How to make your look young and fresh

Stages of the procedure

A laser eyelid rejuvenation session consists of 4 stages. They are carried out in strict sequence:

  1. Rejuvenation from within. The cosmetologist uses a thin laser beam to target the mucous membrane. Collagen production is stimulated. The soft tissues around the eyes are tightened, folds and sagging disappear. Small wrinkles are smoothed out.
  2. Biorevitalization effect. The laser beam deeply heats the tissue around the eyes. Blood circulation in the capillaries improves. The skin is moisturized and becomes elastic.
  3. Light peeling. The device removes the upper layers of the epidermis. The skin around the eyes brightens and evens out, becoming velvety. Small wrinkles and areas of pigmentation disappear.
  4. Launching natural mechanisms to restore youth. The natural collagen framework is restored. This stage continues for 2 weeks after completion of the procedure. The effect is cumulative.

The procedures can be done with a break of 4 weeks. Laser rejuvenation of the lower eyelids is carried out as an independent procedure or for rejuvenation of the entire face. It can be done at any season of the year.


  • More details
  • Laser skin rejuvenation
  • Three reasons to say

We are pleased to present you with a gentle technique that achieves an instant and increasing lifting effect. Rejuvenation manifests itself as follows:

  • the skin of the eyelids is noticeably tightened and becomes more elastic;
  • skin texture is evened out;
  • bags under the eyes decrease and even disappear, sagging skin is eliminated;
  • fine wrinkles (“crow’s feet”) disappear and deep ones decrease, and quite noticeably;
  • the look also becomes perky and young, because the woman is happy with the way she looks.

The essence of the method is based on deep penetration of focused laser microbeams into the skin (the laser beam is “broken” into microbeams through a special scanner), which affect tissue structures in a certain way - causing their microdamage, thereby stimulating subsequent cellular regeneration.
Laser rejuvenation around the eyes makes it possible to postpone surgical tightening and correction for a long time. Moreover, the result in most cases, when completing a course (3-4 procedures), is approximately the same as after a full-fledged blepharoplasty.


The recovery period after blepharoplasty lasts from 2 to 5 days. The eyelids may turn red, swell, and have a slight burning sensation and itching. At this time it is recommended:

  • avoid bright light, wear sunglasses;
  • do not visit baths, swimming pools, solariums;
  • avoid mechanical impact - do not rub your eyes, do not put pressure on your eyelids;
  • do not use decorative cosmetics;
  • wash only with boiled or ozonated water;
  • apply special moisturizing gels or creams if recommended by a cosmetologist;
  • Sleep on your back with your head elevated for 2 weeks.

In people who smoke, the rate of rehabilitation is reduced. They should give up this bad habit and start taking vitamin complexes. Slow recovery occurs when there is a lack of zinc, polyunsaturated fatty acids, and vitamins A and E in the body. This deficiency can be compensated for by medications.

Features of Erbium Laser

The Butko Plastic clinic (Moscow) uses a German erbium laser. This device generates pulses that penetrate shallow depths into tissue. It only affects problem areas. After use there are no burns or damage to soft tissues. The recovery period takes several days. The technology is completely safe for the patient.

How is the procedure performed?

  • Eyes are protected with special caps.
  • An anesthetic is applied to the face, the patient does not feel pain at all.
  • The doctor treats the inner and outer surface of the eyelid with a laser.
  • As a result of the procedure, collagen synthesis is launched. The contours of the eyes become clear, and the bags are removed.
  • The final stage is laser grinding. The skin becomes radiant and smooth.

When will the result be noticeable?

The first visible changes occur within a few days after the procedure. First, small wrinkles are smoothed out. The skin becomes lighter and smoother due to the renewal of the surface layers of the epithelium.

After a week, loose folds of skin are tightened. Deep wrinkles are reduced. If you compare photos before and after laser eyelid rejuvenation, the maximum effect will be noticeable after a month. The results last for 3-5 years. Then the course can be repeated.

Indications for laser rejuvenation

Thermolysis is effective for restoring the structural characteristics of the skin of the face, neck, hands and décolleté. Fractional laser rejuvenation improves and evens out complexion, eliminates fine wrinkles (including crow's feet around the eyes), reduces the appearance of deep creases and wrinkles, improves skin turgor and elasticity.

