Types and benefits of cosmetic massage.

The way we take care of our loved ones, how we try to enjoy every day of our lives, how we love and accept ourselves - this is what makes up our true beauty.

Massage is an amazing opportunity to let your body recover, relax, that is, take care of your inner world and, at the same time, tighten your skin, strengthen your muscles - that is, take care of your external beauty.

Facial massage is beneficial at any age. It helps remove fine wrinkles, tightens the facial contour, and restores elasticity to the skin. In addition, this is an excellent (and, you see, very pleasant) remedy to get rid of sagging skin, cleanse it and normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands.

This type of massage is especially recommended for girls with a busy working day in order to “remove” all the worries of the past day from their faces. In general, up to 25 years of age, with normal skin, it is enough to massage the face 1-2 times a month. But after 35 years, this procedure needs to be given more attention; cosmetologists recommend doing a facial massage at least once a week in order to preserve youth and beauty for a long time.

Not every one of us has enough time to give ourselves a full body massage, but a rejuvenating facial massage will take us no more than 15-20 minutes. Let's get started?

Is it worth it?

Facial massage can be performed both in special medical clinics and at home, independently. But in any case, it all starts with determining why you need to carry out this procedure (although it will be enough for us that it simply relaxes the mind, muscles and helps to escape from the everyday hustle and bustle) and find out the condition of your skin.

What can be an indication for massage?

  • Swelling of the face
  • Dry skin
  • Expression and age wrinkles
  • Double chin
  • Excessive sebum secretion
  • Uneven facial contour

If your job involves stress and tension, a massage won't hurt either.

It is not recommended to do a massage if you have irritated skin or any skin diseases, otherwise there is a risk of greatly worsening the situation.

Benefit for health

Facial massage allows a woman to relieve emotional stress. It promotes the production of endorphins. Various techniques allow you to influence both the superficial and deep layers of the dermis, as well as the muscular frame, due to which you can achieve:

  • cleansing pores;
  • improving metabolism;
  • normalization of blood flow;
  • smoothing wrinkles;
  • increasing skin elasticity;
  • accelerating the synthesis of elastin and collagen.

Massage reduces facial muscle tension, helps eliminate dead cells, and remove toxins even from the deep layers of the dermis. It allows you to improve the color and turgor of the skin, enhance the effect of the cosmetic product.

Massage therapy allows a woman to get rid of migraines and improve her overall well-being. Yes, the result will not be noticeable from the first procedure! But the achieved effect will exceed all expectations.


How to prepare your skin before a massage

Before you start doing facial massage, you need to properly prepare your skin.
To do this you need:

  1. Completely remove makeup from the face, starting from the neck and moving up. Also, do not forget to remove lipstick, your face should be completely clean.
  2. Use a special cleanser, preferably antibacterial soap for facial skin. Rinse it off and gently pat your face dry.
  3. Steam your facial skin or warm it up a little. Thanks to this, the beneficial components included in the massage oils will be able to penetrate the skin even deeper and have a more pronounced effect.
  4. Calm down, relax and disconnect from the outside world for these 20 minutes.

You can do facial massage against wrinkles at home. To do this, you need to follow simple rules and just trust your feelings.

Rules for carrying out a cosmetic procedure

The effectiveness of a massage is determined by the quality of its implementation and the experience of the massage therapist. A knowledgeable specialist will suggest that the patient begin the session by cleansing the skin. It will be necessary to remove a layer of decorative cosmetics from it. Before the massage, it would be useful to carry out a deep cleaning and scrubbing procedure.

After removing the scrub, it is not recommended to wipe your face. Beauticians advise gently blotting it with a soft towel. Then you can proceed directly to the procedure. For more pleasant gliding and saturation of the skin with nutrients, it is recommended to use creams, oils or lotions for the face.

Movements during the massage should be light and soft. A cosmetic procedure should not cause discomfort or pain. After completing the session, the remnants of the massage product are removed using wet wipes. A nourishing mask is applied to the facial skin. After a quarter of an hour it is washed off.


How to do facial massage at home

We would like to remind you that massage at home must be performed strictly following the instructions that we indicate below. If the massage is performed incorrectly, it can lead to undesirable consequences.

What else do you need to know before getting a massage?

