Facial massage cream: is it better to buy or make it yourself?

If for one reason or another you cannot afford regular visits to a chiropractor, then it will not be difficult to try to take care of yourself at home. Or, what would be much more correct, agree with a specialist for several private sessions. In the latter case, by the way, you can count on quite good savings. What to do if you want to have a facial massage? After all, for this, in addition to considerable experience, you also need certain cosmetic preparations. But a good facial massage cream cannot be purchased at every pharmacy. But if you approach the issue wisely, the problem will not be so difficult. After all, the massage product can be made at home if desired. Or, if you show some persistence, still buy it in a specialized store. Read about how to do this as competently as possible in our material.

Why is it needed?

Is it necessary to use a special cream when doing a massage at home? If you want maximum efficiency and can afford a little extra expense, then the answer to this question is definitely yes. And that's why.

Advantages of a specialized massage cream:

  • Provides energy charging to facial muscles.
  • Significantly enhances the therapeutic effect.
  • Makes the procedure pleasant and truly relaxing (if, of course, you are lucky with a massage therapist).
  • Enhances exfoliating effect.
  • Promotes rejuvenation of skin cells.
  • Helps get rid of swelling, as well as a network of facial and age wrinkles.
  • Fights fatigue.
  • It simplifies the procedure, as the movements of the massage therapist’s hands become smoother.
  • Deeply stimulates epidermal cells.
  • Reduces the likelihood of injury.
  • It goes well with deep skin treatment, especially if the procedure is carried out along massage lines.

Advantages and disadvantages

Facial massage promotes skin renewal, and the right product enhances this effect. Massage creams have benefits such as:

  • relaxing effect;
  • skin restoration;
  • lifting effect;
  • impact on the deep layers of the epidermis;
  • compatibility with various skin types;
  • simplifying the massage.

The disadvantage is the inability to use massage creams on an ongoing basis.

Whatever product you take, they are all quite concentrated, so overuse can lead to oversaturation of the skin.

It is also worth paying attention to the composition, especially for allergy sufferers. Some components may cause an allergic reaction.


Selecting the right components of a massage cream is not such a simple task. Here you have to take into account not only the type of epidermis, but also the main task to be solved during the session. Therefore, we recommend that you consult with a specialist before starting treatment, especially if you are planning a massage at home.

Dry skin

  • Olive and avocado oils.
  • Hyaluronic acid (see hyaluronic acid in face creams).
  • Keratins.
  • Various components derived from seaweed.
  • Grapeseed oil.

Oily skin

  • Chamomile extract.
  • Tea tree oil.
  • Calendula.
  • Fruit acids.
  • Caffeine.
  • Retinol (vitamin A).
  • Salicylic acid.

Anti-aging massage

  • Panthenol.
  • Protein.
  • Ceramide.
  • Liposomes

Dr. Spiller – Fresh and Fruit Moisturizing Mask

This is a gel mask that contains pineapple and papaya extracts and has a cleansing, moisturizing and brightening effect on the skin.

The main advantage of this mask is that it is perfect for young, oily skin.

Among the disadvantages of this mask, I can note a drawback that is common to almost all gel products. It does not provide prolonged gliding, and during the massage it is necessary to periodically wet your fingers with water to resume gliding.

But this is the case when you need to choose the lesser of two evils - for those for whom cream is not suitable for massage, it is better to opt for gel.

And if you need a budget option, this tool most likely will not suit you. But you can try another gel mask for oily skin. The main thing is that the gel has a fairly dense jelly-like consistency and is not absorbed very quickly.

Will do

People with young, oily skin prone to breakouts and clogged pores. For those for whom almost any massage cream contributes to the appearance of acne.

Won't fit

For those with young and mature skin that is not characterized by increased sebum production, there are many other interesting products for such skin.

Types of massage cream

There are quite a lot of them: from simple monocomponent ones to complex ones, which contain several dozen ingredients. Therefore, you must first decide on your preferences, and only after that go to the pharmacy or store if you want to make the cream at home.

