Mederma - gel for stretch marks and scars

Indications for use

According to the instructions, Mederma is used to treat:

  • Minor damage to the skin caused by laser therapy, dermabrasion and other aggressive cosmetic procedures;
  • Stretch marks (striae), the presence of which is provoked by hormonal disorders, pregnancy, endocrine lesions, sudden changes in body weight, as well as taking steroids;
  • Small scars caused by injuries, burns, tattoo removal, surgical interventions, including removal of birthmarks and moles;
  • Minor skin defects resulting from acne.

It should be noted that the use of Mederma is considered most effective in smoothing scars that formed no more than a year ago. To remove more mature skin defects, it is possible to use the drug as part of complex therapy.

Mederma - gel for stretch marks and scars

Every person has at least once encountered wounds and other damage to the skin. Sometimes they heal without a trace, and sometimes they leave very unaesthetic marks, which become even more obvious on tanned skin.

Mederma is a gel for external use intended for the treatment of scars and stretch marks of various origins. It is produced by the famous German company Merz Pharma, which claims that its product makes scars “thinner, softer and more invisible.” And judging by the positive customer reviews, many have already been able to verify this from personal experience.

Having studied the composition, indications for use and features of use of a promising drug, shares the details and its conclusions in this review.

↑ Composition and release form

Mederma is supplied to Russia in the form of a transparent gel, packaged in 20 g tubes. The product is hypoallergenic, non-greasy, does not leave marks on clothes and is perfectly absorbed into the skin. It includes:

CepalinSerae onion extract, which has an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect, promotes skin cell renewal, and stimulates collagen production. Additionally, cepalin has a fibrinolytic effect, that is, it promotes the dissolution of blood clots and also limits the proliferation of scar tissue cells.
AllantoinAn active substance that collects and retains moisture in the surface layers of the skin, improves blood circulation, has a regenerative, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and keratolytic (dissolution of the upper keratinized layer of scar tissue) effect.
ExcipientsXanthan, sorbic acid, PEG-4, water, flavoring are pharmacologically neutral and are used to give the composition the desired consistency and eliminate the characteristic “onion” odor from zepalin.

↑ Main indications for use

MerzPharma recommends using Mederma to treat:

  • stretch marks formed during and after pregnancy, after sudden weight loss, hormonal disorders;
  • cosmetic scars or scars that remain on the skin after removal of tattoos or tumors, as well as as a result of acne and other damage;
  • consequences of fresh chemical and thermal burns;
  • scars after plastic and other surgeries;
  • to restore the skin after aggressive cosmetic procedures, such as mechanical, chemical or laser peels.

Experts especially draw the attention of patients that, like other external means, Mederma gel is effective only for combating young (up to 1 year) scars and stretch marks ; mature scars must be treated with completely different methods - hardware cosmetology products, aggressive peelings, etc. . However, in this case the drug can also help, but only as an addition to the main therapy.

↑ Instructions for use of Mederma

The drug is used exclusively externally, and only on healed areas of the skin. 3-4 times a day, the gel is applied to previously cleansed and dried skin and then rubbed with gentle pressing movements into the scar tissue or stretch marks for about 3-5 minutes until completely absorbed.

Course duration is:

  • for stretch marks – from 3 to 6 months;
  • for the treatment of acne scars and other small scars – from 3 to 6 months;
  • for scars of significant size, incl. postoperative - about 6 months or more;
Full instructions for use:

Residents of the United States are a little luckier: here, under the Mederma brand, the company Merz Pharma already sells a whole line of drugs. All of them are intended for the treatment of scars, but in addition to the basic gel there is also a night cream, a milder gel for children, a cream with SPF protection and a special cream for stretch marks with the addition of hyaluronic acid. They will probably appear in Russia sooner or later, but when exactly is still unknown.

↑ Contraindications, complications, side effects

An important feature of Mederma is the minimum number of contraindications - they are limited to individual intolerance and hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Interestingly, even for women during pregnancy and lactation there are no fundamental restrictions on its use, which allows you to begin the fight against “birth” stretch marks immediately after they appear.

The product is well tolerated by patients with long-term use, however, in rare cases, local allergic reactions may occur on the skin in the treated area. In this case, you should interrupt the course until they disappear completely or consult a dermatologist about replacing the drug.