  • Your hands should also be clean and moisturized;
  • The left and right hands should work with equal force;
  • The movements are performed mirroring each other;
  • Move strictly along the skin lines and complete the movement;
  • Follow the rhythm (for example, make 3 uniform movements along the left cheekbone, and do the same along the right cheekbone)
  • Don't make a fuss :)

As you can see, this requires a certain dexterity and skill, but over time you will learn to feel your skin and begin to get great pleasure from the massage.

Features of massage

Cosmetologists warn: incorrectly selected massage equipment and improperly performed techniques can be harmful to health. Massage therapy should be carried out by a specialist.

Excessive exposure to the eye area can cause drooping eyelids. Self-massage can lead to bruising and even deeper wrinkles. A vascular network may appear on the face.

When working as a non-professional massage therapist, negative consequences may arise such as:

  • getting used to anti-aging procedures;
  • damage to muscle fibers;
  • skin stretching, sagging.

Inappropriate choice of massage products increases the acne problem. If a girl under 35 years old gets into frequent facial massage, her skin stops regenerating normally. Over time, she completely loses the ability to naturally restore tone.


The procedure is not recommended if a woman has acne, pustules, large moles, or papillomas. Massage is not performed if there are rashes of an allergic or infectious nature (herpes, eczema).

Cosmetologists recommend refraining from massage therapy for clients with excessive fragility of small blood vessels. The course should be delayed after micro-resurfacing of the skin or chemical peeling.

Contraindications include hypertrichosis, pinched facial nerve, problems with blood clotting. It is recommended to temporarily transfer a facial massage in case of elevated temperature, acute inflammatory processes, or an infectious disease that is in the acute stage.

The reason for searching for an alternative way to fight for beauty is severe hypertension, hypotension. Facial massage is not given to people suffering from cancer.

How to do a facial massage: instructions

A facelift massage is done by symmetrically stroking the facial skin along the skin lines. To do this, use special massage products (a review of which will be presented below).

  1. It is best to start facial massage from the forehead.
  2. Place your fingers on your forehead and gently move from the center in opposite directions, parallel to the eyebrow line. Do not go down to your temples, but keep your line of movement straight.

  3. Now let's move on to the eyes.
  4. In order not to stretch or damage the skin, here it is necessary to make light tapping movements with the pads of your fingers (preferably your middle or ring finger). Start in a circular motion from the inner corner of the eye and the bridge of the nose along the upper eyelid. Here you may feel slight irritation because it accumulates right along the eyebrow line. Move to the outer corner of the eye, where you can stop and perform a series of tapping movements. This simple technique will help us get rid of small facial wrinkles - rays around the eyes. Move along the lower eyelid and complete the circle.

  5. The following movements will help tighten your facial skin, tone it and improve blood circulation.
  6. To do this, you should move along three lines: from the bridge of the nose to the top of the ear; from the middle of the nose to the middle of the ear, and along the chin to the bottom of the ear, the lobe. To do this, connect your middle and index fingers together and begin the movement smoothly, lightly pressing on the skin. Please note that all movements must be done simultaneously on the left and right sides, and you should also move your fingers from the beginning to the very end of the line so as not to disrupt the internal processes in the skin.

  7. To avoid wrinkles around the lips, you need to pay special attention to them.
  8. Place your index fingers in the center of the line above your upper lip, and then smoothly draw a line to your earlobe. By the way, remember that it is best to repeat all movements several times.

  9. Let's take care of the jawline.
  10. The benefits of facial massage for tightening the outer contour are obvious, and most importantly, these movements are very simple to perform. You can even do this during a short work break. So, start pinch movements from the center of the chin along the oval of the face to the very end. This will help make the contour of the face clear and strengthen it. If you have a slight double chin, then tilt your head back and, feeling the stretch in the middle of your neck, count to 3. Repeat the movement another 20-30 times. (In fact, this is not very long, only 1.5-2 minutes)

  11. And finally, to relax the neck muscles, simply place your right hand on the left side of your neck, and your left hand on the right side, and stroke your neck from top to bottom, to the décolleté line.
  12. Well, now it’s time to relax, preferably with a mug of natural herbal tea in hand.

How often should you do a facial massage? It is enough to find time for it every other day, but if you want to achieve deep results, then perform the procedure daily.