  • Face. The procedure is very effective for the fine-wrinkled type of aging, when the skin becomes sluggish, flabby and covered with a thick network of wrinkles. After the course, it becomes denser, smoother, and due to compaction we get lifting. You can treat not the entire face, but specific problem areas. In the periorbital zone (around the eyes) the skin is thinnest, almost devoid of subcutaneous tissue, as a result, the first signs of aging appear here. Fractional laser rejuvenation in this area promotes active collagen production, thickening and contraction of the skin. Small wrinkles are smoothed out, the depth of creases is sharply reduced, the look becomes clearer and more open. We get amazing results when treating purse-string wrinkles (on the upper lip). This is one of the most difficult areas to correct. Of course, if the fractures are already deep, a course of procedures will be required, preferably in combination with injection methods.
  • Neck. Fractional laser rejuvenation is perhaps the most effective method of combating neck aging, when the physiological folds have become deep, the skin has lost elasticity and some “turkey-likeness” has appeared. The most powerful stimulation of collagenogenesis will tighten the skin, restore its elasticity, and reduce the depth of folds.
  • Neckline. This area is one of the most delicate, often prone to scarring, and difficult to work with. Fractional laser resurfacing perfectly combats both loss of elasticity and sleep wrinkles. Although it requires rehabilitation, in experienced hands it is the most effective and safe method of décolleté skin rejuvenation.


ProcedureCost of the procedure, rub.
Microfractional laser facial resurfacing (laser peeling)19 800
Fractional laser resurfacing of the face without the periorbital area24 200
Fractional laser resurfacing of the face and periobital area31 900
Fractional laser resurfacing of the crow's feet area9 000
Fractional laser resurfacing of the upper or lower eyelid area9 000
Fractional laser resurfacing of the periobital area13 800
Fractional laser resurfacing of the forehead area13 200
Fractional laser resurfacing of the cheek area15 500
Fractional laser resurfacing of the perioral area13 800
Fractional laser resurfacing of the oval area of ​​the face15 500
Fractional laser resurfacing of the neck area19 800
Fractional laser resurfacing of the décolleté area22 000
Fractional laser resurfacing of the face and neck area without the periorbital area38 500
Fractional laser resurfacing of the face, neck and décolleté without the periorbital area55 000
Fractional laser resurfacing of the neck and décolleté area36 300
Fractional laser resurfacing of the abdominal area26 500
Fractional laser resurfacing of 1/2 abdominal area15 400
Fractional laser resurfacing of hands15 400
Fractional laser resurfacing of the back16 500
Fractional laser resurfacing of the entire arm area31 000
Fractional laser resurfacing of the arms up to or above the elbow15 500
Fractional laser resurfacing of the back area36 000
Fractional laser resurfacing of the gluteal region20 000
Fractional laser resurfacing of the outer or inner thighs22 000
Fractional laser correction of scars 1 cm21 700
Fractional laser correction of scars up to 5 cm5 500
Fractional laser correction of scars from 5 to 10 cm8 800
Fractional laser correction of scars from 10 to 20 cm13 200
Fractional laser correction of scars larger than 20 cm17 600

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CO2 eye rejuvenation without surgery

The method involves exposing the eyelids to a carbon dioxide laser using a special device. The procedure is completely safe and does not injure the skin. Recovery takes place within a few days.

The peculiarity of CO2 laser eyelid rejuvenation without surgery is its long-term effect. The first visible changes are 2-3 weeks after the session. Over the next 6 months, skin renewal occurs and the rejuvenation effect accumulates.

The procedure is contraindicated in acute infections, diabetes, cancer, and increased tissue susceptibility to scarring. It is not recommended to undergo sessions during pregnancy and while taking certain medications.

What effect should I expect and how long does the recovery period last?

In terms of effectiveness, fractional lifting is comparable to CO2 laser, but requires much less time for rehabilitation. On the day of the intervention, some pain, burning and swelling may be present. It takes about a week to fully recover.

An effect that can be observed immediately is an increase in skin density and elasticity, a reduction in wrinkles, and an improvement in facial contours.

To sign up for fractional rejuvenation in Moscow, call us or use the online registration form on the website. Our address: st. Marshala Rybalko, 2k6.

Laser fractional rejuvenation

The peculiarity of the method is that a laser beam is passed through a special grating and broken into microbeams. The effect on the skin is not continuous, but targeted. Due to this, rapid recovery occurs.

Under the influence of the laser, skin cells actively divide and fill the damaged areas. The production of hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin is enhanced. Stretched skin becomes thicker and smoother. The color becomes more even and healthy. Reviews of laser fractional eyelid rejuvenation speak of the rapid recovery and painlessness of the procedure.

What does the procedure give?