↑ How much does Mederma cost? Current prices, analogues

Today in pharmacies you can hardly find an effective “branded” remedy for scars, which could be called cheap with complete confidence. Mederma is no exception: the average price is 600-700 rubles for a 20-gram tube. At a standard rate of use, it lasts for about a week, so even a minimum three-month course will cost 8,000-10,000 rubles.

As for analogues, another Mertsevsky product, Contractubex ointment, has an almost identical composition. The difference between these two drugs is that the latter additionally contains heparin, and, oddly enough, it costs a little less. The indications for use are identical, although it is widely believed that Mederma is better suited for “sunken” scars (i.e., atrophic), and Contractubex for “convex” ones (hypertrophic, keloid).

↑ Reviews from patients and specialists

  • What do cosmetologists and plastic surgeons think about the effectiveness of anti-scar gels?

Many of those who tried the drug on themselves were satisfied with the result, but on the Internet you can find both positive and negative reviews about Mederma. It is important to understand here that we are not talking about an absolute panacea that will immediately return smooth skin to us - the effects of the gel can vary greatly depending on the type and age of the scar. Inflated expectations can ultimately bring a lot of disappointment, which, however, does not negate the impressive results that can actually be achieved with proper use:

“I used this gel to get rid of spots and scars that appeared after acne treatment on my face. Acne went away with age, but the ugly “marks” on the face remained and did not respond to any treatment. This continued until I was advised to try Mederma. I rubbed the product into problem areas of the skin in a circular motion (as it was written in the instructions). Two months later, the scars have become barely noticeable, the appearance of the face has improved a hundred times. If after peeling my skin was peeling, and the effect on the disappearance of scars was insignificant, then with this drug everything is much better. I forgot to say that I used the gel not once a day, but twice (morning and evening). No discomfort, no side effects, I’m delighted!” (Author of review: Elena, Pskov)

“If only I had known earlier that Mederma existed, I wouldn’t have tried hundreds of other pointless methods to get rid of my scars. Even as a child, I injured my forearm, and in this place there were several scars that were very noticeable with summer clothes. So much money was spent almost in vain until I accidentally met a doctor who recommended this gel to me. I used it for almost three months and the scars began to slowly “dissolve.” I can’t find another word, since they really began to disappear little by little, smooth out, level out...” (Author of review: Yana, St. Petersburg)

“When I started applying it to post-operative scars (the operation took place in the abdominal area two years ago), I felt itching and unpleasant discomfort. But after 7-10 days, either these side effects went away, or I got used to them, but the itching no longer bothered me. Based on the results, I can say that Mederma gel helped me. The scars, of course, did not disappear at all, but they smoothed out a little and became less “bulging.” And the skin brightened in these places, the purple and bluish tints disappeared. I only used two packages, I want to buy more and after a while I will continue the treatment. Every treatment requires conscientiousness; if you undertake treatment, you need to do it daily. And I was a bit of a slob, sometimes I forgot to put it on my scars at night, sometimes I didn’t have time to use it in the morning. Now I will try to be an exemplary patient and be treated exactly according to the instructions, and the gel helps, I am convinced of this. It may not be very fast, but there is definitely a visual effect!” (Author of review: Oksana, Moscow)

“I’m not a fan of any new-fangled drugs, and after using Mederma I became convinced that I was right in my beliefs. This is a fantasy that scars can be removed with ordinary cream or gel. At the same time, its cost is high for a regular budget; a tube is enough for my stretch marks for a maximum of a week, and treatment needs to be carried out for 4-6 months. When I calculated how much money I would need to pay for such a newfangled “treatment,” I was horrified. It remains to be seen whether the promised result will be achieved. It’s better to do grinding or other procedures. But this is purely my opinion, maybe the ointment helps someone, but definitely not for everyone and not for deep scars and old stretch marks. I will never believe this!” (Author of review: Olga Maksimovna, Moscow)

Directions for use and dosage

In accordance with the instructions supplied with Mederma, the drug is used exclusively for external use, after complete healing of wounds on the treated areas of the skin. It is recommended to rub the medication into the affected areas with soft circular or zigzag movements along the length of the stretch mark or scar, with light pressure directed from the center to the edge, for at least 3-5 minutes, until the Mederma gel is completely absorbed.

