Taping the upper eyelid against sagging: diagrams, reviews and techniques for skin tightening

A drooping upper eyelid is a common age-related problem for women. This makes the look gloomy and spoils the overall appearance, thereby causing a lot of complexes in girls. A common solution to the problem is to go for cosmetic surgery and get a “beauty injection”.

The results of surgery are short-term and costly, and the procedure itself is painful. An alternative to it is taping the upper eyelid, which will help get rid of the problem even when you are sleeping. In this article, I will give step-by-step instructions on how to use applications to restore elasticity to your skin.

Causes of drooping eyelids

The main causes of overhang are protrusion of fatty tissue or the presence of excess skin.

These symptoms may be caused by:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • age-related changes;
  • insufficient, defective sleep;
  • violations of water-salt balance;
  • rapid weight loss;
  • allergic reactions to low-quality cosmetics and food.

Important point! To get rid of the problem of the impending century, one must first identify and eliminate its internal causes.

Types of lifting

There are various ways to tighten the skin of the eyelids. Non-surgical lifting will help with initial age-related changes (at the age of 30–40):

  • sagging skin;
  • small wrinkles;
  • prolongation and enhancement of the effect after surgery;
  • first stage of overhang;
  • fatty hernia of the eyelid in the initial stage.

Non-surgical methods are also used for preventive purposes. They are also prescribed to older patients, provided that there are serious contraindications for surgical interventions.

Home folk methods

They are aimed at maintaining the tone of the skin and eye muscles:

  • various masks - cucumber, potato, egg yolk;
  • lotions from brine, sauerkraut, green tea;
  • compresses from oils - grape seeds, olive;
  • gymnastics for the eyes;
  • massage.

These methods are good for the initial manifestations of the problem.

Cosmetology and hardware products

These methods improve blood and lymph flow. By increasing the rate of blood and lymph outflow, metabolic and regeneration processes are normalized, the formation of new fibers and elasticity are stimulated. This leads to skin tightening and a reduction in the volume of fatty tissue contained in the drooping eyelids.

These are the following methods:

  • laser tightening;
  • photorejuvenation;
  • lifting using radio frequencies;
  • microcurrent (myostimulation).

Hardware lifting is contraindicated for cancer, dermatological diseases, mental disorders, the presence of infectious diseases, and during pregnancy.


Surgical methods for correcting an overhanging eyelid are a last resort. It is used in cases where non-surgical treatments cannot qualitatively influence the resolution of the situation. The appointment is made only by the doctor after a personal consultation.

Blepharoplasty is indicated if:

  • upper eyelid hernia;
  • a large amount of overhanging skin;
  • The patient is over 45–50 years old.

Contraindications to blepharoplasty:

  • chronic eye diseases;
  • the presence of neoplasms on the eyelids: moles, nevi, papillomas;
  • pigment spots in the operated area.

As a result of blepharoplasty, the patient not only has an “open” look, but also gets rid of facial wrinkles in the periocular area.


Although kinesio taping of the face seems like a harmless activity, it also has a number of contraindications, which, if violated, can cause harm to yourself:

  • increased body temperature;
  • various inflammations, wounds or burns in the application area;
  • viral or fungal skin diseases in the acute stage;
  • vascular thrombosis;
  • allergy to acrylic.

Also, during the procedures you cannot:

  1. Dry the tape with a towel. It is best to lightly blot it and leave it to dry on its own.
  2. Visit the sauna and bathhouse. This will lead to destruction of the adhesive layer.
  3. Apply one tape to another. This action leads to a decrease in the effect and disruption of the scheme.

Efficiency of application

Often, even young girls with Asian eyes want to have a more open European look. The solution to this problem has become even more urgent with the popularity of the animation genre such as anime. It was in Asian countries that glue and stickers for eyelids were invented. Their main producers are also located there.

Also, using these tools you can solve another problem. The skin of the eyelids is the thinnest on the human body; there is practically no fat layer. Wrinkles appear on it faster and it begins to sag. When the problem of drooping eyelids arises, the easiest way to solve this problem is with special glue and adhesive strips.

If these devices are used correctly, your eyes will become more open and fine wrinkles will be smoothed out.

