle mass is increased, deep muscles are developed, body volume is reduced, and pain is eliminated in case of problems with the spine.

But, unfortunately, this procedure has an impressive list of contraindications. And before the procedure, a medical examination is necessary in order to prevent undesirable consequences. And the positive result of this procedure will be noticeable only after applying the full course of procedures.

Unlike myostimulation, LPG massage affects the skin, muscles, subcutaneous fat, nerve receptors and blood vessels. And this procedure has a visible effect after the first session, and the list of contraindications is minimal. The LPG massage procedure has a positive effect on the body as a whole.

If you use LPG massage and myostimulation procedures in combination, the result will be unique. In this regard, cosmetologists advise using these procedures together to improve the condition of the skin and to combat excess weight.


An ultrasound machine is used to break down fat cells. A thin beam penetrates deep into the skin, reaching fat cells and destroying them. After the first visit, you can see the effect: the thickness of the folds decreases by 3-4 cm. For maximum effect, 5-6 visits will be required. During the session, the patient does not feel pain; a slight warmth may be felt.

Cavitation Price: from 4,000 rub.

(depending on application)


  • absence of pain;
  • high efficiency;
  • lack of anesthesia; minimum side effects.

The disadvantages of ultrasonic exposure include the mandatory implementation of lymphatic drainage before and after, which increases the cost.

Pressotherapy or LPG massage

One type of lymphatic drainage massage is pressotherapy. This is a hardware procedure and its essence is that problem areas undergo a volumetric effect due to the injection of air, which enters a special suit. The pressotherapy procedure should be used for obesity, venous insufficiency, to restore skin elasticity, to treat cellulite, to improve lymph flow, etc.

A gentle effect on the body is an undoubted advantage of the pressotherapy procedure. It is suitable even for those patients who are prohibited from procedures involving electrophoresis, electrical stimulation, and ultrasound. Taking into account individual characteristics, a course of pressotherapy is prescribed, and the standard number of procedures is ten to fifteen.

The pressotherapy procedure can be combined with other cosmetic procedures, for example, thermolifting. The thermolifting procedure affects the deep layers of fatty tissue and skin, which are the basis of the skin framework. Thermage uses high frequency energy. It is what promotes the formation of collagen and elastin. Tightened skin is a positive result of thermolifting.

Pressotherapy, unlike LPG massage, has a narrower range of applications. And a guarantee of an excellent result will be the comprehensive use of these two procedures, which complement each other perfectly.

Efficacy of the procedure and contraindications

The effect of cavitation manifests itself individually, usually noticeable after the first procedure. In one session you can remove up to 15 cubic centimeters of fat mass. The risk of relapse and reverse accumulation is minimal.

After the massage, a loss of volume is noticeable. The body takes on a chiseled shape, is visually stretched, and cellulite disappears.

Contraindications to the cavitation method:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • days of menstruation;
  • diabetes;
  • cancer;
  • hepatitis C, B;
  • chronic pathologies;
  • presence of implants, pacemakers.

Cavitation massage causes side effects in some patients. This is usually in the ears due to ultrasonic shocks. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract, liver, and bile ducts are less common. This is due to an increase in the load on the organs - the volume of fluid that needs to be removed from the body increases significantly.

To avoid the consequences of massage, you need to consult a specialist before cavitation. He will tell you how to improve your diet, drinking balance, and physical activity in order to minimize the load on your organs.

Liposuction or LPG massage

Problems of excess weight can be solved by the surgical procedure of liposuction. But this procedure does not solve the problem of obesity, it just corrects the silhouette. Liposuction can also harm the body. This may include scarring, swelling, pain, numbness, or effects of anesthesia.

The cavitation procedure and LPG massage are considered less traumatic and more effective for getting rid of extra pounds. LPG massage completely restores lymph and blood circulation, effectively affects problem areas, and also increases the elasticity and firmness of the skin.

An alternative to liposuction is the cavitation procedure. In another way it is also called “ultrasonic liposuction”. The essence of cavitation is to remove fat from cells.

Together, cavitation and LPG massage are an excellent substitute for the liposuction procedure, which can result in pain, complications or an unaesthetic final appearance.

Is it possible to combine methods?

To increase efficiency, you can combine both methods. Double exposure will help reduce the number of sessions and consolidate the effect for a longer time. Cavitation breaks down fat cells faster, and cryolipolysis consolidates the result.

When combining two procedures, it is necessary to first conduct a cavitation session, and then cryolipolysis. It is not recommended to carry out the methods in reverse order, otherwise cavitation will be ineffective. The need to combine procedures is determined by the attending physician after consultation.

Wraps or LPG massage

In cosmetology, the wrapping procedure is used. It consists in the fact that after special cosmetic products are applied to the skin, problem areas are wrapped with film. Thus, a “greenhouse effect” is created. Depending on the method of exposure, wraps can be hot or cold. Depending on the use of certain components, there may be chocolate, oil, mud, algae, honey and others.

The effect of the wrap also depends on its type. The wrapping procedure can stimulate metabolism, improve blood circulation, reduce the secretion of the sebaceous glands, improve recovery processes, cleanse pores, etc. During the wrap, beneficial (nutrients) substances penetrate into the skin.