For young girls, it is enough to repeat this procedure a couple of times a month. After 35, to improve the condition of the skin, it is recommended to do a full facial massage at least a couple of times a week.

What types of massage are there?

There are a lot of massage techniques. And they all differ in the duration of the procedure, methods of implementation, and duration of the effect. Among the most popular are:

  • ;
  • classical;
  • Jacquet;
  • sculptural;
  • Asahi Zogan rejuvenating massage;
  • other.

All of them are painless and require prior application of a massage product to the skin. Usually cream or oil is used. Some types of massage require the use of special lotion or talcum powder.

Most popular techniques resort to alternating the same techniques. During the session, the master performs such actions as stroking, rubbing, vibration, kneading.

Massage movements are carried out along strictly defined lines - counterclockwise around the eyelids, from the wings of the nose to the ears, from the middle of the forehead to the temples, from the chin to the ears. Do not apply too deep or sharp pressure on the points of the lymph nodes. Only a light degree of exposure is allowed.

Natural helpers for home massage

To carry out a facial massage at home, it is very important to use products with a natural composition, because during the procedure, beneficial substances penetrate deeply into the skin, providing a tonic effect.

We present to you a selection of such products from 4fresh experts.
[:product:orta0040:] This is the secret remedy of Thai massage masters. It is especially suitable for mature skin, having a tonic and rejuvenating effect on it.

The oil can also be used for oily skin.

[:product:orta0041:] If you have dry and sensitive skin, then the oil from this collection with jasmine, jojoba and sweet almond will suit you.

Essential oils and vitamins moisturize dry skin well and soften it during a massage.

[:product:orta0042:] For normal to oily skin, massage oil with green tea, jojoba and sweet almonds is suitable.

The oil has a cleansing and toning effect, helps even out complexion and tightens pores.

[:product:arom0025:] It is very convenient to take with you on trips and long journeys.

It is based on grape seed oil, as well as rosehip extract, beeswax and more.

This is an excellent assistant for damaged skin, which will help cope with acne, remove impurities and harmful substances, increase skin elasticity and make it several years younger.

[:product:arom0144:] Consists only of natural coconut, olive oils, almond extract, aromatic essential oils and other healthy ingredients.

This is an excellent product for sensitive skin and skin prone to irritation.

[:product:arom0140:] Suitable for inflamed skin. It perfectly soothes and relieves inflammation. This product is suitable for skin prone to allergies.

The oil perfectly tones, smoothes and helps cope with stubborn wrinkles.

[:product:tean0082:] For mature skin, the multilamellar modeling face cream “Agate Maghreb”, which contains precious argan oil, is especially suitable.

It is thanks to him that the skin becomes smooth and elastic. The massage cream perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the skin, and also saturates it with many useful elements and vitamins.

[:product:skin0012:] But for an express procedure, a self-heating massage cream mask from Skinlite is suitable.

It will help tighten and cleanse your facial skin in just a couple of minutes. Simply apply the product to your face, gently massage it along the skin lines and wash off the mask after one minute. The effect will not take long to arrive!

And remember - it is quite possible to maintain youthful freshness for a long time! All in your hands. The main thing is not to forget that care should be regular, and the products should be correctly selected for your age and skin type.


  • Benefits of massage
  • Indications and contraindications
  • Basic techniques
  • Facial massage by a cosmetologist

In cosmetology, facial massage is used as a complement or alternative to cosmetic care.
The procedure stimulates the circulation of blood and lymphatic fluid, improves metabolism, makes the skin elastic and firm. In addition to salon procedures, some treatments can be carried out at home, but only a professional approach gives the greatest effect. The benefits of massage are obvious:

  • skin color is evened out and becomes “fresh”;
  • due to increased blood circulation, cells are better saturated with oxygen and beneficial substances from the cosmeceuticals used;
  • Hypertonicity is eliminated;
  • fine wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • sagging, swelling decreases;
  • the oval takes on smooth outlines;
  • the vascular network is strengthened;
  • fat deposits are reduced;
  • the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized, and as a result, pimples and acne disappear;
  • mood improves.

To achieve all the described benefits, one facial massage procedure is not enough. It is advisable to complete a course of 10–15 procedures and repeat it 3 times a year.

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