Taping scheme for 40 year olds

After 40, women develop many small age-related wrinkles around the eyelids, and the outer corners of the eyes droop. This makes the face look tired. To prevent this from happening, tapes are applied using a special technique (this scheme is applied in a mirror way to both halves of the face):

  1. Take 9 Bio Balance Tapes (3 wide and 6 narrow), and the edges of the strips are rounded.
  2. The first narrow kinesio patch is glued from the outer corner of the eye to the hairline at approximately 45 degrees.
  3. The second BBTape is attached above the middle of the eyebrow and stretches slightly upward.
  4. The third narrow kinesio tape is applied closer to the center of the forehead above the eyebrow parallel to the second patch.
  5. One of the wide BBTape tapes is glued under the eye so that its anchor is at the outer corner of the eye, and the tail goes in the projection of the cheekbone.
  6. The last kinesio bandage is taken and applied to the bridge of the nose.
  7. It is recommended to carefully smooth all tapes so that the special glue begins to work.

In women at this age, the skin intensively loses collagen and becomes flabby. To maintain elasticity, you need to do comprehensive kinesio taping of the muscles on your face. If neighboring muscles are exposed to the effects of tapes, the effect of the procedure will increase. This aesthetic taping scheme is also suitable for prevention: if the eyelid is not drooping, but has already begun to droop.

Product varieties

Eyelid lift glue and stickers can be purchased at cosmetics stores. Larger selection in boutiques specializing in brands from Asian manufacturers. On sale you can find various options for emergency eyelid lifting.


  • Koji Talk Double Eyelid Glue (made in Japan) - about 700 rubles;

  • Magic Line (Vov Korea brand) - about 300 rubles;

  • Tony Moly Double Eyelid And Eyelash Glue (made in Korea) - about 350 rubles;

  • THE SAEM EYELASH ADHESIVE (made in South Korea) - about 300 rubles;

  • ETUDE HOUSE MY BEAUTY TOOL DOUBLE EYELID GLUE (made in Korea) - from 350 rubles.

Eyelid stickers are ultra-thin stickers that help eliminate the effect of drooping eyelids by gluing them into the crease of the eyelid. The following types of adhesive strips can be found on sale:

  • The Saem Duplex Eyelid Sticker (made in Korea) - from 100 rubles;

  • Tony Moly Double Eyelid Tape Basic - from 120 rubles;

  • Tony Moly Eyelash Tape Both Sides - from 180 rubles;

  • Koji Eye Talk Tuck Tape (made in Japan) - 950 rubles.

If it is not possible to purchase eyelid glue in a store, you can resort to the services of online stores.

Rules for using glue

The final result depends on how correctly the eyelid gluing is done. Since if the glue is applied incorrectly, the eyelid may stick “pointwise”, not deep enough (there will be no effect of a second eyelid) or too deep - then the eyes will have an unnatural, surprised look. If you apply the glue too low, then during subsequent manipulations the eyelashes may stick together.

To perform this procedure correctly, you need to follow the following algorithm:

  1. Prepare a comfortable mirror and good lighting. It is advisable to wipe the forked spatula with an alcohol-containing or antiseptic liquid.
  2. To prepare the eyelid, you need to thoroughly clean it of makeup and skin secretions. To ensure the stability of the adhesive, oil-based cleansers should not be used at this stage. The cleansed eyelid should be completely dry.
  3. Using a brush, glue is applied to the fold of the closed eye. The layer width should be several millimeters. This parameter is selected independently by each woman to obtain the desired result.
  4. The eye remains closed until the glue strip becomes translucent. Some brands require multiple coats.
  5. Using a forked applicator spatula, press the eyelid skin inward along the entire length of the adhesive strip.
  6. Wait 2-3 minutes for complete fixation and begin applying makeup.

Note! By experimenting with the area where the glue is applied, you can change the shape of the eyes.

If a woman wears contact lenses, they are inserted into her eyes before applying the glue.

How to properly prepare your skin

I recommend following the following sequence when preparing your skin:

  1. Remove all makeup.
  2. Wipe your face with your daily cleanser.
  3. Apply moisturizer using massage movements.
  4. Half an hour after all the products have been absorbed, start gluing the tapes.

After applying the application, take a close look at it . Make sure that you are satisfied with everything and that the ribbons lie flat, without creases or folds. If any defect is present, it will cause swelling. In this case, the tape needs to be removed and a new one glued on.