Classic (hygienic) massage

  • Peculiarities. The procedure will improve the structure of the epidermis, promote the outflow of blood and lymph, speed up metabolism and restore lost tone to the skin. We especially note: this type of massage is recommended for every woman, regardless of her age.
  • Type of cream. A regular moisturizing composition is suitable for the procedure.

Plastic massage

  • Peculiarities. It is considered the most effective method of non-surgical facelift. The technique has proven itself especially well in the fight against all age-related skin changes, so it is not best suited for young women. The massage movements are a little rough, but rhythmic.
  • Type of cream. Any composition with a pronounced anti-aging effect.

Therapeutic (pinch) massage

  • Peculiarities. It is used exclusively for therapeutic purposes, therefore its use at home is not recommended. The main objectives are stimulation of the cardiovascular system, reduction of hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands, and regeneration of epithelial cells. Therapeutic massage is recommended to combat seborrhea, rashes and excessive sweating.
  • Type of cream. Specially developed formulations.

Basic oils for facial massage

The basic bases are natural, cold-pressed vegetable oils, enriched with vitamins and microelements. The following oil bases are used in cosmetology:

  • Olive oil is a universal and affordable product that restores skin elasticity, fights the first signs of aging, replenishes mineral deficiencies in the body, and can be used for hypersensitive skin.
  • Almond is the best ingredient for face and body massage; it effectively copes with puffiness, strengthens facial muscles, smoothes expression wrinkles, and gives the skin a radiant shine. It has a light structure and is quickly absorbed into the skin.
  • Sesame oil is a godsend for oily skin, helps remove waste and toxins from the body, cleanses pores of pollution, has a wound-healing effect, relieves irritation and stops inflammatory processes. Renews cells.
  • Jojoba – used by women over 30 years of age, it enriches the skin with beneficial substances, smoothes expression lines, and perfectly relieves inflammation. Stimulates cell regeneration, helps retain moisture in the body.
  • Peach - can rejuvenate aging skin, penetrates deeply into the layers of the epidermis, saturates them with useful substances. The consistency of the oil is dense, it is absorbed for a long time, and therefore requires a small amount when applied. Not recommended for oily skin.
  • Apricot kernels are hypoallergenic and can be used for sensitive skin. Removes notes of aging, eliminates expression wrinkles.
  • Grape is a powerful antioxidant that easily copes with the first signs of skin aging and prevents age-related changes. An excellent moisturizer.
  • Avocado – can be used as an independent remedy or in combination with active ingredients. The unique composition allows it to penetrate deeply into the skin and activate the epidermis at the cellular level. Effectively used for dry skin.

An active component from a number of essential oils is also selected for the base base for facial massage against wrinkles. It is important to organize the combination of basics correctly to achieve the desired result.

Features of application

A properly selected massage cream will significantly increase the effectiveness of the procedure. But you must understand that its use will require compliance with several rules. Especially if you plan to do the massage at home.

Movement technique

  • Cheeks (middle part). The impact on the skin is carried out with the pads of the index and middle fingers. Direction of movement: nasolabial fold - ear.
  • Cheeks (lower part). The massage is performed with both hands. Direction of movement: chin - ears.
  • Forehead. Massage with palms. Direction of movement: from the center of the forehead to the temples.
  • Area around the eyes. Direction of movement: the inner side of the eyebrows - the bridge of the nose (in a circle). But be extremely careful: the skin here is especially delicate and thin.
  • Neck. Direction of movement: in a circle, from left to right.

Important Notes

  • The skin should be warmed before starting the procedure, and this applies to both your face and the hands of the massage therapist.
  • Before the session, you need to wash your face thoroughly.
  • Stretching the skin during a procedure performed at home is strictly prohibited.
  • Movements should be as rhythmic as possible.

Safety precautions

  • If you plan to do a massage yourself, be sure to understand all its intricacies. Specialized courses, video tutorials, or advice from professionals, which they often share on the Internet, can help you.
  • Make sure that the massage cream matches your age and skin type.
  • If you are using a store-bought formulation, make sure that it has not expired. Prefer to make your own massage cream? All ingredients must be fresh.

What to buy?