With the help of a wrap you can restore (improve) the appearance of the skin and nothing more. To reduce the volume of fat deposits, wrapping is ineffective as an independent procedure. The result of the wrap can be significantly enhanced if used in combination with thermolifting, LPG massage, mesotherapy, cavitation and other procedures.

LPG massage, if chosen for clarity and effectiveness, has a significant advantage over wraps. Because LPG massage perfectly restores the condition of the skin and also removes fat deposits, but this cannot be achieved only with wrapping. With LPG massage there is a physical factor of influence, but with a wrap this is not the case. The positive result will be doubled, and the skin will take on a stunning, new look, become elastic, healthy and youthful if you combine the wrap with the LPG massage procedure.

Comparison of the differences between laser lipolysis and cavitation

Let's take a closer look at all the differences between each of the procedures:

  1. After cavitation, the results of changes are already visible after the first session , you can lose from 3 to 5 cm in the waist, while after the first laser lipolysis procedure, results in volume become noticeable only after a week.
  2. The cavitation procedure is painless , as there is no tissue damage. Laser lipolysis is a slightly more painful procedure, and therefore involves applying an anesthetic to the affected areas in the form of a gel or cream before the session, which improves skin conductivity. And also after lipolysis there may be hematomas and tissue damage.
  3. Cavitation does not require a recovery period, and the average session is about 30-40 minutes , while laser lipolysis requires recovery, from 2-3 days , depending on sensitivity.
  4. Laser lipolysis can be performed every 2-3 days and for a good result the course should be 8-10 procedures . Cavitation can be performed no more than once a week and the duration of the procedures varies from 6-10 depending on the situation.
  5. The cost of cavitation is significantly higher compared to laser lipolysis.

Reviews about LPG massage

In reviews of the LPG massage procedure, some note that it effectively treats cellulite, however, there is an opinion that this is unlikely. LPG massage strengthens the skin and perfectly rejuvenates it, removes waste, excess fluid and toxins, and trains muscle tissue. This procedure has a positive effect on the nervous system of the body, restoring and relaxing it.

The positive result of the LPG massage procedure is ensured by the use of the modern VelaShape device. Unlike a standard LPG device, this device is equipped with several additional functions (infrared heating and thermal lifting), which ensure even better results. Already after the first procedure with the VelaShape device, an improvement in the condition of the skin will be noticeable.

In addition to this, the LPG massage procedure is painless and safe, and patients note quick and lasting results.


The technique is based on the use of liquid nitrogen, which cools the body cells, which leads to their death. One session takes an hour. To obtain the desired result, 2 to 4 sessions are required. The course reduces folds of fat by 30% or 9 centimeters.

The effect of cryotherapy does not appear immediately, since the cells are destroyed gradually. You will be able to see the first results in 2 weeks, and the final effect will take hold after a couple of months.

The procedure is painless and does not cause discomfort or pain. The patient lies down comfortably on the couch and relaxes. The doctor takes a special device with which he treats problem areas. The fat folds are carefully tightened with a vacuum and cooled.

After the procedure, the treatment area may turn slightly red and a slight numbness may be felt. Adverse reactions disappear within an hour after visiting the doctor.

Cryolipolysis Price: 12,000 rub. — 16,000 rub.

(depends on the size of the nozzle, on the size of the fat trap)

Advantages of the technique:

  • lack of rehabilitation;
  • long-term effect;
  • painlessness.


  • the procedure is carried out only on folds whose thickness is at least 2 cm;
  • During the session, the patient may feel a slight tingling and numbness;
  • on the first day the patient may have slight swelling, redness, and pain in the head.

Prices for LPG massage

The LPG massage procedure is quite popular and there is a great demand for it in beauty salons, and what is especially pleasant is that it is quite affordable.

Factors that influence the final price of an LPG massage procedure are the required number of procedures, the availability of promotions, offers and discounts at the salon. Improving the condition of the skin and carrying out body correction is especially beneficial when you can purchase a set of procedures in the salon consisting of several techniques for each of which a discount is given.

A sedentary lifestyle, stress, poor nutrition, and age-related changes affect your appearance. However, modern cosmetology has in its arsenal a lot of developments that give excellent results.

The LPG massage hardware technique eliminates the signs of aging, rejuvenates and restores the skin, also breaks down fat deposits and gives a sustainable long-term result.

How is it carried out?

Ultrasound massage courses are performed in beauty salons and aesthetic medicine clinics. The procedure is carried out in several stages, for which you need to prepare. The body begins to tune up. Three days before each cavitation, you should not drink alcohol, fried, fatty, or heavy foods. You need to drink as much fluid as possible, eat mainly fruits, vegetables, and cereals.

1–1.5 hours before the session you need to drink at least 1 liter of clean water.

Cavitation with an ultrasonic device is painless. The client is placed on the couch. The specialist applies a gel substance to the skin to be treated and moves the device over problem areas. The process resembles an examination in an ultrasound room.

Manipulation smoothes the skin and helps you lose weight. The time of the massage session is determined individually and can range from 10 to 40 minutes.

After cavitation you can go home. The master will give recommendations and talk about the rules of the post-procedure regime.

Required conditions:

  1. For 3 days after the massage, drink at least 1 liter of clean water per day.
  2. Stick to proper nutrition.
  3. Avoid alcoholic beverages.
  4. Active pastime.

Goes well with lymphatic drainage massage, body wraps, and anti-cellulite treatments.

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