Rules for using stickers

The method of applying stickers varies depending on their types.

Double-sided self-adhesive stickers

They are thin strips coated with glue on both sides. The lower part is attached to a film backing, the upper part is protected by individual paper protection.

The eyelid is fixed as follows:

  1. Prepare a comfortable, well-lit place to perform the procedure, a mirror.
  2. Eyelids must be prepared for makeup and thoroughly cleaned.
  3. Remove the sticker from the film without removing the protective paper layer.
  4. Close your eye and smooth out the folds of your eyelid using your fingertips.
  5. Glue the strip 2–3 mm higher from the eyelash row and smooth it out thoroughly.
  6. Remove the protective layer.
  7. Using a forked spatula, push the skin inwards, following the line of the eyeball.
  8. Open your eyes wide and look up to fix the film more firmly.

Manufacturers offer eyelid stickers in different shapes - straight, semicircular, in the form of threads.

Single sided stickers

They have one adhesive surface. Transparent or flesh-colored.

To use this type of correction strip you need:

  1. Provide good lighting and a comfortable mirror that allows you to work with both hands.
  2. Clean your eyelids of makeup and any dirt.
  3. Remove the strip from the base film. To do this, you can use eyebrow tweezers or tweezers.
  4. The sticker is glued deep into the crease of the eyelid parallel to the eyelashes and fixed with fingertips.

By adjusting the angle of the sticker, you can get different eye shapes.

How long does the effect last?

There is an opinion that with constant long-term (about 3 months) use of stickers and eyelid glue, a second eyelid can form. Experts say that this is false and unsubstantiated information.

The effect of using glue and stickers has a short period. This is due to the need for daily hygiene procedures. Every day before going to bed, the glue must be removed, just like stickers.

To remove the glue, apply a cloth or cotton swab, generously moistened with eye makeup remover, to a closed eye and hold for 2–5 minutes. The film of glue will “dissolve”, become wet and easily come away from the skin.

To remove the sticker, just close your eye, slightly stretch the skin in the fold with two fingers and pull the tip of the sticker. To prevent excessive stretching of the skin, you can use a cotton pad with makeup remover.

When using extreme eyelid lifting products, it is recommended to use nourishing and restorative cosmetics after removing them.

Side effects

High-quality stickers and glue from well-known brands, purchased from a trusted seller, cause virtually no reactions. They do not have any effect on the eyes or vision.

But like any product consisting of various chemical ingredients, eyelid glue can also have a negative effect on the eyelids. This is due to individual intolerance by a particular person to certain elements of the adhesive composition.

In the manufacture of adhesive strips, hypoallergenic medical glue is used, however, it can cause allergic reactions. In addition, when using strips during a hot period, they can cause diaper rash under them.

Important! More often, negative consequences occur when personal hygiene rules are not followed and glue and stickers are not washed off from the eyelids for a long time. Also, harm to the skin of the eyes is caused by drugs from unscrupulous manufacturers who use prohibited toxic components in the production of glue and strips.

Contraindications include:

  • eyelid diseases - stye, chalazion, blepharitis;
  • tendency to allergic reactions;
  • the presence of moles, papillomas and other neoplasms on the eyelid;
  • intolerance to at least one of the components of the glue.

In the absence of allergic manifestations or intolerance, the glue can be used every day. However, it is worth remembering that its frequent use leads to faster stretching of the skin and the appearance of wrinkles in the corners of the eyes.

How to remove tapes correctly

There are several options for removing applications. They differ in technique, but the main thing is to remove the tapes slowly while in front of a mirror. If you rush, you can damage the top layer of the epidermis, which will cause redness.

The ribbons can be rolled up or carefully removed by holding them with your fingers. When the tapes do not lend themselves, you need to moisten them with any vegetable oil or micellar water.

It is important to remember that you cannot heat the appliqués with a hairdryer or remove them in the shower. After such actions, it is difficult to remove the glue from the skin, so you can accidentally injure yourself.

After removing the tapes, no special facial care is needed. Carry out the usual procedures - wash your face and apply everyday products.

Advantages and disadvantages

Pros of using glue and eyelid stickers:

  • open gaze;
  • significant visual reduction in the number and depth of wrinkles around the eyes;
  • applying makeup to the glued eyelid;
  • change in eye shape.