Laser resurfacing of the lower eyelids stimulates the division of fibroblasts - cells responsible for the production of collagen and elastin. The skin is evened out and becomes elastic. Venous outflow improves, swelling and “bags” under the eyes disappear. Thanks to laser resurfacing of the upper eyelids, wrinkles are reduced, the skin is tightened and acquires a healthy shade. The periorbital area and the upper third of the face are noticeably rejuvenated.


Laser resurfacing of face and body TOP CO2
Face+eyelidsRUB 28,100
Face+eyelids+neckRUB 32,450
Upper eyelidsRUB 6,700
Suture of the upper eyelids after blepharoplastyRUB 3,700
Lower eyelidsRUB 6,700
Upper+lower eyelidsRUB 10,600
Scar, scar beyond 1 cm (sq.)RUB 1,650
Anesthesia (application) small zone500 rub
Laser resurfacing of face and body Extra – Rubin
Face+eyelidsRUR 33,750
Face+eyelids+neckRUB 38,950
Upper eyelidsRUB 8,580
Suture of the upper eyelids after blepharoplastyRUB 4,600
Lower eyelidsRUB 8,580
Upper+lower eyelidsRUB 13,200
Scar, scar beyond 1 cm (sq.)RUB 1,980
Scar, scar for 1 sq. cm (double grinding along the scar)RUB 2,100
Anesthesia (application) small zone500 rub
Laser resurfacing L-Rubin face and body
Upper eyelidsRUB 4,600
Lower eyelidsRUB 4,600
Upper+lower eyelidsRUB 8,250
Scar, scar beyond 1 cm (sq.)RUB 1,550
Scar, scar for 1 cm (sq.) double grinding along the scarRUB 1,700
Anesthesia (application) small zone500 rub

Sign up for a consultation

Expert commentary

Kozyreva I. E., Doctor of Medical Sciences, chief physician of the cosmetology clinic:

The laser rejuvenation procedure for the area around the eyes is performed using modern equipment. This allows you to get maximum results in a short time. The risk of complications is minimal. Recovery occurs already on the second or third day after the session.

When carrying out this type of correction, it is important to pre-examine the patient in order to exclude all possible contraindications. The individual characteristics of a person, the anatomical and physiological structure of the periorbital zones are taken into account.

Compared to plastic surgery, laser blepharoplasty has a shorter rehabilitation period, proceeds without complications, and is cheaper.

Skin around the eyes: cosmetic problems

Starting from the age of 25, the following may appear in the periorbital area:

  • dry skin and the first wrinkles caused by tissue dehydration;
  • facial wrinkles in the corners of the eyes (so-called “crow’s feet”);
  • bruises (dark circles) under the eyes resulting from venous congestion.

From the age of 35, age-related problems may be added to this:

  • sagging skin (the result of significant loss of moisture);
  • pronounced nature of the nasolacrimal groove. This furrow runs from the corner of the eye diagonally across the cheek. Occurs as a result of sagging and downward displacement under the influence of heavy weights of tissues that have lost their natural elasticity;
  • rosacea (protrusion of the capillary network) and pigment spots.

4D rejuvenation Fotona

Purpose: facial lifting and rejuvenation, improving skin quality

How it is achieved: at one time, a cosmetologist performs four types of procedures at once, affecting all tissues in turn: facial muscles and ligaments (SMAS layer), subcutaneous fat, dermis and epidermis. This synergy of laser technologies reconstructs facial tissues, forms a new collagen framework, restoring youth to the skin and facial contours.

Read more about Fotona 4D rejuvenation here

Fotona laser: all possibilities

The Fotona laser is a truly unique laser machine, because it can perform many procedures for the face and body. Fotona consists of two lasers - neodymium and erbium, differing in wavelengths and depth of exposure, and various attachments. Combining technologies and modes allows cosmetologists to effectively solve a wide variety of aesthetic problems.

All Fotona laser procedures have the following advantages:

- the effect is achieved using a non-invasive method,

— no seasonal restrictions for procedures,

– there is no or minimal rehabilitation period,

- no special training required,

— the effect after the procedure is noticeable immediately.

How the Fotona laser works

Precisely controlled laser pulses deliver energy to the tissue, causing the collagen within it to heat up. Heating occurs unnoticed by the patient. Laser exposure leads to compaction of collagen fibers, they become shorter and thicker. The tissue shrinks in size, which gives a lifting effect. In some procedures, the effect also affects subcutaneous fat tissue, this is laser lipolysis - the breakdown of fat cells. In addition, collagen reconstruction processes - neocollagenogenesis - are launched in the tissues, they become more elastic and elastic.

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