Such applications should be carried out 3-4 times a day; the course of treatment for small scars left after acne, burns, as well as for skin stretch marks is from three to six months. For cosmetic and post-operative scars and scars, treatment can last from six months or more.


Name: Mederma Pharmacological action: Mederma is a new generation drug with complex effects. Shows fibrinolytic, anti-inflammatory effects, accelerates repair. The components included in the formula of the product increase the hydrophilicity of tissues, help soften and smooth out collagen fibers in the structure of the scar. They have an antiproliferative effect and prevent allergization. Cephalin has bactericidal properties.

Allantoin provides sedation and eliminates itching that accompanies scarring processes. The keratolytic effect of allantoin and its ability to increase tissue permeability to other components of the drug enhance the bioavailability of the drug. By inhibiting the synthesis of mediators and biologically active agents, Mederma suppresses the inflammatory process. The synergistic nature of the interaction of all components of Mederma gel inhibits the proliferation of fibroblasts and pathological collagen synthesis.

Indications for use: Mederma Gel is recommended for use on hypertrophied areas of the skin, for keloid scars in postoperative patients, after burns and injuries. The drug has shown high effectiveness against minor skin damage due to acne, the consequences of dermabrasion, laser resurfacing and cryotherapy. The drug is indicated in the presence of sprains (striae) that occur during pregnancy and childbirth, a sharp decrease in body weight, endocrine pathologies, and when taking steroids. A positive therapeutic effect was noted in conditions of inflammatory skin lesions, in particular with seborrheic dermatitis.

Directions for use: Before use, wash the areas of the body where applications are intended to remove dirt under warm water and soap and dry. After applying the product in the required amount, massage the affected area for 3-5 minutes with light pressure on the skin. It is recommended to use a special massage technique: make zigzag movements along the length of the scar with pressure, stretching the problematic skin segment. Mederma gel is used 3-4 times a day. On average, the duration of the course of therapy ranges from three months to six months.

Side effects: Inert in relation to the general effect on the body. Despite the long period of use of the drug, it is well tolerated. In rare cases, skin manifestations may occur in the form of redness, a feeling of fullness, burning or tingling. If other alarming reactions occur, contact your doctor.

Contraindications: Individual sensitivity to one or more components of the drug formula is a contraindication to the use of Mederma gel.

Pregnancy: There is no data on the risk of using Mederma gel in pregnant women during lactation.

Interaction with other drugs: No interactions of the drug with other drugs have been reported. It is not recommended to apply the drug on top of other medications, as this helps to minimize its therapeutic effect.

Overdose: No episodes of overdose have been recorded with Mederma.

Release form: Transparent gel in a tube with a light herbal aroma. Weight 20 g. The tube is enclosed in a cardboard box and comes with instructions for use.

Storage conditions: Store in a place protected from ultraviolet rays. Temperature optimum from 5 to 25 degrees Celsius. Avoid penetration of moisture. For safety reasons, keep out of reach of children.

Ingredients: Aqua, Cepalin, allantoin, xanthan, Methylparabenamum, sorbic acid, flavor, PEG-4.

Nosological classification (ICD-10):

Scar conditions and skin fibrosis (L90.5)

Keloid scar (L91.0)

Hypertrophic skin change, unspecified (L91.9)

ATX: D11AX20

Additionally: Mederma Gel is intended exclusively for cutaneous use. It is not recommended to apply Mederma gel on open areas, when the epithelization process is incomplete, or on infected surfaces. The combined use of Mederma with hardware techniques of electro- and phonophoresis allows you to achieve optimal results in the treatment of cosmetic scars and stretch marks. Does not change the reaction speed when working with complex mechanisms.

Attention! The description of the drug " Mederma " on this page is a simplified and expanded version of the official instructions for use. Before purchasing or using the drug, you should consult your doctor and read the instructions approved by the manufacturer. Information about the drug is provided for informational purposes only and should not be used as a guide to self-medication. Only a doctor can decide to prescribe the drug, as well as determine the dose and methods of its use.

special instructions

Mederma gel should be used for external use only.

It is necessary to avoid getting the medication into the eyes; if this happens accidentally, you need to immediately rinse them with plenty of running water.

The drug is recommended for use for smoothing only cosmetic scars and stretch marks; for extensive skin defects, its use is not effective.

Do not apply cosmetics to areas with open, unhealed wounds.

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