According to reviews, there are the following negative properties of glue:

  • unpleasant odor;
  • dryness and soreness of the eyelids;
  • in severe cases, with individual intolerance to the components - abscess, chemical burns.

Stickers have the following negative sides:

  • felt on the eyelids, especially in hot weather, when the eyes reflexively squint;
  • with profuse sweating they may come off;
  • allergic reactions to glue components.

Most cosmetologists do not recommend stickers and eyelid glue for daily use.

Facts from history

The ancient Romans were famous admirers of beauty. They worshiped not only athletic bodies, but also a healthy appearance in general. It was Rome that became the birthplace of many care products. In an effort to preserve youth and freshness, they mixed different natural “gifts” and tested them on themselves. One of the most popular remedies for improving the eye area has been olive oil. It nourished and moisturized, but this effect was not enough. The brilliant ancient Roman doctor Galen thought of mixing together animal fat, water, wax and almond juice. The mixture was somewhat reminiscent of sour cream and was called “cold cream”. Over the course of several centuries, different variations of this composition were created, but it did not undergo major changes. Advances in chemistry and biology have led to a wide variety of eye creams that can be used today.

Now there are a huge number of types of emulsions:

  • Moisturizing. They soften and saturate the epidermis with moisture and help against dryness.
  • Nutritious. They contain many useful vitamins that penetrate directly into the pores and heal the face.
  • Matting. A special variety for those with oily skin types.
  • Anti-aging. Allows you to get rid of wrinkles or reduce their depth.
  • Protective. Protect the dermis from the harmful effects of frost or sunlight.
  • Toning. These include foundation, BB cream and concealer. They allow you to hide visual imperfections, such as bruises, redness and bags.

Comparative characteristics based on customer reviews

With almost identical performance indicators, the question may arise, what is better - glue or stickers?


Both glue and stickers are effective in solving the problem of the impending century. Using glue provides great opportunities for experimentation. By changing the areas where glue is applied, you can change the shape of the eyes. Stickers also have this function, however, the options are more limited.

Price and efficiency

It is impossible to unambiguously choose a leader in this position. This is explained by the fact that prices for products vary from high for branded products to minimal ones, which can be found on Chinese online trading resources.

The glue is more economical in consumption - one tube is enough for a long time. Stickers are a disposable device and the duration of use depends only on the number of them in the set.

Ease of application

Both applying glue and applying stickers require some skill. It has been developing for some time. Rarely does anyone manage to use these devices the first time. According to reviews, the most common problem is achieving the same eye shape.


Most women who have used products to lift the upper eyelid prefer glue or double-sided strips for applying makeup. Sticker manufacturers advise using cream-textured shadows. However, one-sided stickers are often visible even through them.


Despite the fact that most manufacturers claim the high durability of their products on eyelids, in practice it turns out that both glue and stickers can come off. Especially in hot weather, when sweating is increased.

A crease above the upper eyelid, which upsets a woman with an unaesthetic appearance, can be eliminated with the help of glue or adhesive stickers. But these remedies should be used only as a temporary measure, and to radically solve the problem it is better to turn to specialists.

Useful tips

The question of how to properly apply cream around the eyes worried every girl at least once in her life. Over the entire existence of creamy textures, people have experienced them quite well, and based on this experience, many tricks and subtleties have emerged.

  • Place the tube in the refrigerator before use. A cooled cosmetic product will have an additional anti-inflammatory effect and give a pleasant feeling. In addition, this will help preserve it for a longer period.
  • If deep penetration of all beneficial substances is important to you, then warm the substance in your hands before use. This way she can have a more effective effect.
  • Be sure to check expiration dates! A jar that you have been using for a long time could have lost all its “abilities” due to the fact that it has deteriorated.
  • Don't apply too much product. Moisturizing is great, but in excess it can cause the skin to appear “bursted” and cracked.
  • How to apply eye cream correctly? Massage tapping is the best way to distribute the creamy texture. So you, firstly, improve the penetration of substances into the pores, and, secondly, stimulate blood circulation.
  • Regularity is the key to success. Whatever your goal: hydration, rejuvenation or something else, nothing will change just once. Care must become an integral part of your life, and only then will it really work. But not right away: this will take time (at least a month).
  • Choose the right products: daytime and nighttime products differ in their action, as they affect different physical states of the dermis.
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