As we have already said, finding a good massage cream in a pharmacy or specialty store is quite difficult. We can offer you only four drugs, the effectiveness of which we ourselves have seen.

Pharmacy creams:

  • Re-Generiq (Dermika, Poland, 500 ml/2400 rub.). Professional massage cream intended for use in beauty salons. Contains sweet almond oil, which provides a regenerating, nourishing and moisturizing effect. The cost is quite high, but this volume will last you a very long time.
  • ELD/S-30 Face massage cream (Eldan, Switzerland-Italy, 500 ml/2000 RUR). Another example of a cream designed for salon use. It contains vitamins, carotenoids, tannins, glycosides and essential oils, which provide a softening, regenerating and calming effect. A good option, if, of course, you are not bothered by the fairly high price.

  • Crème à Masser Rééquilibrante Aromachologie (L'Occitane, France, 200 ml/3000 rub.). Universal massage cream from a premium brand. Suitable for all skin types and guarantees excellent nutrition of the epidermis without any side effects. But only very wealthy women can afford such a cream.
  • Special Revitalizing Massage Cream (Chamos - Acaci, South Korea, 125 ml/1100 RUR). A relatively inexpensive cream from the Land of Morning Freshness. It is almost impossible to buy it in a regular pharmacy, so you will either have to look for an intermediary or order it on the Internet.

Christina – Bio Phyto Comforting Massage Cream

This cream attracted my attention because it is positioned as a massage product for sensitive skin prone to oiliness, irritation, redness and various inflammatory reactions.

And I must say the cream lives up to these claims - it gives a slight feeling of coolness, which is certainly very pleasant, comfortable and beneficial for sensitive skin.

The texture of the cream is light and non-greasy, although it contains Shea butter, as well as vitamins and plant extracts.

And another plus is that this is a fairly budget option and this cream is not difficult to find in online stores.

Will do

This cream is suitable for those with sensitive, normal, combination and oily skin.

Won't fit

For those with dry skin, this cream can be absorbed very quickly and the slipping will stop.

As for the shortcomings, I can note the rapid absorption of the cream. Literally after 10 minutes of self-massage, the cream is completely absorbed and the sliding stops. And if you add a new portion, the cream begins to roll off a little during the massage, which personally does not suit me.

That is, this cream is suitable for a 10-minute massage, but I cannot recommend this product for a longer session.

However, in Chapter 17 of the practical guide to the Renaissance self-massage training course, I gave clear recommendations on how to turn your cream or nourishing face mask, which does not provide proper glide, into a good massage product. Moreover, taking into account the age and other characteristics of your skin.

How to do it?

Preparing massage cream at home is quite possible, especially if you are unable to find a suitable composition on sale. The recipe that we offer you will not require significant financial outlays from you, especially compared to the cost of pharmaceutical drugs from the previous section.


  • rose water - 9 parts;
  • lanolin, sunflower oil - 4 parts;
  • Vaseline - 2 parts;
  • camphor oil - 1 part.

How to cook?

First, combine the oils and heat them slightly in a water bath. After this, add the remaining ingredients and mix everything thoroughly.

What additional components can be added?

  • Sour cream.
  • Cream.
  • Yogurt.
  • Kefir.
  • Honey.
  • Berry and fruit pulp.

Common combinations

To get the best results from a facial massage with oil, you can combine several types of them and get a good mixture. As a rule, one or more essential oils are added to the base composition. The most common combinations include:

  • Shea, grapefruit, rose;
  • Jojoba, lemon balm, sage;
  • Olives, lavender;
  • Almond, bergamot, lemon;
  • Mango, cypress, orange.

There are countless combinations. Based on them, you can create various oil mixtures that will bring many benefits.

Review from a cosmetologist

I never tire of repeating that massage is an exclusively salon procedure, and should only be done by professionals. If so, then the article you just read doesn’t make much sense. But we live in a world that is completely different from the ideal one. And not everyone is able to shell out a lot of money for a course of 10 sessions. Therefore, I urge you to treat the choice of massage cream with all possible responsibility, since only in this case can you count on any significant therapeutic effect.

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